; RUN: opt %loadPolly -polly-simplify -analyze < %s | FileCheck %s -match-full-lines ; ; Do not remove redundant stores in the middle of region statements. ; The store in region_true could be removed, but in practice we do try to ; determine the relative ordering of block in region statements. ; ; for (int j = 0; j < n; j += 1) { ; double val = A[0]; ; if (val == 0.0) ; A[0] = val; ; else ; A[0] = 0.0; ; } ; define void @notredundant_region(i32 %n, double* noalias nonnull %A) { entry: br label %for for: %j = phi i32 [0, %entry], [%j.inc, %inc] %j.cmp = icmp slt i32 %j, %n br i1 %j.cmp, label %region_entry, label %exit region_entry: %val = load double, double* %A %cmp = fcmp oeq double %val, 0.0 br i1 %cmp, label %region_true, label %region_false region_true: store double %val, double* %A br label %region_exit region_false: store double 0.0, double* %A br label %region_exit region_exit: br label %inc inc: %j.inc = add nuw nsw i32 %j, 1 br label %for exit: br label %return return: ret void } ; CHECK: SCoP could not be simplified