# -*- Python -*- import os import platform import re import subprocess import tempfile import lit.formats import lit.util from lit.llvm import llvm_config from lit.llvm.subst import ToolSubst from lit.llvm.subst import FindTool # Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner. # name: The name of this test suite. config.name = 'Clang' # testFormat: The test format to use to interpret tests. # # For now we require '&&' between commands, until they get globally killed and # the test runner updated. config.test_format = lit.formats.ShTest(not llvm_config.use_lit_shell) # suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files. config.suffixes = ['.c', '.cpp', '.cppm', '.m', '.mm', '.cu', '.ll', '.cl', '.s', '.S', '.modulemap', '.test', '.rs'] # excludes: A list of directories to exclude from the testsuite. The 'Inputs' # subdirectories contain auxiliary inputs for various tests in their parent # directories. config.excludes = ['Inputs', 'CMakeLists.txt', 'README.txt', 'LICENSE.txt', 'debuginfo-tests'] # test_source_root: The root path where tests are located. config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__) # test_exec_root: The root path where tests should be run. config.test_exec_root = os.path.join(config.clang_obj_root, 'test') llvm_config.use_default_substitutions() llvm_config.use_clang() config.substitutions.append( ('%src_include_dir', config.clang_src_dir + '/include')) # Propagate path to symbolizer for ASan/MSan. llvm_config.with_system_environment( ['ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH', 'MSAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH']) config.substitutions.append(('%PATH%', config.environment['PATH'])) # For each occurrence of a clang tool name, replace it with the full path to # the build directory holding that tool. We explicitly specify the directories # to search to ensure that we get the tools just built and not some random # tools that might happen to be in the user's PATH. tool_dirs = [config.clang_tools_dir, config.llvm_tools_dir] tools = [ 'c-index-test', 'clang-diff', 'clang-format', 'clang-tblgen', 'opt', ToolSubst('%clang_extdef_map', command=FindTool( 'clang-extdef-mapping'), unresolved='ignore'), ] if config.clang_examples: config.available_features.add('examples') tools.append('clang-interpreter') if config.clang_staticanalyzer: config.available_features.add('staticanalyzer') tools.append('clang-check') if config.clang_staticanalyzer_z3 == '1': config.available_features.add('z3') llvm_config.add_tool_substitutions(tools, tool_dirs) config.substitutions.append( ('%hmaptool', "'%s' %s" % (config.python_executable, os.path.join(config.clang_tools_dir, 'hmaptool')))) # Plugins (loadable modules) if config.has_plugins and config.llvm_plugin_ext: config.available_features.add('plugins') # Set available features we allow tests to conditionalize on. # if config.clang_default_cxx_stdlib != '': config.available_features.add('default-cxx-stdlib-set') # As of 2011.08, crash-recovery tests still do not pass on FreeBSD. if platform.system() not in ['FreeBSD']: config.available_features.add('crash-recovery') # Support for new pass manager. if config.enable_experimental_new_pass_manager: config.available_features.add('experimental-new-pass-manager') # ANSI escape sequences in non-dumb terminal if platform.system() not in ['Windows']: config.available_features.add('ansi-escape-sequences') # Capability to print utf8 to the terminal. # Windows expects codepage, unless Wide API. if platform.system() not in ['Windows']: config.available_features.add('utf8-capable-terminal') # Support for libgcc runtime. Used to rule out tests that require # clang to run with -rtlib=libgcc. if platform.system() not in ['Darwin', 'Fuchsia']: config.available_features.add('libgcc') # Case-insensitive file system def is_filesystem_case_insensitive(): handle, path = tempfile.mkstemp( prefix='case-test', dir=config.test_exec_root) isInsensitive = os.path.exists( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(path), os.path.basename(path).upper() )) os.close(handle) os.remove(path) return isInsensitive if is_filesystem_case_insensitive(): config.available_features.add('case-insensitive-filesystem') # Tests that require the /dev/fd filesystem. if os.path.exists('/dev/fd/0') and sys.platform not in ['cygwin']: config.available_features.add('dev-fd-fs') # Set on native MS environment. if re.match(r'.*-(windows-msvc)$', config.target_triple): config.available_features.add('ms-sdk') # [PR8833] LLP64-incompatible tests if not re.match(r'^x86_64.*-(windows-msvc|windows-gnu)$', config.target_triple): config.available_features.add('LP64') # [PR12920] "clang-driver" -- set if gcc driver is not used. if not re.match(r'.*-(cygwin)$', config.target_triple): config.available_features.add('clang-driver') # [PR18856] Depends to remove opened file. On win32, a file could be removed # only if all handles were closed. if platform.system() not in ['Windows']: config.available_features.add('can-remove-opened-file') def calculate_arch_features(arch_string): features = [] for arch in arch_string.split(): features.append(arch.lower() + '-registered-target') return features llvm_config.feature_config( [('--assertion-mode', {'ON': 'asserts'}), ('--cxxflags', {r'-D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG\b': 'libstdcxx-safe-mode'}), ('--targets-built', calculate_arch_features) ]) if lit.util.which('xmllint'): config.available_features.add('xmllint') if config.enable_backtrace: config.available_features.add('backtrace') # Check if we should allow outputs to console. run_console_tests = int(lit_config.params.get('enable_console', '0')) if run_console_tests != 0: config.available_features.add('console') lit.util.usePlatformSdkOnDarwin(config, lit_config) macOSSDKVersion = lit.util.findPlatformSdkVersionOnMacOS(config, lit_config) if macOSSDKVersion is not None: config.available_features.add('macos-sdk-' + macOSSDKVersion) if os.path.exists('/etc/gentoo-release'): config.available_features.add('gentoo') if config.enable_shared: config.available_features.add("enable_shared")