#!/usr/bin/env perl # # The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure # # This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source # License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. # ##===----------------------------------------------------------------------===## # # A script designed to interpose between the build system and gcc. It invokes # both gcc and the static analyzer. # ##===----------------------------------------------------------------------===## use strict; use warnings; use Cwd qw/ getcwd abs_path /; use File::Temp qw/ tempfile /; use File::Path qw / mkpath /; my $CC = $ENV{'CCC_CC'}; if (!defined $CC) { $CC = "gcc"; } ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## # Process Clang Crashes. ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## sub GetPPExt { my $Lang = shift; if ($Lang =~ /objective-c/) { return ".mi"; } return ".i"; } sub ProcessClangFailure { my ($Clang, $Lang, $file, $Args, $HtmlDir, $ErrorType, $ofile) = @_; my $Dir = "$HtmlDir/crashes"; mkpath $Dir; # Generate the preprocessed file with cc (i.e., gcc). my ($PPH, $PPFile) = tempfile("clang_crash_XXXXXX", SUFFIX => GetPPExt($Lang), DIR => $Dir); system $CC, @$Args, "-E", "-o", $PPFile; close ($PPH); # Generate the preprocessed file with clang. my $PPFile_Clang = $PPFile; $PPFile_Clang =~ s/[.](.+)$/.clang.$1/; system $Clang, @$Args, "-E", "-o", "$PPFile_Clang"; # Create the info file. open (OUT, ">", "$PPFile.info.txt") or die "Cannot open $PPFile.info.txt\n"; print OUT abs_path($file), "\n"; print OUT "$ErrorType\n"; print OUT "@$Args\n"; close OUT; `uname -a >> $PPFile.info.txt 2>&1`; `$CC -v >> $PPFile.info.txt 2>&1`; system 'mv',$ofile,"$PPFile.stderr.txt"; } ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## # Running the analyzer. ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## sub Analyze { my ($Clang, $Args, $Lang, $Output, $Verbose, $HtmlDir, $file, $Analyses) = @_; # Skip anything related to C++. return if ($Lang =~ /c[+][+]/); my $RunAnalyzer = 0; my $Cmd; my @CmdArgs; my @CmdArgsSansAnalyses; if ($Lang =~ /header/) { exit 0 if (!defined ($Output)); $Cmd = 'cp'; push @CmdArgs,$file; # Remove the PCH extension. $Output =~ s/[.]gch$//; push @CmdArgs,$Output; @CmdArgsSansAnalyses = @CmdArgs; } else { $Cmd = $Clang; push @CmdArgs,'-DIBOutlet=__attribute__((iboutlet))'; push @CmdArgs,@$Args; @CmdArgsSansAnalyses = @CmdArgs; push @CmdArgs,(split /\s/,$Analyses); $RunAnalyzer = 1; } my @PrintArgs; my $dir; if ($Verbose) { $dir = getcwd(); print STDERR "\n[LOCATION]: $dir\n"; push @PrintArgs,"'$Cmd'"; foreach my $arg (@CmdArgs) { push @PrintArgs,"\'$arg\'"; } } if ($Verbose == 1) { # We MUST print to stderr. Some clients use the stdout output of # gcc for various purposes. print STDERR join(' ',@PrintArgs); print STDERR "\n"; } elsif ($Verbose == 2) { print STDERR "#SHELL (cd '$dir' && @PrintArgs)\n"; } if ($RunAnalyzer and defined($HtmlDir)) { push @CmdArgs,'-o'; push @CmdArgs,$HtmlDir; } if (defined $ENV{'CCC_UBI'}) { push @CmdArgs,"--analyzer-viz-egraph-ubigraph"; } # Capture the STDERR of clang and send it to a temporary file. # Capture the STDOUT of clang and reroute it to ccc-analyzer's STDERR. # We save the output file in the 'crashes' directory if clang encounters # any problems with the file. pipe (FROM_CHILD, TO_PARENT); my $pid = fork(); if ($pid == 0) { close FROM_CHILD; open(STDOUT,">&", \*TO_PARENT); open(STDERR,">&", \*TO_PARENT); exec $Cmd, @CmdArgs; } close TO_PARENT; my ($ofh, $ofile) = tempfile("clang_output_XXXXXX", DIR => $HtmlDir); while () { print $ofh $_; print STDERR $_; } waitpid($pid,0); my $Result = $?; # Did the command die because of a signal? if ($Result & 127 and $Cmd eq $Clang and defined $HtmlDir) { ProcessClangFailure($Clang, $Lang, $file, \@CmdArgsSansAnalyses, $HtmlDir, "Crash", $ofile); } elsif ($Result) { ProcessClangFailure($Clang, $Lang, $file, \@CmdArgsSansAnalyses, $HtmlDir, "Parser Rejects", $ofile); } `rm -f $ofile`; } ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## # Lookup tables. ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## my %CompileOptionMap = ( '-nostdinc' => 0, '-fobjc-gc-only' => 0, '-fobjc-gc' => 0, '-include' => 1, '-idirafter' => 1, '-iprefix' => 1, '-iquote' => 1, '-isystem' => 1, '-iwithprefix' => 1, '-iwithprefixbefore' => 1 ); my %LinkerOptionMap = ( '-framework' => 1 ); my %CompilerLinkerOptionMap = ( '-isysroot' => 1, '-arch' => 1, '-v' => 0, '-fpascal-strings' => 0, '-mmacosx-version-min' => 0 # This is really a 1 argument, but always has '=' ); my %IgnoredOptionMap = ( '-MT' => 1, # Ignore these preprocessor options. '-MF' => 1, '-fsyntax-only' => 0, '-save-temps' => 0, '-install_name' => 1, '-exported_symbols_list' => 1, '-current_version' => 1, '-compatibility_version' => 1, '-init' => 1, '-e' => 1, '-seg1addr' => 1, '-bundle_loader' => 1, '-multiply_defined' => 1, '-sectorder' => 3, '--param' => 1, '-u' => 1 ); my %LangMap = ( 'c' => 'c', 'cpp' => 'c++', 'cc' => 'c++', 'i' => 'c-cpp-output', 'm' => 'objective-c', 'mi' => 'objective-c-cpp-output' ); my %UniqueOptions = ( '-isysroot' => 0 ); ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## # Main Logic. ##----------------------------------------------------------------------------## my $Action = 'link'; my @CompileOpts; my @LinkOpts; my @Files; my $Lang; my $Output; my %Uniqued; # Forward arguments to gcc. my $Status = system($CC,@ARGV); if ($Status) { exit($Status >> 8); } # Get the analysis options. my $Analyses = $ENV{'CCC_ANALYZER_ANALYSIS'}; if (!defined($Analyses)) { $Analyses = '-checker-cfref'; } # Get the store model. my $StoreModel = $ENV{'CCC_ANALYZER_STORE_MODEL'}; # Get the output format. my $OutputFormat = $ENV{'CCC_ANALYZER_OUTPUT_FORMAT'}; # Determine the level of verbosity. my $Verbose = 0; if (defined $ENV{CCC_ANALYZER_VERBOSE}) { $Verbose = 1; } if (defined $ENV{CCC_ANALYZER_LOG}) { $Verbose = 2; } # Determine what clang executable to use. my $Clang = $ENV{'CLANG'}; if (!defined $Clang) { $Clang = 'clang'; } # Get the HTML output directory. my $HtmlDir = $ENV{'CCC_ANALYZER_HTML'}; my %ArchsSeen; # Process the arguments. foreach (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@ARGV); ++$i) { my $Arg = $ARGV[$i]; my ($ArgKey) = split /=/,$Arg,2; # Modes ccc-analyzer supports if ($Arg eq '-E') { $Action = 'preprocess'; } elsif ($Arg eq '-c') { $Action = 'compile'; } elsif ($Arg =~ /^-print-prog-name/) { exit 0; } # Specially handle duplicate cases of -arch if ($Arg eq "-arch") { my $arch = $ARGV[$i+1]; $ArchsSeen{$arch} = 1; ++$i; next; } # Options with possible arguments that should pass through to compiler. if (defined $CompileOptionMap{$ArgKey}) { my $Cnt = $CompileOptionMap{$ArgKey}; push @CompileOpts,$Arg; while ($Cnt > 0) { ++$i; --$Cnt; push @CompileOpts, $ARGV[$i]; } next; } # Options with possible arguments that should pass through to linker. if (defined $LinkerOptionMap{$ArgKey}) { my $Cnt = $LinkerOptionMap{$ArgKey}; push @LinkOpts,$Arg; while ($Cnt > 0) { ++$i; --$Cnt; push @LinkOpts, $ARGV[$i]; } next; } # Options with possible arguments that should pass through to both compiler # and the linker. if (defined $CompilerLinkerOptionMap{$ArgKey}) { my $Cnt = $CompilerLinkerOptionMap{$ArgKey}; # Check if this is an option that should have a unique value, and if so # determine if the value was checked before. if ($UniqueOptions{$Arg}) { if (defined $Uniqued{$Arg}) { $i += $Cnt; next; } $Uniqued{$Arg} = 1; } push @CompileOpts,$Arg; push @LinkOpts,$Arg; while ($Cnt > 0) { ++$i; --$Cnt; push @CompileOpts, $ARGV[$i]; push @LinkOpts, $ARGV[$i]; } next; } # Ignored options. if (defined $IgnoredOptionMap{$ArgKey}) { my $Cnt = $IgnoredOptionMap{$ArgKey}; while ($Cnt > 0) { ++$i; --$Cnt; } next; } # Compile mode flags. if ($Arg =~ /^-[D,I,U](.*)$/) { my $Tmp = $Arg; if ($1 eq '') { # FIXME: Check if we are going off the end. ++$i; $Tmp = $Arg . $ARGV[$i]; } push @CompileOpts,$Tmp; next; } # Language. if ($Arg eq '-x') { $Lang = $ARGV[$i+1]; ++$i; next; } # Output file. if ($Arg eq '-o') { ++$i; $Output = $ARGV[$i]; next; } # Get the link mode. if ($Arg =~ /^-[l,L,O]/) { if ($Arg eq '-O') { push @LinkOpts,'-O1'; } elsif ($Arg eq '-Os') { push @LinkOpts,'-O2'; } else { push @LinkOpts,$Arg; } next; } if ($Arg =~ /^-std=/) { push @CompileOpts,$Arg; next; } # if ($Arg =~ /^-f/) { # # FIXME: Not sure if the remaining -fxxxx options have no arguments. # push @CompileOpts,$Arg; # push @LinkOpts,$Arg; # FIXME: Not sure if these are link opts. # } # Get the compiler/link mode. if ($Arg =~ /^-F(.+)$/) { my $Tmp = $Arg; if ($1 eq '') { # FIXME: Check if we are going off the end. ++$i; $Tmp = $Arg . $ARGV[$i]; } push @CompileOpts,$Tmp; push @LinkOpts,$Tmp; next; } # Input files. if ($Arg eq '-filelist') { # FIXME: Make sure we aren't walking off the end. open(IN, $ARGV[$i+1]); while () { s/\015?\012//; push @Files,$_; } close(IN); ++$i; next; } if (!($Arg =~ /^-/)) { push @Files,$Arg; next; } } if ($Action eq 'compile' or $Action eq 'link') { foreach my $file (@Files) { # Determine the language for the file. my $FileLang = $Lang; if (!defined($FileLang)) { # Infer the language from the extension. if ($file =~ /[.]([^.]+)$/) { $FileLang = $LangMap{$1}; } } next if (!defined $FileLang); my @AnalyzeArgs; if ($FileLang ne 'unknown') { push @AnalyzeArgs,'-x'; push @AnalyzeArgs,$FileLang; } if (defined $StoreModel) { push @AnalyzeArgs, $StoreModel; } if (defined $OutputFormat) { push @AnalyzeArgs, "-analyzer-output-" . $OutputFormat; } push @AnalyzeArgs,@CompileOpts; push @AnalyzeArgs,$file; my @Archs = keys %ArchsSeen; if (scalar @Archs) { foreach my $arch (@Archs) { my @NewArgs; push @NewArgs, '-arch'; push @NewArgs, $arch; push @NewArgs, @AnalyzeArgs; Analyze($Clang, \@NewArgs, $FileLang, $Output, $Verbose, $HtmlDir, $file, $Analyses); } } else { Analyze($Clang, \@AnalyzeArgs, $FileLang, $Output, $Verbose, $HtmlDir, $file, $Analyses); } } } exit($Status >> 8);