Test which checks the omp_get_wtime function. It compares the time with which is called a sleep function with the time it took by messuring the difference between the call of the sleep function and its end. 2.0 omp_get_wtime INTEGER FUNCTION omp_wtime() IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE PRECISION start DOUBLE PRECISION endtime COMMON start, endtime include "omp_lib.h" INTEGER wait_time DOUBLE PRECISION measured_time INTEGER fileunit wait_time=1 start = 0; endtime = 0; start=omp_get_wtime() CALL sleep(wait_time) endtime=omp_get_wtime() measured_time=endtime-start WRITE(1,*) "work took",measured_time,"sec. time." IF(measured_time.GT.0.99*wait_time .AND. & measured_time .LT. 1.01*wait_time) THEN =1 ELSE =0 END IF END