Load Polly into clang and automatically run it at -O3

Warning: Even though this example makes it very easy to use Polly, you should be aware that Polly is a young research project. It is expected to crash, produce invalid code or to hang in complex calculations even for simple examples. In case you see such a problem, please check the Bug database and consider reporting a bug.

Warning II: clang/LLVM/Polly need to be in sync. This means you need to compile them yourself from a recent svn/git checkout

Load Polly into clang

By loading Polly into clang (or opt) the Polly options become automatically available. You can load Polly either by adding the relevant commands to the CPPFLAGS or by creating an alias.
$ export CPPFLAGS="-Xclang -load -Xclang ${POLLY_BUILD_DIR}/lib/LLVMPolly.so"
$ alias pollycc clang -Xclang -load -Xclang ${POLLY_BUILD_DIR}/lib/LLVMPolly.so

Optimizing with Polly

Optimizing with Polly is as easy as adding -O3 -mllvm -polly to your compiler flags (Polly is only available at -O3).
pollycc -O3 -mllvm -polly file.c

Automatic OpenMP code generation

To automatically detect parallel loops and generate OpenMP code for them you also need to add -mllvm -enable-polly-openmp -lgomp to your CFLAGS.
pollycc -O3 -mllvm -polly -mllvm -enable-polly-openmp -lgomp file.c

Automatic Vector code generation

Automatic vector code generation can be enabled by adding -mllvm -polly-vectorizer=polly to your CFLAGS.
pollycc -O3 -mllvm -polly -mllvm -polly-vectorizer=polly file.c

Extract a preoptimized LLVM-IR file

Often it is useful to derive from a C-file the LLVM-IR code that is actually optimized by Polly. Normally the LLVM-IR is automatically generated from the C code by first lowering C to LLVM-IR (clang) and by subsequently applying a set of preparing transformations on the LLVM-IR. To get the LLVM-IR after the preparing transformations have been applied run Polly with '-O0'.
pollycc -O0 -mllvm -polly -S -emit-llvm file.c

Further options

Polly supports further options that are mainly useful for the development or the analysis of Polly. The relevant options can be added to clang by appending -mllvm -option-name to the CFLAGS or the clang command line.

Limit Polly to a single function

To limit the execution of Polly to a single function, use the option -polly-detect-only=functionname.

Disable LLVM-IR generation

Polly normally regenerates LLVM-IR from the Polyhedral representation. To only see the effects of the preparing transformation, but to disable Polly code generation add the option polly-no-codegen.

Graphical view of the SCoPs

Polly can use graphviz to show the SCoPs it detects in a program. The relevant options are -polly-show, -polly-show-only, -polly-dot and -polly-dot-only. The 'show' options automatically run dotty or another graphviz viewer to show the scops graphically. The 'dot' options store for each function a dot file that highlights the detected SCoPs. If 'only' is appended at the end of the option, the basic blocks are shown without the statements the contain.

Change/Disable the Optimizer

Polly uses by default the isl scheduling optimizer. The isl optimizer optimizes for data-locality and parallelism using the Pluto algorithm. For research it is also possible to run PoCC as external optimizer. PoCC provides access to the original Pluto implementation. To use PoCC add -polly-optimizer=pocc to the command line (only available if Polly was compiled with scoplib support). To disable the optimizer entirely use the option -polly-optimizer=none.

Disable tiling in the optimizer

By default both optimizers perform tiling, if possible. In case this is not wanted the option -polly-no-tiling can be used to disable it. (This option disables tiling for both optimizers).

Ignore possible aliasing

By default we only detect scops, if we can prove that the different array bases can not alias. This is correct do if we optimize automatically. However, without special user annotations like 'restrict' we can often not prove that no aliasing is possible. In case the user knows no aliasing can happen in the code the -polly-ignore-aliasing can be used to disable the check for possible aliasing.

Import / Export

The flags -polly-import and -polly-export allow the export and reimport of the polyhedral representation. By exporting, modifying and reimporting the polyhedral representation externally calculated transformations can be applied. This enables external optimizers or the manual optimization of specific SCoPs.