proc execOneLine { test PRS outcome lineno line } { set status 0 set resultmsg "" set retval [ catch { eval exec -keepnewline -- $line } errmsg ] if { $retval != 0 } { set code [lindex $::errorCode 0] set lineno [expr $lineno + 1] if { $PRS != ""} { set PRS " for $PRS" } set errmsg " at line $lineno$PRS\nwhile running: $line\n$errmsg" switch "$code" { CHILDSTATUS { set status [lindex $::errorCode 2] if { $status != 0 } { set resultmsg "$test\nFailed with exit($status)$errmsg" } } CHILDKILLED { set signal [lindex $::errorCode 2] set resultmsg "$test\nFailed with signal($signal)$errmsg" } CHILDSUSP { set signal [lindex $::errorCode 2] set resultmsg "$test\nFailed with suspend($signal)$errmsg" } POSIX { set posixNum [lindex $::errorCode 1] set posixMsg [lindex $::errorCode 2] set resultmsg "$test\nFailed with posix($posixNum,$posixMsg)$errmsg" } NONE { } default { } } } return $resultmsg } proc substitute { line test tmpFile } { global srcroot objroot srcdir objdir subdir target_triplet prcontext global llvmgcc llvmgxx llvmgcc_version llvmgccmajvers global gccpath gxxpath compile_c compile_cxx link shlibext llvmlibsdir set path [file join $srcdir $subdir] set tmp [file join Output $tmpFile] # Substitute all Tcl variables. set new_line [subst $line ] #replace %prcontext with prcontext.tcl (Must replace before %p) regsub -all {%prcontext} $new_line $prcontext new_line #replace %llvmgcc with actual path to llvmgcc regsub -all {%llvmgcc} $new_line "$llvmgcc -emit-llvm" new_line #replace %llvmgxx with actual path to llvmg++ regsub -all {%llvmgxx} $new_line "$llvmgxx -emit-llvm" new_line #replace %compile_c with C compilation command regsub -all {%compile_c} $new_line "$compile_c" new_line #replace %compile_cxx with C++ compilation command regsub -all {%compile_cxx} $new_line "$compile_cxx" new_line #replace %link with C++ link command regsub -all {%link} $new_line "$link" new_line #replace %shlibext with shared library extension regsub -all {%shlibext} $new_line "$shlibext" new_line #replace %llvmlibsdir with configure library directory regsub -all {%llvmlibsdir} $new_line "$llvmlibsdir" new_line #replace %p with path to source, regsub -all {%p} $new_line [file join $srcdir $subdir] new_line #replace %s with filename regsub -all {%s} $new_line $test new_line #replace %t with temp filenames regsub -all {%t} $new_line [file join Output $tmpFile] new_line #replace %% with % regsub -all {%%} $new_line % new_line return $new_line } proc RunLLVMTests { test_source_files } { global srcroot objroot srcdir objdir subdir target_triplet llvmgcc_version set timeout 60 set path [file join $objdir $subdir] #Make Output Directory if it does not exist already if { [file exists path] } { cd $path } else { file mkdir $path cd $path } file mkdir Output foreach test $test_source_files { #Should figure out best way to set the timeout #set timeout 40 set filename [file tail $test] set outcome PASS set tmpFile "$filename.tmp" #set hasRunline bool to check if testcase has a runline set numLines 0 # Open the test file and start reading lines set testFileId [ open $test r] set runline "" set PRNUMS "" foreach line [split [read $testFileId] \n] { # if its the END. line then stop parsing (optimization for big files) if {[regexp {END.[ *]$} $line match endofscript]} { break # if the line is continued, concatenate and continue the loop } elseif {[regexp {RUN: *(.+)(\\)$} $line match oneline suffix]} { set runline "$runline$oneline " # if its a terminating RUN: line then do substitution on the whole line # and then save the line. } elseif {[regexp {RUN: *([^&]+)(&&)?} $line match oneline suffix]} { set runline "$runline$oneline" set runline [ substitute $runline $test $tmpFile ] set lines($numLines) $runline set numLines [expr $numLines + 1] set runline "" # if its an PR line, save the problem report number } elseif {[regexp {PR([0-9]+)} $line match prnum]} { if {$PRNUMS == ""} { set PRNUMS "PR$prnum" } else { set PRNUMS "$PRNUMS,$prnum" } # if its an XFAIL line, see if we should be XFAILing or not. } elseif {[regexp {XFAIL:[ *](.+)} $line match targets]} { set targets #split up target if more then 1 specified foreach target [split $targets ,] { if { [regexp {\*} $target match] } { set outcome XFAIL } elseif { [regexp $target $target_triplet match] } { set outcome XFAIL } elseif { [regexp {llvmgcc(([0-9]+)|([0-9]+[.][0-9]+))} $target match submatch submatch2] } { if { [regexp ^($submatch)$|^(($submatch)(\.)) $llvmgcc_version match] } { set outcome XFAIL } } } } } # Done reading the script close $testFileId if { $numLines == 0 } { fail "$test: \nDoes not have a RUN line\n" } else { set failed 0 for { set i 0 } { $i < $numLines } { set i [ expr $i + 1 ] } { regsub ^.*RUN:(.*) $lines($i) \1 theLine set resultmsg [execOneLine $test $PRNUMS $outcome $i $theLine ] if { $resultmsg != "" } { if { $outcome == "XFAIL" } { xfail "$resultmsg" } else { fail "$resultmsg" } set failed 1 break } } if { $failed } { continue } else { if { $PRNUMS != "" } { set PRNUMS " for $PRNUMS" } if { $outcome == "XFAIL" } { xpass "$test$PRNUMS" } else { pass "$test$PRNUMS" } } } } } proc llvm_gcc_supports_objc { } { global llvmgcc catch { set file_h [ open "/tmp/llvm_obj_check.m" w] } set R [ catch { exec $llvmgcc -c "/tmp/llvm_obj_check.m" -o /dev/null >& /tmp/llvm_obj_check.out } ] set RESULT [ file size "/tmp/llvm_obj_check.out" ] catch { file delete "/tmp/llvm_obj_check.m" } if { $RESULT == 0 } { return 1 } else { return 0 } }