The LLDB Debugger

Stack Frame and Thread Format

LLDB was recently modified to allow users to define the format of the information that generates the descriptions for threads and stack frames. Typically when your program stops at a breakpoint you will get a line that describes why your thread stopped:

* thread #1: tid = 0x2e03, 0x0000000100000e85 a.out`main + 4, stop reason = breakpoint 1.1

Stack backtraces frames also have a similar information line:

(lldb) thread backtrace
thread #1: tid = 0x2e03, stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
  frame #0: 0x0000000100000e85 a.out`main + 4 at test.c:19
  frame #1: 0x0000000100000e40 a.out`start + 52

The two format strings can currently be set using the settings set command:

(lldb) settings set frame-prompt STRING
(lldb) settings set thread-prompt STRING

Format Strings

So what is the format of the format strings? Format strings can contain plain text, control characters and variables that have access to the current program state.

Normal characters are any text that doesn't contain a '{', '}', '$', or '\' character.

Variable names are found in between a "${" prefix, and end with a "}" suffix. In other words, a variable looks like "${frame.pc}".


A complete list of currently supported format string variables is listed below:

Variable NameDescription
file.basenameThe current compile unit file basename for the current frame.
file.fullpathThe current compile unit file fullpath for the current frame.
frame.indexThe frame index (0, 1, 2, 3...)
frame.pcThe generic frame register for the program counter.
frame.spThe generic frame register for the stack pointer.
frame.fpThe generic frame register for the frame pointer.
frame.flagsThe generic frame register for the flags register.
frame.reg.NAMEAccess to any platform specific register by name (replace NAME with the name of the desired register).
function.nameThe name of the current function or symbol
function.pc-offsetThe program counter offset within the current function or symbol
line.file.basenameThe line table entry basename to the file for the current line entry in the current frame.
line.file.fullpathThe line table entry fullpath to the file for the current line entry in the current frame.
line.numberThe line table entry line number for the current line entry in the current frame.
line.start-addrThe line table entry start address for the current line entry in the current frame.
line.end-addrThe line table entry end address for the current line entry in the current frame.
module.file.basenameThe basename of the current module (shared library or executable)
module.file.fullpathThe basename of the current module (shared library or executable)
process.file.basenameThe basename of the file for the process
process.file.fullpathThe fullname of the file for the process
process.idThe process ID native the the system on which the inferior runs.
process.nameThe name of the process at runtime
thread.idThe thread identifier for the current thread
thread.indexThe unique one based thread index ID which is guaranteed to be unique as threads come and go.
thread.nameThe name of the thread if the target OS supports naming threads
thread.queueThe queue name of the thread if the target OS supports dispatch queues
thread.stop-reasonA textual reason each thread stopped
target.archThe architecture of the current target

Control Characters

Control characters include '{', '}', and '\'.

The '{' and '}' are used for scoping blocks, and the '\' character allows you to desensitize control characters and also emit non-printable characters.

Desensitizing Characters in the format string

The backslash control character allows your to enter the typical "\a", "\b", "\f", "\n", "\r", "\t", "\v", "\\", characters and along with the standard octal representation "\0123" and hex "\xAB" characters. This allows you to enter escape characters into your format strings and will allow colorized output for terminals that support color.


Many times the information that you might have in your prompt might not be available and you won't want it to print out if it isn't valid. To take care of this you can enclose everything that must resolve into a scope. A scope is starts with '{' and ends with '}'. For example in order to only display the current frame line table entry basename and line number when the information is available for the current frame:

"{ at {$line.file.basename}:${line.number}}"

Broken down this is:

  • The start the scope


  • format whose content will only be displayed if all information is available:

    "at {$line.file.basename}:${line.number}"

  • end the scope:


Making the Frame Format

The information that we see when stopped in a frame:

frame #0: 0x0000000100000e85 a.out`main + 4 at test.c:19

can be displayed with the following format:

"frame #${frame.index}: ${frame.pc}{ ${module.file.basename}`${}{${function.pc-offset}}}{ at ${line.file.basename}:${line.number}}\n"

This breaks down to:

  • Always print the frame index and frame PC:

    "frame #${frame.index}: ${frame.pc}"

  • only print the module followed by a tick if there is a valid module for the current frame:

    "{ ${module.file.basename}`}"

  • print the function name with optional offset:


  • print the line info if it is available:

    "{ at ${line.file.basename}:${line.number}}"

  • then finish off with a newline:


Making Your Own Formats

When modifying your own format strings, it is useful to start with the default values for the frame and thread format strings. These can be accessed with the "settings show" command:

(lldb) settings show thread-format
thread-format (string) = 'thread #${thread.index}: tid = ${}{, ${frame.pc}}{ ${module.file.basename}`${}{${function.pc-offset}}}{, stop reason = ${thread.stop-reason}}{, name = ${}}{, queue = ${thread.queue}}\n'
(lldb) settings show frame-format
frame-format (string) = 'frame #${frame.index}: ${frame.pc}{ ${module.file.basename}`${}{${function.pc-offset}}}{ at ${line.file.basename}:${line.number}}\n'