# # modify-python-lldb.py # # This script modifies the lldb module (which was automatically generated via # running swig) to support iteration and/or equality operations for certain lldb # objects, implements truth value testing for certain lldb objects, and adds a # global variable 'debugger_unique_id' which is initialized to 0. # # As a cleanup step, it also removes the 'residues' from the autodoc features of # swig. For an example, take a look at SBTarget.h header file, where we take # advantage of the already existing doxygen C++-docblock and make it the Python # docstring for the same method. The 'residues' in this context include the # '#endif', the '#ifdef SWIG', the c comment marker, the trailing blank (SPC's) # line, and the doxygen comment start marker. # # In addition to the 'residues' removal during the cleanup step, it also # transforms the 'char' data type (which was actually 'char *' but the 'autodoc' # feature of swig removes ' *' from it) into 'str' (as a Python str type). # # It also calls SBDebugger.Initialize() to initialize the lldb debugger # subsystem. # import sys, re, StringIO if len (sys.argv) != 2: output_name = "./lldb.py" else: output_name = sys.argv[1] + "/lldb.py" # print "output_name is '" + output_name + "'" # # Residues to be removed. # c_endif_swig = "#endif" c_ifdef_swig = "#ifdef SWIG" c_comment_marker = "//------------" # The pattern for recognizing the doxygen comment block line. doxygen_comment_start = re.compile("^\s*(/// ?)") # The demarcation point for turning on/off residue removal state. # When bracketed by the lines, the CLEANUP_DOCSTRING state (see below) is ON. toggle_docstring_cleanup_line = ' """' def char_to_str_xform(line): """This transforms the 'char', i.e, 'char *' to 'str', Python string.""" line = line.replace(' char', ' str') line = line.replace('char ', 'str ') # Special case handling of 'char **argv' and 'char **envp'. line = line.replace('str argv', 'list argv') line = line.replace('str envp', 'list envp') return line # # The one-liner docstring also needs char_to_str transformation, btw. # TWO_SPACES = ' ' * 2 EIGHT_SPACES = ' ' * 8 one_liner_docstring_pattern = re.compile('^(%s|%s)""".*"""$' % (TWO_SPACES, EIGHT_SPACES)) # # lldb_helpers and lldb_iter() should appear before our first SB* class definition. # lldb_helpers = ''' # ================================== # Helper function for SBModule class # ================================== def in_range(symbol, section): """Test whether a symbol is within the range of a section.""" symSA = symbol.GetStartAddress().GetFileAddress() symEA = symbol.GetEndAddress().GetFileAddress() secSA = section.GetFileAddress() secEA = secSA + section.GetByteSize() if symEA != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS: if secSA <= symSA and symEA <= secEA: return True else: return False else: if secSA <= symSA and symSA < secEA: return True else: return False ''' lldb_iter_def = ''' # =================================== # Iterator for lldb container objects # =================================== def lldb_iter(obj, getsize, getelem): """A generator adaptor to support iteration for lldb container objects.""" size = getattr(obj, getsize) elem = getattr(obj, getelem) for i in range(size()): yield elem(i) # ============================================================================== # The modify-python-lldb.py script is responsible for post-processing this SWIG- # generated lldb.py module. It is responsible for adding the above lldb_iter() # function definition as well as the supports, in the following, for iteration # protocol: __iter__, rich comparison methods: __eq__ and __ne__, truth value # testing (and built-in operation bool()): __nonzero__, and built-in function # len(): __len__. # ============================================================================== ''' # # linked_list_iter() is a special purpose iterator to treat the SBValue as the # head of a list data structure, where you specify the child member name which # points to the next item on the list and you specify the end-of-list function # which takes an SBValue and returns True if EOL is reached and False if not. # linked_list_iter_def = ''' def __eol_test__(val): """Default function for end of list test takes an SBValue object. Return True if val is invalid or it corresponds to a null pointer. Otherwise, return False. """ if not val or val.GetValueAsUnsigned() == 0: return True else: return False # ================================================== # Iterator for lldb.SBValue treated as a linked list # ================================================== def linked_list_iter(self, next_item_name, end_of_list_test=__eol_test__): """Generator adaptor to support iteration for SBValue as a linked list. linked_list_iter() is a special purpose iterator to treat the SBValue as the head of a list data structure, where you specify the child member name which points to the next item on the list and you specify the end-of-list test function which takes an SBValue for an item and returns True if EOL is reached and False if not. linked_list_iter() also detects infinite loop and bails out early. The end_of_list_test arg, if omitted, defaults to the __eol_test__ function above. For example, # Get Frame #0. ... # Get variable 'task_head'. task_head = frame0.FindVariable('task_head') ... for t in task_head.linked_list_iter('next'): print t """ if end_of_list_test(self): return item = self visited = set() try: while not end_of_list_test(item) and not item.GetValueAsUnsigned() in visited: visited.add(item.GetValueAsUnsigned()) yield item # Prepare for the next iteration. item = item.GetChildMemberWithName(next_item_name) except: # Exception occurred. Stop the generator. pass return ''' # This supports the iteration protocol. iter_def = " def __iter__(self): return lldb_iter(self, '%s', '%s')" module_iter = " def module_iter(self): return lldb_iter(self, '%s', '%s')" breakpoint_iter = " def breakpoint_iter(self): return lldb_iter(self, '%s', '%s')" watchpoint_iter = " def watchpoint_iter(self): return lldb_iter(self, '%s', '%s')" section_iter = " def section_iter(self): return lldb_iter(self, '%s', '%s')" compile_unit_iter = " def compile_unit_iter(self): return lldb_iter(self, '%s', '%s')" # Called to implement the built-in function len(). # Eligible objects are those containers with unambiguous iteration support. len_def = " def __len__(self): return self.%s()" # This supports the rich comparison methods of __eq__ and __ne__. eq_def = " def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, %s) and %s" ne_def = " def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)" # Called to implement truth value testing and the built-in operation bool(); # should return False or True, or their integer equivalents 0 or 1. # Delegate to self.IsValid() if it is defined for the current lldb object. nonzero_def = " def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()" # A convenience iterator for SBSymbol! symbol_in_section_iter_def = ''' def symbol_in_section_iter(self, section): """Given a module and its contained section, returns an iterator on the symbols within the section.""" for sym in self: if in_range(sym, section): yield sym ''' # # This dictionary defines a mapping from classname to (getsize, getelem) tuple. # d = { 'SBBreakpoint': ('GetNumLocations', 'GetLocationAtIndex'), 'SBCompileUnit': ('GetNumLineEntries', 'GetLineEntryAtIndex'), 'SBDebugger': ('GetNumTargets', 'GetTargetAtIndex'), 'SBModule': ('GetNumSymbols', 'GetSymbolAtIndex'), 'SBProcess': ('GetNumThreads', 'GetThreadAtIndex'), 'SBSection': ('GetNumSubSections', 'GetSubSectionAtIndex'), 'SBThread': ('GetNumFrames', 'GetFrameAtIndex'), 'SBInstructionList': ('GetSize', 'GetInstructionAtIndex'), 'SBStringList': ('GetSize', 'GetStringAtIndex',), 'SBSymbolContextList': ('GetSize', 'GetContextAtIndex'), 'SBTypeList': ('GetSize', 'GetTypeAtIndex'), 'SBValueList': ('GetSize', 'GetValueAtIndex'), 'SBType': ('GetNumberChildren', 'GetChildAtIndex'), 'SBValue': ('GetNumChildren', 'GetChildAtIndex'), # SBTarget needs special processing, see below. 'SBTarget': {'module': ('GetNumModules', 'GetModuleAtIndex'), 'breakpoint': ('GetNumBreakpoints', 'GetBreakpointAtIndex'), 'watchpoint': ('GetNumWatchpoints', 'GetWatchpointAtIndex') }, # SBModule has an additional section_iter(), see below. 'SBModule-section': ('GetNumSections', 'GetSectionAtIndex'), # And compile_unit_iter(). 'SBModule-compile-unit': ('GetNumCompileUnits', 'GetCompileUnitAtIndex'), # As well as symbol_in_section_iter(). 'SBModule-symbol-in-section': symbol_in_section_iter_def } # # This dictionary defines a mapping from classname to equality method name(s). # e = { 'SBAddress': ['GetFileAddress', 'GetModule'], 'SBBreakpoint': ['GetID'], 'SBWatchpoint': ['GetID'], 'SBFileSpec': ['GetFilename', 'GetDirectory'], 'SBModule': ['GetFileSpec', 'GetUUIDString'], 'SBType': ['GetByteSize', 'GetName'] } def list_to_frag(list): """Transform a list to equality program fragment. For example, ['GetID'] is transformed to 'self.GetID() == other.GetID()', and ['GetFilename', 'GetDirectory'] to 'self.GetFilename() == other.GetFilename() and self.GetDirectory() == other.GetDirectory()'. """ if not list: raise Exception("list should be non-empty") frag = StringIO.StringIO() for i in range(len(list)): if i > 0: frag.write(" and ") frag.write("self.{0}() == other.{0}()".format(list[i])) return frag.getvalue() class NewContent(StringIO.StringIO): """Simple facade to keep track of the previous line to be committed.""" def __init__(self): StringIO.StringIO.__init__(self) self.prev_line = None def add_line(self, a_line): """Add a line to the content, if there is a previous line, commit it.""" if self.prev_line != None: print >> self, self.prev_line self.prev_line = a_line def del_line(self): """Forget about the previous line, do not commit it.""" self.prev_line = None def del_blank_line(self): """Forget about the previous line if it is a blank line.""" if self.prev_line != None and not self.prev_line.strip(): self.prev_line = None def finish(self): """Call this when you're finished with populating content.""" if self.prev_line != None: print >> self, self.prev_line self.prev_line = None # The new content will have the iteration protocol defined for our lldb objects. new_content = NewContent() with open(output_name, 'r') as f_in: content = f_in.read() # The pattern for recognizing the beginning of an SB class definition. class_pattern = re.compile("^class (SB.*)\(_object\):$") # The pattern for recognizing the beginning of the __init__ method definition. init_pattern = re.compile("^ def __init__\(self.*\):") # The pattern for recognizing the beginning of the IsValid method definition. isvalid_pattern = re.compile("^ def IsValid\(") # These define the states of our finite state machine. NORMAL = 0 DEFINING_ITERATOR = 1 DEFINING_EQUALITY = 2 CLEANUP_DOCSTRING = 4 # The lldb_iter_def only needs to be inserted once. lldb_iter_defined = False; # Our FSM begins its life in the NORMAL state, and transitions to the # DEFINING_ITERATOR and/or DEFINING_EQUALITY state whenever it encounters the # beginning of certain class definitions, see dictionaries 'd' and 'e' above. # # Note that the two states DEFINING_ITERATOR and DEFINING_EQUALITY are # orthogonal in that our FSM can be in one, the other, or both states at the # same time. During such time, the FSM is eagerly searching for the __init__ # method definition in order to insert the appropriate method(s) into the lldb # module. # # The state CLEANUP_DOCSTRING can be entered from either the NORMAL or the # DEFINING_ITERATOR/EQUALITY states. While in this state, the FSM is fixing/ # cleaning the Python docstrings generated by the swig docstring features. # # The FSM, in all possible states, also checks the current input for IsValid() # definition, and inserts a __nonzero__() method definition to implement truth # value testing and the built-in operation bool(). state = NORMAL for line in content.splitlines(): # Handle the state transition into CLEANUP_DOCSTRING state as it is possible # to enter this state from either NORMAL or DEFINING_ITERATOR/EQUALITY. # # If ' """' is the sole line, prepare to transition to the # CLEANUP_DOCSTRING state or out of it. if line == toggle_docstring_cleanup_line: if state & CLEANUP_DOCSTRING: # Special handling of the trailing blank line right before the '"""' # end docstring marker. new_content.del_blank_line() state ^= CLEANUP_DOCSTRING else: state |= CLEANUP_DOCSTRING if state == NORMAL: match = class_pattern.search(line) # Inserts lldb_helpers and the lldb_iter() definition before the first # class definition. if not lldb_iter_defined and match: new_content.add_line(lldb_helpers) new_content.add_line(lldb_iter_def) lldb_iter_defined = True # If we are at the beginning of the class definitions, prepare to # transition to the DEFINING_ITERATOR/DEFINING_EQUALITY state for the # right class names. if match: cls = match.group(1) if cls in d: # Adding support for iteration for the matched SB class. state |= DEFINING_ITERATOR if cls in e: # Adding support for eq and ne for the matched SB class. state |= DEFINING_EQUALITY if (state & DEFINING_ITERATOR) or (state & DEFINING_EQUALITY): match = init_pattern.search(line) if match: # We found the beginning of the __init__ method definition. # This is a good spot to insert the iter and/or eq-ne support. # # But note that SBTarget has three types of iterations. if cls == "SBTarget": new_content.add_line(module_iter % (d[cls]['module'])) new_content.add_line(breakpoint_iter % (d[cls]['breakpoint'])) new_content.add_line(watchpoint_iter % (d[cls]['watchpoint'])) else: if (state & DEFINING_ITERATOR): new_content.add_line(iter_def % d[cls]) new_content.add_line(len_def % d[cls][0]) if (state & DEFINING_EQUALITY): new_content.add_line(eq_def % (cls, list_to_frag(e[cls]))) new_content.add_line(ne_def) # SBModule has extra SBSection, SBCompileUnit iterators and symbol_in_section_iter()! if cls == "SBModule": new_content.add_line(section_iter % d[cls+'-section']) new_content.add_line(compile_unit_iter % d[cls+'-compile-unit']) new_content.add_line(d[cls+'-symbol-in-section']) # This special purpose iterator is for SBValue only!!! if cls == "SBValue": new_content.add_line(linked_list_iter_def) # Next state will be NORMAL. state = NORMAL if (state & CLEANUP_DOCSTRING): # Cleanse the lldb.py of the autodoc'ed residues. if c_ifdef_swig in line or c_endif_swig in line: continue # As well as the comment marker line. if c_comment_marker in line: continue # Also remove the '\a ' and '\b 'substrings. line = line.replace('\a ', '') line = line.replace('\b ', '') # And the leading '///' substring. doxygen_comment_match = doxygen_comment_start.match(line) if doxygen_comment_match: line = line.replace(doxygen_comment_match.group(1), '', 1) line = char_to_str_xform(line) # Note that the transition out of CLEANUP_DOCSTRING is handled at the # beginning of this function already. # This deals with one-liner docstring, for example, SBThread.GetName: # """GetName(self) -> char""". if one_liner_docstring_pattern.match(line): line = char_to_str_xform(line) # Look for 'def IsValid(*args):', and once located, add implementation # of truth value testing for this object by delegation. if isvalid_pattern.search(line): new_content.add_line(nonzero_def) # Pass the original line of content to new_content. new_content.add_line(line) # We are finished with recording new content. new_content.finish() with open(output_name, 'w') as f_out: f_out.write(new_content.getvalue()) f_out.write('''debugger_unique_id = 0 SBDebugger.Initialize() debugger = None target = SBTarget() process = SBProcess() thread = SBThread() frame = SBFrame()''')