// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -Wdocumentation -Wdocumentation-pedantic -verify %s // expected-warning@+1 {{expected quoted string after equals sign}} /// int test_html1(int); // expected-warning@+1 {{expected quoted string after equals sign}} /// int test_html2(int); // expected-warning@+2 {{expected quoted string after equals sign}} // expected-warning@+1 {{HTML start tag prematurely ended, expected attribute name or '>'}} /// '}} /// int test_html4(int); // expected-warning@+1 {{HTML start tag prematurely ended, expected attribute name or '>'}} /// int test_html5(int); // expected-warning@+1 {{HTML start tag prematurely ended, expected attribute name or '>'}} /// int test_html6(int); // expected-warning@+1 {{HTML start tag prematurely ended, expected attribute name or '>'}} /// int test_html7(int); // expected-warning@+1 {{HTML start tag prematurely ended, expected attribute name or '>'}} /// '}} expected-note@+1 {{HTML tag started here}} /** Aaa bbb'}} /** Aaa bbb
int test_html11(int); ///
int test_html_nesting1(int); /// Meow int test_html_nesting2(int); ///

/// Bbb

int test_html_nesting3(int); ///

/// Bbb

int test_html_nesting4(int); // expected-warning@+1 {{HTML end tag does not match any start tag}} /// Meow
int test_html_nesting5(int); // expected-warning@+2 {{HTML start tag 'i' closed by 'b'}} // expected-warning@+1 {{HTML end tag does not match any start tag}} /// Meow int test_html_nesting6(int); // expected-warning@+2 {{HTML start tag 'i' closed by 'b'}} // expected-warning@+1 {{HTML end tag does not match any start tag}} /// Meow int test_html_nesting7(int); // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa int test_block_command1(int); // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief \brief Aaa int test_block_command2(int); // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief /// \brief Aaa int test_block_command3(int); // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief /// /// \brief Aaa int test_block_command4(int); // There is trailing whitespace on one of the following lines, don't remove it! // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief /// /// \brief Aaa int test_block_command5(int); /// \brief \c Aaa int test_block_command6(int); // expected-warning@+1 {{'\param' command used in a comment that is not attached to a function declaration}} /// \param a Blah blah. int test_param1; // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\param' command}} /// \param /// \param a Blah blah. int test_param2(int a); // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\param' command}} /// \param a int test_param3(int a); /// \param a Blah blah. int test_param4(int a); /// \param [in] a Blah blah. int test_param5(int a); /// \param [out] a Blah blah. int test_param6(int a); /// \param [in,out] a Blah blah. int test_param7(int a); // expected-warning@+1 {{whitespace is not allowed in parameter passing direction}} /// \param [ in ] a Blah blah. int test_param8(int a); // expected-warning@+1 {{whitespace is not allowed in parameter passing direction}} /// \param [in, out] a Blah blah. int test_param9(int a); // expected-warning@+1 {{unrecognized parameter passing direction, valid directions are '[in]', '[out]' and '[in,out]'}} /// \param [ junk] a Blah blah. int test_param10(int a); // expected-warning@+1 {{parameter 'A' not found in the function declaration}} expected-note@+1 {{did you mean 'a'?}} /// \param A Blah blah. int test_param11(int a); // expected-warning@+1 {{parameter 'aab' not found in the function declaration}} expected-note@+1 {{did you mean 'aaa'?}} /// \param aab Blah blah. int test_param12(int aaa, int bbb); // expected-warning@+1 {{parameter 'aab' not found in the function declaration}} /// \param aab Blah blah. int test_param13(int bbb, int ccc); class C { // expected-warning@+1 {{parameter 'aaa' not found in the function declaration}} /// \param aaa Blah blah. C(int bbb, int ccc); // expected-warning@+1 {{parameter 'aaa' not found in the function declaration}} /// \param aaa Blah blah. int test_param14(int bbb, int ccc); }; // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} int test1; ///< \brief\brief Aaa // expected-warning@+2 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} // expected-warning@+2 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} int test2, ///< \brief\brief Aaa test3; ///< \brief\brief Aaa // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} int test4; ///< \brief ///< \brief Aaa // Check that we attach the comment to the declaration during parsing in the // following cases. The test is based on the fact that we don't parse // documentation comments that are not attached to anything. // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa int test_attach1; // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa int test_attach2(int); // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa struct test_attach3 { // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa int test_attach4; // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} int test_attach5; ///< \brief\brief Aaa // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa int test_attach6(int); }; // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa class test_attach7 { // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa int test_attach8; // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} int test_attach9; ///< \brief\brief Aaa // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa int test_attach10(int); }; // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa enum test_attach9 { // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa test_attach10, // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} test_attach11 ///< \brief\brief Aaa }; // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa struct test_noattach12 *test_attach13; // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa typedef struct test_noattach14 *test_attach15; // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa typedef struct test_attach16 { int a; } test_attach17; struct S { int a; }; // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa struct S *test_attach18; // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa typedef struct S *test_attach19; // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa struct test_attach20; // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa typedef struct test_attach21 { // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa int test_attach22; } test_attach23; // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa namespace test_attach24 { // expected-warning@+1 {{empty paragraph passed to '\brief' command}} /// \brief\brief Aaa namespace test_attach25 { } } // PR13411, reduced. We used to crash on this. /** * @code Aaa. */ void test_nocrash1(int);