; RUN: FileCheck -input-file %s %s ; RUN: not FileCheck -check-prefix BAD1 -input-file %s %s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix ERR1 %s ; RUN: not FileCheck -check-prefix BAD2 -input-file %s %s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix ERR2 %s ; RUN: not FileCheck -check-prefix BAD3 -input-file %s %s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix ERR3 %s ; RUN: not FileCheck -check-prefix BAD4 -input-file %s %s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix ERR4 %s ; RUN: not FileCheck -check-prefix BAD5 -input-file %s %s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix ERR5 %s ; RUN: not FileCheck -check-prefix BAD6 -input-file %s %s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix ERR6 %s ; RUN: not FileCheck -check-prefix BAD7 -input-file %s %s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix ERR7 %s ; RUN: not FileCheck -check-prefix BAD8 -input-file %s %s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix ERR8 %s ; RUN: not FileCheck -check-prefix BAD9 -input-file %s %s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix ERR9 %s ; RUN: not FileCheck -check-prefix BAD10 -input-file %s %s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix ERR10 %s ; RUN: not FileCheck -check-prefix BAD11 -input-file %s %s 2>&1 | FileCheck -check-prefix ERR11 %s 13 14 aaa 15 bbb 16 ccc 17 CHECK: [[@LINE-3]] {{a}}aa 18 CHECK: [[@LINE-3]] {{b}}bb 19 CHECK: [[@LINE-3]] {{c}}cc 20 foobar 21 CHECK: [[@LINE-1]] {{foo}}bar 22 23 arst CHECK: [[@LINE]] {{a}}rst 24 25 BAD1: [[@LINE:cant-have-regex]] 26 ERR1: line-count.txt:[[#@LINE-1]]:12: error: invalid name in string variable definition 27 28 BAD2: [[ @LINE]] 29 ERR2: line-count.txt:[[#@LINE-1]]:12: error: unexpected whitespace 30 31 BAD3: [[@LINE ]] 32 ERR3: line-count.txt:[[#@LINE-1]]:17: error: unexpected whitespace 33 34 BAD4: [[ @LINE-1]] 35 ERR4: line-count.txt:[[#@LINE-1]]:12: error: unexpected whitespace 36 37 BAD5: [[@LINE -1]] 38 ERR5: line-count.txt:[[#@LINE-1]]:17: error: unexpected whitespace 39 40 BAD6: [[@LINE- 1]] 41 ERR6: line-count.txt:[[#@LINE-1]]:18: error: unexpected whitespace 42 43 BAD7: [[@LINE-1 ]] 44 ERR7: line-count.txt:[[#@LINE-1]]:19: error: unexpected whitespace 45 46 BAD8: [[@LIN]] 47 ERR8: line-count.txt:[[#@LINE-1]]:12: error: invalid pseudo numeric variable '@LIN' 48 49 BAD9: [[@LINE*2]] 50 ERR9: line-count.txt:[[#@LINE-1]]:17: error: unsupported operation '*' 51 52 BAD10: [[@LINE-x]] 53 ERR10: line-count.txt:[[#@LINE-1]]:19: error: invalid operand format 'x' 54 55 BAD11: [[@LINE-1x]] 56 ERR11: line-count.txt:[[#@LINE-1]]:20: error: unexpected characters at end of expression 'x' 57 ; RUN: not FileCheck -check-prefix BAD12 -input-file %s %s 2>&1 \ ; RUN: | FileCheck -check-prefix ERR12 %s 60 61 BAD12: [[#@LINE-1]] NOT HERE 62 ERR12: note: with "@LINE-1" equal to "60" 63 64 CHECK: [[#@LINE]] CHECK 65 CHECK: [[# @LINE]] CHECK 66 CHECK: [[# @LINE ]] CHECK 67 68 CHECK: [[#@LINE-1]] 69 CHECK: [[# @LINE-1]] CHECK 70 CHECK: [[# @LINE -1]] CHECK 71 CHECK: [[# @LINE - 1]] CHECK 72 CHECK: [[# @LINE - 1 ]] CHECK