// RUN: clang -fsyntax-only -verify %s class X { public: operator bool(); operator int() const; bool f() { return operator bool(); } float g() { return operator float(); // expected-error{{no matching function for call to 'operator float'}} } }; operator int(); // expected-error{{conversion function must be a non-static member function}} operator int; // expected-error{{'operator int' cannot be the name of a variable or data member}} typedef int func_type(int); typedef int array_type[10]; class Y { public: void operator bool(int, ...) const; // expected-error{{conversion function cannot have a return type}} \ // expected-error{{conversion function cannot have any parameters}} \ // expected-error{{conversion function cannot be variadic}} operator func_type(); // expected-error{{conversion function cannot convert to a function type}} operator array_type(); // expected-error{{conversion function cannot convert to an array type}} }; typedef int INT; typedef INT* INT_PTR; class Z { operator int(); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}} operator int**(); // expected-note {{previous declaration is here}} operator INT(); // expected-error{{conversion function cannot be redeclared}} operator INT_PTR*(); // expected-error{{conversion function cannot be redeclared}} }; class A { }; class B : public A { public: operator A&() const; // expected-warning{{conversion function converting 'class B' to its base class 'class A' will never be used}} operator const void() const; // expected-warning{{conversion function converting 'class B' to 'void const' will never be used}} operator const B(); // expected-warning{{conversion function converting 'class B' to itself will never be used}} };