// RUN: clang -fsyntax-only -verify %s typedef int INTF3; // expected-error {{previous definition is here}} @interface SUPER @end // expected-error {{previous definition is here}} @interface OBJECT @end @interface INTF : OBJECT @end @implementation INTF @end @implementation INTF // expected-error {{reimplementation of class 'INTF'}} @end @interface INTF1 : OBJECT @end @implementation INTF1 : SUPER // expected-error {{conflicting super class name 'SUPER'}} @end @interface INTF2 @end @implementation INTF2 : SUPR // expected-error {{cannot find interface declaration for 'SUPR', superclass of 'INTF2'}} @end @implementation INTF3 @end // expected-error {{redefinition of 'INTF3' as different kind of symbol}} @implementation INTF4 @end // expected-warning {{cannot find interface declaration for 'INTF4'}}