// REQUIRES: arm // RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=armv7a-none-linux-gnueabi %p/Inputs/arm-tls-get-addr.s -o %t1.o // RUN: ld.lld %t1.o --shared -soname=t1.so -o %t1.so // RUN: llvm-mc %s -o %t.o -filetype=obj -triple=armv7a-linux-gnueabi // RUN: ld.lld %t1.so %t.o -o %t // RUN: llvm-readobj -S --dyn-relocations %t | FileCheck %s // This tls global-dynamic sequence is with respect to a preemptible symbol but // is in an application so a relaxation to Initial Exec would normally be // possible. This would result in an assertion failure on ARM as the // relaxation functions can't be implemented on ARM. Check that the sequence // is handled as global dynamic .text .syntax unified .globl func .p2align 2 .type func,%function func: .L0: .globl __tls_get_addr bl __tls_get_addr bx lr .p2align 2 .Lt0: .word y(TLSGD) + (. - .L0 - 8) // CHECK: Dynamic Relocations { // CHECK-NEXT: 0x12290 R_ARM_TLS_DTPMOD32 y // CHECK-NEXT: 0x12294 R_ARM_TLS_DTPOFF32 y // CHECK-NEXT: 0x132A4 R_ARM_JUMP_SLOT __tls_get_addr