//===--- CompilerInstance.cpp ---------------------------------------------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "clang/Frontend/CompilerInstance.h" #include "clang/AST/ASTConsumer.h" #include "clang/AST/ASTContext.h" #include "clang/Basic/Diagnostic.h" #include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h" #include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h" #include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h" #include "clang/Basic/Version.h" #include "clang/Lex/HeaderSearch.h" #include "clang/Lex/Preprocessor.h" #include "clang/Lex/PTHManager.h" #include "clang/Frontend/ChainedDiagnosticClient.h" #include "clang/Frontend/FrontendAction.h" #include "clang/Frontend/PCHReader.h" #include "clang/Frontend/FrontendDiagnostic.h" #include "clang/Frontend/TextDiagnosticPrinter.h" #include "clang/Frontend/VerifyDiagnosticsClient.h" #include "clang/Frontend/Utils.h" #include "clang/Sema/CodeCompleteConsumer.h" #include "llvm/LLVMContext.h" #include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h" #include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h" #include "llvm/Support/Timer.h" #include "llvm/System/Host.h" #include "llvm/System/Path.h" #include "llvm/System/Program.h" using namespace clang; CompilerInstance::CompilerInstance() : Invocation(new CompilerInvocation()) { } CompilerInstance::~CompilerInstance() { } void CompilerInstance::setLLVMContext(llvm::LLVMContext *Value) { LLVMContext.reset(Value); } void CompilerInstance::setInvocation(CompilerInvocation *Value) { Invocation.reset(Value); } void CompilerInstance::setDiagnostics(Diagnostic *Value) { Diagnostics.reset(Value); } void CompilerInstance::setDiagnosticClient(DiagnosticClient *Value) { DiagClient.reset(Value); } void CompilerInstance::setTarget(TargetInfo *Value) { Target.reset(Value); } void CompilerInstance::setFileManager(FileManager *Value) { FileMgr.reset(Value); } void CompilerInstance::setSourceManager(SourceManager *Value) { SourceMgr.reset(Value); } void CompilerInstance::setPreprocessor(Preprocessor *Value) { PP.reset(Value); } void CompilerInstance::setASTContext(ASTContext *Value) { Context.reset(Value); } void CompilerInstance::setASTConsumer(ASTConsumer *Value) { Consumer.reset(Value); } void CompilerInstance::setCodeCompletionConsumer(CodeCompleteConsumer *Value) { CompletionConsumer.reset(Value); } // Diagnostics namespace { class BinaryDiagnosticSerializer : public DiagnosticClient { llvm::raw_ostream &OS; SourceManager *SourceMgr; public: explicit BinaryDiagnosticSerializer(llvm::raw_ostream &OS) : OS(OS), SourceMgr(0) { } virtual void HandleDiagnostic(Diagnostic::Level DiagLevel, const DiagnosticInfo &Info); }; } void BinaryDiagnosticSerializer::HandleDiagnostic(Diagnostic::Level DiagLevel, const DiagnosticInfo &Info) { StoredDiagnostic(DiagLevel, Info).Serialize(OS); } static void SetUpBuildDumpLog(const DiagnosticOptions &DiagOpts, unsigned argc, char **argv, Diagnostic &Diags) { std::string ErrorInfo; llvm::OwningPtr OS( new llvm::raw_fd_ostream(DiagOpts.DumpBuildInformation.c_str(), ErrorInfo)); if (!ErrorInfo.empty()) { Diags.Report(diag::err_fe_unable_to_open_logfile) << DiagOpts.DumpBuildInformation << ErrorInfo; return; } (*OS) << "clang -cc1 command line arguments: "; for (unsigned i = 0; i != argc; ++i) (*OS) << argv[i] << ' '; (*OS) << '\n'; // Chain in a diagnostic client which will log the diagnostics. DiagnosticClient *Logger = new TextDiagnosticPrinter(*OS.take(), DiagOpts, /*OwnsOutputStream=*/true); Diags.setClient(new ChainedDiagnosticClient(Diags.getClient(), Logger)); } void CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics(int Argc, char **Argv) { Diagnostics.reset(createDiagnostics(getDiagnosticOpts(), Argc, Argv)); if (Diagnostics) DiagClient.reset(Diagnostics->getClient()); } Diagnostic *CompilerInstance::createDiagnostics(const DiagnosticOptions &Opts, int Argc, char **Argv) { llvm::OwningPtr Diags(new Diagnostic()); // Create the diagnostic client for reporting errors or for // implementing -verify. llvm::OwningPtr DiagClient; if (Opts.BinaryOutput) { if (llvm::sys::Program::ChangeStderrToBinary()) { // We weren't able to set standard error to binary, which is a // bit of a problem. So, just create a text diagnostic printer // to complain about this problem, and pretend that the user // didn't try to use binary output. DiagClient.reset(new TextDiagnosticPrinter(llvm::errs(), Opts)); Diags->setClient(DiagClient.take()); Diags->Report(diag::err_fe_stderr_binary); return Diags.take(); } else { DiagClient.reset(new BinaryDiagnosticSerializer(llvm::errs())); } } else { DiagClient.reset(new TextDiagnosticPrinter(llvm::errs(), Opts)); } // Chain in -verify checker, if requested. if (Opts.VerifyDiagnostics) DiagClient.reset(new VerifyDiagnosticsClient(*Diags, DiagClient.take())); Diags->setClient(DiagClient.take()); if (!Opts.DumpBuildInformation.empty()) SetUpBuildDumpLog(Opts, Argc, Argv, *Diags); // Configure our handling of diagnostics. ProcessWarningOptions(*Diags, Opts); return Diags.take(); } // File Manager void CompilerInstance::createFileManager() { FileMgr.reset(new FileManager()); } // Source Manager void CompilerInstance::createSourceManager() { SourceMgr.reset(new SourceManager(getDiagnostics())); } // Preprocessor void CompilerInstance::createPreprocessor() { PP.reset(createPreprocessor(getDiagnostics(), getLangOpts(), getPreprocessorOpts(), getHeaderSearchOpts(), getDependencyOutputOpts(), getTarget(), getFrontendOpts(), getSourceManager(), getFileManager())); } Preprocessor * CompilerInstance::createPreprocessor(Diagnostic &Diags, const LangOptions &LangInfo, const PreprocessorOptions &PPOpts, const HeaderSearchOptions &HSOpts, const DependencyOutputOptions &DepOpts, const TargetInfo &Target, const FrontendOptions &FEOpts, SourceManager &SourceMgr, FileManager &FileMgr) { // Create a PTH manager if we are using some form of a token cache. PTHManager *PTHMgr = 0; if (!PPOpts.TokenCache.empty()) PTHMgr = PTHManager::Create(PPOpts.TokenCache, Diags); // Create the Preprocessor. HeaderSearch *HeaderInfo = new HeaderSearch(FileMgr); Preprocessor *PP = new Preprocessor(Diags, LangInfo, Target, SourceMgr, *HeaderInfo, PTHMgr, /*OwnsHeaderSearch=*/true); // Note that this is different then passing PTHMgr to Preprocessor's ctor. // That argument is used as the IdentifierInfoLookup argument to // IdentifierTable's ctor. if (PTHMgr) { PTHMgr->setPreprocessor(PP); PP->setPTHManager(PTHMgr); } if (PPOpts.DetailedRecord) PP->createPreprocessingRecord(); InitializePreprocessor(*PP, PPOpts, HSOpts, FEOpts); // Handle generating dependencies, if requested. if (!DepOpts.OutputFile.empty()) AttachDependencyFileGen(*PP, DepOpts); return PP; } // ASTContext void CompilerInstance::createASTContext() { Preprocessor &PP = getPreprocessor(); Context.reset(new ASTContext(getLangOpts(), PP.getSourceManager(), getTarget(), PP.getIdentifierTable(), PP.getSelectorTable(), PP.getBuiltinInfo(), /*FreeMemory=*/ !getFrontendOpts().DisableFree, /*size_reserve=*/ 0)); } // ExternalASTSource void CompilerInstance::createPCHExternalASTSource(llvm::StringRef Path) { llvm::OwningPtr Source; Source.reset(createPCHExternalASTSource(Path, getHeaderSearchOpts().Sysroot, getPreprocessor(), getASTContext())); getASTContext().setExternalSource(Source); } ExternalASTSource * CompilerInstance::createPCHExternalASTSource(llvm::StringRef Path, const std::string &Sysroot, Preprocessor &PP, ASTContext &Context) { llvm::OwningPtr Reader; Reader.reset(new PCHReader(PP, &Context, Sysroot.empty() ? 0 : Sysroot.c_str())); switch (Reader->ReadPCH(Path)) { case PCHReader::Success: // Set the predefines buffer as suggested by the PCH reader. Typically, the // predefines buffer will be empty. PP.setPredefines(Reader->getSuggestedPredefines()); return Reader.take(); case PCHReader::Failure: // Unrecoverable failure: don't even try to process the input file. break; case PCHReader::IgnorePCH: // No suitable PCH file could be found. Return an error. break; } return 0; } // Code Completion void CompilerInstance::createCodeCompletionConsumer() { const ParsedSourceLocation &Loc = getFrontendOpts().CodeCompletionAt; CompletionConsumer.reset( createCodeCompletionConsumer(getPreprocessor(), Loc.FileName, Loc.Line, Loc.Column, getFrontendOpts().DebugCodeCompletionPrinter, getFrontendOpts().ShowMacrosInCodeCompletion, llvm::outs())); if (!CompletionConsumer) return; if (CompletionConsumer->isOutputBinary() && llvm::sys::Program::ChangeStdoutToBinary()) { getPreprocessor().getDiagnostics().Report(diag::err_fe_stdout_binary); CompletionConsumer.reset(); } } void CompilerInstance::createFrontendTimer() { FrontendTimer.reset(new llvm::Timer("Clang front-end timer")); } CodeCompleteConsumer * CompilerInstance::createCodeCompletionConsumer(Preprocessor &PP, const std::string &Filename, unsigned Line, unsigned Column, bool UseDebugPrinter, bool ShowMacros, llvm::raw_ostream &OS) { // Tell the source manager to chop off the given file at a specific // line and column. const FileEntry *Entry = PP.getFileManager().getFile(Filename); if (!Entry) { PP.getDiagnostics().Report(diag::err_fe_invalid_code_complete_file) << Filename; return 0; } // Truncate the named file at the given line/column. PP.SetCodeCompletionPoint(Entry, Line, Column); // Set up the creation routine for code-completion. if (UseDebugPrinter) return new PrintingCodeCompleteConsumer(ShowMacros, OS); else return new CIndexCodeCompleteConsumer(ShowMacros, OS); } // Output Files void CompilerInstance::addOutputFile(llvm::StringRef Path, llvm::raw_ostream *OS) { assert(OS && "Attempt to add empty stream to output list!"); OutputFiles.push_back(std::make_pair(Path, OS)); } void CompilerInstance::clearOutputFiles(bool EraseFiles) { for (std::list< std::pair >::iterator it = OutputFiles.begin(), ie = OutputFiles.end(); it != ie; ++it) { delete it->second; if (EraseFiles && !it->first.empty()) llvm::sys::Path(it->first).eraseFromDisk(); } OutputFiles.clear(); } llvm::raw_fd_ostream * CompilerInstance::createDefaultOutputFile(bool Binary, llvm::StringRef InFile, llvm::StringRef Extension) { return createOutputFile(getFrontendOpts().OutputFile, Binary, InFile, Extension); } llvm::raw_fd_ostream * CompilerInstance::createOutputFile(llvm::StringRef OutputPath, bool Binary, llvm::StringRef InFile, llvm::StringRef Extension) { std::string Error, OutputPathName; llvm::raw_fd_ostream *OS = createOutputFile(OutputPath, Error, Binary, InFile, Extension, &OutputPathName); if (!OS) { getDiagnostics().Report(diag::err_fe_unable_to_open_output) << OutputPath << Error; return 0; } // Add the output file -- but don't try to remove "-", since this means we are // using stdin. addOutputFile((OutputPathName != "-") ? OutputPathName : "", OS); return OS; } llvm::raw_fd_ostream * CompilerInstance::createOutputFile(llvm::StringRef OutputPath, std::string &Error, bool Binary, llvm::StringRef InFile, llvm::StringRef Extension, std::string *ResultPathName) { std::string OutFile; if (!OutputPath.empty()) { OutFile = OutputPath; } else if (InFile == "-") { OutFile = "-"; } else if (!Extension.empty()) { llvm::sys::Path Path(InFile); Path.eraseSuffix(); Path.appendSuffix(Extension); OutFile = Path.str(); } else { OutFile = "-"; } llvm::OwningPtr OS( new llvm::raw_fd_ostream(OutFile.c_str(), Error, (Binary ? llvm::raw_fd_ostream::F_Binary : 0))); if (!Error.empty()) return 0; if (ResultPathName) *ResultPathName = OutFile; return OS.take(); } // Initialization Utilities bool CompilerInstance::InitializeSourceManager(llvm::StringRef InputFile) { return InitializeSourceManager(InputFile, getDiagnostics(), getFileManager(), getSourceManager(), getFrontendOpts()); } bool CompilerInstance::InitializeSourceManager(llvm::StringRef InputFile, Diagnostic &Diags, FileManager &FileMgr, SourceManager &SourceMgr, const FrontendOptions &Opts) { // Figure out where to get and map in the main file. if (InputFile != "-") { const FileEntry *File = FileMgr.getFile(InputFile); if (File) SourceMgr.createMainFileID(File, SourceLocation()); if (SourceMgr.getMainFileID().isInvalid()) { Diags.Report(diag::err_fe_error_reading) << InputFile; return false; } } else { llvm::MemoryBuffer *SB = llvm::MemoryBuffer::getSTDIN(); SourceMgr.createMainFileIDForMemBuffer(SB); if (SourceMgr.getMainFileID().isInvalid()) { Diags.Report(diag::err_fe_error_reading_stdin); return false; } } return true; } // High-Level Operations bool CompilerInstance::ExecuteAction(FrontendAction &Act) { assert(hasDiagnostics() && "Diagnostics engine is not initialized!"); assert(!getFrontendOpts().ShowHelp && "Client must handle '-help'!"); assert(!getFrontendOpts().ShowVersion && "Client must handle '-version'!"); // FIXME: Take this as an argument, once all the APIs we used have moved to // taking it as an input instead of hard-coding llvm::errs. llvm::raw_ostream &OS = llvm::errs(); // Create the target instance. setTarget(TargetInfo::CreateTargetInfo(getDiagnostics(), getTargetOpts())); if (!hasTarget()) return false; // Inform the target of the language options. // // FIXME: We shouldn't need to do this, the target should be immutable once // created. This complexity should be lifted elsewhere. getTarget().setForcedLangOptions(getLangOpts()); // Validate/process some options. if (getHeaderSearchOpts().Verbose) OS << "clang -cc1 version " CLANG_VERSION_STRING << " based upon " << PACKAGE_STRING << " hosted on " << llvm::sys::getHostTriple() << "\n"; if (getFrontendOpts().ShowTimers) createFrontendTimer(); for (unsigned i = 0, e = getFrontendOpts().Inputs.size(); i != e; ++i) { const std::string &InFile = getFrontendOpts().Inputs[i].second; // If we aren't using an AST file, setup the file and source managers and // the preprocessor. bool IsAST = getFrontendOpts().Inputs[i].first == FrontendOptions::IK_AST; if (!IsAST) { if (!i) { // Create a file manager object to provide access to and cache the // filesystem. createFileManager(); // Create the source manager. createSourceManager(); } else { // Reset the ID tables if we are reusing the SourceManager. getSourceManager().clearIDTables(); } // Create the preprocessor. createPreprocessor(); } if (Act.BeginSourceFile(*this, InFile, IsAST)) { Act.Execute(); Act.EndSourceFile(); } } if (getDiagnosticOpts().ShowCarets) if (unsigned NumDiagnostics = getDiagnostics().getNumDiagnostics()) OS << NumDiagnostics << " diagnostic" << (NumDiagnostics == 1 ? "" : "s") << " generated.\n"; if (getFrontendOpts().ShowStats) { getFileManager().PrintStats(); OS << "\n"; } // Return the appropriate status when verifying diagnostics. // // FIXME: If we could make getNumErrors() do the right thing, we wouldn't need // this. if (getDiagnosticOpts().VerifyDiagnostics) return !static_cast( getDiagnosticClient()).HadErrors(); return !getDiagnostics().getNumErrors(); }