LLDB API Documentation

Public Types | Public Member Functions | Static Public Member Functions | Protected Member Functions | Friends | List of all members
lldb::SBThread Class Reference

#include <SBThread.h>

Public Types

enum  {
  eBroadcastBitStackChanged = (1 << 0), eBroadcastBitThreadSuspended = (1 << 1), eBroadcastBitThreadResumed = (1 << 2), eBroadcastBitSelectedFrameChanged = (1 << 3),
  eBroadcastBitThreadSelected = (1 << 4)

Public Member Functions

 SBThread ()
 SBThread (const lldb::SBThread &thread)
 SBThread (const lldb::ThreadSP &lldb_object_sp)
 ~SBThread ()
bool IsValid () const
void Clear ()
lldb::StopReason GetStopReason ()
size_t GetStopReasonDataCount ()
uint64_t GetStopReasonDataAtIndex (uint32_t idx)
size_t GetStopDescription (char *dst, size_t dst_len)
SBValue GetStopReturnValue ()
lldb::tid_t GetThreadID () const
uint32_t GetIndexID () const
const char * GetName () const
const char * GetQueueName () const
void StepOver (lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads=lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping)
void StepInto (lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads=lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping)
void StepInto (const char *target_name, lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads=lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping)
void StepOut ()
void StepOutOfFrame (lldb::SBFrame &frame)
void StepInstruction (bool step_over)
SBError StepOverUntil (lldb::SBFrame &frame, lldb::SBFileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line)
void RunToAddress (lldb::addr_t addr)
SBError ReturnFromFrame (SBFrame &frame, SBValue &return_value)
bool Suspend ()
bool Resume ()
bool IsSuspended ()
bool IsStopped ()
uint32_t GetNumFrames ()
lldb::SBFrame GetFrameAtIndex (uint32_t idx)
lldb::SBFrame GetSelectedFrame ()
lldb::SBFrame SetSelectedFrame (uint32_t frame_idx)
lldb::SBProcess GetProcess ()
const lldb::SBThreadoperator= (const lldb::SBThread &rhs)
bool operator== (const lldb::SBThread &rhs) const
bool operator!= (const lldb::SBThread &rhs) const
bool GetDescription (lldb::SBStream &description) const
bool GetStatus (lldb::SBStream &status) const

Static Public Member Functions

static const char * GetBroadcasterClassName ()
static bool EventIsThreadEvent (const SBEvent &event)
static SBFrame GetStackFrameFromEvent (const SBEvent &event)
static SBThread GetThreadFromEvent (const SBEvent &event)

Protected Member Functions

void SetThread (const lldb::ThreadSP &lldb_object_sp)
SBError ResumeNewPlan (lldb_private::ExecutionContext &exe_ctx, lldb_private::ThreadPlan *new_plan)


class SBBreakpoint
class SBBreakpointLocation
class SBFrame
class SBProcess
class SBDebugger
class SBValue

Detailed Description

Definition at line 21 of file SBThread.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

anonymous enum

Definition at line 24 of file SBThread.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

lldb::SBThread::SBThread ( )
lldb::SBThread::SBThread ( const lldb::SBThread thread)
lldb::SBThread::SBThread ( const lldb::ThreadSP &  lldb_object_sp)
lldb::SBThread::~SBThread ( )

Member Function Documentation

void lldb::SBThread::Clear ( )
static bool lldb::SBThread::EventIsThreadEvent ( const SBEvent event)
static const char* lldb::SBThread::GetBroadcasterClassName ( )
bool lldb::SBThread::GetDescription ( lldb::SBStream description) const
lldb::SBFrame lldb::SBThread::GetFrameAtIndex ( uint32_t  idx)
uint32_t lldb::SBThread::GetIndexID ( ) const
const char* lldb::SBThread::GetName ( ) const
uint32_t lldb::SBThread::GetNumFrames ( )
lldb::SBProcess lldb::SBThread::GetProcess ( )
const char* lldb::SBThread::GetQueueName ( ) const
lldb::SBFrame lldb::SBThread::GetSelectedFrame ( )
static SBFrame lldb::SBThread::GetStackFrameFromEvent ( const SBEvent event)
bool lldb::SBThread::GetStatus ( lldb::SBStream status) const
size_t lldb::SBThread::GetStopDescription ( char *  dst,
size_t  dst_len 
lldb::StopReason lldb::SBThread::GetStopReason ( )
uint64_t lldb::SBThread::GetStopReasonDataAtIndex ( uint32_t  idx)

Get information associated with a stop reason.

Breakpoint stop reasons will have data that consists of pairs of breakpoint IDs followed by the breakpoint location IDs (they always come in pairs).

Stop Reason Count Data Type ======================== ===== ========================================= eStopReasonNone 0 eStopReasonTrace 0 eStopReasonBreakpoint N duple: {breakpoint id, location id} eStopReasonWatchpoint 1 watchpoint id eStopReasonSignal 1 unix signal number eStopReasonException N exception data eStopReasonExec 0 eStopReasonPlanComplete 0

size_t lldb::SBThread::GetStopReasonDataCount ( )

Get the number of words associated with the stop reason. See also GetStopReasonDataAtIndex().

SBValue lldb::SBThread::GetStopReturnValue ( )
static SBThread lldb::SBThread::GetThreadFromEvent ( const SBEvent event)
lldb::tid_t lldb::SBThread::GetThreadID ( ) const
bool lldb::SBThread::IsStopped ( )
bool lldb::SBThread::IsSuspended ( )
bool lldb::SBThread::IsValid ( ) const
bool lldb::SBThread::operator!= ( const lldb::SBThread rhs) const
const lldb::SBThread& lldb::SBThread::operator= ( const lldb::SBThread rhs)
bool lldb::SBThread::operator== ( const lldb::SBThread rhs) const
bool lldb::SBThread::Resume ( )
SBError lldb::SBThread::ResumeNewPlan ( lldb_private::ExecutionContext &  exe_ctx,
lldb_private::ThreadPlan *  new_plan 
SBError lldb::SBThread::ReturnFromFrame ( SBFrame frame,
SBValue return_value 
void lldb::SBThread::RunToAddress ( lldb::addr_t  addr)
lldb::SBFrame lldb::SBThread::SetSelectedFrame ( uint32_t  frame_idx)
void lldb::SBThread::SetThread ( const lldb::ThreadSP &  lldb_object_sp)
void lldb::SBThread::StepInstruction ( bool  step_over)
void lldb::SBThread::StepInto ( lldb::RunMode  stop_other_threads = lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping)
void lldb::SBThread::StepInto ( const char *  target_name,
lldb::RunMode  stop_other_threads = lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping 
void lldb::SBThread::StepOut ( )
void lldb::SBThread::StepOutOfFrame ( lldb::SBFrame frame)
void lldb::SBThread::StepOver ( lldb::RunMode  stop_other_threads = lldb::eOnlyDuringStepping)
SBError lldb::SBThread::StepOverUntil ( lldb::SBFrame frame,
lldb::SBFileSpec file_spec,
uint32_t  line 
bool lldb::SBThread::Suspend ( )

LLDB currently supports process centric debugging which means when any thread in a process stops, all other threads are stopped. The Suspend() call here tells our process to suspend a thread and not let it run when the other threads in a process are allowed to run. So when SBProcess::Continue() is called, any threads that aren't suspended will be allowed to run. If any of the SBThread functions for stepping are called (StepOver, StepInto, StepOut, StepInstruction, RunToAddres), the thread will not be allowed to run and these funtions will simply return.

Eventually we plan to add support for thread centric debugging where each thread is controlled individually and each thread would broadcast its state, but we haven't implemented this yet.

Likewise the SBThread::Resume() call will again allow the thread to run when the process is continued.

Suspend() and Resume() functions are not currently reference counted, if anyone has the need for them to be reference counted, please let us know.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class SBBreakpoint

Definition at line 199 of file SBThread.h.

friend class SBBreakpointLocation

Definition at line 200 of file SBThread.h.

friend class SBDebugger

Definition at line 203 of file SBThread.h.

friend class SBFrame

Definition at line 201 of file SBThread.h.

friend class SBProcess

Definition at line 202 of file SBThread.h.

friend class SBValue

Definition at line 204 of file SBThread.h.

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