Setup infrastructure at LLVM

We are currently moving to the LLVM infrastructure

Task Status Owner
Move to LLVM SVN done
Git mirror done
Commit mails done
LLVM Bugzilla category done
LLVM Bugzilla
(Product is 'Projects', Component is 'Polly')
Website in progress, later maybe
Buildbot that runs 'make polly-test' done
Nightly performance/coverage tests
(with the llvm test-suite)

Phase 2

The second phase of Polly can build on a robust, but very limited framework. In this phase work on removing limitations and extending the framework is planned. Also we plan the first very simple transformations. Furthermore the build system will be improved to simplify deployment.

Task Status Owner
Support for casts in expressions
Support multi dimensional arrays. planning Tobias
Alias sets
Middle end
Task Status Owner
Implement ISL dependency analysis pass working Tobias
Connect pocc/pluto working Tobias
Finish OpenSCoP support Blocked (waiting for OpenSCoP)
Add SCoPLib 0.2 support to connect pocc done Tobias
Write simple loop blocking
Task Status Owner
Code generation for non 64bit targets
Add write support for data access functions Still open
Create vector loops 70% done Tobias
Create OpenMP loops 90% done Raghesh & Tobias
General tasks
Task Status Owner
Commit RegionPass patch upstream done Tobias
Build against an installed LLVM Partial (cmake build without tests) ether
Setup buildbot regression testers using LNT Still open

Phase 1 - Get something working (Finished October 2010)

The first iteration of this project aims to create a minimal working version of this framework, that is capable to transform an LLVM-IR program to the polyhedral model and back to LLVM-IR without applying any transformations.

Task Status Owner
Region detection Working + Committed upstream Ether
Access Functions Working John + Ether
Alias sets Still open
Scalar evolution to affine expression Done Ether
SCoP extraction Working Tobias + Ether
SCoPs to polyhedral model Working Tobias + Ether
Middle end
Task Status Owner
Define polyhedral description Working Tobias
Import/Export using current openscop version Working Tobias
Task Status Owner
Create LLVM-IR using CLooG Working Tobias
General tasks
Task Status Owner
Setup git repositories Done Tobias
Add CLooG/isl to build system Works on Unix Tobias

Further projects

There are several great projects related to polly that can already be started or are possible in the near future.

Extend the post dominance analysis for infinite loops (small)

At the moment the post dominance analysis cannot handle infinite loops. All basic blocks in the CFG that do not return are - at the moment - not part of the post dominance tree. However by adding some virtual edges, they could be added to the post dominator tree. Where to add the edges needs some research.

This is a small project, that is is well defined. As it is directly in LLVM it can be easily committed upstream. It is useful for polly, as the RegionInfo pass will be able to detect regions in parts of the CFG that never return.

A good starter to get into LLVM


It is planned to use Polly to support vectorization in LLVM.

The basic idea is to use Polly and the polyhedral tools to transform code such that the innermost loops can be executed in parallel. Afterwards during code generation in LLVM the loops will be created using vector instructions.

To start we plan to use Pluto to transform the loop nests. Pluto can generate vector parallel code and annotate the vector parallel loops. Some impressive results were shown on code that was afterwards vectorized by the icc enforcing vectorization. We believe LLVM can do even better, as it can interact directly with the polyhedral information.

As an example simple matrix multiplication:

for(i=0; i<M; i++)
  for(j=0; j<N; j++)
    for(k=0; k<K; k++)
      C[i][j] = beta*C[i][j] + alpha*A[i][k] * B[k][j];

After plutos transformations with added tiling and vectorization hints:

if ((K >= 1) && (M >= 1) && (N >= 1))
  for (t1=0;t1<=floord(M-1,32);t1++)
    for (t2=0;t2<=floord(N-1,32);t2++)
      for (t3=0;t3<=floord(K-1,32);t3++)
        for (t4=32*t1;t4<=min(M-1,32*t1+31);t4++)
          for (t5=32*t3;t5<=min(K-1,32*t3+31);t5++) {
            #pragma ivdep
            #pragma vector always
            for (t6=lbv; t6<=ubv; t6++)

In this example the innermost loop is parallel without any dependencies.