// RUN: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=x86_64-unknown-linux %s -o %t.o // RUN: ld.lld %t.o -o %t1 // RUN: llvm-readobj -r %t1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=NORELOC %s // RUN: llvm-objdump -d %t1 | FileCheck --check-prefix=DISASM %s // NORELOC: Relocations [ // NORELOC-NEXT: ] // DISASM: Disassembly of section .text: // DISASM-NEXT: _start: // DISASM-NEXT: 11000: 48 c7 c0 f8 ff ff ff movq $-8, %rax // DISASM-NEXT: 11007: 49 c7 c7 f8 ff ff ff movq $-8, %r15 // DISASM-NEXT: 1100e: 48 8d 80 f8 ff ff ff leaq -8(%rax), %rax // DISASM-NEXT: 11015: 4d 8d bf f8 ff ff ff leaq -8(%r15), %r15 // DISASM-NEXT: 1101c: 48 81 c4 f8 ff ff ff addq $-8, %rsp // DISASM-NEXT: 11023: 49 81 c4 f8 ff ff ff addq $-8, %r12 // DISASM-NEXT: 1102a: 48 c7 c0 fc ff ff ff movq $-4, %rax // DISASM-NEXT: 11031: 49 c7 c7 fc ff ff ff movq $-4, %r15 // DISASM-NEXT: 11038: 48 8d 80 fc ff ff ff leaq -4(%rax), %rax // DISASM-NEXT: 1103f: 4d 8d bf fc ff ff ff leaq -4(%r15), %r15 // DISASM-NEXT: 11046: 48 81 c4 fc ff ff ff addq $-4, %rsp // DISASM-NEXT: 1104d: 49 81 c4 fc ff ff ff addq $-4, %r12 // Corrupred output: // DISASM-NEXT: 11054: 48 8d 80 f8 ff ff ff leaq -8(%rax), %rax // DISASM-NEXT: 1105b: 48 d1 81 c4 f8 ff ff rolq -1852(%rcx) // DISASM-NEXT: 11062: ff 48 d1 decl -47(%rax) // DISASM-NEXT: 11065: 81 c4 f8 ff ff ff addl $4294967288, %esp // LD to LE: // DISASM-NEXT: 1106b: 66 66 66 64 48 8b 04 25 00 00 00 00 movq %fs:0, %rax // DISASM-NEXT: 11077: 48 8d 88 f8 ff ff ff leaq -8(%rax), %rcx // DISASM-NEXT: 1107e: 66 66 66 64 48 8b 04 25 00 00 00 00 movq %fs:0, %rax // DISASM-NEXT: 1108a: 48 8d 88 fc ff ff ff leaq -4(%rax), %rcx // GD to LE: // DISASM-NEXT: 11091: 64 48 8b 04 25 00 00 00 00 movq %fs:0, %rax // DISASM-NEXT: 1109a: 48 8d 80 f8 ff ff ff leaq -8(%rax), %rax // DISASM-NEXT: 110a1: 64 48 8b 04 25 00 00 00 00 movq %fs:0, %rax // DISASM-NEXT: 110aa: 48 8d 80 fc ff ff ff leaq -4(%rax), %rax .type tls0,@object .section .tbss,"awT",@nobits .globl tls0 .align 4 tls0: .long 0 .size tls0, 4 .type tls1,@object .globl tls1 .align 4 tls1: .long 0 .size tls1, 4 .section .text .globl _start _start: movq tls0@GOTTPOFF(%rip), %rax movq tls0@GOTTPOFF(%rip), %r15 addq tls0@GOTTPOFF(%rip), %rax addq tls0@GOTTPOFF(%rip), %r15 addq tls0@GOTTPOFF(%rip), %rsp addq tls0@GOTTPOFF(%rip), %r12 movq tls1@GOTTPOFF(%rip), %rax movq tls1@GOTTPOFF(%rip), %r15 addq tls1@GOTTPOFF(%rip), %rax addq tls1@GOTTPOFF(%rip), %r15 addq tls1@GOTTPOFF(%rip), %rsp addq tls1@GOTTPOFF(%rip), %r12 //Invalid input case: xchgq tls0@gottpoff(%rip),%rax shlq tls0@gottpoff rolq tls0@gottpoff //LD to LE: leaq tls0@tlsld(%rip), %rdi callq __tls_get_addr@PLT leaq tls0@dtpoff(%rax),%rcx leaq tls1@tlsld(%rip), %rdi callq __tls_get_addr@PLT leaq tls1@dtpoff(%rax),%rcx //GD to LE: .byte 0x66 leaq tls0@tlsgd(%rip),%rdi .word 0x6666 rex64 call __tls_get_addr@plt .byte 0x66 leaq tls1@tlsgd(%rip),%rdi .word 0x6666 rex64 call __tls_get_addr@plt