C++ Defect Report Support in Clang

Last updated: $Date$

C++ defect report implementation status

This page tracks which C++ defect reports are implemented within Clang.

Number Status Issue title Available in Clang?
1 TC1 What if two using-declarations refer to the same function but the declarations introduce different default-arguments? No
2 drafting How can dependent names be used in member declarations that appear outside of the class template definition? Not resolved
3 NAD The template compilation model rules render some explicit specialization declarations not visible during instantiation Yes
4 CD1 Does extern "C" affect the linkage of function names with internal linkage? Yes
5 CD1 CV-qualifiers and type conversions Yes
6 open Should the optimization that allows a class object to alias another object also allow the case of a parameter in an inline function to alias its argument? Not resolved
7 NAD Can a class with a private virtual base class be derived from? Yes
8 CD1 Access to template arguments used in a function return type and in the nested name specifier Duplicate of 45
9 CD1 Clarification of access to base class members Yes
10 CD1 Can a nested class access its own class name as a qualified name if it is a private member of the enclosing class? Duplicate of 45
11 CD1 How do the keywords typename/template interact with using-declarations? Yes
12 dup Default arguments on different declarations for the same function and the Koenig lookup Superseded by 239
13 extension extern "C" for Parameters of Function Templates Not resolved
14 NAD extern "C" functions and declarations in different namespaces Yes
15 dup Default arguments for parameters of function templates Yes
16 CD1 Access to members of indirect private base classes Yes
17 NAD Footnote 99 should discuss the naming class when describing members that can be accessed from friends Yes
18 NAD f(TYPE) where TYPE is void should be allowed Yes
19 NAD Clarify protected member access Yes
20 TC1 Some clarifications needed for 12.8 para 15 Yes
21 TC1 Can a default argument for a template parameter appear in a friend declaration? Yes
22 TC1 Template parameter with a default argument that refers to itself Superseded by 481
23 NAD Some questions regarding partial ordering of function templates Yes
24 TC1 Errors in examples in 14.7.3 N/A
25 TC1 Exception specifications and pointers to members Yes
26 NAD Copy constructors and default arguments Yes
27 NAD Overload ambiguities for builtin ?: prototypes Yes
28 CD1 'exit', 'signal' and static object destruction N/A
29 CD1 Linkage of locally declared functions SVN
30 TC1 Valid uses of "::template" Superseded by 468
31 NAD Looking up new/delete Yes
32 TC1 Clarification of explicit instantiation of non-exported templates N/A
33 TC1 Argument dependent lookup and overloaded functions Yes
34 NAD Argument dependent lookup and points of instantiation N/A
35 TC1 Definition of default-initialization Duplicate of 178
36 open using-declarations in multiple-declaration contexts Not resolved
37 NAD When is uncaught_exception() true? Superseded by 475
38 TC1 Explicit template arguments and operator functions Yes
39 CD1 Conflicting ambiguity rules No
40 TC1 Syntax of declarator-id N/A
41 TC1 Clarification of lookup of names after declarator-id Yes
42 NAD Redefining names from base classes Yes
43 TC1 Copying base classes (PODs) using memcpy N/A
44 CD1 Member specializations Yes
45 CD1 Access to nested classes Yes
46 NAD Explicit instantiation of member templates Yes
47 NAD Template friend issues No
48 TC1 Definitions of unused static members Yes
49 TC1 Restriction on non-type, non-value template arguments Yes
50 NAD Converting pointer to incomplete type to same type Yes
51 TC1 Overloading and user-defined conversions Yes
52 TC1 Non-static members, member selection and access checking Yes
53 TC1 Lvalue-to-rvalue conversion before certain static_casts Yes
54 CD1 Static_cast from private base to derived class Yes
55 NAD Adding/subtracting pointer and enumeration value Yes
56 TC1 Redeclaring typedefs within classes Yes
57 open Empty unions Not resolved
58 CD1 Signedness of bit fields of enum type Yes
59 TC1 Clarification of overloading and UDC to reference type Yes
60 CD1 Reference binding and valid conversion sequences Yes
61 NAD Address of static member function "&p->f" Yes
62 CD1 Unnamed members of classes used as type parameters Yes
63 CD1 Class instantiation from pointer conversion to void*, null and self Yes
64 TC1 Partial ordering to disambiguate explicit specialization Yes
65 TC1 Typo in default argument example N/A
66 NAD Visibility of default args vs overloads added after using-declaration No
67 TC1 Evaluation of left side of object-expression N/A
68 TC1 Grammar does not allow "friend class A<int>;" Yes
69 TC1 Storage class specifiers on template declarations Yes
70 CD1 Is an array bound a nondeduced context? Yes
71 NAD Incorrect cross reference N/A
72 dup Linkage and storage class specifiers for templates Duplicate of 69
73 TC1 Pointer equality No
74 TC1 Enumeration value in direct-new-declarator Yes
75 TC1 In-class initialized members must be const Yes
76 TC1 Are const volatile variables considered "constant expressions"? Yes
77 CD1 The definition of friend does not allow nested classes to be friends Yes
78 CD1 Section 8.5 paragraph 9 should state it only applies to non-static objects Superseded by ????
79 dup Alignment and placement new N/A
80 TC1 Class members with same name as class Yes
81 NAD Null pointers and C compatability N/A
82 dup Definition of "using" a constant expression Duplicate of 48
83 TC1 Overloading and deprecated conversion of string literal Yes
84 TC1 Overloading and conversion loophole used by auto_ptr Yes
85 TC1 Redeclaration of member class Yes
86 CD1 Lifetime of temporaries in query expressions Duplicate of 446
87 CD1 Exception specifications on function parameters No
88 NAD Specialization of member constant templates Yes
89 TC1 Object lifetime does not account for reference rebinding N/A
90 TC1 Should the enclosing class be an "associated class" too? Yes
91 NAD A union's associated types should include the union itself Yes
92 open Should exception-specifications be part of the type system? Not resolved
93 TC1 Missing word in 3.8 basic.life paragraph 2 N/A
94 TC1 Inconsistencies in the descriptions of constant expressions Yes
95 NAD Elaborated type specifiers referencing names declared in friend decls Yes
96 FDIS Syntactic disambiguation using the template keyword No
97 NAD Use of bool constants in integral constant expressions Yes
98 TC1 Branching into try block Yes
99 NAD Partial ordering, references and cv-qualifiers Superseded by 214
100 TC1 Clarify why string literals are not allowed as template arguments Yes
101 TC1 Redeclaration of extern "C" names via using-declarations Yes
102 NAD Operator lookup rules do not work well with parts of the library Yes
103 TC1 Is it extended-namespace-definition or extension-namespace-definition ? N/A
104 NAD Destroying the exception temp when no handler is found Unknown
105 TC1 Meaning of "template function" N/A
106 CD1 Creating references to references during template deduction/instantiation Superseded by 540
107 NAD Linkage of operator functions Yes
108 TC1 Are classes nested in templates dependent? Yes
109 NAD Allowing ::template in using-declarations Yes
110 open Can template functions and classes be declared in the same scope? Not resolved
111 NAD Copy constructors and cv-qualifiers Duplicate of 535
112 CD1 Array types and cv-qualifiers Yes
113 CD1 Visibility of called function Yes
114 NAD Virtual overriding by template member function specializations Yes
115 CD1 Address of template-id Yes
116 TC1 Equivalent and functionally-equivalent function templates Yes
117 NAD Timing of destruction of temporaries N/A
118 CD1 Calls via pointers to virtual member functions Unknown
119 CD1 Object lifetime and aggregate initialization N/A
120 TC1 Nonexistent non-terminal qualified-name N/A
121 TC1 Dependent type names with non-dependent nested-name-specifiers Yes
122 CD1 template-ids as unqualified-ids Yes
123 TC1 Bad cross-reference N/A
124 CD1 Lifetime of temporaries in default initialization of class arrays Duplicate of 201
125 CD1 Ambiguity in friend declaration syntax Yes
126 TC1 Exception specifications and const No
127 TC1 Ambiguity in description of matching deallocation function Yes
128 TC1 Casting between enum types Yes
129 DR Stability of uninitialized auto variables Duplicate of 616
130 NAD Sequence points and new-expressions N/A
131 TC1 Typo in Lao characters Yes
132 NAD Local types and linkage No
133 dup Exception specifications and checking Duplicate of 87
134 TC1 Template classes and declarator-ids N/A
135 TC1 Class type in in-class member function definitions Yes
136 CD1 Default arguments and friend declarations SVN
137 TC1 static_cast of cv void* Yes
138 drafting Friend declaration name lookup Not resolved
139 CD1 Error in friend lookup example Yes
140 CD1 Agreement of parameter declarations Yes
141 CD1 Non-member function templates in member access expressions Yes
142 TC1 Injection-related errors in access example Yes
143 CD1 Friends and Koenig lookup Yes
144 open Position of friend specifier Not resolved
145 TC1 Deprecation of prefix ++ Yes
146 open Floating-point zero Not resolved
147 TC1 Naming the constructor No
148 TC1 POD classes and pointers to members Yes
149 TC1 Accessibility and ambiguity N/A
150 open Template template parameters and default arguments Not resolved
151 TC1 Terminology of zero-initialization Unknown
152 TC1 explicit copy constructors Unknown
153 TC1 Misleading wording (rank of conversion) Unknown
154 NAD Anonymous unions in unnamed namespaces Unknown
155 dup Brace initializer for scalar Unknown
156 drafting Name lookup for conversion functions Not resolved
157 open Omitted typedef declarator Not resolved
158 CD1 Aliasing and qualification conversions Unknown
159 TC1 Namespace qualification in declarators Unknown
160 CD1 Missing std:: qualification Unknown
161 TC1 Access to protected nested type Unknown
162 CD1 (&C::f)() with nonstatic members Unknown
163 TC1 Description of subaggregate initializer Unknown
164 TC1 Overlap between Koenig and normal lookup Unknown
165 NAD Definitions of friends and block-scope externs Unknown
166 TC1 Friend declarations of template-ids Unknown
167 NAD Deprecating static functions Unknown
168 NAD C linkage for static member functions Unknown
169 NAD template-ids in using-declarations Unknown
170 drafting Pointer-to-member conversions Not resolved
171 TC1 Global namespace scope Unknown
172 CD1 Unsigned int as underlying type of enum Unknown
173 TC1 Constraints on execution character set Unknown
174 NAD Undeprecating global static Unknown
175 CD1 Class name injection and base name access Unknown
176 TC1 Name injection and templates Unknown
177 CD1 Lvalues vs rvalues in copy-initialization Unknown
178 TC1 More on value-initialization Unknown
179 TC1 Function pointers and subtraction Unknown
180 CD1 typename and elaborated types Unknown
181 TC1 Errors in template template-parameter example Unknown
182 NAD Access checking on explicit specializations Unknown
183 TC1 typename in explicit specializations Unknown
184 CD1 Default arguments in template template-parameters Unknown
185 TC1 "Named" temporaries and copy elision Unknown
186 open Name hiding and template template-parameters Not resolved
187 TC1 Scope of template parameter names Unknown
188 TC1 Comma operator and rvalue conversion Unknown
189 drafting Definition of operator and punctuator Not resolved
190 TC1 Layout-compatible POD-struct types Unknown
191 open Name lookup does not handle complex nesting Not resolved
192 drafting Name lookup in parameters Not resolved
193 TC1 Order of destruction of local automatics of destructor Unknown
194 TC1 Identifying constructors Unknown
195 CD1 Converting between function and object pointers Unknown
196 open Arguments to deallocation functions Not resolved
197 CD1 Issues with two-stage lookup of dependent names Unknown
198 CD1 Definition of "use" in local and nested classes Unknown
199 CD1 Order of destruction of temporaries Unknown
200 dup Partial ordering and explicit arguments Unknown
201 CD1 Order of destruction of temporaries in initializers Unknown
202 TC1 Use of overloaded function name Unknown
203 extension Type of address-of-member expression Not resolved
204 CD1 Exported class templates Unknown
205 drafting Templates and static data members Not resolved
206 TC1 Semantic constraints on non-dependent names Unknown
207 CD1 using-declarations and protected access Unknown
208 CD1 Rethrowing exceptions in nested handlers Unknown
209 NAD Must friend declaration names be accessible? Unknown
210 TC1 What is the type matched by an exception handler? Unknown
211 NAD Constructors should not be allowed to return normally after an exception Unknown
212 drafting Implicit instantiation is not described clearly enough Not resolved
213 TC1 Lookup in dependent base classes Unknown
214 CD1 Partial ordering of function templates is underspecified Unknown
215 CD1 Template parameters are not allowed in nested-name-specifiers Unknown
216 CD1 Linkage of nameless class-scope enumeration types Unknown
217 TC1 Default arguments for non-template member functions of class templates Unknown
218 CD1 Specification of Koenig lookup Unknown
219 NAD Cannot defend against destructors that throw exceptions Unknown
220 CD1 All deallocation functions should be required not to throw Unknown
221 CD1 Must compound assignment operators be member functions? Unknown
222 CD1 Sequence points and lvalue-returning operators Unknown
223 DR The meaning of deprecation Unknown
224 CD1 Definition of dependent names Unknown
225 NAD Koenig lookup and fundamental types Unknown
226 CD1 Default template arguments for function templates Unknown
227 TC1 How many scopes in an if statement? Unknown
228 CD1 Use of template keyword with non-member templates Unknown
229 NAD Partial specialization of function templates Unknown
230 extension Calls to pure virtual functions Not resolved
231 NAD Visibility of names after using-directives Unknown
232 drafting Is indirection through a null pointer undefined behavior? Not resolved
233 drafting References vs pointers in UDC overload resolution Not resolved
234 NAD Reuse of base class subobjects Unknown
235 TC1 Assignment vs initialization Unknown
236 NAD Explicit temporaries and integral constant expressions Unknown
237 CD1 Explicit instantiation and base class members Unknown
238 open Precision and accuracy constraints on floating point Not resolved
239 CD1 Footnote 116 and Koenig lookup Unknown
240 DR Uninitialized values and undefined behavior Unknown
241 TC1 Error in example in 14.8.1 Unknown
242 open Interpretation of old-style casts Not resolved
243 NAD Weighting of conversion functions in direct-initialization Unknown
244 CD1 Destructor lookup Unknown
245 CD1 Name lookup in elaborated-type-specifiers Unknown
246 CD1 Jumps in function-try-block handlers Unknown
247 NAD Pointer-to-member casts and function overload resolution Unknown
248 FDIS Identifier characters Unknown
249 TC1 What is a member function template? Unknown
250 TC1 Address of function template specialization with non-deduced template arguments Unknown
251 open How many signed integer types are there? Not resolved
252 CD1 Looking up deallocation functions in virtual destructors Unknown
253 drafting Why must empty or fully-initialized const objects be initialized? Not resolved
254 CD1 Definitional problems with elaborated-type-specifiers Unknown
255 drafting Placement deallocation functions and lookup ambiguity Not resolved
256 CD1 Overflow in size calculations Unknown
257 CD2 Abstract base constructors and virtual base initialization Unknown
258 CD1 using-declarations and cv-qualifiers Unknown
259 CD1 Restrictions on explicit specialization and instantiation Unknown
260 drafting User-defined conversions and built-in operator= Not resolved
261 CD1 When is a deallocation function "used?" Unknown
262 CD1 Default arguments and ellipsis Unknown
263 CD1 Can a constructor be declared a friend? Unknown
264 open Unusable template constructors and conversion functions Not resolved
265 dup Destructors, exceptions, and deallocation Unknown
266 NAD No grammar sentence symbol Unknown
267 open Alignment requirement for new-expressions Not resolved
268 open Macro name suppression in rescanned replacement text Not resolved
269 NAD Order of initialization of multiply-defined static data members of class templates Unknown
270 CD1 Order of initialization of static data members of class templates Unknown
271 open Explicit instantiation and template argument deduction Not resolved
272 CD1 Explicit destructor invocation and qualified-ids Unknown
273 CD1 POD classes and operator&() Unknown
274 CD1 Cv-qualification and char-alias access to out-of-lifetime objects Unknown
275 CD1 Explicit instantiation/specialization and using-directives Unknown
276 CD1 Order of destruction of parameters and temporaries Unknown
277 CD1 Zero-initialization of pointers Unknown
278 open External linkage and nameless entities Not resolved
279 open Correspondence of "names for linkage purposes" Not resolved
280 CD1 Access and surrogate call functions Unknown
281 CD1 inline specifier in friend declarations Unknown
282 open Namespace for extended_type_info Not resolved
283 CD1 Template type-parameters are not syntactically type-names Unknown
284 CD1 qualified-ids in class declarations Unknown
285 NAD Identifying a function template being specialized Unknown
286 CD1 Incorrect example in partial specialization Unknown
287 drafting Order dependencies in template instantiation Not resolved
288 CD1 Misuse of "static type" in describing pointers Unknown
289 CD1 Incomplete list of contexts requiring a complete type Unknown
290 NAD Should memcpy be allowed into a POD with a const member? Unknown
291 CD1 Overload resolution needed when binding reference to class rvalue Unknown
292 DRWP Deallocation on exception in new before arguments evaluated Unknown
293 open Syntax of explicit instantiation/specialization too permissive Not resolved
294 NAD Can static_cast drop exception specifications? Unknown
295 CD1 cv-qualifiers on function types Unknown
296 CD1 Can conversion functions be static? Unknown
297 open Which template does an explicit specialization specialize? Not resolved
298 CD1 T::x when T is cv-qualified Unknown
299 CD1 Conversion on array bound expression in new Unknown
300 CD1 References to functions in template argument deduction Unknown
301 CD1 Syntax for template-name Unknown
302 CD1 Value-initialization and generation of default constructor Unknown
303 NAD Integral promotions on bit-fields Unknown
304 TC1 Value-initialization of a reference Unknown
305 CD1 Name lookup in destructor call Unknown
306 CD1 Ambiguity by class name injection Unknown
307 NAD Initialization of a virtual base class subobject Unknown
308 NAD Catching exceptions with ambiguous base classes Unknown
309 CD1 Linkage of entities whose names are not simply identifiers, in introduction Unknown
310 open Can function templates differing only in parameter cv-qualifiers be overloaded? Not resolved
311 NAD Using qualified name to reopen nested namespace Unknown
312 DR “use” of invalid pointer value not defined Unknown
313 dup Class with single conversion function to integral as array size in new Unknown
314 drafting template in base class specifier Not resolved
315 NAD Is call of static member function through null pointer undefined? Unknown
316 NAD Injected-class-name of template used as template template parameter Unknown
317 CD1 Can a function be declared inline after it has been called? Unknown
318 CD1 struct A::A should not name the constructor of A Unknown
319 CD1 Use of names without linkage in declaring entities with linkage Unknown
320 CD1 Question on copy constructor elision example Unknown
321 dup Associated classes and namespaces for argument-dependent lookup Unknown
322 CD1 Deduction of reference conversions Unknown
323 CD1 Where must export appear? Unknown
324 CD1 Can "&" be applied to assignment to bit-field? Unknown
325 drafting When are default arguments parsed? Not resolved
326 CD1 Wording for definition of trivial constructor Unknown
327 CD1 Use of "structure" without definition Unknown
328 CD1 Missing requirement that class member types be complete Unknown
329 CD1 Evaluation of friends of templates Unknown
330 open Qualification conversions and pointers to arrays of pointers Not resolved
331 CD1 Allowed copy constructor signatures Unknown
332 DRWP cv-qualified void parameter types Unknown
333 NAD Ambiguous use of "declaration" in disambiguation section Unknown
334 NAD Is a comma-expression dependent if its first operand is? Unknown
335 CD1 Allowing export on template members of nontemplate classes Unknown
336 CD1 Explicit specialization examples are still incorrect Unknown
337 CD1 Attempt to create array of abtract type should cause deduction to fail Unknown
338 open Enumerator name with linkage used as class name in other translation unit Not resolved
339 CD1 Overload resolution in operand of sizeof in constant expression Unknown
340 NAD Unclear wording in disambiguation section Unknown
341 FDIS extern "C" namespace member function versus global variable Unknown
342 DRWP Terminology: "indirection" versus "dereference" Unknown
343 open Make template optional in contexts that require a type Not resolved
344 open Naming destructors Not resolved
345 CD1 Misleading comment on example in templates chapter Unknown
346 NAD Typo in 15.4 Unknown
347 NAD Use of derived class name in defining base class nested class Unknown
348 CD1 delete and user-written deallocation functions Unknown
349 CD1 Template argument deduction for conversion functions and qualification conversions Unknown
350 open signed char underlying representation for objects Not resolved
351 CD1 Sequence point error: unspecified or undefined? Unknown
352 CD1 Nondeduced contexts Unknown
353 CD1 Is deallocation routine called if destructor throws exception in delete? Unknown
354 CD1 Null as nontype template argument Unknown
355 FDIS Global-scope :: in nested-name-specifier Unknown
356 NAD Wording of behavior of generated copy constructor for scalar members Unknown
357 CD1 Definition of signature should include name Unknown
358 NAD Namespaces and extern "C" Unknown
359 NAD Type definition in anonymous union Unknown
360 open Using-declaration that reduces access Not resolved
361 drafting Forward reference to default argument Not resolved
362 CD1 Order of initialization in instantiation units Unknown
363 NAD Initialization of class from self Unknown
364 CD1 Calling overloaded function with static in set, with no object Unknown
365 open Storage duration and temporaries Not resolved
366 CD1 String literal allowed in integral constant expression? Unknown
367 CD1 throw operator allowed in constant expression? Unknown
368 CD1 Uses of non-type parameters that should cause deduction to fail Unknown
369 drafting Are new/delete identifiers or preprocessing-op-or-punc? Not resolved
370 CD1 Can #include <...> form be used other than for standard C++ headers? Unknown
371 open Interleaving of constructor calls Not resolved
372 CD1 Is access granted by base class specifiers available in following base class specifiers? Unknown
373 FDIS Lookup on namespace qualified name in using-directive Unknown
374 CD2 Can explicit specialization outside namespace use qualified name? Unknown
375 dup Confusing example on lookup with typename Unknown
376 NAD Class "definition" versus class "declaration" Unknown
377 CD1 Enum whose enumerators will not fit in any integral type Unknown
378 CD1 Wording that says temporaries are declared Unknown
379 CD1 Change "class declaration" to "class definition" Unknown
380 open Definition of "ambiguous base class" missing Not resolved
381 CD1 Incorrect example of base class member lookup Unknown
382 CD1 Allow typename outside of templates Unknown
383 CD1 Is a class with a declared but not defined destructor a POD? Unknown
384 NAD Argument-dependent lookup and operator functions Unknown
385 CD1 How does protected member check of 11.5 interact with using-declarations? Unknown
386 drafting Friend declaration of name brought in by using-declaration Not resolved
387 CD1 Errors in example in 14.6.5 Unknown
388 DRWP Catching base*& from a throw of derived* Unknown
389 CD1 Unnamed types in entities with linkage Unknown
390 CD1 Pure virtual must be defined when implicitly called Unknown
391 CD1 Require direct binding of short-lived references to rvalues Unknown
392 CD1 Use of full expression lvalue before temporary destruction Unknown
393 drafting Pointer to array of unknown bound in template argument list in parameter Not resolved
394 CD1 identifier-list is never defined Unknown
395 NAD Conversion operator template syntax Unknown
396 CD1 Misleading note regarding use of auto for disambiguation Unknown
397 CD1 Same address for string literals from default arguments in inline functions? Unknown
398 CD1 Ambiguous wording on naming a type in deduction Unknown
399 drafting Destructor lookup redux Not resolved
400 CD1 Using-declarations and the "struct hack" Unknown
401 CD1 When is access for template parameter default arguments checked? Unknown
402 open More on partial ordering of function templates Not resolved
403 CD1 Reference to a type as a template-id Unknown
404 CD1 Unclear reference to construction with non-trivial constructor Unknown
405 open Unqualified function name lookup Not resolved
406 CD1 Static data member in class with name for linkage purposes Unknown
407 FDIS Named class with associated typedef: two names or one? Unknown
408 CD2 sizeof applied to unknown-bound array static data member of template Unknown
409 CD1 Obsolete paragraph missed by changes for issue 224 Unknown
410 CD1 Paragraph missed in changes for issue 166 Unknown
411 open Use of universal-character-name in character versus string literals Not resolved
412 NAD Can a replacement allocation function be inline? Unknown
413 CD1 Definition of "empty class" Unknown
414 CD1 Multiple types found on destructor lookup Unknown
415 CD1 Template deduction does not cause instantiation Unknown
416 CD1 Class must be complete to allow operator lookup? Unknown
417 CD1 Using derived-class qualified name in out-of-class nested class definition Unknown
418 open Imperfect wording on error on multiple default arguments on a called function Not resolved
419 open Can cast to virtual base class be done on partially-constructed object? Not resolved
420 CD1 postfixexpression->scalar_type_dtor() inconsistent Unknown
421 CD1 Is rvalue.field an rvalue? Unknown
422 NAD Is a typedef redeclaration allowed with a template type that might be the same? Unknown
423 NAD Can a conversion be done on the left operand of a compound assignment? Unknown
424 CD1 Wording problem with issue 56 resolution on redeclaring typedefs in class scope Unknown
425 CD1 Set of candidates for overloaded built-in operator with float operand Unknown
426 drafting Identically-named variables, one internally and one externally linked, allowed? Not resolved
427 CD1 static_cast ambiguity: conversion versus cast to derived Unknown
428 CD1 Mention of expression with reference type Unknown
429 CD1 Matching deallocation function chosen based on syntax or signature? Unknown
430 CD1 Ordering of expression evaluation in initializer list Unknown
431 FDIS Defect in wording in 14.2 Unknown
432 CD1 Is injected class name visible in base class specifier list? Unknown
433 CD1 Do elaborated type specifiers in templates inject into enclosing namespace scope? Unknown
434 NAD Unclear suppression of standard conversions while binding reference to lvalue Unknown
435 NAD Change "declararation or definition" to "declaration" Unknown
436 CD1 Problem in example in 9.6 paragraph 4 Unknown
437 CD1 Is type of class allowed in member function exception specification? Unknown
438 CD2 Possible flaw in wording for multiple accesses to object between sequence points Unknown
439 CD1 Guarantees on casting pointer back to cv-qualified version of original type Unknown
440 open Allow implicit pointer-to-member conversion on nontype template argument Not resolved
441 CD1 Ordering of static reference initialization Unknown
442 CD1 Incorrect use of null pointer constant in description of delete operator Unknown
443 CD1 Wording nit in description of lifetime of temporaries Unknown
444 NAD Overriding and the generated copy assignment operator Unknown
445 NAD Wording issue on friend declarations Unknown
446 CD1 Does an lvalue-to-rvalue conversion on the "?" operator produce a temporary? Unknown
447 CD1 Is offsetof type-dependent? Unknown
448 FDIS Set of template functions in call with dependent explicit argument Unknown
449 NAD Consistency in use of hyphen with names of "non" entities Unknown
450 CD1 Binding a reference to const to a cv-qualified array rvalue Unknown
451 CD1 Expressions with invalid results and ill-formedness Unknown
452 CD1 Wording nit on description of this Unknown
453 drafting References may only bind to “valid” objects Not resolved
454 CD1 When is a definition of a static data member required? Unknown
455 drafting Partial ordering and non-deduced arguments Not resolved
456 NAD Is initialized const int or const bool variable a null pointer constant? Unknown
457 CD1 Wording nit on use of const variables in constant expressions Unknown
458 FDIS Hiding of member template parameters by other members Unknown
459 open Hiding of template parameters by base class members Not resolved
460 CD1 Can a using-declaration name a namespace? Unknown
461 NAD Make asm conditionally-supported Unknown
462 DRWP Lifetime of temporaries bound to comma expressions Unknown
463 CD1 reinterpret_cast<T*>(0) Unknown
464 CD1 Wording nit on lifetime of temporaries to which references are bound Unknown
465 NAD May constructors of global objects call exit()? Unknown
466 CD1 cv-qualifiers on pseudo-destructor type Unknown
467 NAD Jump past initialization of local static variable Unknown
468 CD1 Allow ::template outside of templates Unknown
469 NAD Const template specializations and reference arguments Unknown
470 CD1 Instantiation of members of an explicitly-instantiated class template Unknown
471 NAD Conflicting inherited access specifications Unknown
472 drafting Casting across protected inheritance Not resolved
473 open Block-scope declarations of allocator functions Not resolved
474 CD1 Block-scope extern declarations in namespace members Unknown
475 FDIS When is std::uncaught_exception() true? (take 2) Unknown
476 extension Determining the buffer size for placement new Not resolved
477 CD1 Can virtual appear in a friend declaration? Unknown
478 NAD May a function parameter be an array of an abstract class type? Unknown
479 CD1 Copy elision in exception handling Unknown
480 CD1 Is a base of a virtual base also virtual? Unknown
481 CD2 Scope of template parameters Unknown
482 DRWP Qualified declarators in redeclarations Unknown
483 DRWP Normative requirements on integral ranges Unknown
484 CD1 Can a base-specifier name a cv-qualified class type? Unknown
485 CD1 What is a “name”? Unknown
486 CD1 Invalid return types and template argument deduction Unknown
487 NAD Operator overloading in constant expressions Unknown
488 CD1 Local types, overload resolution, and template argument deduction Unknown
489 NAD Must member function templates be instantiated during overload resolution? Unknown
490 CD2 Name lookup in friend declarations Unknown
491 CD1 Initializers for empty-class aggregrate members Unknown
492 CD1 typeid constness inconsistent with example Unknown
493 CD2 Type deduction from a bool context Unknown
494 CD1 Problems with the resolution of issue 45 Unknown
495 CD2 Overload resolution with template and non-template conversion functions Unknown
496 DR Is a volatile-qualified type really a POD? Unknown
497 CD1 Missing required initialization in example Unknown
498 open Storage class specifiers in definitions of class members Not resolved
499 CD2 Throwing an array of unknown size Unknown
500 CD1 Access in base-specifiers of friend and nested classes Unknown
501 NAD Visibility of friend declarations within the befriending class Unknown
502 FDIS Dependency of nested enumerations and enumerators Unknown
503 open Cv-qualified function types in template argument deduction Not resolved
504 open Should use of a variable in its own initializer require a diagnostic? Not resolved
505 CD1 Conditionally-supported behavior for unknown character escapes Unknown
506 CD1 Conditionally-supported behavior for non-POD objects passed to ellipsis Unknown
507 dup Ambiguity assigning class object to built-in type Unknown
508 FDIS Non-constructed value-initialized objects Unknown
509 CD1 Dead code in the specification of default initialization Unknown
510 CD1 Default initialization of POD classes? Unknown
511 open POD-structs with template assignment operators Not resolved
512 NAD Union members with user-declared non-default constructors Unknown
513 CD1 Non-class “most-derived” objects Unknown
514 CD1 Is the initializer for a namespace member in the scope of the namespace? Unknown
515 CD1 Non-dependent references to base class members Unknown
516 CD1 Use of signed in bit-field declarations Unknown
517 CD1 Partial specialization following explicit instantiation Unknown
518 CD1 Trailing comma following enumerator-list Unknown
519 CD1 Null pointer preservation in void* conversions Unknown
520 CD1 Old-style casts between incomplete class types Unknown
521 CD1 Requirements for exceptions thrown by allocation functions Unknown
522 CD1 Array-to-pointer decay in template argument deduction Unknown
523 open Can a one-past-the-end pointer be invalidated by deleting an adjacent object? Not resolved
524 CD1 Can function-notation calls to operator functions be dependent? Unknown
525 CD1 Missing * in example Unknown
526 CD1 Confusing aspects in the specification of non-deduced contexts Unknown
527 CD2 Problems with linkage of types Unknown
528 open Why are incomplete class types not allowed with typeid? Not resolved
529 drafting Use of template<> with “explicitly-specialized” class templates Not resolved
530 CD1 Nontype template arguments in constant expressions Unknown
531 FDIS Defining members of explicit specializations Unknown
532 FDIS Member/nonmember operator template partial ordering Unknown
533 NAD Special treatment for C-style header names Unknown
534 CD1 template-names and operator-function-ids Unknown
535 DRWP Copy construction without a copy constructor Unknown
536 drafting Problems in the description of id-expressions Not resolved
537 CD1 Definition of “signature” Unknown
538 CD1 Definition and usage of structure, POD-struct, POD-union, and POD class Unknown
539 DRWP Constraints on type-specifier-seq Unknown
540 CD1 Propagation of cv-qualifiers in reference-to-reference collapse Unknown
541 CD2 Dependent function types Unknown
542 CD2 Value initialization of arrays of POD-structs Unknown
543 CD1 Value initialization and default constructors Unknown
544 NAD Base class lookup in explicit specialization Unknown
545 open User-defined conversions and built-in operator overload resolution Not resolved
546 FDIS Explicit instantiation of class template members Unknown
547 FDIS Partial specialization on member function types Unknown
548 dup qualified-ids in declarations Unknown
549 drafting Non-deducible parameters in partial specializations Not resolved
550 open Pointer to array of unknown bound in parameter declarations Not resolved
551 CD1 When is inline permitted in an explicit instantiation? Unknown
552 NAD Use of typename in the type in a non-type parameter-declaration Unknown
553 NAD Problems with friend allocation and deallocation functions Unknown
554 drafting Definition of “declarative region” and “scope” Not resolved
555 drafting Pseudo-destructor name lookup Not resolved
556 CD2 Conflicting requirements for acceptable aliasing Unknown
557 CD1 Does argument-dependent lookup cause template instantiation? Unknown
558 CD1 Excluded characters in universal character names Unknown
559 CD1 Editing error in issue 382 resolution Unknown
560 drafting Use of the typename keyword in return types Not resolved
561 CD2 Internal linkage functions in dependent name lookup Unknown
562 open qualified-ids in non-expression contexts Not resolved
563 open Linkage specification for objects Not resolved
564 CD2 Agreement of language linkage or linkage-specifications? Unknown
565 DRWP Conflict rules for using-declarations naming function templates Unknown
566 NAD Conversion of negative floating point values to integer type Unknown
567 NAD Can size_t and ptrdiff_t be larger than long? Unknown
568 CD1 Definition of POD is too strict Unknown
569 CD2 Spurious semicolons at namespace scope should be allowed Unknown
570 CD2 Are references subject to the ODR? Unknown
571 CD2 References declared const Unknown
572 FDIS Standard conversions for non-built-in types Unknown
573 FDIS Conversions between function pointers and void* Unknown
574 NAD Definition of “copy assignment operator” Unknown
575 FDIS Criteria for deduction failure Unknown
576 CD2 Typedefs in function definitions Unknown
577 DRWP void in an empty parameter list Unknown
578 open Phase 1 replacement of characters with universal-character-names Not resolved
579 open What is a “nested” > or >>? Not resolved
580 FDIS Access in template-parameters of member and friend definitions Unknown
581 open Can a templated constructor be explicitly instantiated or specialized? Not resolved
582 CD1 Template conversion functions Unknown
583 open Relational pointer comparisons against the null pointer constant Not resolved
584 NAD Unions and aliasing Unknown
585 NAD Friend template template parameters Unknown
586 NAD Default template-arguments and template argument deduction Unknown
587 CD2 Lvalue operands of a conditional expression differing only in cv-qualification Unknown
588 CD2 Searching dependent bases of classes local to function templates Unknown
589 CD2 Direct binding of class and array rvalues in reference initialization Unknown
590 FDIS Nested classes and the “current instantiation” Unknown
591 drafting When a dependent base class is the current instantiation Not resolved
592 CD1 Exceptions during construction of local static objects Unknown
593 NAD Falling off the end of a destructor's function-try-block handler Unknown
594 CD1 Coordinating issues 119 and 404 with delegating constructors Unknown
595 dup Exception specifications in templates instantiated from class bodies Unknown
596 open Replacing an exception object Not resolved
597 DRWP Conversions applied to out-of-lifetime non-POD lvalues Unknown
598 CD2 Associated namespaces of overloaded functions and function templates Unknown
599 CD2 Deleting a null function pointer Unknown
600 open Does access control apply to members or to names? Not resolved
601 CD2 Type of literals in preprocessing expressions Unknown
602 FDIS When is the injected-class-name of a class template a template? Unknown
603 CD1 Type equivalence and unsigned overflow Unknown
604 CD2 Argument list for overload resolution in copy-initialization Unknown
605 FDIS Linkage of explicit specializations Unknown
606 CD1 Template argument deduction for rvalue references Unknown
607 open Lookup of mem-initializer-ids Not resolved
608 CD2 Determining the final overrider of a virtual function Unknown
609 open What is a “top-level” cv-qualifier? Not resolved
610 NAD Computing the negative of 0U Unknown
611 CD2 Zero-initializing references Unknown
612 CD2 Requirements on a conforming implementation Unknown
613 CD1 Unevaluated uses of non-static class members Unknown
614 CD1 Results of integer / and % Unknown
615 FDIS Incorrect description of variables that can be initialized Unknown
616 DR Definition of “indeterminate value” Unknown
617 drafting Lvalue-to-rvalue conversions of uninitialized char objects Not resolved
618 CD2 Casts in preprocessor conditional expressions Unknown
619 FDIS Completeness of array types Unknown
620 CD1 Declaration order in layout-compatible POD structs Unknown
621 FDIS Template argument deduction from function return types Unknown
622 extension Relational comparisons of arbitrary pointers Not resolved
623 extension Use of pointers to deallocated storage Not resolved
624 CD1 Overflow in calculating size of allocation Unknown
625 CD2 Use of auto as a template-argument Unknown
626 CD2 Preprocessor string literals Unknown
627 NAD Values behaving as types Unknown
628 CD2 The values of an enumeration with no enumerator Unknown
629 CD1 auto parsing ambiguity Unknown
630 CD2 Equality of narrow and wide character values in the basic character set Unknown
631 DRWP Jumping into a “then” clause Unknown
632 CD1 Brace-enclosed initializer for scalar member of aggregate Unknown
633 CD2 Specifications for variables that should also apply to references Unknown
634 CD1 Conditionally-supported behavior for non-POD objects passed to ellipsis redux Unknown
635 NAD Names of constructors and destructors of templates Unknown
636 drafting Dynamic type of objects and aliasing Not resolved
637 CD1 Sequencing rules and example disagree Unknown
638 CD2 Explicit specialization and friendship Unknown
639 CD1 What makes side effects “different” from one another? Unknown
640 open Accessing destroyed local objects of static storage duration Not resolved
641 CD2 Overload resolution and conversion-to-same-type operators Unknown
642 CD2 Definition and use of “block scope” and “local scope” Unknown
643 NAD Use of decltype in a class member-specification Unknown
644 CD1 Should a trivial class type be a literal type? Unknown
645 CD2 Are bit-field and non-bit-field members layout compatible? Unknown
646 NAD Can a class with a constexpr copy constructor be a literal type? Unknown
647 CD1 Non-constexpr instances of constexpr constructor templates Unknown
648 CD1 Constant expressions in constexpr initializers Unknown
649 CD1 Optionally ill-formed extended alignment requests Unknown
650 CD2 Order of destruction for temporaries bound to the returned value of a function Unknown
651 CD1 Problems in decltype specification and examples Unknown
652 CD2 Compile-time evaluation of floating-point expressions Unknown
653 CD2 Copy assignment of unions Unknown
654 CD1 Conversions to and from nullptr_t Unknown
655 FDIS Initialization not specified for forwarding constructors Unknown
656 CD2 Direct binding to the result of a conversion operator Unknown
657 CD2 Abstract class parameter in synthesized declaration Unknown
658 CD2 Defining reinterpret_cast for pointer types Unknown
659 CD1 Alignment of function types Unknown
660 CD1 Unnamed scoped enumerations Unknown
661 CD1 Semantics of arithmetic comparisons Unknown
662 NAD Forming a pointer to a reference type Unknown
663 CD1 Valid Cyrillic identifier characters Unknown
664 CD2 Direct binding of references to non-class rvalue references Unknown
665 CD2 Problems in the specification of dynamic_cast Unknown
666 CD1 Dependent qualified-ids without the typename keyword Unknown
667 CD2 Trivial special member functions that cannot be implicitly defined Unknown
668 CD2 Throwing an exception from the destructor of a local static object Unknown
669 NAD Confusing specification of the meaning of decltype Unknown
670 open Copy initialization via derived-to-base conversion in the second step Not resolved
671 CD1 Explicit conversion from a scoped enumeration type to integral type Unknown
672 CD2 Sequencing of initialization in new-expressions Unknown
673 NAD Injection of names from elaborated-type-specifiers in friend declarations Unknown
674 FDIS “matching specialization” for a friend declaration Unknown
675 DRWP Signedness of bit-field with typedef or template parameter type Unknown
676 FDIS static_assert-declarations and general requirements for declarations Unknown
677 CD1 Deleted operator delete and virtual destructors Unknown
678 FDIS Language linkage of member function parameter types and the ODR Unknown
679 CD1 Equivalence of template-ids and operator function templates Unknown
680 CD2 What is a move constructor? Unknown
681 CD1 Restrictions on declarators with late-specified return types Unknown
682 drafting Missing description of lookup of template aliases Not resolved
683 CD1 Requirements for trivial subobject special functions Unknown
684 CD1 Constant expressions involving the address of an automatic variable Unknown
685 CD2 Integral promotion of enumeration ignores fixed underlying type Unknown
686 CD1 Type declarations/definitions in type-specifier-seqs and type-ids Unknown
687 extension template keyword with unqualified-ids Not resolved
688 CD1 Constexpr constructors and static initialization Unknown
689 open Maximum values of signed and unsigned integers Not resolved
690 CD2 The dynamic type of an rvalue reference Unknown
691 FDIS Template parameter packs in class template partial specializations Unknown
692 FDIS Partial ordering of variadic class template partial specializations Unknown
693 CD2 New string types and deprecated conversion Unknown
694 FDIS Zero- and value-initialization of union objects Unknown
695 CD2 Compile-time calculation errors in constexpr functions Unknown
696 FDIS Use of block-scope constants in local classes Unknown
697 open Deduction rules apply to more than functions Not resolved
698 open The definition of “sequenced before” is too narrow Not resolved
699 CD2 Must constexpr member functions be defined in the class member-specification? Unknown
700 FDIS Constexpr member functions of class templates Unknown
701 CD2 When is the array-to-pointer conversion applied? Unknown
702 CD2 Preferring conversion to std::initializer_list Unknown
703 CD2 Narrowing for literals that cannot be exactly represented Unknown
704 CD2 To which postfix-expressions does overload resolution apply? Unknown
705 CD2 Suppressing argument-dependent lookup via parentheses Unknown
706 NAD Use of auto with rvalue references Unknown
707 CD2 Undefined behavior in integral-to-floating conversions Unknown
708 open Partial specialization of member templates of class templates Not resolved
709 FDIS Enumeration names as nested-name-specifiers in deduction failure Unknown
710 CD2 Data races during construction Unknown
711 CD2 auto with braced-init-list Unknown
712 DRWP Are integer constant operands of a conditional-expression “used?” Unknown
713 CD2 Unclear note about cv-qualified function types Unknown
714 CD2 Static const data members and braced-init-lists Unknown
715 CD2 Class member access constant expressions Unknown
716 CD2 Specifications that should apply only to non-static union data members Unknown
717 CD2 Unintentional restrictions on the use of thread_local Unknown
718 open Non-class, non-function friend declarations Not resolved
719 CD2 Specifications for operator-function-id that should also apply to literal-operator-id Unknown
720 CD2 Need examples of lambda-expressions Unknown
721 CD2 Where must a variable be initialized to be used in a constant expression? Unknown
722 CD2 Can nullptr be passed to an ellipsis? Unknown
726 CD2 Atomic and non-atomic objects in the memory model Unknown
727 extension In-class explicit specializations Not resolved
728 extension Restrictions on local classes Not resolved
729 DRWP Qualification conversions and handlers of reference-to-pointer type Unknown
730 CD2 Explicit specializations of members of non-template classes Unknown
731 CD2 Omitted reference qualification of member function type Unknown
732 CD2 Late-specified return types in function definitions Unknown
733 NAD Reference qualification of copy assignment operators Unknown
734 CD2 Are unique addresses required for namespace-scope variables? Unknown
735 CD2 Missing case in specification of safely-derived pointers Unknown
736 NAD Is the & ref-qualifier needed? Unknown
737 CD2 Uninitialized trailing characters in string initialization Unknown
738 FDIS constexpr not permitted by the syntax of constructor declarations Unknown
739 DRWP Signedness of plain bit-fields Unknown
740 CD2 Incorrect note on data races Unknown
741 FDIS “plain” long long bit-fields Unknown
742 open Postfix increment/decrement with long bit-field operands Not resolved
743 CD2 Use of decltype in a nested-name-specifier Unknown
744 CD2 Matching template arguments with template template parameters with parameter packs Unknown
745 open Effect of ill-formedness resulting from #error Not resolved
746 CD2 Use of auto in new-expressions Unknown
747 dup Access of protected base classes Unknown
749 CD2 References to function types with a cv-qualifier or ref-qualifier Unknown
750 CD2 Implementation constraints on reference-only closure objects Unknown
751 CD2 Deriving from closure classes Unknown
752 CD2 Name lookup in nested lambda-expressions Unknown
753 CD2 Array names in lambda capture sets Unknown
754 CD2 Lambda expressions in default arguments of block-scope function declarations Unknown
755 extension Generalized lambda-captures Not resolved
756 CD2 Dropping cv-qualification on members of closure objects Unknown
757 CD2 Types without linkage in declarations Unknown
758 FDIS Missing cases of declarations that are not definitions Unknown
759 CD2 Destruction of closure objects Unknown
760 CD2 this inside a nested class of a non-static member function Unknown
761 CD2 Inferred return type of closure object call operator Unknown
762 CD2 Name lookup in the compound-statement of a lambda expression Unknown
763 CD2 Is a closure object's operator() inline? Unknown
764 CD2 Capturing unused variables in a lambda expression Unknown
765 CD2 Local types in inline functions with external linkage Unknown
766 CD2 Where may lambda expressions appear? Unknown
767 CD2 void and other unnamed lambda-parameters Unknown
768 CD2 Ellipsis in a lambda parameter list Unknown
769 CD2 Initialization of closure objects Unknown
770 CD2 Ambiguity in late-specified return type Unknown
771 CD2 Move-construction of reference members of closure objects Unknown
772 CD2 capture-default in lambdas in local default arguments Unknown
773 FDIS Parentheses in address non-type template arguments Unknown
774 CD2 Can a closure class be a POD? Unknown
775 CD2 Capturing references to functions Unknown
776 CD2 Delegating constructors, destructors, and std::exit Unknown
777 CD2 Default arguments and parameter packs Unknown
778 FDIS Template parameter packs in non-type template parameters Unknown
779 CD2 Rvalue reference members of closure objects? Unknown
782 CD2 Lambda expressions and argument-dependent lookup Unknown
783 open Definition of “argument” Not resolved
784 FDIS List of incompatibilities with the previous Standard Unknown
785 CD2 “Execution sequence” is inappropriate phraseology Unknown
786 CD2 Definition of “thread” Unknown
787 CD2 Unnecessary lexical undefined behavior Unknown
788 CD2 Relationship between locale and values of the execution character set Unknown
789 CD2 Deprecating trigraphs Unknown
790 CD2 Concatenation of raw and non-raw string literals Unknown
792 CD2 Effects of std::quick_exit Unknown
793 CD2 Use of class members during destruction Unknown
794 extension Base-derived conversion in member type of pointer-to-member conversion Not resolved
795 NAD Dependency of lambdas on <functional> Unknown
796 CD2 Lifetime of a closure object with members captured by reference Unknown
797 CD2 Converting a no-capture lambda to a function type Unknown
798 FDIS Overloaded subscript operator described in clause 5 Unknown
799 CD2 Can reinterpret_cast be used to cast an operand to its own type? Unknown
800 NAD Safely-derived pointers and object pointers converted from function pointers Unknown
801 CD2 Casting away constness in a cast to rvalue reference type Unknown
803 CD2 sizeof an enumeration type with a fixed underlying type Unknown
804 CD2 Deducing the type in new auto(x) Unknown
805 CD2 Which exception to throw for overflow in array size calculation Unknown
806 CD2 Enumeration types in integral constant expressions Unknown
807 NAD typeid expressions in constant expressions Unknown
808 CD2 Non-type decl-specifiers versus max-munch Unknown
809 CD2 Deprecation of the register keyword Unknown
810 CD2 Block-scope thread_local variables should be implicitly static Unknown
811 CD2 Unclear implications of const-qualification Unknown
812 CD2 Duplicate names in inline namespaces Unknown
813 open typename in a using-declaration with a non-dependent name Not resolved
814 CD2 Attribute to indicate that a function throws nothing Unknown
815 CD2 Parameter pack expansion inside attributes Unknown
816 CD2 Diagnosing violations of [[final]] Unknown
817 CD2 Meaning of [[final]] applied to a class definition Unknown
818 CD2 Function parameter packs in non-final positions Unknown
819 NAD Access control and deleted implicitly-declared special member functions Unknown
820 CD2 Deprecation of export Unknown
822 extension Additional contexts for template aliases Not resolved
823 CD2 Literal types with constexpr conversions as non-type template arguments Unknown
828 CD2 Destruction of exception objects Unknown
829 NAD At what point is std::unexpected called? Unknown
830 CD2 Deprecating exception specifications Unknown
831 CD2 Limit on recursively nested template instantiations Unknown
832 CD2 Value of preprocessing numbers Unknown
833 CD2 Explicit conversion of a scoped enumeration value to a floating type Unknown
834 CD2 What is an “ordinary string literal”? Unknown
835 CD2 Scoped enumerations and the “usual arithmetic conversions” Unknown
836 NAD [[noreturn]] applied to function types Unknown
837 FDIS Constexpr functions and return braced-init-list Unknown
838 FDIS Use of this in a brace-or-equal-initializer Unknown
839 dup sizeof with opaque enumerations Unknown
840 CD2 Rvalue references as nontype template parameters Unknown
842 CD2 Casting to rvalue reference type Unknown
845 CD2 What is the “first declaration” of an explicit specialization? Unknown
846 CD2 Rvalue references to functions Unknown
847 CD2 Error in rvalue reference deduction example Unknown
850 CD2 Restrictions on use of non-static data members Unknown
852 open using-declarations and dependent base classes Not resolved
853 CD2 Support for relaxed pointer safety Unknown
854 CD2 Left shift and unsigned extended types Unknown
855 CD2 Incorrect comments in braced-init-list assignment example Unknown
858 CD2 Example binding an rvalue reference to an lvalue Unknown
860 FDIS Explicit qualification of constexpr member functions Unknown
861 CD2 Unintended ambiguity in inline namespace lookup Unknown
862 CD2 Undefined behavior with enumerator value overflow Unknown
863 CD2 Rvalue reference cast to incomplete type Unknown
864 FDIS braced-init-list in the range-based for statement Unknown
865 CD2 Initializing a std::initializer_list Unknown
869 CD2 Uninitialized thread_local objects Unknown
872 CD2 Lexical issues with raw strings Unknown
873 FDIS Deducing rvalue references in declarative contexts Unknown
874 CD2 Class-scope definitions of enumeration types Unknown
876 CD2 Type references in rvalue reference deduction specification Unknown
877 CD2 Viable functions and binding references to rvalues Unknown
879 CD2 Missing built-in comparison operators for pointer types Unknown
880 CD2 Built-in conditional operator for scoped enumerations Unknown
882 CD2 Defining main as deleted Unknown
883 CD2 std::memcpy vs std::memmove Unknown
884 CD2 Defining an explicitly-specialized static data member Unknown
885 NAD Partial ordering of function templates with unordered parameter pairs Unknown
886 CD2 Member initializers and aggregates Unknown
887 CD2 Move construction of thrown object Unknown
888 CD2 Union member initializers Unknown
891 CD2 const_cast to rvalue reference from objectless rvalue Unknown
892 FDIS Missing requirements for constexpr constructors Unknown
893 NAD Brace syntax for enumerator-definitions Unknown
896 CD2 Rvalue references and rvalue-reference conversion functions Unknown
897 open _Pragma and extended string-literals Not resolved
898 FDIS Declarations in constexpr functions Unknown
899 CD2 Explicit conversion functions in direct class initialization Unknown
900 NAD Lifetime of temporaries in range-based for Unknown
901 drafting Deleted operator delete Not resolved
902 NAD In-class initialization of non-constant static data members Unknown
903 DR Value-dependent integral null pointer constants Unknown
904 CD2 Parameter packs in lambda-captures Unknown
905 CD2 Explicit defaulted copy constructors and trivial copyability Unknown
906 CD2 Which special member functions can be defaulted? Unknown
908 CD2 Deleted global allocation and deallocation functions Unknown
909 NAD Old-style casts with conversion functions Unknown
910 CD2 Move constructors and implicitly-declared copy constructors Unknown
912 DRWP Character literals and universal-character-names Unknown
913 CD2 Deduction rules for array- and function-type conversion functions Unknown
914 extension Value-initialization of array types Not resolved
915 CD2 Deleted specializations of member function templates Unknown
916 open Does a reference type have a destructor? Not resolved
919 CD2 Contradictions regarding inline namespaces Unknown
920 CD2 Interaction of inline namespaces and using-declarations Unknown
921 CD2 Unclear specification of inline namespaces Unknown
922 CD2 Implicit default constructor definitions and const variant members Unknown
923 CD2 Inline explicit specializations Unknown
924 FDIS alias-declaration as a class member Unknown
925 open Type of character literals in preprocessor expressions Not resolved
926 CD2 Inline unnamed namespaces Unknown
927 CD2 Implicitly-deleted default constructors and member initializers Unknown
928 CD2 Defaulting a function that would be implicitly defined as deleted Unknown
929 CD2 What is a template alias? Unknown
930 CD2 alignof with incomplete array type Unknown
931 CD2 Confusing reference to the length of a user-defined string literal Unknown
932 CD2 UCNs in closing delimiters of raw string literals Unknown
933 CD2 32-bit UCNs with 16-bit wchar_t Unknown
934 CD2 List-initialization of references Unknown
935 CD2 Missing overloads for character types for user-defined literals Unknown
936 CD2 Array initialization with new string literals Unknown
937 NAD Restrictions on values of template arguments in user-defined literals Unknown
938 FDIS Initializer lists and array new Unknown
939 CD2 Explicitly checking virtual function overriding Unknown
940 CD2 Global anonymous unions Unknown
941 FDIS Explicit specialization of deleted function template Unknown
942 CD2 Is this an entity? Unknown
943 open Is T() a temporary? Not resolved
944 open reinterpret_cast for all types with the same size and alignment Not resolved
945 FDIS Use of this in a late-specified return type Unknown
946 CD2 Order of destruction of local static objects and calls to std::atexit Unknown
947 extension Deducing type template arguments from default function arguments Not resolved
948 FDIS constexpr in conditions Unknown
949 open Requirements for freestanding implementations Not resolved
950 CD2 Use of decltype as a class-name Unknown
951 CD2 Problems with attribute-specifiers Unknown
952 drafting Insufficient description of “naming class” Not resolved
953 CD2 Rvalue references and function viability Unknown
954 open Overload resolution of conversion operator templates with built-in types Not resolved
955 CD2 Can a closure type's operator() be virtual? Unknown
956 CD2 Function prototype scope with late-specified return types Unknown
957 CD2 Alternative tokens and attribute-tokens Unknown
958 NAD Lambdas and decltype Unknown
959 CD2 Alignment attribute for class and enumeration types Unknown
960 CD2 Covariant functions and lvalue/rvalue references Unknown
961 CD2 Overload resolution and conversion of std::nullptr_t to bool Unknown
962 CD2 Attributes appertaining to class and enum types Unknown
963 CD2 Comparing nullptr with 0 Unknown
964 FDIS Incorrect description of when the lvalue-to-rvalue conversion applies Unknown
965 CD2 Limiting the applicability of the carries_dependency attribute Unknown
966 CD2 Nested types without linkage Unknown
967 open Exception specification of replacement allocation function Not resolved
968 CD2 Syntactic ambiguity of the attribute notation Unknown
969 CD2 Explicit instantiation declarations of class template specializations Unknown
970 CD2 Consistent use of “appertain” and “apply” Unknown
971 FDIS Incorrect treatment of exception-declarations Unknown
972 FDIS Allowing multiple attribute-specifiers Unknown
973 CD2 Function types in exception-specifications Unknown
974 DR Default arguments for lambdas Unknown
975 DR Restrictions on return type deduction for lambdas Unknown
976 CD2 Deduction for const T& conversion operators Unknown
977 DR When is an enumeration type complete? Unknown
978 CD2 Incorrect specification for copy initialization Unknown
979 CD2 Position of attribute-specifier in declarator syntax Unknown
980 CD2 Explicit instantiation of a member of a class template Unknown
981 FDIS Constexpr constructor templates and literal types Unknown
982 NAD Initialization with an empty initializer list Unknown
983 CD2 Ambiguous pointer-to-member constant Unknown
984 CD2 “Deduced type” is unclear in auto type deduction Unknown
985 FDIS Alternative tokens and user-defined literals Unknown
986 CD2 Transitivity of using-directives versus qualified lookup Unknown
987 open Which declarations introduce namespace members? Not resolved
988 CD2 Reference-to-reference collapsing with decltype Unknown
989 CD2 Misplaced list-initialization example Unknown
990 CD2 Value initialization with multiple initializer-list constructors Unknown
991 CD2 Reference parameters of constexpr functions and constructors Unknown
992 NAD Inheriting explicitness Unknown
993 FDIS Freedom to perform instantiation at the end of the translation unit Unknown
994 FDIS braced-init-list as a default argument Unknown
995 CD2 Incorrect example for using-declaration and explicit instantiation Unknown
996 FDIS Ambiguous partial specializations of member class templates Unknown
997 FDIS Argument-dependent lookup and dependent function template parameter types Unknown
998 dup Function parameter transformations and template functions Unknown
999 CD2 “Implicit” or “implied” object argument/parameter? Unknown
1000 CD2 Mistaking member typedefs for constructors Unknown
1001 drafting Parameter type adjustment in dependent parameter types Not resolved
1002 NAD Pack expansion for function arguments Unknown
1003 DRWP Acceptable definitions of main Unknown
1004 FDIS Injected-class-names as arguments for template template parameters Unknown
1005 NAD Qualified name resolution in member functions of class templates Unknown
1006 FDIS std::nullptr_t as a non-type template parameter Unknown
1007 NAD Protected access and pointers to members Unknown
1008 extension Querying the alignment of an object Not resolved
1009 FDIS Missing cases in the declarator-id of a function template declaration Unknown
1010 CD2 Address of object with dynamic storage duration in constant expression Unknown
1011 FDIS Standard conversions that cannot be inverted Unknown
1012 FDIS Undeprecating static Unknown
1013 DR Uninitialized std::nullptr_t objects Unknown
1014 NAD Overload resolution between const T& and T&& Unknown
1015 FDIS Template arguments and argument-dependent lookup Unknown
1016 FDIS Overloadable declarations, function templates, and references Unknown
1017 FDIS Member access transformation in unevaluated operands Unknown
1018 FDIS Ambiguity between simple-declaration and attribute-declaration Unknown
1019 dup Dependent simple-template-ids in base-specifiers and mem-initializers Unknown
1020 FDIS Implicitly-defined copy constructors and explicit base class constructors Unknown
1021 open Definitions of namespace members Not resolved
1022 FDIS Can an enumeration variable have values outside the values of the enumeration? Unknown
1023 dup thread_local objects as non-type template arguments Unknown
1024 DRWP Limits on multicharacter literals Unknown
1025 FDIS Use of a reference as a non-type template argument Unknown
1026 NAD Cv-qualified non-class rvalues Unknown
1027 drafting Type consistency and reallocation of scalar types Not resolved
1028 open Dependent names in non-defining declarations Not resolved
1029 FDIS Type of a destructor call Unknown
1030 FDIS Evaluation order in initializer-lists used in aggregate initialization Unknown
1031 FDIS Optional elements in attributes Unknown
1032 FDIS Empty pack expansions Unknown
1033 FDIS Restrictions on alignment attributes Unknown
1034 FDIS Attributes for return statements in lambdas Unknown
1035 FDIS Omitted and required decl-specifiers Unknown
1036 FDIS Alignment attribute in an exception-declaration Unknown
1037 FDIS Requirements for operands of delete-expressions and deallocation functions Unknown
1038 open Overload resolution of &x.static_func Not resolved
1039 dup Coordinating C and C++ alignment specifications Unknown
1040 NAD Memory model issues Unknown
1041 dup alias-declarations as class members Unknown
1042 FDIS Attributes in alias-declarations Unknown
1043 FDIS Qualified name lookup in the current instantiation Unknown
1044 FDIS Point of declaration for an alias-declaration Unknown
1045 NAD Requiring explicit instantiation declarations Unknown
1046 open What is a “use” of a class specialization? Not resolved
1047 FDIS When is typeid value-dependent? Unknown
1048 extension auto deduction and lambda return type deduction. Not resolved
1049 open Copy elision through reference parameters of inline functions Not resolved
1050 NAD Effects of thread support on object lifetime Unknown
1051 FDIS Reference members and generated copy constructors Unknown
1052 dup const non-static data member and PODness Unknown
1053 NAD Terminate vs undefined behavior for noexcept violation Unknown
1054 FDIS Lvalue-to-rvalue conversions in expression statements Unknown
1055 FDIS Permissible uses of void Unknown
1056 FDIS Template aliases, member definitions, and the current instantiation Unknown
1057 FDIS decltype and the current instantiation Unknown
1058 NAD Reference binding of incompatible array types Unknown
1059 DRWP Cv-qualified array types (with rvalues) Unknown
1060 FDIS Scoped enumerators in integral constant expressions Unknown
1061 FDIS Negative array bounds in a new-expression Unknown
1062 FDIS Syntax of attribute-specifiers in lambdas Unknown
1063 FDIS [[hiding]] with non-attribute declarations Unknown
1064 FDIS Defaulted move constructor for a union Unknown
1065 FDIS [[hiding]] with [[override]] Unknown
1066 FDIS When is a copy/move assignment operator implicitly defined? Unknown
1067 NAD [[hiding]], using-declarations, and multiple inheritance Unknown
1068 FDIS Template aliases with default arguments and template parameter packs Unknown
1069 FDIS Incorrect function type with trailing-return-type Unknown
1070 FDIS Missing initializer clauses in aggregate initialization Unknown
1071 FDIS Literal class types and trivial default constructors Unknown
1072 FDIS Scoped enumerator with the same name as its containing class Unknown
1073 FDIS Merging dynamic-exception-specifications and noexcept-specifications Unknown
1074 FDIS Value-dependent noexcept-expressions Unknown
1075 FDIS Grammar does not allow template alias in type-name Unknown
1076 open Value categories and lvalue temporaries Not resolved
1077 extension Explicit specializations in non-containing namespaces Not resolved
1078 NAD Narrowing and the usual arithmetic conversions Unknown
1079 FDIS Overload resolution involving aggregate initialization Unknown
1080 FDIS Confusing relationship between templates and copy constructors Unknown
1081 FDIS Defaulted destructor and unusable operator delete Unknown
1082 FDIS Implicit copy function if subobject has none? Unknown
1083 FDIS Passing an object to ellipsis with non-trivial move constructor Unknown
1084 NAD Conditions for a deleted move function Unknown
1085 NAD Move assignment operators and virtual bases Unknown
1086 FDIS const_cast to rvalue reference to function type Unknown
1087 FDIS Additional applications of issue 899 Unknown
1088 FDIS Dependent non-type template arguments Unknown
1089 drafting Template parameters in member selections Not resolved
1090 FDIS Alignment of subobjects Unknown
1091 FDIS Inconsistent use of the term “object expression” Unknown
1092 drafting Cycles in overload resolution during instantiation Not resolved
1093 DRWP Value-initializing non-objects Unknown
1094 FDIS Converting floating-point values to scoped enumeration types Unknown
1095 FDIS List-initialization of references Unknown
1096 FDIS Missing requirement for template definitions Unknown
1097 NAD Aggregate initialization of function parameters Unknown
1098 FDIS Pointer conversions in constant expressions Unknown
1099 FDIS Infinite recursion in constexpr functions Unknown
1100 FDIS constexpr conversion functions and non-type template arguments Unknown
1101 FDIS Non-integral initialized static data members Unknown
1102 FDIS Better example of undefined behavior Unknown
1103 FDIS Reversion of phase 1 and 2 transformations in raw string literals Unknown
1104 FDIS Global-scope template arguments vs the <: digraph Unknown
1105 FDIS Issues relating to TR 10176:2003 Unknown
1106 FDIS Need more detail in nullptr keyword description Unknown
1107 FDIS Overload resolution for user-defined integer literals Unknown
1108 NAD User-defined literals have not been implemented Unknown
1109 FDIS When is “use” a reference to the ODR meaning? Unknown
1110 NAD Incomplete return type should be allowed in decltype operand Unknown
1111 FDIS Remove dual-scope lookup of member template names Unknown
1112 FDIS constexpr variables should have internal linkage like const Unknown
1113 FDIS Linkage of namespace member of unnamed namespace Unknown
1114 FDIS Incorrect use of placement new in example Unknown
1115 FDIS C-compatible alignment specification Unknown
1116 drafting Aliasing of union members Not resolved
1117 FDIS Incorrect note about xvalue member access expressions Unknown
1118 NAD Implicit lambda capture via explicit copy constructor Unknown
1119 FDIS Missing case in description of member access ambiguity Unknown
1120 FDIS reinterpret_cast and void* Unknown
1121 FDIS Unnecessary ambiguity error in formation of pointer to member Unknown
1122 FDIS Circular definition of std::size_t Unknown
1123 FDIS Destructors should be noexcept by default Unknown
1124 NAD Error in description of value category of pointer-to-member expression Unknown
1125 FDIS Unclear definition of “potential constant expression” Unknown
1126 FDIS constexpr functions in const initializers Unknown
1127 FDIS Overload resolution in constexpr functions Unknown
1128 FDIS attribute-specifiers in decl-specifier-seqs Unknown
1129 FDIS Default nothrow for constexpr functions Unknown
1130 FDIS Function parameter type adjustments and decltype Unknown
1131 FDIS Template aliases in elaborated-type-specifiers Unknown
1132 NAD Keyword vs attribute for noreturn Unknown
1133 FDIS Keywords vs attributes for control of hiding and overriding Unknown
1134 FDIS When is an explicitly-defaulted function defined? Unknown
1135 FDIS Explicitly-defaulted non-public special member functions Unknown
1136 FDIS Explicitly-defaulted explicit constructors Unknown
1137 FDIS Explicitly-defaulted virtual special member functions Unknown
1138 FDIS Rvalue-ness check for rvalue reference binding is wrong Unknown
1139 FDIS Rvalue reference binding to scalar xvalues Unknown
1140 FDIS Incorrect redefinition of POD class Unknown
1141 NAD Non-static data member initializers have not been implemented Unknown
1142 FDIS friend declaration of member function of containing class Unknown
1143 NAD Move semantics for *this have not been implemented Unknown
1144 FDIS Remove access declarations Unknown
1145 FDIS Defaulting and triviality Unknown
1146 FDIS exception-specifications of defaulted functions Unknown
1147 FDIS Destructors should be default nothrow Unknown
1148 FDIS Copy elision and move construction of function parameters Unknown
1149 FDIS Trivial non-public copy operators in subobjects Unknown
1150 NAD Inheriting constructors have not been implemented Unknown
1151 FDIS Overload resolution with initializer-list and non-list constructors Unknown
1152 FDIS Rules for determining existence of implicit conversion sequence Unknown
1153 FDIS Type matching in address of overloaded function Unknown
1154 FDIS Address of thread_local variable as non-type template argument Unknown
1155 FDIS Internal-linkage non-type template arguments Unknown
1156 FDIS Partial ordering in a non-call context Unknown
1157 open Partial ordering of function templates is still underspecified Not resolved
1158 FDIS Recursive instantiation via alias template Unknown
1159 FDIS Class and enumeration definitions in template aliases Unknown
1160 FDIS Definitions of template members and the current instantiation Unknown
1161 FDIS Dependent nested-name-specifier in a pointer-to-member declarator Unknown
1162 NAD Dependent elaborated-type-specifiers in non-deduced contexts Unknown
1163 NAD extern template prevents inlining functions not marked inline Unknown
1164 FDIS Partial ordering of f(T&) and f(T&&) Unknown
1165 FDIS Exceptions when destroying array elements Unknown
1166 FDIS exception-declarations that do not declare objects Unknown
1167 FDIS function-try-blocks for destructors Unknown
1168 FDIS Additional reasons to call std::terminate Unknown
1169 FDIS Missing feature macro for strict pointer safety Unknown
1170 FDIS Access checking during template argument deduction Unknown
1171 FDIS Partial stack unwinding with noexcept violation Unknown
1172 drafting “instantiation-dependent” constructs Not resolved
1173 FDIS Unclear specification of effects of signal handling Unknown
1174 FDIS When is a pure virtual function “used?” Unknown
1175 FDIS Disambiguating user-defined literals Unknown
1176 FDIS Definition of release sequence Unknown
1177 FDIS Intra-thread dependency-ordered-before Unknown
1178 FDIS Deduction failure matching placement new Unknown
1179 NAD Cv-qualification of non-type template parameters Unknown
1180 FDIS Over-aligned class types Unknown
1181 FDIS What is a “built-in type?” Unknown
1182 FDIS Incorrect description of pack expansion syntax Unknown
1183 FDIS Expansion of parameter packs in declarators Unknown
1184 FDIS Argument conversions to nondeduced parameter types Unknown
1185 FDIS Misleading description of language linkage and member function types Unknown
1186 FDIS Non-dependent constexpr violations in function templates Unknown
1187 FDIS Problems in initialization example Unknown
1188 FDIS Type punning in constant expressions Unknown
1189 FDIS Address of distinct base class subobjects Unknown
1190 FDIS Operations on non-safely-derived pointers Unknown
1191 FDIS Deleted subobject destructors and implicitly-defined constructors Unknown
1192 FDIS Inadvertent change to ODR and templates Unknown
1193 FDIS Use of address-constant pointers in constant expressions Unknown
1194 FDIS Constexpr references Unknown
1195 FDIS References to non-literal types in constexpr functions Unknown
1196 FDIS Definition required for explicit instantiation after explicit specialization? Unknown
1197 FDIS Constexpr arrays Unknown
1198 FDIS Literal types and copy constructors Unknown
1199 FDIS Deleted constexpr functions Unknown
1200 open Lookup rules for template parameters Not resolved
1201 FDIS Are deleted and defaulted functions definitions? Unknown
1202 FDIS Calling virtual functions during destruction Unknown
1203 dup Misleading note regarding initialized static data members Unknown
1204 FDIS Specifiers in a for-range-declaration Unknown
1205 dup Lvalue reference binding and function viability Unknown
1206 FDIS Defining opaque enumeration members of class templates Unknown
1207 FDIS Type of class member in trailing-return-type Unknown
1208 FDIS Explicit noexcept in defaulted definition Unknown
1209 open Is a potentially-evaluated expression in a template definition a “use?” Not resolved
1210 FDIS Injection of elaborated-type-specifier in enumeration scope Unknown
1211 drafting Misaligned lvalues Not resolved
1212 FDIS Non-function-call xvalues and decltype Unknown
1213 DR Array subscripting and xvalues Unknown
1214 FDIS Kinds of initializers Unknown
1215 FDIS Definition of POD struct Unknown
1216 FDIS Exceptions “allowed” by a noexcept-specification Unknown
1217 NAD Are deleted functions implicitly noexcept? Unknown
1218 FDIS What is the “currently-handled exception” in a multi-threaded program? Unknown
1219 FDIS Non-static data member initializers in constant expressions Unknown
1220 FDIS Looking up conversion-type-ids Unknown
1221 open Partial ordering and reference collapsing Not resolved
1222 NAD Unnecessary restriction on auto array types Unknown
1223 drafting Syntactic disambiguation and trailing-return-types Not resolved
1224 FDIS constexpr defaulted copy constructors Unknown
1225 FDIS constexpr constructors and virtual bases Unknown
1226 DRWP Converting a braced-init-list default argument Unknown
1227 DRWP Mixing immediate and non-immediate contexts in deduction failure Unknown
1228 NAD Copy-list-initialization and explicit constructors Unknown
1229 FDIS Overload resolution with empty braced-init-list argument Unknown
1230 open Confusing description of ambiguity of destructor name Not resolved
1231 FDIS Variadic templates requiring an empty pack expansion Unknown
1232 FDIS Creation of array temporaries using a braced-init-list Unknown
1233 FDIS Pack expansions and dependent calls Unknown
1234 FDIS abstract-declarator does not permit ... after ptr-operator Unknown
1235 FDIS “Unused” ellipsis and default arguments in partial ordering Unknown
1236 FDIS Inconsistently-interrelated examples Unknown
1237 FDIS Deprecated implicit copy assignment in example Unknown
1238 FDIS Overloading ambiguity binding reference to function Unknown
1239 FDIS Hexadecimal floating-point literals vs user-defined literals Unknown
1240 FDIS constexpr defaulted constructors Unknown
1241 FDIS Which members does a destructor destroy? Unknown
1242 FDIS Initializing variant class members Unknown
1243 FDIS Misleading footnote regarding multiple-declarator declarations Unknown
1244 FDIS Equivalence of alias templates and class templates Unknown
1245 FDIS Matching declarations involving decltype Unknown
1246 FDIS Non-deduced non-final parameter packs Unknown
1247 drafting Restriction on alias name appearing in type-id Not resolved
1248 open Updating Annex C to C99 Not resolved
1249 drafting Cv-qualification of nested lambda capture Not resolved
1250 DRWP Cv-qualification of incomplete virtual function return types Unknown
1251 DRWP C compatibility: casting to unqualified void* Unknown
1252 drafting Overloading member function templates based on dependent return type Not resolved
1253 drafting Generic non-template members Not resolved
1254 NAD odr-use vs template arguments and constexpr functions Unknown
1255 drafting Definition problems with constexpr functions Not resolved
1256 open Unevaluated operands are not necessarily constant expressions Not resolved
1257 open Instantiation via non-dependent references in uninstantiated templates Not resolved
1258 drafting “Instantiation context” differs from dependent lookup rules Not resolved
1259 extension Deleting a POD via a pointer to base Not resolved
1260 DRWP Incorrect use of term “overloaded” in description of odr-use Unknown
1261 DRWP Explicit handling of cv-qualification with non-class prvalues Unknown
1262 DRWP Default template arguments and deduction failure Unknown
1263 NAD Mismatch between rvalue reference binding and overload resolution Unknown
1264 DRWP Use of this in constexpr constructor Unknown
1265 DRWP Mixed use of the auto specifier Unknown
1266 open user-defined-integer-literal overflow Not resolved
1267 DRWP Rvalue reference types in exception-specifications Unknown
1268 DRWP reinterpret_cast of an xvalue operand Unknown
1269 DRWP dynamic_cast of an xvalue operand Unknown
1270 DRWP Brace elision in array temporary initialization Unknown
1271 drafting Imprecise wording regarding dependent types Not resolved
1272 extension Implicit definition of static data member of const literal type Not resolved
1273 NAD Accessibility and function signatures Unknown
1274 drafting Common nonterminal for expression and braced-init-list Not resolved
1275 DRWP Incorrect comment in example of template parameter pack restriction Unknown
1276 NAD Reference to stdint.h Unknown
1277 NAD Lax definition of intmax_t and uintmax_t Unknown
1278 drafting Incorrect treatment of contrived object Not resolved
1279 drafting Additional differences between C++ 2003 and C++ 2011 Not resolved
1280 NAD Object reallocation and reference members Unknown
1281 NAD Virtual and dependent base classes Unknown
1282 DRWP Underspecified destructor exception-specification Unknown
1283 drafting Static data members of classes with typedef name for linkage purposes Not resolved
1284 drafting Should the lifetime of an array be independent of that of its elements? Not resolved
1285 open Trivial destructors and object lifetime Not resolved
1286 drafting Equivalence of alias templates Not resolved
1287 ready Direct initialization vs “implicit” conversion in reference binding Unknown
1288 DRWP Reference list initialization Unknown
1289 NAD Can an alias template name the current instantiation? Unknown
1290 DRWP Lifetime of the underlying array of an initializer_list member Unknown
1291 drafting Looking up a conversion-type-id Not resolved
1292 drafting Dependent calls with braced-init-lists containing a pack expansion Not resolved
1293 DRWP String literals in constant expressions Unknown
1294 drafting Side effects in dynamic/static initialization Not resolved
1295 DRWP Binding a reference to an rvalue bit-field Unknown
1296 DRWP Ill-formed template declarations (not just definitions) Unknown
1297 DRWP Misplaced function attribute-specifier Unknown
1298 DRWP Incorrect example in overload resolution Unknown
1299 open “Temporary objects” vs “temporary expressions” Not resolved
1300 extension T() for array types Not resolved
1301 DRWP Value initialization of union Unknown
1302 DRWP noexcept applied to expression of type void Unknown
1303 NAD C language linkage for template with internal linkage Unknown
1304 drafting Omitted array bound with string initialization Not resolved
1305 DRWP alignof applied to array of unknown size Unknown
1306 DRWP Modifying an object within a const member function Unknown
1307 ready Overload resolution based on size of array initializer-list Unknown
1308 DRWP Completeness of class type within an exception-specification Unknown
1309 drafting Incorrect note regarding lookup of a member of the current instantiation Not resolved
1310 DR What is an “acceptable lookup result?” Unknown
1311 DRWP Volatile lvalues in constant expressions Unknown
1312 DRWP Simulated reinterpret_cast in constant expressions Unknown
1313 DRWP Undefined pointer arithmetic in constant expressions Unknown
1314 NAD Pointer arithmetic within standard-layout objects Unknown
1315 drafting Restrictions on non-type template arguments in partial specializations Not resolved
1316 NAD constexpr function requirements and class scope Unknown
1317 NAD Unnamed scoped enumerations Unknown
1318 DR Syntactic ambiguities with final Unknown
1319 NAD Error in pack expansion example Unknown
1320 DR Converting scoped enumerations to bool Unknown
1321 DRWP Equivalency of dependent calls Unknown
1322 drafting Function parameter type decay in templates Not resolved
1323 NAD Nonexistent nonterminal in alignment-specifier grammar Unknown
1324 DRWP Value initialization and defaulted constructors Unknown
1325 drafting Omitted declarator in friend declarations Not resolved
1326 extension Deducing an array bound from an initializer-list Not resolved
1327 DRWP virt-specifier in a defaulted definition Unknown
1328 DR Conflict in reference binding vs overload resolution Unknown
1329 DRWP Recursive deduction substitutions Unknown
1330 DR Delayed instantiation of noexcept specifiers Unknown
1331 extension const mismatch with defaulted copy constructor Not resolved
1332 drafting Handling of invalid universal-character-names Not resolved
1333 DRWP Omission of const in a defaulted copy constructor Unknown
1334 NAD Layout compatibility and cv-qualification Unknown
1335 drafting Stringizing, extended characters, and universal-character-names Not resolved
1336 DRWP Definition of “converting constructor” Unknown
1337 dup Partial ordering and non-deduced parameters Unknown
1338 open Aliasing and allocation functions Not resolved
1339 NAD Parenthesized braced-init-list and arrays Unknown
1340 DRWP Complete type in member pointer expressions Unknown
1341 drafting Bit-field initializers Not resolved
1342 drafting Order of initialization with multiple declarators Not resolved
1343 drafting Sequencing of non-class initialization Not resolved
1344 drafting Adding new special member functions to a class via default arguments Not resolved
1345 DRWP Initialization of anonymous union class members Unknown
1346 DRWP expression-list initializers and the auto specifier Unknown
1347 DRWP Consistency of auto in multiple-declarator declarations Unknown
1348 drafting Use of auto in a trailing-return-type Not resolved
1349 drafting Consistency of alias template redeclarations Not resolved
1350 DRWP Incorrect exception specification for inherited constructors Unknown
1351 review Problems with implicitly-declared exception-specifications Not resolved
1352 DRWP Inconsistent class scope and completeness rules Unknown
1353 drafting Array and variant members and deleted special member functions Not resolved
1354 DRWP Destructor exceptions for temporaries in noexcept expressions Unknown
1355 DRWP Aggregates and “user-provided” constructors Unknown
1356 review Exception specifications of copy assignment operators with virtual bases Not resolved
1357 DRWP brace-or-equal-initializers for function and typedef members Unknown
1358 DR Unintentionally ill-formed constexpr function template instances Unknown
1359 DRWP constexpr union constructors Unknown
1360 drafting constexpr defaulted default constructors Not resolved
1361 DR Requirement on brace-or-equal-initializers of literal types Unknown
1362 DRWP Complete type required for implicit conversion to T& Unknown
1363 DRWP Triviality vs multiple default constructors Unknown
1364 DRWP constexpr function parameters Unknown
1365 DRWP Calling undefined constexpr functions Unknown
1366 DRWP Deleted constexpr constructors and virtual base classes Unknown
1367 DRWP Use of this in a constant expression Unknown
1368 DRWP Value initialization and defaulted constructors (part 2) Unknown
1369 DRWP Function invocation substitution of this Unknown
1370 DRWP identifier-list cannot contain ellipsis Unknown
1371 NAD Deduction from T&& in return types Unknown
1372 DRWP Cross-references incorrect in conversion function template argument deduction Unknown
1373 dup Overload resolution changes matching reference-binding changes Unknown
1374 DR Qualification conversion vs difference in reference binding Unknown
1375 DRWP Reference to anonymous union? Unknown
1376 drafting static_cast of temporary to rvalue reference Not resolved
1377 dup Access declarations not mentioned in Annex C Unknown
1378 open When is an instantiation required? Not resolved
1379 NAD Is std::initializer_list an aggregate? Unknown
1380 DRWP Type definitions in template-parameter parameter-declarations Unknown
1381 DRWP Implicitly-declared special member functions and default nothrow Unknown
1382 DRWP Dead code for constructor names Unknown
1383 DRWP Clarifying discarded-value expressions Unknown
1384 NAD reinterpret_cast in constant expressions Unknown
1385 DRWP Syntactic forms of conversion functions for surrogate call functions Unknown
1386 NAD Explicitly-specified partial argument list with multiple parameter packs Unknown
1387 DRWP Missing non-deduced context for decltype Unknown
1388 DRWP Missing non-deduced context following a function parameter pack Unknown
1389 NAD Recursive reference in trailing-return-type Unknown
1390 drafting Dependency of alias template specializations Not resolved
1391 drafting Conversions to parameter types with non deduced template arguments Not resolved
1392 DRWP Explicit conversion functions for references and non-references Unknown
1393 extension Pack expansions in using-declarations Not resolved
1394 DRWP Incomplete types as parameters of deleted functions Unknown
1395 drafting Partial ordering of variadic templates reconsidered Not resolved
1396 drafting Deferred instantiation and checking of non-static data member initializers Not resolved
1397 open Class completeness in non-static data member initializers Not resolved
1398 DRWP Non-type template parameters of type std::nullptr_t Unknown
1399 DRWP Deduction with multiple function parameter packs Unknown
1400 NAD Function pointer equality Unknown
1401 DRWP Similar types and reference compatibility Unknown
1402 DR Move functions too often deleted Unknown
1403 open Universal-character-names in comments Not resolved
1404 drafting Object reallocation in unions Not resolved
1405 DR constexpr and mutable members of literal types Unknown
1406 DRWP ref-qualifiers and added parameters of non-static member function templates Unknown
1407 NAD Integral to bool conversion in converted constant expressions Unknown
1408 DRWP What is “the same aggregate initialization?” Unknown
1409 DRWP What is the second standard conversion sequence of a list-initialization sequence? Unknown
1410 DRWP Reference overload tiebreakers should apply to rvalue references Unknown
1411 DR More on global scope :: in nested-name-specifier Unknown
1412 DR Problems in specifying pointer conversions Unknown
1413 DR Missing cases of value-dependency Unknown
1414 drafting Binding an rvalue reference to a reference-unrelated lvalue Not resolved
1415 DRWP Missing prohibition of block-scope definition of extern object Unknown
1416 DRWP Function cv-qualifiers and typeid Unknown
1417 ready Pointers/references to functions with cv-qualifiers or ref-qualifier Unknown
1418 DRWP Type of initializer_list backing array Unknown
1419 NAD Evaluation order in aggregate initialization Unknown
1420 NAD Abstract final classes Unknown
1421 NAD Full expressions and aggregate initialization Unknown
1422 dup Type of character literals containing universal-character-names Unknown
1423 DRWP Convertibility of nullptr to bool Unknown
1424 tentatively ready When must sub-object destructors be accessible? Unknown
1425 DR Base-class subobjects of standard-layout structs Unknown
1426 extension Allowing additional parameter types in defaulted functions Not resolved
1427 NAD Default constructor and deleted or inaccessible destructors Unknown
1428 DRWP Dynamic const objects Unknown
1429 NAD Scope of a member template's template parameter Unknown
1430 drafting Pack expansion into fixed alias template parameter list Not resolved
1431 DRWP Exceptions from other than throw-expressions Unknown
1432 drafting Newly-ambiguous variadic template expansions Not resolved
1433 extension trailing-return-type and point of declaration Not resolved
1434 NAD Parenthesized braced-init-list Unknown
1435 DR template-id as the declarator for a class template constructor Unknown
1436 drafting Interaction of constant expression changes with preprocessor expressions Not resolved
1437 DR alignas in alias-declaration Unknown
1438 DRWP Non-dereference use of invalid pointers Unknown
1439 DRWP Lookup and friend template declarations Unknown
1440 DRWP Acceptable decltype-specifiers used as nested-name-specifiers Unknown
1441 concurrency Unclear wording for signal handler restrictions Not resolved
1442 DR Argument-dependent lookup in the range-based for Unknown
1443 NAD Default arguments and non-static data members Unknown
1444 drafting Type adjustments of non-type template parameters Not resolved
1445 dup Argument-dependent lookup of begin and end Unknown
1446 drafting Member function with no ref-qualifier and non-member function with rvalue reference Not resolved
1447 DRWP static_cast of bit-field lvalue to rvalue reference Unknown
1448 NAD Integral values of type bool Unknown
1449 DRWP Narrowing conversion of negative value to unsigned type Unknown
1450 DRWP INT_MIN % -1 Unknown
1451 extension Objects with no linkage in non-type template arguments Not resolved
1452 drafting Value-initialized objects may be constants Not resolved
1453 DRWP Volatile members in literal classes? Unknown
1454 DRWP Passing constants through constexpr functions via references Unknown
1455 DRWP Lvalue converted constant expressions Unknown
1456 DR Address constant expression designating the one-past-the-end address Unknown
1457 DRWP Undefined behavior in left-shift Unknown
1458 DRWP Address of incomplete type vs operator&() Unknown
1459 open Reference-binding tiebreakers in overload resolution Not resolved
1460 drafting What is an empty union? Not resolved
1461 extension Narrowing conversions to bit-fields Not resolved
1462 DR Deduction failure vs “ill-formed, no diagnostic required” Unknown
1463 extension extern "C" alias templates Not resolved
1464 accepted Negative array bound in a new-expression Unknown
1465 review noexcept and std::bad_array_new_length Not resolved
1466 concurrency Visible sequences of side effects are redundant Not resolved
1467 drafting List-initialization of aggregate from same-type object Not resolved
1468 drafting typeid, overload resolution, and implicit lambda capture Not resolved
1469 drafting Omitted bound in array new-expression Not resolved
1470 concurrency Thread migration Not resolved
1471 DR Nested type of non-dependent base Unknown
1472 DR odr-use of reference variables Unknown
1473 DR Syntax of literal-operator-id Unknown
1474 extension User-defined literals and <inttypes.h> format macros Not resolved
1475 DR Errors in [[carries_dependency]] example Unknown
1476 DR Definition of user-defined type Unknown
1477 DR Definition of a friend outside its namespace Unknown
1478 drafting template keyword for dependent template template arguments Not resolved
1479 DR Literal operators and default arguments Unknown
1480 drafting Constant initialization via non-constant temporary Not resolved
1481 DR Increment/decrement operators with reference parameters Unknown
1482 DR Point of declaration of enumeration Unknown
1483 NAD Non-dependent static_assert-declarations Unknown
1484 review Unused local classes of function templates Not resolved
1485 drafting Out-of-class definition of member unscoped opaque enumeration Not resolved
1486 drafting Base-derived conversion in member pointer deduction Not resolved
1487 DR When are inheriting constructors declared? Unknown
1488 drafting abstract-pack-declarators in type-ids Not resolved
1489 DR Is value-initialization of an array constant initialization? Unknown
1490 drafting List-initialization from a string literal Not resolved
1491 drafting Move construction and rvalue reference members Not resolved
1492 drafting Exception specifications on template destructors Not resolved
1493 drafting Criteria for move-construction Not resolved
1494 DR Temporary initialization for reference binding in list-initialization Unknown
1495 DR Partial specialization of variadic class template Unknown
1496 drafting Triviality with deleted and missing default constructors Not resolved
1497 NAD Aggregate initialization with parenthesized string literal Unknown
1498 dup Lifetime of temporaries in range-based for Unknown
1499 drafting Missing case for deleted move assignment operator Not resolved
1500 open Name lookup of dependent conversion function Not resolved
1501 NAD Nested braces in list-initialization Unknown
1502 DR Value initialization of unions with member initializers Unknown
1503 DR Exceptions during copy to exception object Unknown
1504 DR Pointer arithmetic after derived-base conversion Unknown
1505 dup Direct binding of reference to temporary in list-initialization Unknown
1506 DR Value category of initializer_list object Unknown
1507 DR Value initialization with trivial inaccessible default constructor Unknown
1508 drafting Template initializer-list constructors Not resolved
1509 drafting Definition of “non-template function” Not resolved
1510 DR cv-qualified references via decltype Unknown
1511 DR const volatile variables and the one-definition rule Unknown
1512 DR Pointer comparison vs qualification conversions Unknown
1513 drafting initializer_list deduction failure Not resolved
1514 drafting Ambiguity between enumeration definition and zero-length bit-field Not resolved
1515 DR Modulo 2n arithmetic for implicitly-unsigned types Unknown
1516 DR Definition of “virtual function call” Unknown
1517 drafting Unclear/missing description of behavior during construction/destruction Not resolved
1518 drafting Explicit default constructors and copy-list-initialization Not resolved
1519 extension Conflicting default and variadic constructors Not resolved
1520 NAD Alias template specialization vs pack expansion Unknown
1521 drafting T{expr} with reference types Not resolved
1522 DR Access checking for initializer_list array initialization Unknown
1523 drafting Point of declaration in range-based for Not resolved
1524 drafting Incompletely-defined class template base Not resolved
1525 NAD Array bound inference in temporary array Unknown
1526 dup Dependent-class lookup in the current instantiation Unknown
1527 DR Assignment from braced-init-list Unknown
1528 DR Repeated cv-qualifiers in declarators Unknown
1529 drafting Nomenclature for variable vs reference non-static data member Not resolved
1530 drafting Member access in out-of-lifetime objects Not resolved
1531 ready Definition of “access” (verb) Unknown
1532 DR Explicit instantiation and member templates Unknown
1533 DR Function pack expansion for member initialization Unknown
1534 dup cv-qualification of prvalue of type “array of class” Unknown
1535 DR typeid in core constant expressions Unknown
1536 drafting Overload resolution with temporary from initializer list Not resolved
1537 DR Optional compile-time evaluation of constant expressions Unknown
1538 DR C-style cast in braced-init-list assignment Unknown
1539 DR Definition of “character type” Unknown
1540 NAD Use of address constants in constant expressions Unknown
1541 DR cv void return types Unknown
1542 drafting Compound assignment of braced-init-list Not resolved
1543 DR Implicit conversion sequence for empty initializer list Unknown
1544 DR Linkage of member of unnamed namespace Unknown
1545 drafting friend function templates defined in class templates Not resolved
1546 NAD Errors in function template default arguments Unknown
1547 NAD typename keyword in alias-declarations Unknown
1548 drafting Copy/move construction and conversion functions Not resolved
1549 open Overloaded comma operator with void operand Not resolved
1550 DR Parenthesized throw-expression operand of conditional-expression Unknown
1551 drafting Wording problems in using-declaration specification Not resolved
1552 drafting exception-specifications and defaulted special member functions Not resolved
1553 DR sizeof and xvalue bit-fields Unknown
1554 drafting Access and alias templates Not resolved
1555 extension Language linkage and function type compatibility Not resolved
1556 DR Constructors and explicit conversion functions in direct initialization Unknown
1557 DR Language linkage of converted lambda function pointer Unknown
1558 drafting Unused arguments in alias template specializations Not resolved
1559 DR String too long in initializer list of new-expression Unknown
1560 DR Gratuitous lvalue-to-rvalue conversion in conditional-expression with throw-expression operand Unknown
1561 extension Aggregates with empty base classes Not resolved
1562 drafting Non-static data member initializers and union ctor-initializer Not resolved
1563 DR List-initialization and overloaded function disambiguation Unknown
1564 extension Template argument deduction from an initializer list Not resolved
1565 drafting Copy elision and lifetime of initializer_list underlying array Not resolved
1566 NAD Should new std::initializer_list<T> be ill-formed? Unknown
1567 ready Inheriting constructors and copy/move constructors Unknown
1568 dup Temporary lifetime extension with intervening cast Unknown
1569 drafting Deducing a function parameter pack before ellipsis Not resolved
1570 drafting Address of subobject as non-type template argument Not resolved
1571 drafting cv-qualification for indirect reference binding via conversion function Not resolved
1572 drafting Incorrect example for rvalue reference binding via conversion function Not resolved
1573 drafting Inherited constructor characteristics Not resolved
1574 NAD Explicitly-defaulted constexpr functions in wrapper templates Unknown
1575 ready Incorrect definition of “strict pointer safety” Unknown
1576 drafting Discarded-value volatile xvalues Not resolved
1577 extension Unnecessary restrictions on partial specializations Not resolved
1578 NAD Value-initialization of aggregates Unknown
1579 extension Return by converting move constructor Not resolved
1580 drafting Default arguments in explicit instantiations Not resolved
1581 open When are constexpr member functions defined? Not resolved
1582 drafting Template default arguments and deduction failure Not resolved
1583 ready Incorrect example of unspecified behavior Unknown
1584 review Deducing function types from cv-qualified types Not resolved
1585 NAD Value category of member access of rvalue reference member Unknown
1586 drafting Naming a destructor via decltype Not resolved
1587 drafting constexpr initialization and nested anonymous unions Not resolved
1588 DR Deducing cv-qualified auto Unknown
1589 drafting Ambiguous ranking of list-initialization sequences Not resolved
1590 review Bypassing non-copy/move constructor copying Not resolved
1591 drafting Deducing array bound and element type from initializer list Not resolved
1592 drafting When do template parameters match? Not resolved
1593 drafting “Parameter type” of special member functions Not resolved
1594 open Lazy declaration of special members vs overload errors Not resolved
1595 drafting Constructors “involved in” subobject initialization Not resolved
1596 drafting Non-array objects as array[1] Not resolved
1597 drafting Misleading constexpr example Not resolved
1598 drafting Criterion for equality of pointers to members Not resolved
1599 open Lifetime of initializer_list underlying array Not resolved
1600 review Erroneous reference initialization in example Not resolved
1601 drafting Promotion of enumeration with fixed underlying type Not resolved
1602 open Linkage of specialization vs linkage of template arguments Not resolved
1603 review Errors resulting from giving unnamed namespaces internal linkage Not resolved
1604 drafting Double temporaries in reference initialization Not resolved
1605 DR Misleading parenthetical comment for explicit destructor call Unknown
1606 NAD sizeof closure class Unknown
1607 drafting Lambdas in template parameters Not resolved
1608 ready Operator lookup in trailing return type Unknown
1609 drafting Default arguments and function parameter packs Not resolved
1610 drafting Cv-qualification in deduction of reference to array Not resolved
1611 drafting Deleted default constructor for abstract class Not resolved
1612 drafting Implicit lambda capture and anonymous unions Not resolved
1613 drafting Constant expressions and lambda capture Not resolved
1614 review Address of pure virtual function vs odr-use Not resolved
1615 review Alignment of types, variables, and members Not resolved
1616 drafting Disambiguation parsing and template parameters Not resolved
1617 open alignas and non-defining declarations Not resolved
1618 open Gratuitously-unsigned underlying enum type Not resolved
1619 open Definition of current instantiation Not resolved
1620 open User-defined literals and extended integer types Not resolved
1621 drafting Member initializers in anonymous unions Not resolved
1622 drafting Empty aggregate initializer for union Not resolved
1623 drafting Deleted default union constructor and member initializers Not resolved
1624 NAD Destruction of union members with member initializers Unknown
1625 open Adding spaces between tokens in stringizing Not resolved
1626 drafting constexpr member functions in brace-or-equal-initializers Not resolved
1627 NAD Agreement of dependent alignas specifiers Unknown
1628 open Deallocation function templates Not resolved
1629 ready Can a closure class be a literal type? Unknown
1630 drafting Multiple default constructor templates Not resolved
1631 drafting Incorrect overload resolution for single-element initializer-list Not resolved
1632 open Lambda capture in member initializers Not resolved
1633 review Copy-initialization in member initialization Not resolved
1634 drafting Temporary storage duration Not resolved
1635 drafting How similar are template default arguments to function default arguments? Not resolved
1636 drafting Bits required for negative enumerator values Not resolved
1637 NAD Recursion in constexpr template default constructor Unknown
1638 drafting Declaring an explicit specialization of a scoped enumeration Not resolved
1639 review exception-specifications and pointer/pointer-to-member expressions Not resolved
1640 drafting Array of abstract instance of class template Not resolved
1641 NAD Assignment in member initializer Unknown
1642 open Missing requirements for prvalue operands Not resolved
1643 extension Default arguments for template parameter packs Not resolved
1644 open Equivalent exception-specifications in function template declarations Not resolved
1645 drafting Identical inheriting constructors via default arguments Not resolved
1646 drafting decltype-specifiers, abstract classes, and deduction failure Not resolved
1647 drafting Type agreement of non-type template arguments in partial specializations Not resolved
1648 ready thread_local vs block extern declarations Unknown
1649 drafting Error in the syntax of mem-initializer-list Not resolved
1650 open Class prvalues in reference initialization Not resolved
1651 drafting Lifetime extension of temporary via reference to subobject Not resolved
1652 drafting Object addresses in constexpr expressions Not resolved
1653 open Removing deprecated increment of bool Not resolved
1654 open Literal types and constexpr defaulted constructors Not resolved
1655 open Line endings in raw string literals Not resolved
1656 open Encoding of numerically-escaped characters Not resolved