// REQUIRES: x86-registered-target // Play around with backend reporting: // _REGULAR_: Regular behavior, no warning switch enabled. // _PROMOTE_: Promote warning to error. // _IGNORE_: Drop backend warning. // // RUN: not %clang_cc1 %s -mllvm -warn-stack-size=0 -no-integrated-as -S -o - -triple=i386-apple-darwin 2> %t.err // RUN: FileCheck < %t.err %s --check-prefix=REGULAR --check-prefix=ASM // RUN: not %clang_cc1 %s -mllvm -warn-stack-size=0 -no-integrated-as -S -o - -triple=i386-apple-darwin -Werror=frame-larger-than 2> %t.err // RUN: FileCheck < %t.err %s --check-prefix=PROMOTE --check-prefix=ASM // RUN: not %clang_cc1 %s -mllvm -warn-stack-size=0 -no-integrated-as -S -o - -triple=i386-apple-darwin -Wno-frame-larger-than 2> %t.err // RUN: FileCheck < %t.err %s --check-prefix=IGNORE --check-prefix=ASM // // Currently the stack size reporting cannot be checked with -verify because // no source location is attached to the diagnostic. Therefore do not emit // them for the -verify test for now. // RUN: %clang_cc1 %s -S -o - -triple=i386-apple-darwin -verify -no-integrated-as extern void doIt(char *); // REGULAR: warning: stack size exceeded ({{[0-9]+}}) in stackSizeWarning // PROMOTE: error: stack size exceeded ({{[0-9]+}}) in stackSizeWarning // IGNORE-NOT: stack size exceeded ({{[0-9]+}}) in stackSizeWarning void stackSizeWarning() { char buffer[80]; doIt(buffer); } // ASM: inline assembly requires more registers than available void inlineAsmError(int x0, int x1, int x2, int x3, int x4, int x5, int x6, int x7, int x8, int x9) { __asm__("hello world": : "r" (x0),"r" (x1),"r" (x2),"r" (x3), // expected-error + {{inline assembly requires more registers than available}} "r" (x4),"r" (x5),"r" (x6),"r" (x7),"r" (x8),"r" (x9)); }