.. ------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: This file is automatically generated by running clang-tblgen -gen-opt-docs. Do not edit this file by hand!! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ===================================== Clang command line argument reference ===================================== .. contents:: :local: Introduction ============ This page lists the command line arguments currently supported by the GCC-compatible ``clang`` and ``clang++`` drivers. .. program:: clang .. option:: -B, --prefix , --prefix= Add to search path for binaries and object files used implicitly .. option:: -F Add directory to framework include search path .. option:: -ObjC Treat source input files as Objective-C inputs .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -ObjC++ .. program:: clang Treat source input files as Objective-C++ inputs .. option:: -Qn, -fno-ident Do not emit metadata containing compiler name and version .. option:: -Qunused-arguments Don't emit warning for unused driver arguments .. option:: -Qy, -fident Emit metadata containing compiler name and version .. option:: -Wa,,... Pass the comma separated arguments in to the assembler .. option:: -Wlarge-by-value-copy= .. option:: -Xarch\_ .. option:: -Xcuda-fatbinary Pass to fatbinary invocation .. option:: -Xcuda-ptxas Pass to the ptxas assembler .. option:: -Xopenmp-target Pass to the target offloading toolchain. .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -Xopenmp-target= .. program:: clang Pass to the target offloading toolchain identified by . .. option:: -Z .. option:: -a, --profile-blocks .. option:: -all\_load .. option:: -allowable\_client .. option:: --analyze Run the static analyzer .. option:: --analyze-auto .. option:: --analyzer-no-default-checks .. option:: --analyzer-output Static analyzer report output format (html\|plist\|plist-multi-file\|plist-html\|text). .. option:: -ansi, --ansi .. option:: -arch .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -arch\_errors\_fatal .. program:: clang .. program:: clang2 .. option:: -arch\_only .. program:: clang .. option:: -arcmt-migrate-emit-errors Emit ARC errors even if the migrator can fix them .. option:: -arcmt-migrate-report-output Output path for the plist report .. option:: --autocomplete= .. option:: -bind\_at\_load .. option:: -bundle .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -bundle\_loader .. program:: clang .. option:: -cfguard Emit tables required for Windows Control Flow Guard. .. option:: -client\_name .. option:: -compatibility\_version .. option:: --config Specifies configuration file .. option:: --constant-cfstrings .. option:: -coverage, --coverage .. option:: --cuda-compile-host-device Compile CUDA code for both host and device (default). Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations. .. option:: --cuda-device-only Compile CUDA code for device only .. option:: --cuda-gpu-arch=, --no-cuda-gpu-arch= CUDA GPU architecture (e.g. sm\_35). May be specified more than once. .. option:: --cuda-host-only Compile CUDA code for host only. Has no effect on non-CUDA compilations. .. option:: --cuda-include-ptx=, --no-cuda-include-ptx= Include PTX for the follwing GPU architecture (e.g. sm\_35) or 'all'. May be specified more than once. .. option:: --cuda-noopt-device-debug, --no-cuda-noopt-device-debug Enable device-side debug info generation. Disables ptxas optimizations. .. option:: -current\_version .. option:: -dead\_strip .. option:: -dependency-dot Filename to write DOT-formatted header dependencies to .. option:: -dependency-file Filename (or -) to write dependency output to .. option:: -dumpmachine .. option:: -dumpversion .. option:: --dyld-prefix=, --dyld-prefix .. option:: -dylib\_file .. option:: -dylinker .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -dylinker\_install\_name .. program:: clang .. option:: -dynamic .. option:: -dynamiclib .. option:: -emit-ast Emit Clang AST files for source inputs .. option:: -exported\_symbols\_list .. option:: -faligned-new= .. option:: -fcuda-approx-transcendentals, -fno-cuda-approx-transcendentals Use approximate transcendental functions .. option:: -fcuda-flush-denormals-to-zero, -fno-cuda-flush-denormals-to-zero Flush denormal floating point values to zero in CUDA device mode. .. option:: -fcuda-rdc, -fno-cuda-rdc Generate relocatable device code, also known as separate compilation mode. .. option:: -fcuda-short-ptr, -fno-cuda-short-ptr Use 32-bit pointers for accessing const/local/shared address spaces. .. option:: -ffixed-r19 Reserve register r19 (Hexagon only) .. option:: -fheinous-gnu-extensions .. option:: -flat\_namespace .. option:: -fopenmp-targets=,... Specify comma-separated list of triples OpenMP offloading targets to be supported .. option:: -force\_cpusubtype\_ALL .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -force\_flat\_namespace .. program:: clang .. program:: clang2 .. option:: -force\_load .. program:: clang .. option:: -framework .. option:: -frtlib-add-rpath, -fno-rtlib-add-rpath Add -rpath with architecture-specific resource directory to the linker flags .. option:: --gcc-toolchain=, -gcc-toolchain Use the gcc toolchain at the given directory .. option:: -gcodeview Generate CodeView debug information .. option:: -headerpad\_max\_install\_names .. option:: -help, --help Display available options .. option:: --help-hidden Display help for hidden options .. option:: --hip-link Link clang-offload-bundler bundles for HIP .. option:: -image\_base .. option:: -index-header-map Make the next included directory (-I or -F) an indexer header map .. option:: -init .. option:: -install\_name .. option:: -keep\_private\_externs .. option:: -lazy\_framework .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -lazy\_library .. program:: clang .. option:: -mbig-endian, -EB .. option:: --migrate Run the migrator .. option:: -mios-simulator-version-min=, -miphonesimulator-version-min= .. option:: -mlinker-version= .. option:: -mlittle-endian, -EL .. option:: -mllvm Additional arguments to forward to LLVM's option processing .. option:: -module-dependency-dir Directory to dump module dependencies to .. option:: -mtvos-simulator-version-min=, -mappletvsimulator-version-min= .. option:: -multi\_module .. option:: -multiply\_defined .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -multiply\_defined\_unused .. program:: clang .. option:: -mwatchos-simulator-version-min=, -mwatchsimulator-version-min= .. option:: --no-cuda-version-check Don't error out if the detected version of the CUDA install is too low for the requested CUDA gpu architecture. .. option:: -no-integrated-cpp, --no-integrated-cpp .. option:: -no\_dead\_strip\_inits\_and\_terms .. option:: -nobuiltininc Disable builtin #include directories .. option:: -nocudainc .. option:: -nocudalib .. option:: -nodefaultlibs .. option:: -nofixprebinding .. option:: -nolibc .. option:: -nomultidefs .. option:: -nopie, -no-pie .. option:: -noprebind .. option:: -noseglinkedit .. option:: -nostartfiles .. option:: -nostdinc, --no-standard-includes .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -nostdinc++ .. program:: clang Disable standard #include directories for the C++ standard library .. option:: -nostdlib, --no-standard-libraries .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -nostdlib++ .. program:: clang .. option:: -nostdlibinc .. option:: -o, --output , --output= Write output to .. option:: -objcmt-atomic-property Make migration to 'atomic' properties .. option:: -objcmt-migrate-all Enable migration to modern ObjC .. option:: -objcmt-migrate-annotation Enable migration to property and method annotations .. option:: -objcmt-migrate-designated-init Enable migration to infer NS\_DESIGNATED\_INITIALIZER for initializer methods .. option:: -objcmt-migrate-instancetype Enable migration to infer instancetype for method result type .. option:: -objcmt-migrate-literals Enable migration to modern ObjC literals .. option:: -objcmt-migrate-ns-macros Enable migration to NS\_ENUM/NS\_OPTIONS macros .. option:: -objcmt-migrate-property Enable migration to modern ObjC property .. option:: -objcmt-migrate-property-dot-syntax Enable migration of setter/getter messages to property-dot syntax .. option:: -objcmt-migrate-protocol-conformance Enable migration to add protocol conformance on classes .. option:: -objcmt-migrate-readonly-property Enable migration to modern ObjC readonly property .. option:: -objcmt-migrate-readwrite-property Enable migration to modern ObjC readwrite property .. option:: -objcmt-migrate-subscripting Enable migration to modern ObjC subscripting .. option:: -objcmt-ns-nonatomic-iosonly Enable migration to use NS\_NONATOMIC\_IOSONLY macro for setting property's 'atomic' attribute .. option:: -objcmt-returns-innerpointer-property Enable migration to annotate property with NS\_RETURNS\_INNER\_POINTER .. option:: -objcmt-whitelist-dir-path=, -objcmt-white-list-dir-path= Only modify files with a filename contained in the provided directory path .. option:: -object .. option:: -p, --profile .. option:: -pagezero\_size .. option:: -pg Enable mcount instrumentation .. option:: -pie .. option:: -pipe, --pipe Use pipes between commands, when possible .. option:: -prebind .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -prebind\_all\_twolevel\_modules .. program:: clang .. option:: -preload .. option:: --print-diagnostic-categories .. option:: -print-effective-triple, --print-effective-triple Print the effective target triple .. option:: -print-file-name=, --print-file-name=, --print-file-name Print the full library path of .. option:: -print-ivar-layout Enable Objective-C Ivar layout bitmap print trace .. option:: -print-libgcc-file-name, --print-libgcc-file-name Print the library path for the currently used compiler runtime library ("libgcc.a" or "libclang\_rt.builtins.\*.a") .. option:: -print-multi-directory, --print-multi-directory .. option:: -print-multi-lib, --print-multi-lib .. option:: -print-prog-name=, --print-prog-name=, --print-prog-name Print the full program path of .. option:: -print-resource-dir, --print-resource-dir Print the resource directory pathname .. option:: -print-search-dirs, --print-search-dirs Print the paths used for finding libraries and programs .. option:: -print-target-triple, --print-target-triple Print the normalized target triple .. option:: -private\_bundle .. option:: -pthread, -no-pthread Support POSIX threads in generated code .. option:: -pthreads .. option:: -rdynamic .. option:: -read\_only\_relocs .. option:: -relocatable-pch, --relocatable-pch Whether to build a relocatable precompiled header .. option:: -remap .. option:: -rewrite-legacy-objc Rewrite Legacy Objective-C source to C++ .. option:: -rtlib=, --rtlib=, --rtlib Compiler runtime library to use .. option:: -save-stats=, --save-stats=, -save-stats (equivalent to -save-stats=cwd), --save-stats (equivalent to -save-stats=cwd) Save llvm statistics. .. option:: -save-temps=, --save-temps=, -save-temps (equivalent to -save-temps=cwd), --save-temps (equivalent to -save-temps=cwd) Save intermediate compilation results. .. option:: -sectalign .. option:: -sectcreate .. option:: -sectobjectsymbols .. option:: -sectorder .. option:: -seg1addr .. option:: -seg\_addr\_table .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -seg\_addr\_table\_filename .. program:: clang .. option:: -segaddr .. option:: -segcreate .. option:: -seglinkedit .. option:: -segprot .. option:: -segs\_read\_ .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -segs\_read\_only\_addr .. program:: clang .. program:: clang2 .. option:: -segs\_read\_write\_addr .. program:: clang .. option:: -serialize-diagnostics , --serialize-diagnostics Serialize compiler diagnostics to a file .. option:: -shared, --shared .. option:: -shared-libgcc .. option:: -shared-libsan, -shared-libasan Dynamically link the sanitizer runtime .. option:: -single\_module .. option:: -specs=, --specs= .. option:: -static, --static .. option:: -static-libgcc .. option:: -static-libsan Statically link the sanitizer runtime .. option:: -static-libstdc++ .. option:: -std-default= .. option:: -stdlib=, --stdlib=, --stdlib C++ standard library to use .. option:: -sub\_library .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -sub\_umbrella .. program:: clang .. option:: --sysroot=, --sysroot .. option:: --target-help .. option:: --target=, -target Generate code for the given target .. option:: -time Time individual commands .. option:: -traditional, --traditional .. option:: -traditional-cpp, --traditional-cpp Enable some traditional CPP emulation .. option:: -twolevel\_namespace .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -twolevel\_namespace\_hints .. program:: clang .. option:: -umbrella .. option:: -unexported\_symbols\_list .. option:: -v, --verbose Show commands to run and use verbose output .. option:: --verify-debug-info Verify the binary representation of debug output .. option:: --version Print version information .. option:: -w, --no-warnings Suppress all warnings .. option:: -weak-l .. option:: -weak\_framework .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -weak\_library .. program:: clang .. program:: clang2 .. option:: -weak\_reference\_mismatches .. program:: clang .. option:: -whatsloaded .. option:: -whyload .. option:: -working-directory, -working-directory= Resolve file paths relative to the specified directory .. option:: -x, --language , --language= Treat subsequent input files as having type .. option:: -y Actions ======= The action to perform on the input. .. option:: -E, --preprocess Only run the preprocessor .. option:: -S, --assemble Only run preprocess and compilation steps .. option:: -c, --compile Only run preprocess, compile, and assemble steps .. option:: -emit-llvm Use the LLVM representation for assembler and object files .. option:: -fsyntax-only .. option:: -module-file-info Provide information about a particular module file .. option:: --precompile Only precompile the input .. option:: -rewrite-objc Rewrite Objective-C source to C++ .. option:: -verify-pch Load and verify that a pre-compiled header file is not stale Compilation flags ================= Flags controlling the behavior of Clang during compilation. These flags have no effect during actions that do not perform compilation. .. option:: -Xassembler Pass to the assembler .. option:: -Xclang Pass to the clang compiler .. option:: -fclang-abi-compat= Attempt to match the ABI of Clang .. option:: -fcomment-block-commands=,... Treat each comma separated argument in as a documentation comment block command .. option:: -fcomplete-member-pointers, -fno-complete-member-pointers Require member pointer base types to be complete if they would be significant under the Microsoft ABI .. option:: -fcrash-diagnostics-dir= .. option:: -fdeclspec, -fno-declspec Allow \_\_declspec as a keyword .. option:: -fdepfile-entry= .. option:: -fdiagnostics-fixit-info, -fno-diagnostics-fixit-info .. option:: -fdiagnostics-format= .. option:: -fdiagnostics-parseable-fixits Print fix-its in machine parseable form .. option:: -fdiagnostics-print-source-range-info Print source range spans in numeric form .. option:: -fdiagnostics-show-category= .. option:: -fdiscard-value-names, -fno-discard-value-names Discard value names in LLVM IR .. option:: -fexperimental-isel, -fno-experimental-isel Enables the experimental global instruction selector .. option:: -fexperimental-new-pass-manager, -fno-experimental-new-pass-manager Enables an experimental new pass manager in LLVM. .. option:: -ffine-grained-bitfield-accesses, -fno-fine-grained-bitfield-accesses Use separate accesses for consecutive bitfield runs with legal widths and alignments. .. option:: -finline-functions, -fno-inline-functions Inline suitable functions .. option:: -finline-hint-functions Inline functions which are (explicitly or implicitly) marked inline .. option:: -fno-crash-diagnostics Disable auto-generation of preprocessed source files and a script for reproduction during a clang crash .. option:: -fno-sanitize-blacklist Don't use blacklist file for sanitizers .. option:: -fparse-all-comments .. option:: -fsanitize-address-field-padding= Level of field padding for AddressSanitizer .. option:: -fsanitize-address-globals-dead-stripping Enable linker dead stripping of globals in AddressSanitizer .. option:: -fsanitize-address-poison-class-member-array-new-cookie, -fno-sanitize-address-poison-class-member-array-new-cookie Enable poisoning array cookies when using class member operator new\[\] in AddressSanitizer .. option:: -fsanitize-address-use-after-scope, -fno-sanitize-address-use-after-scope Enable use-after-scope detection in AddressSanitizer .. option:: -fsanitize-blacklist= Path to blacklist file for sanitizers .. option:: -fsanitize-cfi-cross-dso, -fno-sanitize-cfi-cross-dso Enable control flow integrity (CFI) checks for cross-DSO calls. .. option:: -fsanitize-cfi-icall-generalize-pointers Generalize pointers in CFI indirect call type signature checks .. option:: -fsanitize-coverage=,..., -fno-sanitize-coverage=,... Specify the type of coverage instrumentation for Sanitizers .. option:: -fsanitize-link-c++-runtime .. option:: -fsanitize-memory-track-origins, -fno-sanitize-memory-track-origins Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -fsanitize-memory-track-origins= .. program:: clang Enable origins tracking in MemorySanitizer .. option:: -fsanitize-memory-use-after-dtor, -fno-sanitize-memory-use-after-dtor Enable use-after-destroy detection in MemorySanitizer .. option:: -fsanitize-minimal-runtime, -fno-sanitize-minimal-runtime .. option:: -fsanitize-recover, -fno-sanitize-recover .. program:: clang1 .. option:: -fsanitize-recover=,..., -fno-sanitize-recover=,... .. program:: clang Enable recovery for specified sanitizers .. option:: -fsanitize-stats, -fno-sanitize-stats Enable sanitizer statistics gathering. .. option:: -fsanitize-thread-atomics, -fno-sanitize-thread-atomics Enable atomic operations instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default) .. option:: -fsanitize-thread-func-entry-exit, -fno-sanitize-thread-func-entry-exit Enable function entry/exit instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default) .. option:: -fsanitize-thread-memory-access, -fno-sanitize-thread-memory-access Enable memory access instrumentation in ThreadSanitizer (default) .. option:: -fsanitize-trap=,..., -fno-sanitize-trap=,... Enable trapping for specified sanitizers .. option:: -fsanitize-undefined-strip-path-components= Strip (or keep only, if negative) a given number of path components when emitting check metadata. .. option:: -fsanitize-undefined-trap-on-error, -fno-sanitize-undefined-trap-on-error .. option:: -fsanitize=,..., -fno-sanitize=,... Turn on runtime checks for various forms of undefined or suspicious behavior. See user manual for available checks .. option:: -moutline, -mno-outline Enable function outlining (AArch64 only) .. option:: --param , --param= .. option:: -std=, --std=, --std Language standard to compile for Preprocessor flags ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flags controlling the behavior of the Clang preprocessor. .. option:: -C, --comments Include comments in preprocessed output .. option:: -CC, --comments-in-macros Include comments from within macros in preprocessed output .. option:: -D=, --define-macro , --define-macro= Define to (or 1 if omitted) .. option:: -H, --trace-includes Show header includes and nesting depth .. option:: -P, --no-line-commands Disable linemarker output in -E mode .. option:: -U, --undefine-macro , --undefine-macro= Undefine macro .. option:: -Wp,,... Pass the comma separated arguments in to the preprocessor .. option:: -Xpreprocessor Pass to the preprocessor Include path management ----------------------- Flags controlling how ``#include``\s are resolved to files. .. option:: -I, --include-directory , --include-directory= Add directory to include search path .. option:: -I-, --include-barrier Restrict all prior -I flags to double-quoted inclusion and remove current directory from include path .. option:: --cuda-path-ignore-env Ignore environment variables to detect CUDA installation .. option:: --cuda-path= CUDA installation path .. option:: -cxx-isystem Add directory to the C++ SYSTEM include search path .. option:: -fbuild-session-file= Use the last modification time of as the build session timestamp .. option:: -fbuild-session-timestamp=