// RUN: cp %s %t // RUN: %clang_cc1 -pedantic -Wall -fixit %t || true // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -pedantic -Wall -Werror %t /* This is a test of the various code modification hints that are provided as part of warning or extension diagnostics. All of the warnings will be fixed by -fixit, and the resulting file should compile cleanly with -Werror -pedantic. */ int printf(char const *, ...); void test() { // Basic types printf("%s", (int) 123); printf("abc%0f", "testing testing 123"); printf("%u", (long) -12); printf("%p", 123); printf("%c\n", "x"); printf("%c\n", 1.23); // Larger types printf("%+.2d", (unsigned long long) 123456); printf("%1d", (long double) 1.23); // Flag handling printf("%0+s", (unsigned) 31337); // 0 flag should stay printf("%#p", (void *) 0); printf("% +f", 1.23); // + flag should stay printf("%0-f", 1.23); // - flag should stay // Positional arguments printf("%1$f:%2$.*3$f:%4$.*3$f\n", 1, 2, 3, 4); // Precision printf("%10.5d", 1l); // (bug 7394) printf("%.2c", 'a'); // Ignored flags printf("%0-f", 1.23); // Bad length modifiers printf("%hhs", "foo"); printf("%1$zp", (void *)0); }