//===-- SBProcess.cpp -------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "lldb/API/SBProcess.h" #include "lldb/lldb-defines.h" #include "lldb/lldb-types.h" #include "lldb/Core/Args.h" #include "lldb/Core/DataBufferHeap.h" #include "lldb/Core/DataExtractor.h" #include "lldb/Core/State.h" #include "lldb/Core/Stream.h" #include "lldb/Core/StreamFile.h" #include "lldb/Target/Process.h" #include "lldb/Target/Thread.h" #include "lldb/Target/RegisterContext.h" // Project includes #include "lldb/API/SBBroadcaster.h" #include "lldb/API/SBDebugger.h" #include "lldb/API/SBCommandReturnObject.h" #include "lldb/API/SBEvent.h" #include "lldb/API/SBThread.h" #include "lldb/API/SBStringList.h" using namespace lldb; using namespace lldb_private; SBProcess::SBProcess () : m_lldb_object_sp() { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // SBProcess constructor //---------------------------------------------------------------------- SBProcess::SBProcess (const SBProcess& rhs) : m_lldb_object_sp (rhs.m_lldb_object_sp) { } SBProcess::SBProcess (const lldb::ProcessSP &process_sp) : m_lldb_object_sp (process_sp) { } //---------------------------------------------------------------------- // Destructor //---------------------------------------------------------------------- SBProcess::~SBProcess() { } void SBProcess::SetProcess (const ProcessSP &process_sp) { m_lldb_object_sp = process_sp; } void SBProcess::Clear () { m_lldb_object_sp.reset(); } bool SBProcess::IsValid() const { return m_lldb_object_sp.get() != NULL; } uint32_t SBProcess::GetNumThreads () { if (m_lldb_object_sp) { const bool can_update = true; return m_lldb_object_sp->GetThreadList().GetSize(can_update); } return 0; } SBThread SBProcess::GetCurrentThread () const { SBThread sb_thread; if (m_lldb_object_sp) sb_thread.SetThread (m_lldb_object_sp->GetThreadList().GetCurrentThread()); return sb_thread; } SBTarget SBProcess::GetTarget() const { SBTarget sb_target; if (m_lldb_object_sp) sb_target = SBDebugger::FindTargetWithLLDBProcess (m_lldb_object_sp); return sb_target; } size_t SBProcess::PutSTDIN (const char *src, size_t src_len) { if (m_lldb_object_sp != NULL) { Error error; return m_lldb_object_sp->PutSTDIN (src, src_len, error); } else return 0; } size_t SBProcess::GetSTDOUT (char *dst, size_t dst_len) const { if (m_lldb_object_sp != NULL) { Error error; return m_lldb_object_sp->GetSTDOUT (dst, dst_len, error); } else return 0; } size_t SBProcess::GetSTDERR (char *dst, size_t dst_len) const { if (m_lldb_object_sp != NULL) { Error error; return m_lldb_object_sp->GetSTDERR (dst, dst_len, error); } else return 0; } void SBProcess::ReportCurrentState (const SBEvent &event, FILE *out) const { if (out == NULL) return; if (m_lldb_object_sp != NULL) { const StateType event_state = SBProcess::GetStateFromEvent (event); char message[1024]; int message_len = ::snprintf (message, sizeof (message), "Process %d %s\n", m_lldb_object_sp->GetID(), SBDebugger::StateAsCString (event_state)); if (message_len > 0) ::fwrite (message, 1, message_len, out); } } void SBProcess::AppendCurrentStateReport (const SBEvent &event, SBCommandReturnObject &result) { if (m_lldb_object_sp != NULL) { const StateType event_state = SBProcess::GetStateFromEvent (event); char message[1024]; ::snprintf (message, sizeof (message), "Process %d %s\n", m_lldb_object_sp->GetID(), SBDebugger::StateAsCString (event_state)); result.AppendMessage (message); } } bool SBProcess::SetCurrentThread (const SBThread &thread) { if (m_lldb_object_sp != NULL) return m_lldb_object_sp->GetThreadList().SetCurrentThreadByID (thread.GetThreadID()); return false; } bool SBProcess::SetCurrentThreadByID (uint32_t tid) { if (m_lldb_object_sp != NULL) return m_lldb_object_sp->GetThreadList().SetCurrentThreadByID (tid); return false; } SBThread SBProcess::GetThreadAtIndex (size_t index) { SBThread thread; if (m_lldb_object_sp) thread.SetThread (m_lldb_object_sp->GetThreadList().GetThreadAtIndex(index)); return thread; } StateType SBProcess::GetState () { if (m_lldb_object_sp != NULL) return m_lldb_object_sp->GetState(); else return eStateInvalid; } int SBProcess::GetExitStatus () { if (m_lldb_object_sp != NULL) return m_lldb_object_sp->GetExitStatus (); else return 0; } const char * SBProcess::GetExitDescription () { if (m_lldb_object_sp != NULL) return m_lldb_object_sp->GetExitDescription (); else return NULL; } lldb::pid_t SBProcess::GetProcessID () { if (m_lldb_object_sp) return m_lldb_object_sp->GetID(); else return LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID; } uint32_t SBProcess::GetAddressByteSize () const { if (m_lldb_object_sp) return m_lldb_object_sp->GetAddressByteSize(); else return 0; } void SBProcess::DisplayThreadsInfo (FILE *out, FILE *err, bool only_threads_with_stop_reason) { if (m_lldb_object_sp != NULL) { size_t num_thread_infos_dumped = 0; size_t num_threads = GetNumThreads(); if (out == NULL) out = SBDebugger::GetOutputFileHandle(); if (err == NULL) err = SBDebugger::GetErrorFileHandle(); if ((out == NULL) ||(err == NULL)) return; if (num_threads > 0) { Thread::StopInfo thread_stop_info; SBThread curr_thread (m_lldb_object_sp->GetThreadList().GetCurrentThread()); for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) { SBThread thread (m_lldb_object_sp->GetThreadList().GetThreadAtIndex(i)); if (thread.IsValid()) { bool is_current_thread = false; StreamFile str (out); if (thread == curr_thread) is_current_thread = true; StopReason thread_stop_reason = eStopReasonNone; if (thread->GetStopInfo (&thread_stop_info)) { thread_stop_reason = thread_stop_info.GetStopReason(); if (thread_stop_reason == eStopReasonNone) { if (only_threads_with_stop_reason && !is_current_thread) continue; } } ++num_thread_infos_dumped; fprintf (out, " %c thread #%u: tid = 0x%4.4x, pc = 0x%16.16llx", (is_current_thread ? '*' : ' '), thread->GetIndexID(), thread->GetID(), thread->GetRegisterContext()->GetPC()); StackFrameSP frame_sp(thread->GetStackFrameAtIndex (0)); if (frame_sp) { SymbolContext sc (frame_sp->GetSymbolContext (eSymbolContextEverything)); fprintf (out, ", where = "); sc.DumpStopContext (&str, m_lldb_object_sp.get(), frame_sp->GetPC ()); } if (thread_stop_reason != eStopReasonNone) { fprintf (out, ", stop reason = "); thread_stop_info.Dump (&str); } const char *thread_name = thread->GetName(); if (thread_name && thread_name[0]) fprintf (out, ", thread_name = '%s'", thread_name); fprintf (out, "\n"); SBThread sb_thread (thread); sb_thread.DisplayFramesForCurrentContext (out, err, 0, 1, false, 1); } } } } } bool SBProcess::WaitUntilProcessHasStopped (SBCommandReturnObject &result) { bool state_changed = false; if (IsValid()) { EventSP event_sp; StateType state = m_lldb_object_sp->WaitForStateChangedEvents (NULL, event_sp); while (StateIsStoppedState (state)) { state = m_lldb_object_sp->WaitForStateChangedEvents (NULL, event_sp); SBEvent event (event_sp); AppendCurrentStateReport (event, result); state_changed = true; } } return state_changed; } SBError SBProcess::Continue () { SBError sb_error; if (IsValid()) sb_error.SetError(m_lldb_object_sp->Resume()); else sb_error.SetErrorString ("SBProcess is invalid"); return sb_error; } SBError SBProcess::Destroy () { SBError sb_error; if (m_lldb_object_sp) sb_error.SetError(m_lldb_object_sp->Destroy()); else sb_error.SetErrorString ("SBProcess is invalid"); return sb_error; } SBError SBProcess::Stop () { SBError sb_error; if (IsValid()) sb_error.SetError (m_lldb_object_sp->Halt()); else sb_error.SetErrorString ("SBProcess is invalid"); return sb_error; } SBError SBProcess::Kill () { SBError sb_error; if (m_lldb_object_sp) sb_error.SetError (m_lldb_object_sp->Destroy()); else sb_error.SetErrorString ("SBProcess is invalid"); return sb_error; } SBError SBProcess::AttachByName (const char *name, bool wait_for_launch) { SBError sb_error; if (m_lldb_object_sp) sb_error.SetError (m_lldb_object_sp->Attach (name, wait_for_launch)); else sb_error.SetErrorString ("SBProcess is invalid"); return sb_error; } lldb::pid_t SBProcess::AttachByPID (lldb::pid_t attach_pid) // DEPRECATED: will be removed in a few builds in favor of SBError AttachByPID(pid_t) { Attach (attach_pid); return GetProcessID(); } SBError SBProcess::Attach (lldb::pid_t attach_pid) { SBError sb_error; if (m_lldb_object_sp) sb_error.SetError (m_lldb_object_sp->Attach (attach_pid)); else sb_error.SetErrorString ("SBProcess is invalid"); return sb_error; } SBError SBProcess::Detach () { SBError sb_error; if (m_lldb_object_sp) sb_error.SetError (m_lldb_object_sp->Detach()); else sb_error.SetErrorString ("SBProcess is invalid"); return sb_error; } SBError SBProcess::Signal (int signal) { SBError sb_error; if (m_lldb_object_sp) sb_error.SetError (m_lldb_object_sp->Signal (signal)); else sb_error.SetErrorString ("SBProcess is invalid"); return sb_error; } void SBProcess::ListThreads () { FILE *out = SBDebugger::GetOutputFileHandle(); if (out == NULL) return; if (m_lldb_object_sp) { size_t num_threads = GetNumThreads (); if (num_threads > 0) { Thread *cur_thread = m_lldb_object_sp->GetThreadList().GetCurrentThread().get(); for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) { Thread *thread = m_lldb_object_sp->GetThreadList().GetThreadAtIndex(i).get(); if (thread) { bool is_current_thread = false; if (thread == cur_thread) is_current_thread = true; fprintf (out, " [%u] %c tid = 0x%4.4x, pc = 0x%16.16llx", i, (is_current_thread ? '*' : ' '), thread->GetID(), thread->GetRegisterContext()->GetPC()); const char *thread_name = thread->GetName(); if (thread_name && thread_name[0]) fprintf (out, ", name = %s", thread_name); const char *queue_name = thread->GetQueueName(); if (queue_name && queue_name[0]) fprintf (out, ", queue = %s", queue_name); fprintf (out, "\n"); } } } } } SBThread SBProcess::GetThreadByID (tid_t sb_thread_id) { SBThread thread; if (m_lldb_object_sp) thread.SetThread (m_lldb_object_sp->GetThreadList().FindThreadByID ((tid_t) sb_thread_id)); return thread; } void SBProcess::Backtrace (bool all_threads, uint32_t num_frames) { if (m_lldb_object_sp) { if (!all_threads) { SBDebugger::UpdateCurrentThread (*this); SBThread cur_thread = GetCurrentThread(); if (cur_thread.IsValid()) cur_thread.Backtrace (num_frames); } else { int num_threads = GetNumThreads (); for (int i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) { SBThread sb_thread = GetThreadAtIndex (i); sb_thread.Backtrace (num_frames); } } } } StateType SBProcess::GetStateFromEvent (const SBEvent &event) { return Process::ProcessEventData::GetStateFromEvent (event.GetLLDBObjectPtr()); } bool SBProcess::GetRestartedFromEvent (const SBEvent &event) { return Process::ProcessEventData::GetRestartedFromEvent (event.GetLLDBObjectPtr()); } SBProcess SBProcess::GetProcessFromEvent (const SBEvent &event) { SBProcess process(Process::ProcessEventData::GetProcessFromEvent (event.GetLLDBObjectPtr())); return process; } SBBroadcaster SBProcess::GetBroadcaster () const { SBBroadcaster broadcaster(m_lldb_object_sp.get(), false); return broadcaster; } lldb_private::Process * SBProcess::operator->() const { return m_lldb_object_sp.get(); } size_t SBProcess::ReadMemory (addr_t addr, void *dst, size_t dst_len, SBError &sb_error) { size_t bytes_read = 0; if (IsValid()) { Error error; bytes_read = m_lldb_object_sp->ReadMemory (addr, dst, dst_len, error); sb_error.SetError (error); } else { sb_error.SetErrorString ("SBProcess is invalid"); } return bytes_read; } size_t SBProcess::WriteMemory (addr_t addr, const void *src, size_t src_len, SBError &sb_error) { size_t bytes_written = 0; if (IsValid()) { Error error; bytes_written = m_lldb_object_sp->WriteMemory (addr, src, src_len, error); sb_error.SetError (error); } return bytes_written; } // Mimic shared pointer... lldb_private::Process * SBProcess::get() const { return m_lldb_object_sp.get(); }