// RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify -Wformat-nonliteral %s #include typedef __typeof(sizeof(int)) size_t; typedef struct _FILE FILE; int fprintf(FILE *, const char *restrict, ...); int printf(const char *restrict, ...); int snprintf(char *restrict, size_t, const char *restrict, ...); int sprintf(char *restrict, const char *restrict, ...); int vasprintf(char **, const char *, va_list); int asprintf(char **, const char *, ...); int vfprintf(FILE *, const char *restrict, va_list); int vprintf(const char *restrict, va_list); int vsnprintf(char *, size_t, const char *, va_list); int vsprintf(char *restrict, const char *restrict, va_list); char * global_fmt; void check_string_literal( FILE* fp, const char* s, char *buf, ... ) { char * b; va_list ap; va_start(ap,buf); printf(s); // expected-warning {{format string is not a string literal}} vprintf(s,ap); // // no-warning fprintf(fp,s); // expected-warning {{format string is not a string literal}} vfprintf(fp,s,ap); // no-warning asprintf(&b,s); // expected-warning {{format string is not a string lit}} vasprintf(&b,s,ap); // no-warning sprintf(buf,s); // expected-warning {{format string is not a string literal}} snprintf(buf,2,s); // expected-warning {{format string is not a string lit}} __builtin___sprintf_chk(buf,0,-1,s); // expected-warning {{format string is not a string literal}} __builtin___snprintf_chk(buf,2,0,-1,s); // expected-warning {{format string is not a string lit}} vsprintf(buf,s,ap); // no-warning vsnprintf(buf,2,s,ap); // no-warning vsnprintf(buf,2,global_fmt,ap); // expected-warning {{format string is not a string literal}} __builtin___vsnprintf_chk(buf,2,0,-1,s,ap); // no-warning __builtin___vsnprintf_chk(buf,2,0,-1,global_fmt,ap); // expected-warning {{format string is not a string literal}} // rdar://6079877 printf("abc" "%*d", (unsigned) 1, 1); // expected-warning {{field width should have type 'int'}} printf("abc\ def" "%*d", (unsigned) 1, 1); // expected-warning {{field width should have type 'int'}} } void check_conditional_literal(const char* s, int i) { printf(i == 1 ? "yes" : "no"); // no-warning printf(i == 0 ? (i == 1 ? "yes" : "no") : "dont know"); // no-warning printf(i == 0 ? (i == 1 ? s : "no") : "dont know"); // expected-warning{{format string is not a string literal}} printf("yes" ?: "no %d", 1); // expected-warning{{more data arguments than '%' conversions}} } void check_writeback_specifier() { int x; char *b; printf("%n",&x); // expected-warning {{'%n' in format string discouraged}} sprintf(b,"%d%%%n",1, &x); // expected-warning {{'%n' in format string dis}} } void check_invalid_specifier(FILE* fp, char *buf) { printf("%s%lb%d","unix",10,20); // expected-warning {{lid conversion '%lb'}} fprintf(fp,"%%%l"); // expected-warning {{lid conversion '%l'}} sprintf(buf,"%%%%%ld%d%d", 1, 2, 3); // no-warning snprintf(buf, 2, "%%%%%ld%;%d", 1, 2, 3); // expected-warning {{sion '%;'}} } void check_null_char_string(char* b) { printf("\0this is bogus%d",1); // expected-warning {{string contains '\0'}} snprintf(b,10,"%%%%%d\0%d",1,2); // expected-warning {{string contains '\0'}} printf("%\0d",1); // expected-warning {{string contains '\0'}} } void check_empty_format_string(char* buf, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap,buf); vprintf("",ap); // expected-warning {{format string is empty}} sprintf(buf,""); // expected-warning {{format string is empty}} } void check_wide_string(char* b, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap,b); printf(L"foo %d",2); // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types}}, expected-warning {{should not be a wide string}} vsprintf(b,L"bar %d",ap); // expected-warning {{incompatible pointer types}}, expected-warning {{should not be a wide string}} } void check_asterisk_precision_width(int x) { printf("%*d"); // expected-warning {{'*' specified field width is missing a matching 'int' argument}} printf("%.*d"); // expected-warning {{'.*' specified field precision is missing a matching 'int' argument}} printf("%*d",12,x); // no-warning printf("%*d","foo",x); // expected-warning {{field width should have type 'int', but argument has type 'char *'}} printf("%.*d","foo",x); // expected-warning {{field precision should have type 'int', but argument has type 'char *'}} } void __attribute__((format(printf,1,3))) myprintf(const char*, int blah, ...); void test_myprintf() { myprintf("%d", 17, 18); // okay } void test_constant_bindings(void) { const char * const s1 = "hello"; const char s2[] = "hello"; const char *s3 = "hello"; char * const s4 = "hello"; extern const char s5[]; printf(s1); // no-warning printf(s2); // no-warning printf(s3); // expected-warning{{not a string literal}} printf(s4); // expected-warning{{not a string literal}} printf(s5); // expected-warning{{not a string literal}} } // Test what happens when -Wformat-security only. #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wformat-nonliteral" #pragma GCC diagnostic warning "-Wformat-security" void test9(char *P) { int x; printf(P); // expected-warning {{format string is not a string literal (potentially insecure)}} printf(P, 42); printf("%n", &x); // expected-warning {{use of '%n' in format string discouraged }} } void torture(va_list v8) { vprintf ("%*.*d", v8); // no-warning }