// The following block tests the following: // - Only 1 file is generated per translation unit // - Replacements are written in YAML that matches the expected YAML file // The test is run in %T/SerializeTest so it's easy to create a clean test // directory. // // RUN: rm -rf %T/SerializeTest // RUN: mkdir -p %T/SerializeTest // RUN: cp %S/main.cpp %S/common.cpp %S/common.h %T/SerializeTest // RUN: clang-modernize -loop-convert -serialize-replacements -serialize-dir=%T/SerializeTest -include=%T/SerializeTest %T/SerializeTest/main.cpp %T/SerializeTest/common.cpp -- // Check that only 1 file is generated per translation unit // RUN: ls -1 %T/SerializeTest | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=MAIN_CPP // RUN: ls -1 %T/SerializeTest | FileCheck %s --check-prefix=COMMON_CPP // We need to put the build path to the expected YAML file to diff against the generated one. // RUN: sed -e 's#$(path)#%/T/SerializeTest#g' -e "s#[^[:space:]]'[^[:space:]]#''#g" -e "s#'\([-a-zA-Z0-9_/^., \t]*\)'#\1#g" %S/main_expected.yaml > %T/SerializeTest/main_expected.yaml // RUN: sed -i -e 's#\\#/#g' %T/SerializeTest/main.cpp_*.yaml // RUN: diff -b %T/SerializeTest/main_expected.yaml %T/SerializeTest/main.cpp_*.yaml // RUN: sed -e 's#$(path)#%/T/SerializeTest#g' -e "s#[^[:space:]]'[^[:space:]]#''#g" -e "s#'\([-a-zA-Z0-9_/^., \t]*\)'#\1#g" %S/common_expected.yaml > %T/SerializeTest/common_expected.yaml // RUN: sed -i -e 's#\\#/#g' %T/SerializeTest/common.cpp_*.yaml // RUN: diff -b %T/SerializeTest/common_expected.yaml %T/SerializeTest/common.cpp_*.yaml // // The following are for FileCheck when used on output of 'ls'. See above. // MAIN_CPP: {{^main.cpp_.*.yaml$}} // MAIN_CPP-NOT: {{main.cpp_.*.yaml}} // // COMMON_CPP: {{^common.cpp_.*.yaml$}} // COMMON_CPP-NOT: {{common.cpp_.*.yaml}} #include "common.h" void test_header_replacement() { dostuff(); func2(); }