Kaleidoscope: Extending the Language: Mutable Variables

Written by Chris Lattner

Part 7 Introduction

Welcome to Part 7 of the "Implementing a language with LLVM" tutorial. In parts 1 through 6, we've built a very respectable, albeit simple, functional programming language. In our journey, we learned some parsing techniques, how to build and represent an AST, how to build LLVM IR, and how to optimize the resultant code and JIT compile it.

While Kaleidoscope is interesting as a functional language, this makes it "too easy" to generate LLVM IR for it. In particular, a functional language makes it very easy to build LLVM IR directly in SSA form. Since LLVM requires that the input code be in SSA form, this is a very nice property and it is often unclear to newcomers how to generate code for an imperative language with mutable variables.

The short (and happy) summary of this chapter is that there is no need for your front-end to build SSA form: LLVM provides highly tuned and well tested support for this, though the way it works is a bit unexpected for some.

Why is this a hard problem?

To understand why mutable variables cause complexities in SSA construction, consider this extremely simple C example:

int G, H;
int test(_Bool Condition) {
  int X;
  if (Condition)
    X = G;
    X = H;
  return X;

In this case, we have the variable "X", whose value depends on the path executed in the program. Because there are two different possible values for X before the return instruction, a PHI node is inserted to merge the two values. The LLVM IR that we want for this example looks like this:

@G = weak global i32 0   ; type of @G is i32*
@H = weak global i32 0   ; type of @H is i32*

define i32 @test(i1 %Condition) {
	br i1 %Condition, label %cond_true, label %cond_false

	%X.0 = load i32* @G
	br label %cond_next

	%X.1 = load i32* @H
	br label %cond_next

	%X.2 = phi i32 [ %X.1, %cond_false ], [ %X.0, %cond_true ]
	ret i32 %X.2

In this example, the loads from the G and H global variables are explicit in the LLVM IR, and they live in the then/else branches of the if statement (cond_true/cond_false). In order to merge the incoming values, the X.2 phi node in the cond_next block selects the right value to use based on where control flow is coming from: if control flow comes from the cond_false block, X.2 gets the value of X.1. Alternatively, if control flow comes from cond_tree, it gets the value of X.0. The intent of this chapter is not to explain the details of SSA form. For more information, see one of the many online references.

The question for this article is "who places phi nodes when lowering assignments to mutable variables?". The issue here is that LLVM requires that its IR be in SSA form: there is no "non-ssa" mode for it. However, SSA construction requires non-trivial algorithms and data structures, so it is inconvenient and wasteful for every front-end to have to reproduce this logic.

Memory in LLVM

The 'trick' here is that while LLVM does require all register values to be in SSA form, it does not require (or permit) memory objects to be in SSA form. In the example above, note that the loads from G and H are direct accesses to G and H: they are not renamed or versioned. This differs from some other compiler systems, which do try to version memory objects. In LLVM, instead of encoding dataflow analysis of memory into the LLVM IR, it is handled with Analysis Passes which are computed on demand.

With this in mind, the high-level idea is that we want to make a stack variable (which lives in memory, because it is on the stack) for each mutable object in a function. To take advantage of this trick, we need to talk about how LLVM represents stack variables.

In LLVM, all memory accesses are explicit with load/store instructions, and it is carefully designed to not have (or need) an "address-of" operator. Notice how the type of the @G/@H global variables is actually "i32*" even though the variable is defined as "i32". What this means is that @G defines space for an i32 in the global data area, but its name actually refers to the address for that space. Stack variables work the same way, but instead of being declared with global variable definitions, they are declared with the LLVM alloca instruction:

define i32 @test(i1 %Condition) {
	%X = alloca i32           ; type of %X is i32*.
	%tmp = load i32* %X       ; load the stack value %X from the stack.
	%tmp2 = add i32 %tmp, 1   ; increment it
	store i32 %tmp2, i32* %X  ; store it back

This code shows an example of how you can declare and manipulate a stack variable in the LLVM IR. Stack memory allocated with the alloca instruction is fully general: you can pass the address of the stack slot to functions, you can store it in other variables, etc. In our example above, we could rewrite the example to use the alloca technique to avoid using a PHI node:

@G = weak global i32 0   ; type of @G is i32*
@H = weak global i32 0   ; type of @H is i32*

define i32 @test(i1 %Condition) {
	%X = alloca i32           ; type of %X is i32*.
	br i1 %Condition, label %cond_true, label %cond_false

	%X.0 = load i32* @G
        store i32 %X.0, i32* %X   ; Update X
	br label %cond_next

	%X.1 = load i32* @H
        store i32 %X.1, i32* %X   ; Update X
	br label %cond_next

	%X.2 = load i32* %X       ; Read X
	ret i32 %X.2

With this, we have discovered a way to handle arbitrary mutable variables without the need to create Phi nodes at all:

  1. Each mutable variable becomes a stack allocation.
  2. Each read of the variable becomes a load from the stack.
  3. Each update of the variable becomes a store to the stack.
  4. Taking the address of a variable just uses the stack address directly.

While this solution has solved our immediate problem, it introduced another one: we have now apparently introduced a lot of stack traffic for very simple and common operations, a major performance problem. Fortunately for us, the LLVM optimizer has a highly-tuned optimization pass named "mem2reg" that handles this case, promoting allocas like this into SSA registers, inserting Phi nodes as appropriate. If you run this example through the pass, for example, you'll get:

$ llvm-as < example.ll | opt -mem2reg | llvm-dis
@G = weak global i32 0
@H = weak global i32 0

define i32 @test(i1 %Condition) {
	br i1 %Condition, label %cond_true, label %cond_false

	%X.0 = load i32* @G
	br label %cond_next

	%X.1 = load i32* @H
	br label %cond_next

	%X.01 = phi i32 [ %X.1, %cond_false ], [ %X.0, %cond_true ]
	ret i32 %X.01

The mem2reg pass implements the standard "iterated dominator frontier" algorithm for constructing SSA form and has a number of optimizations that speed up very common degenerate cases. mem2reg really is the answer for dealing with mutable variables, and we highly recommend that you depend on it. Note that mem2reg only works on variables in certain circumstances:

  1. mem2reg is alloca-driven: it looks for allocas and if it can handle them, it promotes them. It does not apply to global variables or heap allocations.
  2. mem2reg only looks for alloca instructions in the entry block of the function. Being in the entry block guarantees that the alloca is only executed once, which makes analysis simpler.
  3. mem2reg only promotes allocas whose uses are direct loads and stores. If the address of the stack object is passed to a function, or if any funny pointer arithmetic is involved, the alloca will not be promoted.
  4. mem2reg only works on allocas of scalar values, and only if the array size of the allocation is 1 (or missing in the .ll file). mem2reg is not capable of promoting structs or arrays to registers. Note that the "scalarrepl" pass is more powerful and can promote structs, "unions", and arrays in many cases.

All of these properties are easy to satisfy for most imperative languages, and we'll illustrate this below with Kaleidoscope. The final question you may be asking is: should I bother with this nonsense for my front-end? Wouldn't it be better if I just did SSA construction directly, avoiding use of the mem2reg optimization pass? In short, we strongly recommend that use you this technique for building SSA form, unless there is an extremely good reason not to. Using this technique is:

If nothing else, this makes it much easier to get your front-end up and running, and is very simple to implement. Lets extend Kaleidoscope with mutable variables now!

Full Code Listing

Here is the complete code listing for our running example, enhanced with the if/then/else and for expressions.. To build this example, use:

   # Compile
   g++ -g toy.cpp `llvm-config --cppflags --ldflags --libs core jit native` -O3 -o toy
   # Run

Here is the code:

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The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
Last modified: $Date: 2007-10-17 11:05:13 -0700 (Wed, 17 Oct 2007) $