//===-- CommandObjectProcess.cpp --------------------------------*- C++ -*-===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source // License. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "CommandObjectProcess.h" // C Includes // C++ Includes // Other libraries and framework includes // Project includes #include "lldb/Interpreter/Args.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/Options.h" #include "lldb/Core/State.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandInterpreter.h" #include "lldb/Interpreter/CommandReturnObject.h" #include "./CommandObjectThread.h" #include "lldb/Target/Process.h" #include "lldb/Target/Target.h" #include "lldb/Target/Thread.h" using namespace lldb; using namespace lldb_private; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CommandObjectProcessLaunch //------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CommandObjectProcessLaunch : public CommandObject { public: class CommandOptions : public Options { public: CommandOptions () : Options() { // Keep default values of all options in one place: ResetOptionValues () ResetOptionValues (); } ~CommandOptions () { } Error SetOptionValue (int option_idx, const char *option_arg) { Error error; char short_option = (char) m_getopt_table[option_idx].val; switch (short_option) { case 's': stop_at_entry = true; break; case 'e': stderr_path = option_arg; break; case 'i': stdin_path = option_arg; break; case 'o': stdout_path = option_arg; break; case 'p': plugin_name = option_arg; break; default: error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("Invalid short option character '%c'.\n", short_option); break; } return error; } void ResetOptionValues () { Options::ResetOptionValues(); stop_at_entry = false; stdin_path.clear(); stdout_path.clear(); stderr_path.clear(); plugin_name.clear(); } const lldb::OptionDefinition* GetDefinitions () { return g_option_table; } // Options table: Required for subclasses of Options. static lldb::OptionDefinition g_option_table[]; // Instance variables to hold the values for command options. bool stop_at_entry; std::string stderr_path; std::string stdin_path; std::string stdout_path; std::string plugin_name; }; CommandObjectProcessLaunch () : CommandObject ("process launch", "Launches the executable in the debugger.", "process launch [] []") { } ~CommandObjectProcessLaunch () { } Options * GetOptions () { return &m_options; } bool Execute (CommandInterpreter &interpreter, Args& launch_args, CommandReturnObject &result) { Target *target = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get(); bool synchronous_execution = interpreter.GetSynchronous (); // bool launched = false; // bool stopped_after_launch = false; if (target == NULL) { result.AppendError ("invalid target, set executable file using 'file' command"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } // If our listener is NULL, users aren't allows to launch char filename[PATH_MAX]; Module *exe_module = target->GetExecutableModule().get(); exe_module->GetFileSpec().GetPath(filename, sizeof(filename)); Process *process = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetExecutionContext().process; if (process) { if (process->IsAlive()) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Process %u is currently being debugged, kill the process before running again.\n", process->GetID()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } } const char *plugin_name; if (!m_options.plugin_name.empty()) plugin_name = m_options.plugin_name.c_str(); else plugin_name = NULL; process = target->CreateProcess (interpreter.GetDebugger().GetListener(), plugin_name).get(); const char *process_name = process->GetInstanceName().AsCString(); StreamString run_args_var_name; StreamString env_vars_var_name; StreamString disable_aslr_var_name; lldb::SettableVariableType var_type; Args *run_args = NULL; run_args_var_name.Printf ("process.[%s].run-args", process_name); StringList run_args_value = Debugger::GetSettingsController()->GetVariable (run_args_var_name.GetData(), var_type); if (run_args_value.GetSize() > 0) { run_args = new Args; for (int i = 0; i < run_args_value.GetSize(); ++i) run_args->AppendArgument (run_args_value.GetStringAtIndex (i)); } Args *environment = NULL; env_vars_var_name.Printf ("process.[%s].env-vars", process_name); StringList env_vars_value = Debugger::GetSettingsController()->GetVariable (env_vars_var_name.GetData(), var_type); if (env_vars_value.GetSize() > 0) { environment = new Args; for (int i = 0; i < env_vars_value.GetSize(); ++i) environment->AppendArgument (env_vars_value.GetStringAtIndex (i)); } uint32_t launch_flags = eLaunchFlagNone; disable_aslr_var_name.Printf ("process.[%s].disable-aslr", process_name); StringList disable_aslr_value = Debugger::GetSettingsController()->GetVariable(disable_aslr_var_name.GetData(), var_type); if (disable_aslr_value.GetSize() > 0) { if (strcmp (disable_aslr_value.GetStringAtIndex(0), "true") == 0) launch_flags |= eLaunchFlagDisableASLR; } // There are two possible sources of args to be passed to the process upon launching: Those the user // typed at the run command (launch_args); or those the user pre-set in the run-args variable (run_args). // If launch_args is empty, use run_args. if (launch_args.GetArgumentCount() == 0) { if (run_args != NULL) launch_args.AppendArguments (*run_args); } else { // launch-args was not empty; use that, AND re-set run-args to contains launch-args values. std::string new_run_args; launch_args.GetCommandString (new_run_args); Debugger::GetSettingsController()->SetVariable (run_args_var_name.GetData(), new_run_args.c_str(), lldb::eVarSetOperationAssign, false); } if (process) { const char *archname = exe_module->GetArchitecture().AsCString(); const char * stdin_path = NULL; const char * stdout_path = NULL; const char * stderr_path = NULL; if (!(m_options.stdin_path.empty() && m_options.stdout_path.empty() && m_options.stderr_path.empty())) { stdin_path = m_options.stdin_path.empty() ? "/dev/null" : m_options.stdin_path.c_str(); stdout_path = m_options.stdout_path.empty() ? "/dev/null" : m_options.stdout_path.c_str(); stderr_path = m_options.stderr_path.empty() ? "/dev/null" : m_options.stderr_path.c_str(); } Error error (process->Launch (launch_args.GetConstArgumentVector(), environment ? environment->GetConstArgumentVector() : NULL, launch_flags, stdin_path, stdout_path, stderr_path)); if (error.Success()) { result.AppendMessageWithFormat ("Launching '%s' (%s)\n", filename, archname); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingNoResult); if (m_options.stop_at_entry == false) { StateType state = process->WaitForProcessToStop (NULL); if (state == eStateStopped) { // Call continue_command. CommandReturnObject continue_result; interpreter.HandleCommand("process continue", false, continue_result); } if (synchronous_execution) { result.SetDidChangeProcessState (true); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } } } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Process launch failed: %s", error.AsCString()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Process launch failed: unable to create a process object.\n"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } return result.Succeeded(); } virtual const char *GetRepeatCommand (Args ¤t_command_args, uint32_t index) { // No repeat for "process launch"... return ""; } protected: CommandOptions m_options; }; lldb::OptionDefinition CommandObjectProcessLaunch::CommandOptions::g_option_table[] = { { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "stop-at-entry", 's', no_argument, NULL, 0, NULL, "Stop at the entry point of the program when launching a process."}, { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "stdin", 'i', required_argument, NULL, 0, "", "Redirect stdin for the process to ."}, { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "stdout", 'o', required_argument, NULL, 0, "", "Redirect stdout for the process to ."}, { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "stderr", 'e', required_argument, NULL, 0, "", "Redirect stderr for the process to ."}, { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "plugin", 'p', required_argument, NULL, 0, "", "Name of the process plugin you want to use."}, { 0, false, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CommandObjectProcessAttach //------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CommandObjectProcessAttach : public CommandObject { public: class CommandOptions : public Options { public: CommandOptions () : Options() { // Keep default values of all options in one place: ResetOptionValues () ResetOptionValues (); } ~CommandOptions () { } Error SetOptionValue (int option_idx, const char *option_arg) { Error error; char short_option = (char) m_getopt_table[option_idx].val; bool success = false; switch (short_option) { case 'p': pid = Args::StringToUInt32 (option_arg, LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID, 0, &success); if (!success || pid == LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID) { error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("Invalid process ID '%s'.\n", option_arg); } break; case 'P': plugin_name = option_arg; break; case 'n': name.assign(option_arg); break; case 'w': waitfor = true; break; default: error.SetErrorStringWithFormat("Invalid short option character '%c'.\n", short_option); break; } return error; } void ResetOptionValues () { Options::ResetOptionValues(); pid = LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID; name.clear(); waitfor = false; } const lldb::OptionDefinition* GetDefinitions () { return g_option_table; } virtual bool HandleOptionArgumentCompletion (CommandInterpreter &interpreter, Args &input, int cursor_index, int char_pos, OptionElementVector &opt_element_vector, int opt_element_index, int match_start_point, int max_return_elements, bool &word_complete, StringList &matches) { int opt_arg_pos = opt_element_vector[opt_element_index].opt_arg_pos; int opt_defs_index = opt_element_vector[opt_element_index].opt_defs_index; // We are only completing the name option for now... const lldb::OptionDefinition *opt_defs = GetDefinitions(); if (opt_defs[opt_defs_index].short_option == 'n') { // Are we in the name? // Look to see if there is a -P argument provided, and if so use that plugin, otherwise // use the default plugin. Process *process = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetExecutionContext().process; bool need_to_delete_process = false; const char *partial_name = NULL; partial_name = input.GetArgumentAtIndex(opt_arg_pos); if (process && process->IsAlive()) return true; Target *target = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get(); if (target == NULL) { // No target has been set yet, for now do host completion. Otherwise I don't know how we would // figure out what the right target to use is... std::vector pids; Host::ListProcessesMatchingName (partial_name, matches, pids); return true; } if (!process) { process = target->CreateProcess (interpreter.GetDebugger().GetListener(), partial_name).get(); need_to_delete_process = true; } if (process) { matches.Clear(); std::vector pids; process->ListProcessesMatchingName (NULL, matches, pids); if (need_to_delete_process) target->DeleteCurrentProcess(); return true; } } return false; } // Options table: Required for subclasses of Options. static lldb::OptionDefinition g_option_table[]; // Instance variables to hold the values for command options. lldb::pid_t pid; std::string plugin_name; std::string name; bool waitfor; }; CommandObjectProcessAttach () : CommandObject ("process attach", "Attaches to a process.", "process attach ") { SetHelpLong("Currently, you must set the executable file before you can attach " "to a process.\n"); } ~CommandObjectProcessAttach () { } bool Execute (CommandInterpreter &interpreter, Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result) { Target *target = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetSelectedTarget().get(); Process *process = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetExecutionContext().process; if (process) { if (process->IsAlive()) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Process %u is currently being debugged, kill the process before attaching.\n", process->GetID()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } } if (target == NULL) { // If there isn't a current target create one. TargetSP new_target_sp; FileSpec emptyFileSpec; ArchSpec emptyArchSpec; Error error; error = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetTargetList().CreateTarget(interpreter.GetDebugger(), emptyFileSpec, emptyArchSpec, NULL, false, new_target_sp); target = new_target_sp.get(); if (target == NULL || error.Fail()) { result.AppendError(error.AsCString("Error creating empty target")); return false; } interpreter.GetDebugger().GetTargetList().SetSelectedTarget(target); } // Record the old executable module, we want to issue a warning if the process of attaching changed the // current executable (like somebody said "file foo" then attached to a PID whose executable was bar.) ModuleSP old_exec_module_sp = target->GetExecutableModule(); ArchSpec old_arch_spec = target->GetArchitecture(); if (command.GetArgumentCount()) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Invalid arguments for '%s'.\nUsage: \n", m_cmd_name.c_str(), m_cmd_syntax.c_str()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } else { const char *plugin_name = NULL; if (!m_options.plugin_name.empty()) plugin_name = m_options.plugin_name.c_str(); process = target->CreateProcess (interpreter.GetDebugger().GetListener(), plugin_name).get(); if (process) { Error error; int attach_pid = m_options.pid; // If we are waiting for a process with this name to show up, do that first. if (m_options.waitfor) { if (m_options.name.empty()) { result.AppendError("Invalid arguments: must supply a process name with the waitfor option.\n"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } else { error = process->Attach (m_options.name.c_str(), m_options.waitfor); if (error.Success()) { result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingNoResult); } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Waiting for a process to launch named '%s': %s\n", m_options.name.c_str(), error.AsCString()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } } } else { // If the process was specified by name look it up, so we can warn if there are multiple // processes with this pid. if (attach_pid == LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID && !m_options.name.empty()) { std::vector pids; StringList matches; process->ListProcessesMatchingName(m_options.name.c_str(), matches, pids); if (matches.GetSize() > 1) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("More than one process named %s\n", m_options.name.c_str()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } else if (matches.GetSize() == 0) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Could not find a process named %s\n", m_options.name.c_str()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } else { attach_pid = pids[0]; } } if (attach_pid != LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID) { error = process->Attach (attach_pid); if (error.Success()) { result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingNoResult); } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Attaching to process %i failed: %s.\n", attach_pid, error.AsCString()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("No PID specified for attach\n", attach_pid, error.AsCString()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } } } if (result.Succeeded()) { // Okay, we're done. Last step is to warn if the executable module has changed: if (!old_exec_module_sp) { char new_path[PATH_MAX + 1]; target->GetExecutableModule()->GetFileSpec().GetPath(new_path, PATH_MAX); result.AppendMessageWithFormat("Executable module set to \"%s\".\n", new_path); } else if (old_exec_module_sp->GetFileSpec() != target->GetExecutableModule()->GetFileSpec()) { char old_path[PATH_MAX + 1]; char new_path[PATH_MAX + 1]; old_exec_module_sp->GetFileSpec().GetPath(old_path, PATH_MAX); target->GetExecutableModule()->GetFileSpec().GetPath (new_path, PATH_MAX); result.AppendWarningWithFormat("Executable module changed from \"%s\" to \"%s\".\n", old_path, new_path); } if (!old_arch_spec.IsValid()) { result.AppendMessageWithFormat ("Architecture set to: %s.\n", target->GetArchitecture().AsCString()); } else if (old_arch_spec != target->GetArchitecture()) { result.AppendWarningWithFormat("Architecture changed from %s to %s.\n", old_arch_spec.AsCString(), target->GetArchitecture().AsCString()); } } return result.Succeeded(); } Options * GetOptions () { return &m_options; } protected: CommandOptions m_options; }; lldb::OptionDefinition CommandObjectProcessAttach::CommandOptions::g_option_table[] = { { LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL, false, "plugin", 'P', required_argument, NULL, 0, "", "Name of the process plugin you want to use."}, { LLDB_OPT_SET_1, false, "pid", 'p', required_argument, NULL, 0, "", "The process ID of an existing process to attach to."}, { LLDB_OPT_SET_2, true, "name", 'n', required_argument, NULL, 0, "", "The name of the process to attach to."}, { LLDB_OPT_SET_2, false, "waitfor", 'w', no_argument, NULL, 0, NULL, "Wait for the the process with to launch."}, { 0, false, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CommandObjectProcessContinue //------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CommandObjectProcessContinue : public CommandObject { public: CommandObjectProcessContinue () : CommandObject ("process continue", "Continues execution all threads in the current process.", "process continue", eFlagProcessMustBeLaunched | eFlagProcessMustBePaused) { } ~CommandObjectProcessContinue () { } bool Execute (CommandInterpreter &interpreter, Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result) { Process *process = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetExecutionContext().process; bool synchronous_execution = interpreter.GetSynchronous (); if (process == NULL) { result.AppendError ("no process to continue"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } StateType state = process->GetState(); if (state == eStateStopped) { if (command.GetArgumentCount() != 0) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("The '%s' command does not take any arguments.\n", m_cmd_name.c_str()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } const uint32_t num_threads = process->GetThreadList().GetSize(); // Set the actions that the threads should each take when resuming for (uint32_t idx=0; idxGetThreadList().GetThreadAtIndex(idx)->SetResumeState (eStateRunning); } Error error(process->Resume()); if (error.Success()) { result.AppendMessageWithFormat ("Resuming process %i\n", process->GetID()); if (synchronous_execution) { state = process->WaitForProcessToStop (NULL); result.SetDidChangeProcessState (true); result.AppendMessageWithFormat ("Process %i %s\n", process->GetID(), StateAsCString (state)); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); } else { result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingNoResult); } } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("Failed to resume process: %s.\n", error.AsCString()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Process cannot be continued from its current state (%s).\n", StateAsCString(state)); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } return result.Succeeded(); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CommandObjectProcessDetach //------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CommandObjectProcessDetach : public CommandObject { public: CommandObjectProcessDetach () : CommandObject ("process detach", "Detaches from the current process being debugged.", "process detach", eFlagProcessMustBeLaunched) { } ~CommandObjectProcessDetach () { } bool Execute (CommandInterpreter &interpreter, Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result) { Process *process = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetExecutionContext().process; if (process == NULL) { result.AppendError ("must have a valid process in order to detach"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } Error error (process->Detach()); if (error.Success()) { result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Detach failed: %s\n", error.AsCString()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } return result.Succeeded(); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CommandObjectProcessSignal //------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CommandObjectProcessSignal : public CommandObject { public: CommandObjectProcessSignal () : CommandObject ("process signal", "Sends a UNIX signal to the current process being debugged.", "process signal ") { } ~CommandObjectProcessSignal () { } bool Execute (CommandInterpreter &interpreter, Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result) { Process *process = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetExecutionContext().process; if (process == NULL) { result.AppendError ("no process to signal"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } if (command.GetArgumentCount() == 1) { int signo = Args::StringToSInt32(command.GetArgumentAtIndex(0), -1, 0); if (signo == -1) { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Invalid signal argument '%s'.\n", command.GetArgumentAtIndex(0)); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } else { Error error (process->Signal (signo)); if (error.Success()) { result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Failed to send signal %i: %s\n", signo, error.AsCString()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("'%s' takes exactly one signal number argument:\nUsage: \n", m_cmd_name.c_str(), m_cmd_syntax.c_str()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } return result.Succeeded(); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CommandObjectProcessInterrupt //------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CommandObjectProcessInterrupt : public CommandObject { public: CommandObjectProcessInterrupt () : CommandObject ("process interrupt", "Interrupts the current process being debugged.", "process interrupt", eFlagProcessMustBeLaunched) { } ~CommandObjectProcessInterrupt () { } bool Execute (CommandInterpreter &interpreter, Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result) { Process *process = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetExecutionContext().process; if (process == NULL) { result.AppendError ("no process to halt"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } if (command.GetArgumentCount() == 0) { Error error(process->Halt ()); if (error.Success()) { result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); // Maybe we should add a "SuspendThreadPlans so we // can halt, and keep in place all the current thread plans. process->GetThreadList().DiscardThreadPlans(); } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Failed to halt process: %s\n", error.AsCString()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("'%s' takes no arguments:\nUsage: \n", m_cmd_name.c_str(), m_cmd_syntax.c_str()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } return result.Succeeded(); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CommandObjectProcessKill //------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CommandObjectProcessKill : public CommandObject { public: CommandObjectProcessKill () : CommandObject ("process kill", "Terminates the current process being debugged.", "process kill", eFlagProcessMustBeLaunched) { } ~CommandObjectProcessKill () { } bool Execute (CommandInterpreter &interpreter, Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result) { Process *process = interpreter.GetDebugger().GetExecutionContext().process; if (process == NULL) { result.AppendError ("no process to kill"); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); return false; } if (command.GetArgumentCount() == 0) { Error error (process->Destroy()); if (error.Success()) { result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult); } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat ("Failed to kill process: %s\n", error.AsCString()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } else { result.AppendErrorWithFormat("'%s' takes no arguments:\nUsage: \n", m_cmd_name.c_str(), m_cmd_syntax.c_str()); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } return result.Succeeded(); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CommandObjectProcessStatus //------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CommandObjectProcessStatus : public CommandObject { public: CommandObjectProcessStatus () : CommandObject ("status", "Shows the current status and location of executing process.", "status", 0) { } ~CommandObjectProcessStatus() { } bool Execute ( CommandInterpreter &interpreter, Args& command, CommandReturnObject &result ) { StreamString &output_stream = result.GetOutputStream(); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult); ExecutionContext exe_ctx(interpreter.GetDebugger().GetExecutionContext()); if (exe_ctx.process) { const StateType state = exe_ctx.process->GetState(); if (StateIsStoppedState(state)) { if (state == eStateExited) { int exit_status = exe_ctx.process->GetExitStatus(); const char *exit_description = exe_ctx.process->GetExitDescription(); output_stream.Printf ("Process %d exited with status = %i (0x%8.8x) %s\n", exe_ctx.process->GetID(), exit_status, exit_status, exit_description ? exit_description : ""); } else { output_stream.Printf ("Process %d %s\n", exe_ctx.process->GetID(), StateAsCString (state)); if (exe_ctx.thread == NULL) exe_ctx.thread = exe_ctx.process->GetThreadList().GetThreadAtIndex(0).get(); if (exe_ctx.thread != NULL) { DisplayThreadsInfo (interpreter, &exe_ctx, result, true, true); } else { result.AppendError ("No valid thread found in current process."); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } } } else { output_stream.Printf ("Process %d is running.\n", exe_ctx.process->GetID()); } } else { result.AppendError ("No current location or status available."); result.SetStatus (eReturnStatusFailed); } return result.Succeeded(); } }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CommandObjectMultiwordProcess //------------------------------------------------------------------------- CommandObjectMultiwordProcess::CommandObjectMultiwordProcess (CommandInterpreter &interpreter) : CommandObjectMultiword ("process", "A set of commands for operating on a process.", "process []") { LoadSubCommand (interpreter, "attach", CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectProcessAttach ())); LoadSubCommand (interpreter, "launch", CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectProcessLaunch ())); LoadSubCommand (interpreter, "continue", CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectProcessContinue ())); LoadSubCommand (interpreter, "detach", CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectProcessDetach ())); LoadSubCommand (interpreter, "signal", CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectProcessSignal ())); LoadSubCommand (interpreter, "status", CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectProcessStatus ())); LoadSubCommand (interpreter, "interrupt", CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectProcessInterrupt ())); LoadSubCommand (interpreter, "kill", CommandObjectSP (new CommandObjectProcessKill ())); } CommandObjectMultiwordProcess::~CommandObjectMultiwordProcess () { }