.. index:: Use-Auto Transform ================== Use-Auto Transform ================== The Use-Auto Transform is responsible for using the ``auto`` type specifier for variable declarations to *improve code readability and maintainability*. The transform is enabled with the :option:`-use-auto` option of :program:`clang-modernize`. For example: .. code-block:: c++ std::vector::iterator I = my_container.begin(); // transforms to: auto I = my_container.begin(); The ``auto`` type specifier will only be introduced in situations where the variable type matches the type of the initializer expression. In other words ``auto`` should deduce the same type that was originally spelled in the source. However, not every situation should be transformed: .. code-block:: c++ int val = 42; InfoStruct &I = SomeObject.getInfo(); // Should not become: auto val = 42; auto &I = SomeObject.getInfo(); In this example using ``auto`` for builtins doesn't improve readability. In other situations it makes the code less self-documenting impairing readability and maintainability. As a result, ``auto`` is used only introduced in specific situations described below. Iterators ========= Iterator type specifiers tend to be long and used frequently, especially in loop constructs. Since the functions generating iterators have a common format, the type specifier can be replaced without obscuring the meaning of code while improving readability and maintainability. .. code-block:: c++ for (std::vector::iterator I = my_container.begin(), E = my_container.end(); I != E; ++I) { } // becomes for (auto I = my_container.begin(), E = my_container.end(); I != E; ++I) { } The transform will only replace iterator type-specifiers when all of the following conditions are satisfied: * The iterator is for one of the standard container in ``std`` namespace: * ``array`` * ``deque`` * ``forward_list`` * ``list`` * ``vector`` * ``map`` * ``multimap`` * ``set`` * ``multiset`` * ``unordered_map`` * ``unordered_multimap`` * ``unordered_set`` * ``unordered_multiset`` * ``queue`` * ``priority_queue`` * ``stack`` * The iterator is one of the possible iterator types for standard containers: * ``iterator`` * ``reverse_iterator`` * ``const_iterator`` * ``const_reverse_iterator`` * In addition to using iterator types directly, typedefs or other ways of referring to those types are also allowed. However, implementation-specific types for which a type like ``std::vector::iterator`` is itself a typedef will not be transformed. Consider the following examples: .. code-block:: c++ // The following direct uses of iterator types will be transformed. std::vector::iterator I = MyVec.begin(); { using namespace std; list::iterator I = MyList.begin(); } // The type specifier for J would transform to auto since it's a typedef // to a standard iterator type. typedef std::map::const_iterator map_iterator; map_iterator J = MyMap.begin(); // The following implementation-specific iterator type for which // std::vector::iterator could be a typedef would not be transformed. __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator K = MyVec.begin(); * The initializer for the variable being declared is not a braced initializer list. Otherwise, use of ``auto`` would cause the type of the variable to be deduced as``std::initializer_list``. Known Limitations ================= * If the initializer is an explicit conversion constructor, the transform will not replace the type specifier even though it would be safe to do so. * User-defined iterators are not handled at this time.