#!/bin/sh -e LLFILE=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/\.c/.ll/g'` LLFILE_TMP=${LLFILE}.tmp # The number of lines to cut of the LLVM-IR file clang produces. CUT_N_LINES=6 clang -c -S -emit-llvm -O0 $1 -o ${LLFILE} opt -correlated-propagation -mem2reg -instcombine -loop-simplify -indvars \ -instnamer ${LLFILE} -S -o ${LLFILE_TMP} # Insert a header into the new testcase containing a sample RUN line a FIXME and # an XFAIL. Then insert the formated C code and finally the LLVM-IR without # attributes, the module ID or the target triple. echo '; RUN: opt %loadPolly -analyze < %s | FileCheck %s' > ${LLFILE} echo ';' >> ${LLFILE} echo '; FIXME: Edit the run line and add checks!' >> ${LLFILE} echo ';' >> ${LLFILE} echo '; XFAIL: *' >> ${LLFILE} echo ';' >> ${LLFILE} clang-format $1 | sed -e 's/^[^$]/; &/' -e 's/^$/;/' >> ${LLFILE} echo ';' >> ${LLFILE} cat ${LLFILE_TMP} | sed -e 's/ \#0//' >> ${LLFILE} sed -i".tmp" '/; Function Attrs:/d' ${LLFILE} sed -i".tmp" '/; ModuleID =/d' ${LLFILE} sed -i".tmp" '/target triple/d' ${LLFILE} head --lines=-${CUT_N_LINES} ${LLFILE} > ${LLFILE_TMP} mv ${LLFILE_TMP} ${LLFILE}