//===-------------- ItaniumManglingCanonicalizerTest.cpp ------------------===// // // The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure // // This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open // Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details. // //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// #include "llvm/Support/ItaniumManglingCanonicalizer.h" #include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h" #include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include #include #include using namespace llvm; namespace { using EquivalenceError = llvm::ItaniumManglingCanonicalizer::EquivalenceError; using FragmentKind = llvm::ItaniumManglingCanonicalizer::FragmentKind; struct Equivalence { FragmentKind Kind; llvm::StringRef First; llvm::StringRef Second; }; // A set of manglings that should all be considered equivalent. using EquivalenceClass = std::vector; struct Testcase { // A set of equivalences to register. std::vector Equivalences; // A set of distinct equivalence classes created by registering the // equivalences. std::vector Classes; }; // A function that returns a set of test cases. static std::vector getTestcases() { return { // Three different manglings for std::string (old libstdc++, new libstdc++, // libc++). { { {FragmentKind::Type, "Ss", "NSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEE"}, {FragmentKind::Type, "Ss", "NSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE"}, }, { {"_Z1fv"}, {"_Z1fSs", "_Z1fNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEE", "_Z1fNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE"}, {"_ZNKSs4sizeEv", "_ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE4sizeEv", "_ZNKSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEE4sizeEv"}, } }, // Check that substitutions are properly handled. { { // ::X <-> ::N::X {FragmentKind::Type, "1X", "N1N1XIiEE"}, // ::T, T> <-> T {FragmentKind::Type, "1TIS_IiiES0_E", "1TIiE"}, // A::B::foo <-> AB::foo {FragmentKind::Name, "N1A1B3fooE", "N2AB3fooE"}, }, { {"_Z1f1XPS_RS_", "_Z1fN1N1XIiEEPS1_RS1_"}, {"_ZN1A1B3fooE1TIS1_IiiES2_EPS3_RS3_", "_ZN2AB3fooE1TIiEPS1_RS1_"}, } }, // Check that nested equivalences are properly handled. { { // std::__1::char_traits == std::__cxx11::char_traits // (Note that this is unused and should make no difference, // but it should not cause us to fail to match up the cases // below.) {FragmentKind::Name, "NSt3__111char_traitsE", "NSt7__cxx1111char_traitsE"}, // std::__1::allocator == std::allocator {FragmentKind::Name, "NSt3__19allocatorE", "Sa"}, // "Sa" is not strictly a but we accept it as one. // std::__1::vector == std::vector {FragmentKind::Name, "St6vector", "NSt3__16vectorE"}, // std::__1::basic_string< // char // std::__1::char_traits, // std::__1::allocator> == // std::__cxx11::basic_string< // char, // std::char_traits, // std::allocator> {FragmentKind::Type, "NSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEE", "NSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE"}, // X <-> X {FragmentKind::Type, "1XI1AE", "1XI1BE"}, // X <-> Y {FragmentKind::Name, "1X", "1Y"}, }, { // f(std::string) {"_Z1fNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEE", "_Z1fNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE"}, // f(std::vector) {"_Z1fSt6vectorIiSaIiEE", "_Z1fNSt3__16vectorIiNS_9allocatorIiEEEE"}, // f(X), f(X), f(Y), f(Y) {"_Z1f1XI1AE", "_Z1f1XI1BE", "_Z1f1YI1AE", "_Z1f1YI1BE"}, // f(X), f(Y) {"_Z1f1XI1CE", "_Z1f1YI1CE"}, } }, // Check namespace equivalences. { { // std::__1 == std::__cxx11 {FragmentKind::Name, "St3__1", "St7__cxx11"}, // std::__1::allocator == std::allocator {FragmentKind::Name, "NSt3__19allocatorE", "Sa"}, // std::vector == std::__1::vector {FragmentKind::Name, "St6vector", "NSt3__16vectorE"}, // std::__cxx11::char_traits == std::char_traits // (This indirectly means that std::__1::char_traits == std::char_traits, // due to the std::__cxx11 == std::__1 equivalence, which is what we rely // on below.) {FragmentKind::Name, "NSt7__cxx1111char_traitsE", "St11char_traits"}, }, { // f(std::foo) {"_Z1fNSt7__cxx113fooE", "_Z1fNSt3__13fooE"}, // f(std::string) {"_Z1fNSt7__cxx1111char_traitsIcEE", "_Z1fNSt3__111char_traitsIcEE", "_Z1fSt11char_traitsIcE"}, // f(std::string) {"_Z1fNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEE", "_Z1fNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE"}, // f(std::vector) {"_Z1fSt6vectorIiSaIiEE", "_Z1fNSt3__16vectorIiNS_9allocatorIiEEEE"}, } }, // Check namespace equivalences for namespace 'std'. We support using 'St' // for this, despite it not technically being a . { { // std::__1 == std {FragmentKind::Name, "St3__1", "St"}, // std::__1 == std::__cxx11 {FragmentKind::Name, "St3__1", "St7__cxx11"}, // FIXME: Should a 'std' equivalence also cover the predefined // substitutions? // std::__1::allocator == std::allocator {FragmentKind::Name, "NSt3__19allocatorE", "Sa"}, }, { {"_Z1fSt3foo", "_Z1fNSt3__13fooE", "_Z1fNSt7__cxx113fooE"}, {"_Z1fNSt3bar3bazE", "_Z1fNSt3__13bar3bazE"}, // f(std::string) {"_Z1fNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS_11char_traitsIcEENS_9allocatorIcEEEE", "_Z1fNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE"}, // f(std::vector) {"_Z1fSt6vectorIiSaIiEE", "_Z1fNSt3__16vectorIiNS_9allocatorIiEEEE"}, } }, // Check mutually-recursive equivalences. { { {FragmentKind::Type, "1A", "1B"}, {FragmentKind::Type, "1A", "1C"}, {FragmentKind::Type, "1D", "1B"}, {FragmentKind::Type, "1C", "1E"}, }, { {"_Z1f1A", "_Z1f1B", "_Z1f1C", "_Z1f1D", "_Z1f1E"}, {"_Z1f1F"}, } }, // Check s. { { {FragmentKind::Encoding, "1fv", "1gv"}, }, { // f(void) -> g(void) {"_Z1fv", "_Z1gv"}, // static local 'n' in f(void) -> static local 'n' in g(void) {"_ZZ1fvE1n", "_ZZ1gvE1n"}, } }, // Corner case: the substitution can appear within its own expansion. { { // X <-> Y {FragmentKind::Type, "1X", "1YI1XE"}, // A <-> B {FragmentKind::Type, "1AI1BE", "1B"}, }, { // f(X) == f(Y) == f(Y>) == f(Y>>) {"_Z1f1X", "_Z1f1YI1XE", "_Z1f1YIS_I1XEE", "_Z1f1YIS_IS_I1XEEE"}, // f(B) == f(A) == f(A>) == f(A>>) {"_Z1f1B", "_Z1f1AI1BE", "_Z1f1AIS_I1BEE", "_Z1f1AIS_IS_I1BEEE"}, } }, // Redundant equivalences are accepted (and have no effect). { { {FragmentKind::Name, "3std", "St"}, {FragmentKind::Name, "1X", "1Y"}, {FragmentKind::Name, "N1X1ZE", "N1Y1ZE"}, }, {} }, // Check that ctor and dtor variants are considered distinct. { {}, {{"_ZN1XC1Ev"}, {"_ZN1XC2Ev"}, {"_ZN1XD1Ev"}, {"_ZN1XD2Ev"}} }, // Ensure array types with and without bounds are handled properly. { { {FragmentKind::Type, "A_i", "A1_f"}, }, { {"_Z1fRA_i", "_Z1fRA_i", "_Z1fRA1_f"}, {"_Z1fRA1_i"}, {"_Z1fRA_f"}, } }, }; } // A function to get a set of test cases for forward template references. static std::vector getForwardTemplateReferenceTestcases() { return { // ForwardTemplateReference does not support canonicalization. // FIXME: We should consider ways of fixing this, perhaps by eliminating // the ForwardTemplateReference node with a tree transformation. { { // X::operator T() == Y::operator T() {FragmentKind::Encoding, "N1XcvT_I1AEEv", "N1YcvT_I1AEEv"}, // A == B {FragmentKind::Name, "1A", "1B"}, }, { // All combinations result in unique equivalence classes. {"_ZN1XcvT_I1AEEv"}, {"_ZN1XcvT_I1BEEv"}, {"_ZN1YcvT_I1AEEv"}, {"_ZN1YcvT_I1BEEv"}, // Even giving the same string twice gives a new class. {"_ZN1XcvT_I1AEEv"}, } }, }; } template static void testTestcases(ArrayRef Testcases) { for (const auto &Testcase : Testcases) { llvm::ItaniumManglingCanonicalizer Canonicalizer; for (const auto &Equiv : Testcase.Equivalences) { auto Result = Canonicalizer.addEquivalence(Equiv.Kind, Equiv.First, Equiv.Second); EXPECT_EQ(Result, EquivalenceError::Success) << "couldn't add equivalence between " << Equiv.First << " and " << Equiv.Second; } using CanonKey = llvm::ItaniumManglingCanonicalizer::Key; std::map Keys; if (CanonicalizeFirst) for (const auto &Class : Testcase.Classes) Keys.insert({&Class, Canonicalizer.canonicalize(*Class.begin())}); std::map Found; for (const auto &Class : Testcase.Classes) { CanonKey ClassKey = Keys[&Class]; for (llvm::StringRef Str : Class) { // Force a copy to be made when calling lookup to test that it doesn't // retain any part of the provided string. CanonKey ThisKey = CanonicalizeFirst ? Canonicalizer.lookup(std::string(Str)) : Canonicalizer.canonicalize(Str); EXPECT_NE(ThisKey, CanonKey()) << "couldn't canonicalize " << Str; if (ClassKey) { EXPECT_EQ(ThisKey, ClassKey) << Str << " not in the same class as " << *Class.begin(); } else { ClassKey = ThisKey; } } EXPECT_TRUE(Found.insert({ClassKey, *Class.begin()}).second) << *Class.begin() << " is in the same class as " << Found[ClassKey]; } } } TEST(ItaniumManglingCanonicalizerTest, TestCanonicalize) { testTestcases(getTestcases()); } TEST(ItaniumManglingCanonicalizerTest, TestLookup) { testTestcases(getTestcases()); } TEST(ItaniumManglingCanonicalizerTest, TestForwardTemplateReference) { // lookup(...) after canonicalization (intentionally) returns different // values for this testcase. testTestcases(getForwardTemplateReferenceTestcases()); } TEST(ItaniumManglingCanonicalizerTest, TestInvalidManglings) { llvm::ItaniumManglingCanonicalizer Canonicalizer; EXPECT_EQ(Canonicalizer.addEquivalence(FragmentKind::Type, "", "1X"), EquivalenceError::InvalidFirstMangling); EXPECT_EQ(Canonicalizer.addEquivalence(FragmentKind::Type, "1X", "1ab"), EquivalenceError::InvalidSecondMangling); EXPECT_EQ(Canonicalizer.canonicalize("_Z3fooE"), llvm::ItaniumManglingCanonicalizer::Key()); EXPECT_EQ(Canonicalizer.canonicalize("foo"), llvm::ItaniumManglingCanonicalizer::Key()); // A reference to a template parameter ('T_' etc) cannot appear in a , // because we don't have template arguments to bind to it. (The arguments in // an 'I ... E' construct in the aren't registered as // backreferenceable arguments in this sense, because they're not part of // the template argument list of an . EXPECT_EQ(Canonicalizer.addEquivalence(FragmentKind::Name, "N1XcvT_I1AEE", "1f"), EquivalenceError::InvalidFirstMangling); } TEST(ItaniumManglingCanonicalizerTest, TestBadEquivalenceOrder) { llvm::ItaniumManglingCanonicalizer Canonicalizer; EXPECT_EQ(Canonicalizer.addEquivalence(FragmentKind::Type, "N1P1XE", "N1Q1XE"), EquivalenceError::Success); EXPECT_EQ(Canonicalizer.addEquivalence(FragmentKind::Type, "1P", "1Q"), EquivalenceError::ManglingAlreadyUsed); EXPECT_EQ(Canonicalizer.addEquivalence(FragmentKind::Type, "N1C1XE", "N1A1YE"), EquivalenceError::Success); EXPECT_EQ(Canonicalizer.addEquivalence(FragmentKind::Type, "1A", "1B"), EquivalenceError::Success); EXPECT_EQ(Canonicalizer.addEquivalence(FragmentKind::Type, "1C", "1D"), EquivalenceError::Success); EXPECT_EQ(Canonicalizer.addEquivalence(FragmentKind::Type, "1B", "1D"), EquivalenceError::ManglingAlreadyUsed); } } // end anonymous namespace