Commit Graph

52 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Greg Clayton 197bacfffa Cleanup errors that come out of commands and make sure they all have newlines
_only_ in the resulting stream, not in the error objects (lldb_private::Error).
lldb_private::Error objects should always just have an error string with no 
terminating newline characters or periods.

Fixed an issue with GDB remote packet detection that could end up deadlocking
if a full packet wasn't received in one chunk. Also modified the packet 
checking function to properly toss one or more bytes when it detects bad

llvm-svn: 134357
2011-07-02 21:07:54 +00:00
Greg Clayton effe5c956b Added new OptionGroup classes for UInt64, UUID, File and Boolean values.
Removed the "image" command and moved it to "target modules". Added an alias
for "image" to "target modules". 

Added some new target commands to be able to add and load modules to a target:
(lldb) target modules add <path>
(lldb) target modules load [--file <path>] [--slide <offset>] [<sect-name> <sect-load-addr> ...]

So you can load individual sections without running a target:

(lldb) target modules load --file /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib __TEXT 0x7fccc80000 __DATA 0x1234000000

Or you can rigidly slide an entire shared library:

(lldb) target modules load --file /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib --slid 0x7fccc80000

This should improve bare board debugging when symbol files need to be slid around manually.

llvm-svn: 130796
2011-05-03 22:09:39 +00:00
Greg Clayton 7260f6206f Centralized a lot of the status information for processes,
threads, and stack frame down in the lldb_private::Process,
lldb_private::Thread, lldb_private::StackFrameList and the 
lldb_private::StackFrame classes. We had some command line
commands that had duplicate versions of the process status
output ("thread list" and "process status" for example). 

Removed the "file" command and placed it where it should
have been: "target create". Made an alias for "file" to
"target create" so we stay compatible with GDB commands.

We can now have multple usable targets in lldb at the
same time. This is nice for comparing two runs of a program
or debugging more than one binary at the same time. The
new command is "target select <target-idx>" and also to see
a list of the current targets you can use the new "target list"
command. The flow in a debug session can be:

(lldb) target create /path/to/exe/a.out
(lldb) breakpoint set --name main
(lldb) run
... hit breakpoint
(lldb) target create /bin/ls
(lldb) run /tmp
Process 36001 exited with status = 0 (0x00000000) 
(lldb) target list
Current targets:
  target #0: /tmp/args/a.out ( arch=x86_64-apple-darwin, platform=localhost, pid=35999, state=stopped )
* target #1: /bin/ls ( arch=x86_64-apple-darwin, platform=localhost, pid=36001, state=exited )
(lldb) target select 0
Current targets:
* target #0: /tmp/args/a.out ( arch=x86_64-apple-darwin, platform=localhost, pid=35999, state=stopped )
  target #1: /bin/ls ( arch=x86_64-apple-darwin, platform=localhost, pid=36001, state=exited )
(lldb) bt
* thread #1: tid = 0x2d03, 0x0000000100000b9a a.out`main + 42 at main.c:16, stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
  frame #0: 0x0000000100000b9a a.out`main + 42 at main.c:16
  frame #1: 0x0000000100000b64 a.out`start + 52

Above we created a target for "a.out" and ran and hit a
breakpoint at "main". Then we created a new target for /bin/ls
and ran it. Then we listed the targest and selected our original
"a.out" program, so we showed two concurent debug sessions
going on at the same time.

llvm-svn: 129695
2011-04-18 08:33:37 +00:00
Greg Clayton f6b8b58184 Added two new classes for command options:

OptionGroup lets you define a class that encapsulates settings that you want
to reuse in multiple commands. It contains only the option definitions and the
ability to set the option values, but it doesn't directly interface with the
lldb_private::Options class that is the front end to all of the CommandObject
option parsing. For that the OptionGroupOptions class can be used. It aggregates
one or more OptionGroup objects and directs the option setting to the 
appropriate OptionGroup class. For an example of this, take a look at the 
CommandObjectFile and how it uses its "m_option_group" object shown below
to be able to set values in both the FileOptionGroup and PlatformOptionGroup
classes. The members used in CommandObjectFile are:

    OptionGroupOptions m_option_group;
    FileOptionGroup m_file_options;
    PlatformOptionGroup m_platform_options;

Then in the constructor for CommandObjectFile you can combine the option
settings. The code below shows a simplified version of the constructor:

CommandObjectFile::CommandObjectFile(CommandInterpreter &interpreter) :
    CommandObject (...),
    m_option_group (interpreter),
    m_file_options (),
    m_option_group.Append (&m_file_options);
    m_option_group.Append (&m_platform_options);

We append the m_file_options and then the m_platform_options and then tell
the option group the finalize the results. This allows the m_option_group to
become the organizer of our prefs and after option parsing we end up with
valid preference settings in both the m_file_options and m_platform_options
objects. This also allows any other commands to use the FileOptionGroup and
PlatformOptionGroup classes to implement options for their commands.

    virtual void Options::ResetOptionValues();
    virtual void Options::OptionParsingStarting();

And implemented a new callback named:

    virtual Error Options::OptionParsingFinished();
This allows Options subclasses to verify that the options all go together
after all of the options have been specified and gives the chance for the
command object to return an error. It also gives a chance to take all of the
option values and produce or initialize objects after all options have
completed parsing.


    virtual Error
    SetOptionValue (int option_idx, const char *option_arg) = 0;
to be:

    virtual Error
    SetOptionValue (uint32_t option_idx, const char *option_arg) = 0;

(option_idx is now unsigned).

llvm-svn: 129415
2011-04-13 00:18:08 +00:00
Greg Clayton 8b82f087a0 Moved the execution context that was in the Debugger into
the CommandInterpreter where it was always being used.

Make sure that Modules can track their object file offsets correctly to
allow opening of sub object files (like the "__commpage" on darwin).

Modified the Platforms to be able to launch processes. The first part of this
move is the platform soon will become the entity that launches your program
and when it does, it uses a new ProcessLaunchInfo class which encapsulates
all process launching settings. This simplifies the internal APIs needed for
launching. I want to slowly phase out process launching from the process
classes, so for now we can still launch just as we used to, but eventually
the platform is the object that should do the launching.

Modified the Host::LaunchProcess in the MacOSX to correctly be able
to launch processes with all of the new eLaunchFlag settings. Modified any
code that was manually launching processes to use the Host::LaunchProcess

Fixed an issue where lldb_private::Args had implicitly defined copy 
constructors that could do the wrong thing. This has now been fixed by adding
an appropriate copy constructor and assignment operator.

Make sure we don't add empty ModuleSP entries to a module list.

Fixed the commpage module creation on MacOSX, but we still need to train
the MacOSX dynamic loader to not get rid of it when it doesn't have an entry
in the all image infos.

Abstracted many more calls from in ProcessGDBRemote down into the 
GDBRemoteCommunicationClient subclass to make the classes cleaner and more

Fixed the default iOS ARM register context to be correct and also added support
for targets that don't support the qThreadStopInfo packet by selecting the
current thread (only if needed) and then sending a stop reply packet.

Debugserver can now start up with a --unix-socket (-u for short) and can 
then bind to port zero and send the port it bound to to a listening process
on the other end. This allows the GDB remote platform to spawn new GDB server
instances (debugserver) to allow platform debugging.

llvm-svn: 129351
2011-04-12 05:54:46 +00:00
Greg Clayton eb0103f2d0 Modified the ArchSpec to take an optional "Platform *" when setting the triple.
This allows you to have a platform selected, then specify a triple using
"i386" and have the remaining triple items (vendor, os, and environment) set

Many interpreter commands take the "--arch" option to specify an architecture
triple, so now the command options needed to be able to get to the current
platform, so the Options class now take a reference to the interpreter on

Modified the build LLVM building in the Xcode project to use the new
Xcode project level user definitions:

LLVM_BUILD_DIR - a path to the llvm build directory
LLVM_SOURCE_DIR - a path to the llvm sources for the llvm that will be used to build lldb
LLVM_CONFIGURATION - the configuration that lldb is built for (Release, 
Release+Asserts, Debug, Debug+Asserts).

I also changed the LLVM build to not check if "lldb/llvm" is a symlink and
then assume it is a real llvm build directory versus the unzipped
package, so now you can actually have a "lldb/llvm" directory in your lldb

llvm-svn: 129112
2011-04-07 22:46:35 +00:00
Greg Clayton 32e0a7509c Many improvements to the Platform base class and subclasses. The base Platform
class now implements the Host functionality for a lot of things that make 
sense by default so that subclasses can check:

PlatformSubclass::Foo ()
    if (IsHost())
        return Platform::Foo (); // Let the platform base class do the host specific stuff
    // Platform subclass specific code...
    int result = ...
    return result;

Added new functions to the platform:

    virtual const char *Platform::GetUserName (uint32_t uid);
    virtual const char *Platform::GetGroupName (uint32_t gid);

The user and group names are cached locally so that remote platforms can avoid
sending packets multiple times to resolve this information.

Added the parent process ID to the ProcessInfo class. 

Added a new ProcessInfoMatch class which helps us to match processes up
and changed the Host layer over to using this new class. The new class allows
us to search for processs:
1 - by name (equal to, starts with, ends with, contains, and regex)
2 - by pid
3 - And further check for parent pid == value, uid == value, gid == value, 
    euid == value, egid == value, arch == value, parent == value.
This is all hookup up to the "platform process list" command which required
adding dumping routines to dump process information. If the Host class 
implements the process lookup routines, you can now lists processes on 
your local machine: % lldb
(lldb) platform process list 
PID    PARENT USER       GROUP      EFF USER   EFF GROUP  TRIPLE                   NAME
====== ====== ========== ========== ========== ========== ======================== ============================
99538  1      username   usergroup  username   usergroup  x86_64-apple-darwin      FileMerge
94943  1      username   usergroup  username   usergroup  x86_64-apple-darwin      mdworker
94852  244    username   usergroup  username   usergroup  x86_64-apple-darwin      Safari
94727  244    username   usergroup  username   usergroup  x86_64-apple-darwin      Xcode
92742  92710  username   usergroup  username   usergroup  i386-apple-darwin        debugserver

This of course also works remotely with the lldb-platform: % lldb-platform --listen 1234 % lldb
(lldb) platform create remote-macosx
  Platform: remote-macosx
 Connected: no
(lldb) platform connect connect://localhost:1444
  Platform: remote-macosx
    Triple: x86_64-apple-darwin
OS Version: 10.6.7 (10J869)
    Kernel: Darwin Kernel Version 10.7.0: Sat Jan 29 15:17:16 PST 2011; root:xnu-1504.9.37~1/RELEASE_I386
 Connected: yes
(lldb) platform process list 
PID    PARENT USER       GROUP      EFF USER   EFF GROUP  TRIPLE                   NAME
====== ====== ========== ========== ========== ========== ======================== ============================
99556  244    username   usergroup  username   usergroup  x86_64-apple-darwin      trustevaluation
99548  65539  username   usergroup  username   usergroup  x86_64-apple-darwin      lldb
99538  1      username   usergroup  username   usergroup  x86_64-apple-darwin      FileMerge
94943  1      username   usergroup  username   usergroup  x86_64-apple-darwin      mdworker
94852  244    username   usergroup  username   usergroup  x86_64-apple-darwin      Safari

The lldb-platform implements everything with the Host:: layer, so this should
"just work" for linux. I will probably be adding more stuff to the Host layer
for launching processes and attaching to processes so that this support should
eventually just work as well.

Modified the target to be able to be created with an architecture that differs
from the main executable. This is needed for iOS debugging since we can have
an "armv6" binary which can run on an "armv7" machine, so we want to be able
to do:

% lldb
(lldb) platform create remote-ios
(lldb) file --arch armv7 a.out

Where "a.out" is an armv6 executable. The platform then can correctly decide
to open all "armv7" images for all dependent shared libraries.

Modified the disassembly to show the current PC value. Example output:

(lldb) disassemble --frame
   0x1eb7:  pushl  %ebp
   0x1eb8:  movl   %esp, %ebp
   0x1eba:  pushl  %ebx
   0x1ebb:  subl   $20, %esp
   0x1ebe:  calll  0x1ec3                   ; main + 12 at test.c:18
   0x1ec3:  popl   %ebx
-> 0x1ec4:  calll  0x1f12                   ; getpid
   0x1ec9:  movl   %eax, 4(%esp)
   0x1ecd:  leal   199(%ebx), %eax
   0x1ed3:  movl   %eax, (%esp)
   0x1ed6:  calll  0x1f18                   ; printf
   0x1edb:  leal   213(%ebx), %eax
   0x1ee1:  movl   %eax, (%esp)
   0x1ee4:  calll  0x1f1e                   ; puts
   0x1ee9:  calll  0x1f0c                   ; getchar
   0x1eee:  movl   $20, (%esp)
   0x1ef5:  calll  0x1e6a                   ; sleep_loop at test.c:6
   0x1efa:  movl   $12, %eax
   0x1eff:  addl   $20, %esp
   0x1f02:  popl   %ebx
   0x1f03:  leave
   0x1f04:  ret
This can be handy when dealing with the new --line options that was recently

(lldb) disassemble --line
a.out`main + 13 at test.c:19
   18  	{
-> 19  		printf("Process: %i\n\n", getpid());
   20  	    puts("Press any key to continue..."); getchar();
-> 0x1ec4:  calll  0x1f12                   ; getpid
   0x1ec9:  movl   %eax, 4(%esp)
   0x1ecd:  leal   199(%ebx), %eax
   0x1ed3:  movl   %eax, (%esp)
   0x1ed6:  calll  0x1f18                   ; printf

Modified the ModuleList to have a lookup based solely on a UUID. Since the
UUID is typically the MD5 checksum of a binary image, there is no need
to give the path and architecture when searching for a pre-existing
image in an image list.

Now that we support remote debugging a bit better, our lldb_private::Module
needs to be able to track what the original path for file was as the platform
knows it, as well as where the file is locally. The module has the two 
following functions to retrieve both paths:

const FileSpec &Module::GetFileSpec () const;
const FileSpec &Module::GetPlatformFileSpec () const;

llvm-svn: 128563
2011-03-30 18:16:51 +00:00
Greg Clayton e0d378b334 Fixed the LLDB build so that we can have private types, private enums and
public types and public enums. This was done to keep the SWIG stuff from
parsing all sorts of enums and types that weren't needed, and allows us to
abstract our API better.

llvm-svn: 128239
2011-03-24 21:19:54 +00:00
Greg Clayton ded470d31a Added more platform support. There are now some new commands:
platform status -- gets status information for the selected platform
platform create <platform-name> -- creates a new instance of a remote platform
platform list -- list all available platforms
platform select -- select a platform instance as the current platform (not working yet)

When using "platform create" it will create a remote platform and make it the
selected platform. For instances for iPhone OS debugging on Mac OS X one can 

(lldb) platform create remote-ios --sdk-version=4.0
Remote platform: iOS platform
SDK version: 4.0
SDK path: "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/4.0"
Not connected to a remote device.
(lldb) file ~/Documents/a.out
Current executable set to '~/Documents/a.out' (armv6).
(lldb) image list
[  0] /Volumes/work/gclayton/Documents/devb/attach/a.out
[  1] /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/4.0/Symbols/usr/lib/dyld
[  2] /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/4.0/Symbols/usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib

Note that this is all happening prior to running _or_ connecting to a remote
platform. Once connected to a remote platform the OS version might change which
means we will need to update our dependecies. Also once we run, we will need
to match up the actualy binaries with the actualy UUID's to files in the
SDK, or download and cache them locally.

This is just the start of the remote platforms, but this modification is the
first iteration in getting the platforms really doing something.

llvm-svn: 127934
2011-03-19 01:12:21 +00:00
Greg Clayton e996fd30be LLDB now has "Platform" plug-ins. Platform plug-ins are plug-ins that provide
an interface to a local or remote debugging platform. By default each host OS
that supports LLDB should be registering a "default" platform that will be
used unless a new platform is selected. Platforms are responsible for things
such as:
- getting process information by name or by processs ID
- finding platform files. This is useful for remote debugging where there is 
  an SDK with files that might already or need to be cached for debug access.
- getting a list of platform supported architectures in the exact order they
  should be selected. This helps the native x86 platform on MacOSX select the
  correct x86_64/i386 slice from universal binaries.
- Connect to remote platforms for remote debugging
- Resolving an executable including finding an executable inside platform
  specific bundles (macosx uses .app bundles that contain files) and also
  selecting the appropriate slice of universal files for a given platform.

So by default there is always a local platform, but remote platforms can be
connected to. I will soon be adding a new "platform" command that will support
the following commands:
(lldb) platform connect --name machine1 macosx connect://host:port
Connected to "machine1" platform.
(lldb) platform disconnect macosx

This allows LLDB to be well setup to do remote debugging and also once 
connected process listing and finding for things like:
(lldb) process attach --name x<TAB>

The currently selected platform plug-in can now auto complete any available
processes that start with "x". The responsibilities for the platform plug-in
will soon grow and expand.

llvm-svn: 127286
2011-03-08 22:40:15 +00:00
Greg Clayton 7133762232 Fixed CommandReturnObject::SetImmediateErrorFile() to set the correct stream.
Modifed lldb_private::Process to be able to handle connecting to a remote 
target that isn't running a process. This leaves lldb_private::Process in the
eStateConnected state from which we can then do an attach or launch.

Modified ProcessGDBRemote to be able to set stdin, stdout, stderr, working
dir, disable ASLR and a few other settings down by using new GDB remote 
packets. This allows us to keep all of our current launch flags and settings
intact and still be able to communicate them over to the remote GDB server.
Previously these were being sent as arguments to the debugserver binary that
we were spawning. Also modified ProcessGDBRemote to handle losing connection
to the remote GDB server and always exit immediately. We do this by watching
the lldb_private::Communication event bit for the read thread exiting in the
ProcessGDBRemote async thread.

Added support for many of the new 'Q' packets for setting stdin, stdout,
stderr, working dir and disable ASLR to the GDBRemoteCommunication class for
easy accesss.

Modified debugserver for all of the new 'Q' packets and also made it so that
debugserver always exists if it loses connection with the remote debugger.

llvm-svn: 126444
2011-02-24 22:24:29 +00:00
Greg Clayton 64195a2c8b Abtracted all mach-o and ELF out of ArchSpec. This patch is a modified form
of Stephen Wilson's idea (thanks for the input Stephen!). What I ended up
doing was:
- Got rid of ArchSpec::CPU (which was a generic CPU enumeration that mimics
  the contents of llvm::Triple::ArchType). We now rely upon the llvm::Triple 
  to give us the machine type from llvm::Triple::ArchType.
- There is a new ArchSpec::Core definition which further qualifies the CPU
  core we are dealing with into a single enumeration. If you need support for
  a new Core and want to debug it in LLDB, it must be added to this list. In
  the future we can allow for dynamic core registration, but for now it is
  hard coded.
- The ArchSpec can now be initialized with a llvm::Triple or with a C string
  that represents the triple (it can just be an arch still like "i386").
- The ArchSpec can still initialize itself with a architecture type -- mach-o
  with cpu type and subtype, or ELF with e_machine + e_flags -- and this will
  then get translated into the internal llvm::Triple::ArchSpec + ArchSpec::Core.
  The mach-o cpu type and subtype can be accessed using the getter functions:
  ArchSpec::GetMachOCPUType () const;

  ArchSpec::GetMachOCPUSubType () const;
  But these functions are just converting out internal llvm::Triple::ArchSpec 
  + ArchSpec::Core back into mach-o. Same goes for ELF.

All code has been updated to deal with the changes.

This should abstract us until later when the llvm::TargetSpec stuff gets
finalized and we can then adopt it.

llvm-svn: 126278
2011-02-23 00:35:02 +00:00
Jim Ingham 85e8b81492 - Changed all the places where CommandObjectReturn was exporting a StreamString to just exporting
a Stream, and then added GetOutputData & GetErrorData to get the accumulated data.
- Added a StreamTee that will tee output to two provided lldb::StreamSP's.
- Made the CommandObjectReturn use this so you can Tee the results immediately to
the debuggers output file, as well as saving up the results to return when the command
is done executing.
- HandleCommands now uses this so that if you have a set of commands that continue the target
you will see the commands come out as they are processed.
- The Driver now uses this to output the command results as you go, which makes the interface
more reactive seeming.

llvm-svn: 126015
2011-02-19 02:53:09 +00:00
Greg Clayton 514487e806 Made lldb_private::ArchSpec contain much more than just an architecture. It
now, in addition to cpu type/subtype and architecture flavor, contains:
- byte order (big endian, little endian)
- address size in bytes
- llvm::Triple for true target triple support and for more powerful plug-in

llvm-svn: 125602
2011-02-15 21:59:32 +00:00
Greg Clayton b766a73dfc Added support for attaching to a remote debug server with the new command:
(lldb) process connect <remote-url>

Currently when you specify a file with the file command it helps us to find
a process plug-in that is suitable for debugging. If you specify a file you
can rely upon this to find the correct debugger plug-in:

% lldb a.out
Current executable set to 'a.out' (x86_64).
(lldb) process connect connect://localhost:2345

If you don't specify a file, you will need to specify the plug-in name that
you wish to use:

% lldb
(lldb) process connect --plugin process.gdb-remote connect://localhost:2345

Other connection URL examples:

(lldb) process connect connect://localhost:2345
(lldb) process connect tcp://
(lldb) process connect file:///dev/ttyS1

We are currently treating the "connect://host:port" as a way to do raw socket
connections. If there is a URL for this already, please let me know and we
will adopt it.

So now you can connect to a remote debug server with the ProcessGDBRemote
plug-in. After connection, it will ask for the pid info using the "qC" packet
and if it responds with a valid process ID, it will be equivalent to attaching.
If it response with an error or invalid process ID, the LLDB process will be
in a new state: eStateConnected. This allows us to then download a program or
specify the program to run (using the 'A' packet), or specify a process to
attach to (using the "vAttach" packets), or query info about the processes
that might be available.

llvm-svn: 124846
2011-02-04 01:58:07 +00:00
Greg Clayton 7fb56d0a1a Endian patch from Kirk Beitz that allows better cross platform building.
llvm-svn: 124643
2011-02-01 01:31:41 +00:00
Greg Clayton 513c26ce9d Finished up the async attach support. This allows us to request to attach
by name or by pid (with or without waiting for a process to launch) and
catch the response asynchronously.

llvm-svn: 124530
2011-01-29 07:10:55 +00:00
Jim Ingham bb3a283b3e Added a completion action class to the Process events so that we can make things like Attach and later Launch start their job, and then return to the event loop while waiting for the work to be done.
llvm-svn: 124520
2011-01-29 01:49:25 +00:00
Greg Clayton bd82a5d2cc Added a new variant of SBTarget::Launch() that deprectates the old one that
takes separate file handles for stdin, stdout, and stder and also allows for
the working directory to be specified.

Added support to "process launch" to a new option: --working-dir=PATH. We
can now set the working directory. If this is not set, it defaults to that
of the process that has LLDB loaded. Added the working directory to the
host LaunchInNewTerminal function to allows the current working directory 
to be set in processes that are spawned in their own terminal. Also hooked this
up to the lldb_private::Process and all mac plug-ins. The linux plug-in had its
API changed, but nothing is making use of it yet. Modfied "debugserver" and
"darwin-debug" to also handle the current working directory options and modified
the code in LLDB that spawns these tools to pass the info along.

Fixed ProcessGDBRemote to properly pass along all file handles for stdin, stdout
and stderr. 

After clearing the default values for the stdin/out/err file handles for
process to be NULL, we had a crasher in UserSettingsController::UpdateStringVariable
which is now fixed. Also fixed the setting of boolean values to be able to
be set as "true", "yes", "on", "1" for true (case insensitive) and "false", "no",
"off", or "0" for false.

Fixed debugserver to properly handle files for STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR that are not
already opened. Previous to this fix debugserver would only correctly open and dupe
file handles for the slave side of a pseudo terminal. It now correctly handles
getting STDIN for the inferior from a file, and spitting STDOUT and STDERR out to
files. Also made sure the file handles were correctly opened with the NOCTTY flag
for terminals.

llvm-svn: 124060
2011-01-23 05:56:20 +00:00
Jim Ingham bb9caf73fa process launch now asks to kill the current process if it is alive, and if you affirm, does so for you.
Also added #pragma mark for the command objects defined in the file.

llvm-svn: 121396
2010-12-09 18:58:16 +00:00
Caroline Tice f8da863196 Add '-no-stdio' option to 'process launch' command, which causes the
inferior to be launched without setting up terminal stdin/stdout for it
(leaving the lldb command line accessible while the program is executing).
Also add a user settings variable, 'target.process.disable-stdio' to allow
the user to set this globally rather than having to use the command option
each time the process is launched.

llvm-svn: 120825
2010-12-03 18:46:09 +00:00
Greg Clayton 8f343b09e9 Added support for loading and unloading shared libraries. This was done by
adding support into lldb_private::Process:

    virtual uint32_t
    lldb_private::Process::LoadImage (const FileSpec &image_spec, 
                                      Error &error);

    virtual Error
    lldb_private::Process::UnloadImage (uint32_t image_token);

There is a default implementation that should work for both linux and MacOSX.
This ability has also been exported through the SBProcess API:

    lldb::SBProcess::LoadImage (lldb::SBFileSpec &image_spec, 
                                lldb::SBError &error);

    lldb::SBProcess::UnloadImage (uint32_t image_token);

Modified the DynamicLoader plug-in interface to require it to be able to 
tell us if it is currently possible to load/unload a shared library:

    virtual lldb_private::Error
    DynamicLoader::CanLoadImage () = 0;

This way the dynamic loader plug-ins are allows to veto whether we can 
currently load a shared library since the dynamic loader might know if it is
currenlty loading/unloading shared libraries. It might also know about the
current host system and know where to check to make sure runtime or malloc
locks are currently being held.

Modified the expression parser to have ClangUserExpression::Evaluate() be
the one that causes the dynamic checkers to be loaded instead of other code
that shouldn't have to worry about it.

llvm-svn: 118227
2010-11-04 01:54:29 +00:00
Caroline Tice 5d7be2e617 Fix problem where "process detach" was not working properly. The
ptrace thread update that was replying to the SIGSTOP was also causing the
process to not really be sigstop'd any more so then the call to ptrace
detach was failing, and when debugserver exited the attached process
was being killed.  Now the ptrace thread update does not disturb the sigstop
state of the thread, so the detach works properly.

llvm-svn: 118018
2010-11-02 16:16:53 +00:00
Greg Clayton 913c4fa15b Ok, last commit for the running processes in a new window. Now you can
optionally specify the tty you want to use if you want to use an existing
terminal window by giving a partial or full path name:

(lldb) process launch --tty=ttys002

This would find the terminal window (or tab on MacOSX) that has ttys002 in its
tty path and use it. If it isn't found, it will use a new terminal window.

llvm-svn: 116878
2010-10-19 23:16:00 +00:00
Greg Clayton 3fcbed6bda Stop the driver from handling SIGPIPE in case we communicate with stale
sockets so the driver doesn't just crash.

Added support for connecting to named sockets (unix IPC sockets) in

Modified the Host::LaunchInNewTerminal() for MacOSX to return the process
ID of the inferior process instead of the process ID of the This
was done by modifying the "darwin-debug" executable to connect to lldb through
a named unix socket which is passed down as an argument. This allows a quick
handshake between "lldb" and "darwin-debug" so we can get the process ID
of the inferior and then attach by process ID and avoid attaching to the 
inferior by process name since there could be more than one process with 
that name. This still has possible race conditions, those will be fixed
in the near future. This fixes the SIGPIPE issues that were sometimes being
seen when task_for_pid was failing.

llvm-svn: 116792
2010-10-19 03:25:40 +00:00
Caroline Tice c0dbdfb6c2 Combine eArgTypeSignalName and eArgTypeUnixSignalNumber into a single
argument type, eArgTypeUnixSignal.

llvm-svn: 116764
2010-10-18 22:56:57 +00:00
Greg Clayton 19388cfc6e Fixed debugserver to properly attach to a process by name with the
"vAttachName;<PROCNAME>" packet, and wait for a new process by name to launch 
with the "vAttachWait;<PROCNAME>".

Fixed a few issues with attaching where if DoAttach() returned no error, yet
there was no valid process ID, we would deadlock waiting for an event that
would never happen.

Added a new "process launch" option "--tty" that will launch the process 
in a new terminal if the Host layer supports the "Host::LaunchInNewTerminal(...)"
function. This currently works on MacOSX and will allow the debugging of 
terminal applications that do complex operations with the terminal. 

Cleaned up the output when the process resumes, stops and halts to be 
consistent with the output format.

llvm-svn: 116693
2010-10-18 01:45:30 +00:00
Caroline Tice 43a8c39b9c Disable "process.macosx" plugin, since it is not being actively supported
at the moment, and no longer works properly (bit rot).

llvm-svn: 116626
2010-10-15 21:52:38 +00:00
Caroline Tice 10ad799386 Modify "process handle" so that if no signals are specified it lists/updates them all,
if no update commands are specified it just lists the current values, and show that
it always shows the new values for a signal after it has been updated.  Also updated
the help text to match the new functionality.

llvm-svn: 116520
2010-10-14 21:31:13 +00:00
Caroline Tice 357313573e Add new argument type, eArgSignalName,
Add missing break statment to case statement in Process::ShouldBroadcastEvent.

Add new command, "process handle" to allow users to control process behavior on
the receipt of various Unix signals (whether the process should stop; whether the
process should be passed the signal; whether the debugger user should be notified
that the signal came in).

llvm-svn: 116430
2010-10-13 20:44:39 +00:00
Greg Clayton 237cd90620 Fixed process.gdb-remote to be able to properly propagate the signals and
obey the UnixSignals table that we have in the process.

llvm-svn: 116139
2010-10-09 01:40:57 +00:00
Greg Clayton 05faeb7135 Cleaned up the SWIG stuff so all includes happen as they should, no pulling
tricks to get types to resolve. I did this by correctly including the correct
files: stdint.h and all lldb-*.h files first before including the API files.
This allowed me to remove all of the hacks that were in the lldb.swig file
and it also allows all of the #defines in lldb-defines.h and enumerations
in lldb-enumerations.h to appear in the module. This will make the
python script code a lot more readable.

Cleaned up the "process launch" command to not execute a "process continue"
command, it now just does what it should have with the internal API calls
instead of executing another command line command.

Made the lldb_private::Process set the state to launching and attaching if
WillLaunch/WillAttach return no error respectively.

llvm-svn: 115902
2010-10-07 04:19:01 +00:00
Caroline Tice 405fe67f14 Modify existing commands with arguments to use the new argument mechanism
(for standardized argument names, argument help, etc.)

llvm-svn: 115570
2010-10-04 22:28:36 +00:00
Caroline Tice deaab2220e Modify command options to use the new arguments mechanism. Now all command option
arguments are specified in a standardized way, will have a standardized name, and
have functioning help.

The next step is to start writing useful help for all the argument types.

llvm-svn: 115335
2010-10-01 19:59:14 +00:00
Greg Clayton ed8a705cea General command line help cleanup:
- All single character options will now be printed together
- Changed all options that contains underscores to contain '-' instead
- Made the help come out a little flatter by showing the long and short
  option on the same line.
- Modified the short character for "--ignore-count" options to "-i"

llvm-svn: 114265
2010-09-18 03:37:20 +00:00
Greg Clayton a701509229 Fixed the way set/show variables were being accessed to being natively
accessed by the objects that own the settings. The previous approach wasn't
very usable and made for a lot of unnecessary code just to access variables
that were already owned by the objects.

While I fixed those things, I saw that CommandObject objects should really
have a reference to their command interpreter so they can access the terminal
with if they want to output usaage. Fixed up all CommandObjects to take
an interpreter and cleaned up the API to not need the interpreter to be
passed in.

Fixed the disassemble command to output the usage if no options are passed
down and arguments are passed (all disassebmle variants take options, there
are no "args only").

llvm-svn: 114252
2010-09-18 01:14:36 +00:00
Jim Ingham 3a0b9cdf47 If you have already loaded a file into the debugger, "process attach" will attach to a process with the filename, unless you specify otherwise.
llvm-svn: 113916
2010-09-15 01:34:14 +00:00
Caroline Tice e7e92b771a Remove help text that is no longer correct.
Fix Python script interpreter to not fail when the Debugger does
not have input/output file handles.

llvm-svn: 113880
2010-09-14 22:49:06 +00:00
Caroline Tice 101c7c2060 Make all debugger-level user settable variables into instance variables.
Make get/set variable at the debugger level always set the particular debugger's instance variables rather than
the default variables.

llvm-svn: 113474
2010-09-09 06:25:08 +00:00
Chris Lattner 37c1b43144 fix a bunch of signed/unsigned comparison warnings, stop evaluating "getsize" every time through the loop.
llvm-svn: 113433
2010-09-08 22:55:31 +00:00
Caroline Tice e3d2631567 Clean up, clarify and standardize help text, and fix a few help text formatting problems.
llvm-svn: 113408
2010-09-08 21:06:11 +00:00
Caroline Tice 3df9a8dfd7 This is a very large commit that completely re-does the way lldb
handles user settable internal variables (the equivalent of set/show
variables in gdb).  In addition to the basic infrastructure (most of
which is defined in UserSettingsController.{h,cpp}, there are examples
of two classes that have been set up to contain user settable
variables (the Debugger and Process classes).  The 'settings' command
has been modified to be a command-subcommand structure, and the 'set',
'show' and 'append' commands have been moved into this sub-commabnd
structure.  The old StateVariable class has been completely replaced
by this, and the state variable dictionary has been removed from the
Command Interpreter.  Places that formerly accessed the state variable
mechanism have been modified to access the variables in this new
structure instead (checking the term-width; getting/checking the
prompt; etc.)

Variables are attached to classes; there are two basic "flavors" of
variables that can be set: "global" variables (static/class-wide), and
"instance" variables (one per instance of the class).  The whole thing
has been set up so that any global or instance variable can be set at
any time (e.g. on start up, in your .lldbinit file), whether or not
any instances actually exist (there's a whole pending and default
values mechanism to help deal with that).

llvm-svn: 113041
2010-09-04 00:03:46 +00:00
Greg Clayton f681b94f90 Added the ability to disable ASLR (Address Space Layout Randomization). ASLR
is disabled by default, and can be enabled using:

(lldb) set disable-aslr 0

llvm-svn: 112616
2010-08-31 18:35:14 +00:00
Jim Ingham 2976d00adb Change "Current" as in GetCurrentThread, GetCurrentStackFrame, etc, to "Selected" i.e. GetSelectedThread. Selected makes more sense, since these are set by some user action (a selection). I didn't change "CurrentProcess" since this is always controlled by the target, and a given target can only have one process, so it really can't be selected.
llvm-svn: 112221
2010-08-26 21:32:51 +00:00
Jim Ingham 5aee162f97 Change Target & Process so they can really be initialized with an invalid architecture.
Arrange that this then gets properly set on attach, or when a "file" is set.
Add a completer for "process attach -n".

Caveats: there isn't currently a way to handle multiple processes with the same name.  That
will have to wait on a way to pass annotations along with the completion strings.

llvm-svn: 110624
2010-08-09 23:31:02 +00:00
Greg Clayton b132097b45 I enabled some extra warnings for hidden local variables and for hidden
virtual functions and caught some things and did some general code cleanup.

llvm-svn: 108299
2010-07-14 00:18:15 +00:00
Jim Ingham ebc09c36e9 Fix GetRepeatCommand so it works with multi-word commands.
Move the "source", "alias", and "unalias" commands to "commands *".
Move "source-file" to "source list".
Added a "source info" command but it isn't implemented yet.

llvm-svn: 107751
2010-07-07 03:36:20 +00:00
Greg Clayton 6611103cfe Very large changes that were needed in order to allow multiple connections
to the debugger from GUI windows. Previously there was one global debugger
instance that could be accessed that had its own command interpreter and
current state (current target/process/thread/frame). When a GUI debugger
was attached, if it opened more than one window that each had a console
window, there were issues where the last one to setup the global debugger
object won and got control of the debugger.

To avoid this we now create instances of the lldb_private::Debugger that each 
has its own state:
- target list for targets the debugger instance owns
- current process/thread/frame
- its own command interpreter
- its own input, output and error file handles to avoid conflicts
- its own input reader stack

So now clients should call:

    SBDebugger::Initialize(); // (static function)

    SBDebugger debugger (SBDebugger::Create());
    // Use which ever file handles you wish
    debugger.SetErrorFileHandle (stderr, false);
    debugger.SetOutputFileHandle (stdout, false);
    debugger.SetInputFileHandle (stdin, true);

    // main loop
    SBDebugger::Terminate(); // (static function)
SBDebugger::Initialize() and SBDebugger::Terminate() are ref counted to
ensure nothing gets destroyed too early when multiple clients might be

Cleaned up the command interpreter and the CommandObject and all subclasses
to take more appropriate arguments.

llvm-svn: 106615
2010-06-23 01:19:29 +00:00
Jim Ingham 4b9bea87e6 Move the "status" command to "process status" since that's where it belongs. Also make it print "running" if invoked
when the current process is running.

llvm-svn: 106265
2010-06-18 01:23:09 +00:00
Jim Ingham 40af72e106 Move Args.{cpp,h} and Options.{cpp,h} to Interpreter where they really belong.
llvm-svn: 106034
2010-06-15 19:49:27 +00:00