[x86] add vector fmul with undef elts tests; NFC

llvm-svn: 343941
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Sanjay Patel 2018-10-07 16:00:55 +00:00
parent 0b74c840dd
commit fcb1061c13
1 changed files with 57 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,35 @@
; NOTE: Assertions have been autogenerated by utils/update_llc_test_checks.py
; RUN: llc -mtriple=x86_64-unknown-unknown < %s | FileCheck %s
define <4 x float> @fmul_zero_not_fast(<4 x float> %x) nounwind {
; CHECK-LABEL: fmul_zero_not_fast:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: xorps %xmm1, %xmm1
; CHECK-NEXT: mulps %xmm1, %xmm0
; CHECK-NEXT: retq
%r = fmul <4 x float> %x, zeroinitializer
ret <4 x float> %r
define <4 x float> @fmul_zero_nsz_nnan(<4 x float> %x) nounwind {
; CHECK-LABEL: fmul_zero_nsz_nnan:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: xorps %xmm0, %xmm0
; CHECK-NEXT: retq
%r = fmul nsz nnan <4 x float> %x, zeroinitializer
ret <4 x float> %r
define <4 x float> @fmul_zero_nsz_nnan_undef(<4 x float> %x) nounwind {
; CHECK-LABEL: fmul_zero_nsz_nnan_undef:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: xorps %xmm1, %xmm1
; CHECK-NEXT: mulps %xmm1, %xmm0
; CHECK-NEXT: retq
%r = fmul nsz nnan <4 x float> %x, <float 0.0, float 0.0, float 0.0, float undef>
ret <4 x float> %r
define float @fmul2_f32(float %x) {
; CHECK-LABEL: fmul2_f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
@ -21,6 +50,15 @@ define <4 x float> @fmul2_v4f32(<4 x float> %x) {
ret <4 x float> %y
define <4 x float> @fmul2_v4f32_undef(<4 x float> %x) {
; CHECK-LABEL: fmul2_v4f32_undef:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: mulps {{.*}}(%rip), %xmm0
; CHECK-NEXT: retq
%y = fmul <4 x float> %x, <float undef, float 2.0, float 2.0, float 2.0>
ret <4 x float> %y
define <4 x float> @constant_fold_fmul_v4f32(<4 x float> %x) {
; CHECK-LABEL: constant_fold_fmul_v4f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
@ -30,6 +68,15 @@ define <4 x float> @constant_fold_fmul_v4f32(<4 x float> %x) {
ret <4 x float> %y
define <4 x float> @constant_fold_fmul_v4f32_undef(<4 x float> %x) {
; CHECK-LABEL: constant_fold_fmul_v4f32_undef:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: movaps {{.*#+}} xmm0 = [8,NaN,8,NaN]
; CHECK-NEXT: retq
%y = fmul <4 x float> <float 4.0, float undef, float 4.0, float 4.0>, <float 2.0, float 2.0, float 2.0, float undef>
ret <4 x float> %y
define <4 x float> @fmul0_v4f32(<4 x float> %x) #0 {
; CHECK-LABEL: fmul0_v4f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
@ -39,6 +86,16 @@ define <4 x float> @fmul0_v4f32(<4 x float> %x) #0 {
ret <4 x float> %y
define <4 x float> @fmul0_v4f32_undef(<4 x float> %x) #0 {
; CHECK-LABEL: fmul0_v4f32_undef:
; CHECK: # %bb.0:
; CHECK-NEXT: xorps %xmm1, %xmm1
; CHECK-NEXT: mulps %xmm1, %xmm0
; CHECK-NEXT: retq
%y = fmul <4 x float> %x, <float undef, float 0.0, float undef, float 0.0>
ret <4 x float> %y
define <4 x float> @fmul_c2_c4_v4f32(<4 x float> %x) #0 {
; CHECK-LABEL: fmul_c2_c4_v4f32:
; CHECK: # %bb.0: