[analyzer] Static Analyzer Qualification Infrastructure: Scripts to support basic testing of the analyzer on external projects. This can be used as a basis for setting up a buildbot.

llvm-svn: 141337
This commit is contained in:
Anna Zaks 2011-10-06 23:26:27 +00:00
parent 9776e438cf
commit f0c4116202
2 changed files with 378 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
Static Analyzer qualification infrastructure: adding a new project to
the Repository Directory.
Add a new project for testing: build it and add to the Project Map file.
Assumes it's being run from the Repository Directory.
The project directory should be added inside the Repository Directory and
have the same name as the project ID
The project should use the following files for set up:
- pre_run_static_analyzer.sh - prepare the build environment.
Ex: make clean can be a part of it.
- run_static_analyzer.cmd - a list of commands to run through scan-build.
Each command should be on a separate line.
Choose from: configure, make, xcodebuild
import SATestBuild
import os
import csv
import sys
# Add a new project for testing: build it and add to the Project Map file.
# Params:
# Dir is the directory where the sources are.
# ID is a short string used to identify a project.
def addNewProject(ID) :
CurDir = os.path.abspath(os.curdir)
Dir = SATestBuild.getProjectDir(ID)
if not os.path.exists(Dir):
print "Error: Project directory is missing: %s" % Dir
# Build the project.
SATestBuild.testProject(ID, True, Dir)
# Add the project ID to the project map.
ProjectMapPath = os.path.join(CurDir, SATestBuild.ProjectMapFile)
if os.path.exists(ProjectMapPath):
PMapFile = open(ProjectMapPath, "r+b")
print "Warning: Creating the Project Map file!!"
PMapFile = open(ProjectMapPath, "w+b")
PMapReader = csv.reader(PMapFile)
for I in PMapReader:
IID = I[0]
if ID == IID:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Warning: Project with ID \'', ID, \
'\' already exists.'
PMapWriter = csv.writer(PMapFile)
PMapWriter.writerow( (ID, Dir) );
print "The project map is updated: ", ProjectMapPath
# TODO: Add an option not to build.
# TODO: Set the path to the Repository directory.
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Usage: ', sys.argv[0],\
'[project ID]'

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@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
Static Analyzer qualification infrastructure.
The goal is to test the analyzer against different projects, check for failures,
compare results, and measure performance.
Repository Directory will contain sources of the projects as well as the
information on how to build them and the expected output.
Repository Directory structure:
- ProjectMap file
- Historical Performance Data
- Project Dir1
- ReferenceOutput
- Project Dir2
- ReferenceOutput
To test the build of the analyzer one would:
- Copy over a copy of the Repository Directory. (TODO: Prefer to ensure that
the build directory does not pollute the repository to min network traffic).
- Build all projects, until error. Produce logs to report errors.
- Compare results.
The files which should be kept around for failure investigations:
RepositoryCopy/Project DirI/ScanBuildResults
RepositoryCopy/Project DirI/run_static_analyzer.log
Assumptions (TODO: shouldn't need to assume these.):
The script is being run from the Repository Directory.
The compiler for scan-build is in the PATH.
export PATH=/Users/zaks/workspace/c2llvm/build/Release+Asserts/bin:$PATH
For more logging, set the env variables:
zaks:TI zaks$ export CCC_ANALYZER_LOG=1
zaks:TI zaks$ export CCC_ANALYZER_VERBOSE=1
import CmpRuns
import os
import csv
import sys
import glob
import shutil
import time
import plistlib
from subprocess import check_call
# Project map stores info about all the "registered" projects.
ProjectMapFile = "projectMap.csv"
# Names of the project specific scripts.
# The script that needs to be executed before the build can start.
PreprocessScript = "pre_run_static_analyzer.sh"
# This is a file containing commands for scan-build.
BuildScript = "run_static_analyzer.cmd"
# The log file name.
BuildLogName = "run_static_analyzer.log"
# Summary file - contains the summary of the failures. Ex: This info can be be
# displayed when buildbot detects a build failure.
NumOfFailuresInSummary = 10
FailuresSummaryFileName = "failures.txt"
# Summary of the result diffs.
DiffsSummaryFileName = "diffs.txt"
# The scan-build result directory.
SBOutputDirName = "ScanBuildResults"
SBOutputDirReferencePrefix = "Ref"
Verbose = 1
def getProjectMapPath():
ProjectMapPath = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir),
if not os.path.exists(ProjectMapPath):
print "Error: Cannot find the Project Map file " + ProjectMapPath +\
"\nRunning script for the wrong directory?"
return ProjectMapPath
def getProjectDir(ID):
return os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.curdir), ID)
# Run pre-processing script if any.
def runPreProcessingScript(Dir, PBuildLogFile):
ScriptPath = os.path.join(Dir, PreprocessScript)
if os.path.exists(ScriptPath):
if Verbose == 1:
print " Executing: %s" % (ScriptPath,)
check_call("chmod +x %s" % ScriptPath, cwd = Dir,
check_call(ScriptPath, cwd = Dir, stderr=PBuildLogFile,
print "Error: The pre-processing step failed. See ", \
PBuildLogFile.name, " for details."
# Build the project with scan-build by reading in the commands and
# prefixing them with the scan-build options.
def runScanBuild(Dir, SBOutputDir, PBuildLogFile):
BuildScriptPath = os.path.join(Dir, BuildScript)
if not os.path.exists(BuildScriptPath):
print "Error: build script is not defined: %s" % BuildScriptPath
SBOptions = "-plist -o " + SBOutputDir + " "
SBOptions += "-enable-checker core,deadcode.DeadStores"
SBCommandFile = open(BuildScriptPath, "r")
SBPrefix = "scan-build " + SBOptions + " "
for Command in SBCommandFile:
SBCommand = SBPrefix + Command
if Verbose == 1:
print " Executing: %s" % (SBCommand,)
check_call(SBCommand, cwd = Dir, stderr=PBuildLogFile,
print "Error: scan-build failed. See ",PBuildLogFile.name,\
" for details."
def buildProject(Dir, SBOutputDir):
TBegin = time.time()
BuildLogPath = os.path.join(Dir, BuildLogName)
print "Log file: %s" % (BuildLogPath,)
# Clean up the log file.
if (os.path.exists(BuildLogPath)) :
RmCommand = "rm " + BuildLogPath
if Verbose == 1:
print " Executing: %s." % (RmCommand,)
check_call(RmCommand, shell=True)
# Open the log file.
PBuildLogFile = open(BuildLogPath, "wb+")
# Clean up scan build results.
if (os.path.exists(SBOutputDir)) :
RmCommand = "rm -r " + SBOutputDir
if Verbose == 1:
print " Executing: %s" % (RmCommand,)
check_call(RmCommand, stderr=PBuildLogFile,
stdout=PBuildLogFile, shell=True)
runPreProcessingScript(Dir, PBuildLogFile)
runScanBuild(Dir, SBOutputDir, PBuildLogFile)
print "Build complete (time: %.2f). See the log for more details: %s" % \
((time.time()-TBegin), BuildLogPath)
# A plist file is created for each call to the analyzer(each source file).
# We are only interested on the once that have bug reports, so delete the rest.
def CleanUpEmptyPlists(SBOutputDir):
for F in glob.glob(SBOutputDir + "/*/*.plist"):
P = os.path.join(SBOutputDir, F)
Data = plistlib.readPlist(P)
# Delete empty reports.
if not Data['files']:
# Given the scan-build output directory, checks if the build failed
# (by searching for the failures directories). If there are failures, it
# creates a summary file in the output directory.
def checkBuild(SBOutputDir):
# Check if there are failures.
Failures = glob.glob(SBOutputDir + "/*/failures/*.stderr.txt")
TotalFailed = len(Failures);
if TotalFailed == 0:
Plists = glob.glob(SBOutputDir + "/*/*.plist")
print "Number of bug reports (non empty plist files) produced: %d" %\
# Create summary file to display when the build fails.
SummaryPath = os.path.join(SBOutputDir, FailuresSummaryFileName);
if (Verbose > 0):
print " Creating the failures summary file %s." % (SummaryPath,)
SummaryLog = open(SummaryPath, "w+")
SummaryLog.write("Total of %d failures discovered.\n" % (TotalFailed,))
if TotalFailed > NumOfFailuresInSummary:
SummaryLog.write("See the first %d below.\n"
% (NumOfFailuresInSummary,))
# TODO: Add a line "See the results folder for more."
FailuresCopied = NumOfFailuresInSummary
Idx = 0
for FailLogPathI in glob.glob(SBOutputDir + "/*/failures/*.stderr.txt"):
if Idx >= NumOfFailuresInSummary:
Idx += 1
SummaryLog.write("\n-- Error #%d -----------\n" % (Idx,));
FailLogI = open(FailLogPathI, "r");
shutil.copyfileobj(FailLogI, SummaryLog);
print "Error: Scan-build failed. See ", \
os.path.join(SBOutputDir, FailuresSummaryFileName)
# Auxiliary object to discard stdout.
class Discarder(object):
def write(self, text):
pass # do nothing
# Compare the warnings produced by scan-build.
def runCmpResults(Dir):
TBegin = time.time()
RefDir = os.path.join(Dir, SBOutputDirReferencePrefix + SBOutputDirName)
NewDir = os.path.join(Dir, SBOutputDirName)
# We have to go one level down the directory tree.
RefList = glob.glob(RefDir + "/*")
NewList = glob.glob(NewDir + "/*")
if len(RefList) == 0 or len(NewList) == 0:
return False
assert(len(RefList) == len(NewList))
# There might be more then one folder underneath - one per each scan-build
# command (Ex: one for configure and one for make).
if (len(RefList) > 1):
# Assume that the corresponding folders have the same names.
# Iterate and find the differences.
HaveDiffs = False
PairList = zip(RefList, NewList)
for P in PairList:
RefDir = P[0]
NewDir = P[1]
assert(RefDir != NewDir)
if Verbose == 1:
print " Comparing Results: %s %s" % (RefDir, NewDir)
DiffsPath = os.path.join(NewDir, DiffsSummaryFileName)
Opts = CmpRuns.CmpOptions(DiffsPath)
# Discard everything coming out of stdout (CmpRun produces a lot of them).
OLD_STDOUT = sys.stdout
sys.stdout = Discarder()
# Scan the results, delete empty plist files.
HaveDiffs = CmpRuns.cmpScanBuildResults(RefDir, NewDir, Opts, False)
sys.stdout = OLD_STDOUT
if HaveDiffs:
print "Warning: difference in diagnostics. See %s" % (DiffsPath,)
print "Diagnostic comparison complete (time: %.2f)." % (time.time()-TBegin)
return HaveDiffs
def testProject(ID, IsReferenceBuild, Dir=None):
TBegin = time.time()
if Dir is None :
Dir = getProjectDir(ID)
if Verbose == 1:
print " Build directory: %s." % (Dir,)
# Set the build results directory.
if IsReferenceBuild == True :
SBOutputDir = os.path.join(Dir, SBOutputDirReferencePrefix + \
else :
SBOutputDir = os.path.join(Dir, SBOutputDirName)
buildProject(Dir, SBOutputDir)
if IsReferenceBuild == False:
print "Completed tests for project %s (time: %.2f)." % \
(ID, (time.time()-TBegin))
def testAll(IsReferenceBuild=False):
PMapFile = open(getProjectMapPath(), "rb")
PMapReader = csv.reader(PMapFile)
for I in PMapReader:
print " --- Building project %s" % (I[0],)
testProject(I[0], IsReferenceBuild)
if __name__ == '__main__':