misalignments like the following:

  int a, b = 2;
  int c    = 3;

Patch by Beren Minor, thanks!

llvm-svn: 254406
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Jasper 2015-12-01 12:00:43 +00:00
parent e51b0e13f3
commit ec90e51c79
3 changed files with 220 additions and 235 deletions

View File

@ -148,241 +148,183 @@ void WhitespaceManager::calculateLineBreakInformation() {
// Walk through all of the changes and find sequences of "=" to align. To do
// so, keep track of the lines and whether or not an "=" was found on align. If
// a "=" is found on a line, extend the current sequence. If the current line
// cannot be part of a sequence, e.g. because there is an empty line before it
// or it contains non-assignments, finalize the previous sequence.
// FIXME: The code between assignment and declaration alignment is mostly
// duplicated and would benefit from factorization.
// Align a single sequence of tokens, see AlignTokens below.
template <typename F>
static void
AlignTokenSequence(unsigned Start, unsigned End, unsigned Column, F &&Matches,
SmallVector<WhitespaceManager::Change, 16> &Changes) {
bool FoundMatchOnLine = false;
int Shift = 0;
for (unsigned i = Start; i != End; ++i) {
if (Changes[i].NewlinesBefore > 0) {
FoundMatchOnLine = false;
Shift = 0;
// If this is the first matching token to be aligned, remember by how many
// spaces it has to be shifted, so the rest of the changes on the line are
// shifted by the same amount
if (!FoundMatchOnLine && Matches(Changes[i])) {
FoundMatchOnLine = true;
Shift = Column - Changes[i].StartOfTokenColumn;
Changes[i].Spaces += Shift;
assert(Shift >= 0);
Changes[i].StartOfTokenColumn += Shift;
if (i + 1 != Changes.size())
Changes[i + 1].PreviousEndOfTokenColumn += Shift;
// Walk through all of the changes and find sequences of matching tokens to
// align. To do so, keep track of the lines and whether or not a matching token
// was found on a line. If a matching token is found, extend the current
// sequence. If the current line cannot be part of a sequence, e.g. because
// there is an empty line before it or it contains only non-matching tokens,
// finalize the previous sequence.
template <typename F>
static void AlignTokens(const FormatStyle &Style, F &&Matches,
SmallVector<WhitespaceManager::Change, 16> &Changes) {
unsigned MinColumn = 0;
unsigned MaxColumn = UINT_MAX;
// Line number of the start and the end of the current token sequence.
unsigned StartOfSequence = 0;
unsigned EndOfSequence = 0;
// Keep track of the nesting level of matching tokens, i.e. the number of
// surrounding (), [], or {}. We will only align a sequence of matching
// token that share the same scope depth.
// FIXME: This could use FormatToken::NestingLevel information, but there is
// an outstanding issue wrt the brace scopes.
unsigned NestingLevelOfLastMatch = 0;
unsigned NestingLevel = 0;
// Keep track of the number of commas before the matching tokens, we will only
// align a sequence of matching tokens if they are preceded by the same number
// of commas.
unsigned CommasBeforeLastMatch = 0;
unsigned CommasBeforeMatch = 0;
// Whether a matching token has been found on the current line.
bool FoundMatchOnLine = false;
// Aligns a sequence of matching tokens, on the MinColumn column.
// Sequences start from the first matching token to align, and end at the
// first token of the first line that doesn't need to be aligned.
// We need to adjust the StartOfTokenColumn of each Change that is on a line
// containing any matching token to be aligned and located after such token.
auto AlignCurrentSequence = [&] {
if (StartOfSequence > 0 && StartOfSequence < EndOfSequence)
AlignTokenSequence(StartOfSequence, EndOfSequence, MinColumn, Matches,
MinColumn = 0;
MaxColumn = UINT_MAX;
StartOfSequence = 0;
EndOfSequence = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Changes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
if (Changes[i].NewlinesBefore != 0) {
CommasBeforeMatch = 0;
EndOfSequence = i;
// If there is a blank line, or if the last line didn't contain any
// matching token, the sequence ends here.
if (Changes[i].NewlinesBefore > 1 || !FoundMatchOnLine)
FoundMatchOnLine = false;
if (Changes[i].Kind == tok::comma) {
} else if (Changes[i].Kind == tok::r_brace ||
Changes[i].Kind == tok::r_paren ||
Changes[i].Kind == tok::r_square) {
} else if (Changes[i].Kind == tok::l_brace ||
Changes[i].Kind == tok::l_paren ||
Changes[i].Kind == tok::l_square) {
// We want sequences to skip over child scopes if possible, but not the
// other way around.
NestingLevelOfLastMatch = std::min(NestingLevelOfLastMatch, NestingLevel);
if (!Matches(Changes[i]))
// If there is more than one matching token per line, or if the number of
// preceding commas, or the scope depth, do not match anymore, end the
// sequence.
if (FoundMatchOnLine || CommasBeforeMatch != CommasBeforeLastMatch ||
NestingLevel != NestingLevelOfLastMatch)
CommasBeforeLastMatch = CommasBeforeMatch;
NestingLevelOfLastMatch = NestingLevel;
FoundMatchOnLine = true;
if (StartOfSequence == 0)
StartOfSequence = i;
unsigned ChangeMinColumn = Changes[i].StartOfTokenColumn;
int LineLengthAfter = -Changes[i].Spaces;
for (unsigned j = i; j != e && Changes[j].NewlinesBefore == 0; ++j)
LineLengthAfter += Changes[j].Spaces + Changes[j].TokenLength;
unsigned ChangeMaxColumn = Style.ColumnLimit - LineLengthAfter;
// If we are restricted by the maximum column width, end the sequence.
if (ChangeMinColumn > MaxColumn || ChangeMaxColumn < MinColumn ||
CommasBeforeLastMatch != CommasBeforeMatch) {
StartOfSequence = i;
MinColumn = std::max(MinColumn, ChangeMinColumn);
MaxColumn = std::min(MaxColumn, ChangeMaxColumn);
EndOfSequence = Changes.size();
void WhitespaceManager::alignConsecutiveAssignments() {
if (!Style.AlignConsecutiveAssignments)
unsigned MinColumn = 0;
unsigned MaxColumn = UINT_MAX;
unsigned StartOfSequence = 0;
unsigned EndOfSequence = 0;
bool FoundAssignmentOnLine = false;
bool FoundLeftBraceOnLine = false;
bool FoundLeftParenOnLine = false;
[&](const Change &C) {
// Do not align on equal signs that are first on a line.
if (C.NewlinesBefore > 0)
return false;
// Aligns a sequence of assignment tokens, on the MinColumn column.
// Sequences start from the first assignment token to align, and end at the
// first token of the first line that doesn't need to be aligned.
// We need to adjust the StartOfTokenColumn of each Change that is on a line
// containing any assignment to be aligned and located after such assignment
auto AlignSequence = [&] {
if (StartOfSequence > 0 && StartOfSequence < EndOfSequence)
alignConsecutiveAssignments(StartOfSequence, EndOfSequence, MinColumn);
MinColumn = 0;
MaxColumn = UINT_MAX;
StartOfSequence = 0;
EndOfSequence = 0;
// Do not align on equal signs that are last on a line.
if (&C != &Changes.back() && (&C + 1)->NewlinesBefore > 0)
return false;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Changes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
if (Changes[i].NewlinesBefore != 0) {
EndOfSequence = i;
// If there is a blank line, if the last line didn't contain any
// assignment, or if we found an open brace or paren, the sequence ends
// here.
if (Changes[i].NewlinesBefore > 1 || !FoundAssignmentOnLine ||
FoundLeftBraceOnLine || FoundLeftParenOnLine) {
// NB: In the latter case, the sequence should end at the beggining of
// the previous line, but it doesn't really matter as there is no
// assignment on it
FoundAssignmentOnLine = false;
FoundLeftBraceOnLine = false;
FoundLeftParenOnLine = false;
// If there is more than one "=" per line, or if the "=" appears first on
// the line of if it appears last, end the sequence
if (Changes[i].Kind == tok::equal &&
(FoundAssignmentOnLine || Changes[i].NewlinesBefore > 0 ||
Changes[i + 1].NewlinesBefore > 0)) {
} else if (Changes[i].Kind == tok::r_brace) {
if (!FoundLeftBraceOnLine)
FoundLeftBraceOnLine = false;
} else if (Changes[i].Kind == tok::l_brace) {
FoundLeftBraceOnLine = true;
if (!FoundAssignmentOnLine)
} else if (Changes[i].Kind == tok::r_paren) {
if (!FoundLeftParenOnLine)
FoundLeftParenOnLine = false;
} else if (Changes[i].Kind == tok::l_paren) {
FoundLeftParenOnLine = true;
if (!FoundAssignmentOnLine)
} else if (!FoundAssignmentOnLine && !FoundLeftBraceOnLine &&
!FoundLeftParenOnLine && Changes[i].Kind == tok::equal) {
FoundAssignmentOnLine = true;
if (StartOfSequence == 0)
StartOfSequence = i;
unsigned ChangeMinColumn = Changes[i].StartOfTokenColumn;
int LineLengthAfter = -Changes[i].Spaces;
for (unsigned j = i; j != e && Changes[j].NewlinesBefore == 0; ++j)
LineLengthAfter += Changes[j].Spaces + Changes[j].TokenLength;
unsigned ChangeMaxColumn = Style.ColumnLimit - LineLengthAfter;
if (ChangeMinColumn > MaxColumn || ChangeMaxColumn < MinColumn) {
StartOfSequence = i;
MinColumn = std::max(MinColumn, ChangeMinColumn);
MaxColumn = std::min(MaxColumn, ChangeMaxColumn);
EndOfSequence = Changes.size();
return C.Kind == tok::equal;
void WhitespaceManager::alignConsecutiveAssignments(unsigned Start,
unsigned End,
unsigned Column) {
bool FoundAssignmentOnLine = false;
int Shift = 0;
for (unsigned i = Start; i != End; ++i) {
if (Changes[i].NewlinesBefore > 0) {
FoundAssignmentOnLine = false;
Shift = 0;
// If this is the first assignment to be aligned, remember by how many
// spaces it has to be shifted, so the rest of the changes on the line are
// shifted by the same amount
if (!FoundAssignmentOnLine && Changes[i].Kind == tok::equal) {
FoundAssignmentOnLine = true;
Shift = Column - Changes[i].StartOfTokenColumn;
Changes[i].Spaces += Shift;
assert(Shift >= 0);
Changes[i].StartOfTokenColumn += Shift;
if (i + 1 != Changes.size())
Changes[i + 1].PreviousEndOfTokenColumn += Shift;
// Walk through all of the changes and find sequences of declaration names to
// align. To do so, keep track of the lines and whether or not a name was found
// on align. If a name is found on a line, extend the current sequence. If the
// current line cannot be part of a sequence, e.g. because there is an empty
// line before it or it contains non-declarations, finalize the previous
// sequence.
// FIXME: The code between assignment and declaration alignment is mostly
// duplicated and would benefit from factorization.
void WhitespaceManager::alignConsecutiveDeclarations() {
if (!Style.AlignConsecutiveDeclarations)
unsigned MinColumn = 0;
unsigned MaxColumn = UINT_MAX;
unsigned StartOfSequence = 0;
unsigned EndOfSequence = 0;
bool FoundDeclarationOnLine = false;
bool FoundLeftBraceOnLine = false;
bool FoundLeftParenOnLine = false;
// FIXME: Currently we don't handle properly the PointerAlignment: Right
// The * and & are not aligned and are left dangling. Something has to be done
// about it, but it raises the question of alignment of code like:
// const char* const* v1;
// float const* v2;
// SomeVeryLongType const& v3;
auto AlignSequence = [&] {
if (StartOfSequence > 0 && StartOfSequence < EndOfSequence)
alignConsecutiveDeclarations(StartOfSequence, EndOfSequence, MinColumn);
MinColumn = 0;
MaxColumn = UINT_MAX;
StartOfSequence = 0;
EndOfSequence = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Changes.size(); i != e; ++i) {
if (Changes[i].NewlinesBefore != 0) {
EndOfSequence = i;
if (Changes[i].NewlinesBefore > 1 || !FoundDeclarationOnLine ||
FoundLeftBraceOnLine || FoundLeftParenOnLine)
FoundDeclarationOnLine = false;
FoundLeftBraceOnLine = false;
FoundLeftParenOnLine = false;
if (Changes[i].Kind == tok::r_brace) {
if (!FoundLeftBraceOnLine)
FoundLeftBraceOnLine = false;
} else if (Changes[i].Kind == tok::l_brace) {
FoundLeftBraceOnLine = true;
if (!FoundDeclarationOnLine)
} else if (Changes[i].Kind == tok::r_paren) {
if (!FoundLeftParenOnLine)
FoundLeftParenOnLine = false;
} else if (Changes[i].Kind == tok::l_paren) {
FoundLeftParenOnLine = true;
if (!FoundDeclarationOnLine)
} else if (!FoundDeclarationOnLine && !FoundLeftBraceOnLine &&
!FoundLeftParenOnLine && Changes[i].IsStartOfDeclName) {
FoundDeclarationOnLine = true;
if (StartOfSequence == 0)
StartOfSequence = i;
unsigned ChangeMinColumn = Changes[i].StartOfTokenColumn;
int LineLengthAfter = -Changes[i].Spaces;
for (unsigned j = i; j != e && Changes[j].NewlinesBefore == 0; ++j)
LineLengthAfter += Changes[j].Spaces + Changes[j].TokenLength;
unsigned ChangeMaxColumn = Style.ColumnLimit - LineLengthAfter;
if (ChangeMinColumn > MaxColumn || ChangeMaxColumn < MinColumn) {
StartOfSequence = i;
MinColumn = std::max(MinColumn, ChangeMinColumn);
MaxColumn = std::min(MaxColumn, ChangeMaxColumn);
EndOfSequence = Changes.size();
void WhitespaceManager::alignConsecutiveDeclarations(unsigned Start,
unsigned End,
unsigned Column) {
bool FoundDeclarationOnLine = false;
int Shift = 0;
for (unsigned i = Start; i != End; ++i) {
if (Changes[i].NewlinesBefore != 0) {
FoundDeclarationOnLine = false;
Shift = 0;
if (!FoundDeclarationOnLine && Changes[i].IsStartOfDeclName) {
FoundDeclarationOnLine = true;
Shift = Column - Changes[i].StartOfTokenColumn;
Changes[i].Spaces += Shift;
assert(Shift >= 0);
Changes[i].StartOfTokenColumn += Shift;
if (i + 1 != Changes.size())
Changes[i + 1].PreviousEndOfTokenColumn += Shift;
AlignTokens(Style, [](Change const &C) { return C.IsStartOfDeclName; },
void WhitespaceManager::alignTrailingComments() {

View File

@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ public:
/// \brief Returns all the \c Replacements created during formatting.
const tooling::Replacements &generateReplacements();
/// \brief Represents a change before a token, a break inside a token,
/// or the layout of an unchanged token (or whitespace within).
struct Change {
@ -160,6 +159,7 @@ private:
int IndentationOffset;
/// \brief Calculate \c IsTrailingComment, \c TokenLength for the last tokens
/// or token parts in a line and \c PreviousEndOfTokenColumn and
/// \c EscapedNewlineColumn for the first tokens or token parts in a line.
@ -168,20 +168,9 @@ private:
/// \brief Align consecutive assignments over all \c Changes.
void alignConsecutiveAssignments();
/// \brief Align consecutive assignments from change \p Start to change \p End
/// at
/// the specified \p Column.
void alignConsecutiveAssignments(unsigned Start, unsigned End,
unsigned Column);
/// \brief Align consecutive declarations over all \c Changes.
void alignConsecutiveDeclarations();
/// \brief Align consecutive declarations from change \p Start to change \p
/// End at the specified \p Column.
void alignConsecutiveDeclarations(unsigned Start, unsigned End,
unsigned Column);
/// \brief Align trailing comments over all \c Changes.
void alignTrailingComments();

View File

@ -8659,7 +8659,7 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveAssignments) {
verifyFormat("class C {\n"
" int i = 1;\n"
" int i = 1;\n"
" virtual void f() = 0;\n"
@ -8708,6 +8708,19 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveAssignments) {
" loooooooooooooooooooooongParameterB);\n"
"int j = 2;",
verifyFormat("template <typename T, typename T_0 = very_long_type_name_0,\n"
" typename B = very_long_type_name_1,\n"
" typename T_2 = very_long_type_name_2>\n"
"auto foo() {}\n",
verifyFormat("int a, b = 1;\n"
"int c = 2;\n"
"int dd = 3;\n",
verifyFormat("int aa = ((1 > 2) ? 3 : 4);\n"
"float b[1][] = {{3.f}};\n",
TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveDeclarations) {
@ -8908,6 +8921,47 @@ TEST_F(FormatTest, AlignConsecutiveDeclarations) {
"int myvar = 1;",
Alignment.ColumnLimit = 80;
Alignment.AlignConsecutiveAssignments = false;
"template <typename LongTemplate, typename VeryLongTemplateTypeName,\n"
" typename LongType, typename B>\n"
"auto foo() {}\n",
verifyFormat("float a, b = 1;\n"
"int c = 2;\n"
"int dd = 3;\n",
verifyFormat("int aa = ((1 > 2) ? 3 : 4);\n"
"float b[1][] = {{3.f}};\n",
Alignment.AlignConsecutiveAssignments = true;
verifyFormat("float a, b = 1;\n"
"int c = 2;\n"
"int dd = 3;\n",
verifyFormat("int aa = ((1 > 2) ? 3 : 4);\n"
"float b[1][] = {{3.f}};\n",
Alignment.AlignConsecutiveAssignments = false;
Alignment.ColumnLimit = 30;
Alignment.BinPackParameters = false;
verifyFormat("void foo(float a,\n"
" float b,\n"
" int c,\n"
" uint32_t *d) {\n"
" int * e = 0;\n"
" float f = 0;\n"
" double g = 0;\n"
"void bar(ino_t a,\n"
" int b,\n"
" uint32_t *c,\n"
" bool d) {}\n",
Alignment.BinPackParameters = true;
Alignment.ColumnLimit = 80;
TEST_F(FormatTest, LinuxBraceBreaking) {