MIRLangRef: Add 'MIR Testing Guide' section.

llvm-svn: 245757
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Alex Lorenz 2015-08-21 22:58:33 +00:00
parent 44ee84eec5
commit ea788c4bf8
1 changed files with 63 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -33,6 +33,69 @@ contain the serialized machine functions.
.. _YAML documents: http://www.yaml.org/spec/1.2/spec.html#id2800132
MIR Testing Guide
You can use the MIR format for testing in two different ways:
- You can write MIR tests that invoke a single code generation pass using the
``run-pass`` option in llc.
- You can use llc's ``stop-after`` option with existing or new LLVM assembly
tests and check the MIR output of a specific code generation pass.
Testing Individual Code Generation Passes
The ``run-pass`` option in llc allows you to create MIR tests that invoke
just a single code generation pass. When this option is used, llc will parse
an input MIR file, run the specified code generation pass, and print the
resulting MIR to the standard output stream.
You can generate an input MIR file for the test by using the ``stop-after``
option in llc. For example, if you would like to write a test for the
post register allocation pseudo instruction expansion pass, you can specify
the machine copy propagation pass in the ``stop-after`` option, as it runs
just before the pass that we are trying to test:
``llc -stop-after machine-cp bug-trigger.ll > test.mir``
After generating the input MIR file, you'll have to add a run line that uses
the ``-run-pass`` option to it. In order to test the post register allocation
pseudo instruction expansion pass on X86-64, a run line like the one shown
below can be used:
``# RUN: llc -run-pass postrapseudos -march=x86-64 %s -o /dev/null | FileCheck %s``
The MIR files are target dependent, so they have to be placed in the target
specific test directories. They also need to specify a target triple or a
target architecture either in the run line or in the embedded LLVM IR module.
Currently the MIR format has several limitations in terms of which state it
can serialize:
- The target-specific state in the target-specific ``MachineFunctionInfo``
subclasses isn't serialized at the moment.
- The target-specific ``MachineConstantPoolValue`` subclasses (in the ARM and
SystemZ backends) aren't serialized at the moment.
- The ``MCSymbol`` machine operands are only printed, they can't be parsed.
- A lot of the state in ``MachineModuleInfo`` isn't serialized - only the CFI
instructions and the variable debug information from MMI is serialized right
These limitations impose restrictions on what you can test with the MIR format.
For now, tests that would like to test some behaviour that depends on the state
of certain ``MCSymbol`` operands or the exception handling state in MMI, can't
use the MIR format. As well as that, tests that test some behaviour that
depends on the state of the target specific ``MachineFunctionInfo`` or
``MachineConstantPoolValue`` subclasses can't use the MIR format at the moment.
High Level Structure