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llvm-svn: 25908
This commit is contained in:
Chris Lattner 2006-02-02 19:43:28 +00:00
parent d3f033e8e0
commit d8208c3665
1 changed files with 52 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -373,4 +373,56 @@ _test:
Doing this correctly is tricky though, as the xor clobbers the flags.
We should generate 'test' instead of 'cmp' in various cases, e.g.:
bool %test(int %X) {
%Y = shl int %X, ubyte 1
%C = seteq int %Y, 0
ret bool %C
bool %test(int %X) {
%Y = and int %X, 8
%C = seteq int %Y, 0
ret bool %C
This may just be a matter of using 'test' to write bigger patterns for X86cmp.
Evaluate whether using movapd for SSE reg-reg moves is faster than using
movsd/movss for them. It may eliminate false partial register dependences by
writing the whole result register.
SSE should implement 'select_cc' using 'emulated conditional moves' that use
pcmp/pand/pandn/por to do a selection instead of a conditional branch:
double %X(double %Y, double %Z, double %A, double %B) {
%C = setlt double %A, %B
%z = add double %Z, 0.0 ;; select operand is not a load
%D = select bool %C, double %Y, double %z
ret double %D
We currently emit:
subl $12, %esp
xorpd %xmm0, %xmm0
addsd 24(%esp), %xmm0
movsd 32(%esp), %xmm1
movsd 16(%esp), %xmm2
ucomisd 40(%esp), %xmm1
jb LBB_X_2
movsd %xmm0, %xmm2
movsd %xmm2, (%esp)
fldl (%esp)
addl $12, %esp