Added documentation for clang-format style options.

The main contents is in the ClangFormatStyleOptions.rst, which can be
updated from the Format.h by the script.

Reviewers: djasper, klimek

Reviewed By: klimek

CC: cfe-commits

Differential Revision:

llvm-svn: 189946
This commit is contained in:
Alexander Kornienko 2013-09-04 15:09:13 +00:00
parent fd9a9415f5
commit d278e0eee3
4 changed files with 533 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -70,6 +70,20 @@ to format C/C++/Obj-C code.
-version - Display the version of this program
When the desired code formatting style is different from the available options,
the style can be customized using the ``-style="{key: value, ...}"`` option or
by putting your style configuration to the ``.clang-format`` file in your
project's directory and using ``clang-format -style=file``.
An easy way to create the ``.clang-format`` file is:
.. code-block:: console
clang-format -style=llvm -dump-config > .clang-format
Available style options are described in :doc:`ClangFormatStyleOptions`.
Vim Integration

View File

@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
Clang-Format Style Options
:doc:`ClangFormatStyleOptions` describes configurable formatting style options
supported by :doc:`LibFormat` and :doc:`ClangFormat`.
When using :program:`clang-format` command line utility or
``clang::format::reformat(...)`` functions from code, one can either use one of
the predefined styles (LLVM, Google, Chromium, Mozilla, WebKit) or create a
custom style by configuring specific style options.
Configuring Style with clang-format
:program:`clang-format` supports two ways to provide custom style options:
directly specify style configuration in the ``-style=`` command line option or
use ``-style=file`` and put style configuration in the ``.clang-format`` file
in the project directory.
When using ``-style=file``, :program:`clang-format` for each input file will
try to find the ``.clang-format`` file located in the closest parent directory
of the input file. When the standard input is used, the search is started from
the current directory.
The ``.clang-format`` file uses YAML format:
.. code-block:: yaml
key1: value1
key2: value2
# A comment.
An easy way to get a valid ``.clang-format`` file containing all configuration
options of a certain predefined style is:
.. code-block:: console
clang-format -style=llvm -dump-config > .clang-format
When specifying configuration in the ``-style=`` option, the same configuration
is applied for all input files. The format of the configuration is:
.. code-block:: console
-style='{key1: value1, key2: value2, ...}'
Configuring Style in Code
When using ``clang::format::reformat(...)`` functions, the format is specified
by supplying the `clang::format::FormatStyle
Configurable Format Style Options
This section lists the supported style options. Value type is specified for
each option. For enumeration types possible values are specified both as a C++
enumeration member (with a prefix, e.g. LS_Auto), and as a value usable in the
configuration (without a prefix).
**BasedOnStyle** (``string``)
The style used for all options not specifically set in the configuration.
This option is supported only in the :program:`clang-format` configuration
(both within ``-style='{...}'`` and the ``.clang-format`` file).
Possible values:
* ``LLVM``
A style complying with the `LLVM coding standards
* ``Google``
A style complying with `Google's C++ style guide
* ``Chromium``
A style complying with `Chromium's style guide
* ``Mozilla``
A style complying with `Mozilla's style guide
* ``WebKit``
A style complying with `WebKit's style guide
**AccessModifierOffset** (``int``)
The extra indent or outdent of access modifiers, e.g. ``public:``.
**AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft** (``bool``)
If ``true``, aligns escaped newlines as far left as possible.
Otherwise puts them into the right-most column.
**AlignTrailingComments** (``bool``)
If ``true``, aligns trailing comments.
**AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine** (``bool``)
Allow putting all parameters of a function declaration onto
the next line even if ``BinPackParameters`` is ``false``.
**AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine** (``bool``)
If ``true``, ``if (a) return;`` can be put on a single
**AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine** (``bool``)
If ``true``, ``while (true) continue;`` can be put on a
single line.
**AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings** (``bool``)
If ``true``, always break before multiline string literals.
**AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations** (``bool``)
If ``true``, always break after the ``template<...>`` of a
template declaration.
**BinPackParameters** (``bool``)
If ``false``, a function call's or function definition's parameters
will either all be on the same line or will have one line each.
**BreakBeforeBinaryOperators** (``bool``)
If ``true``, binary operators will be placed after line breaks.
**BreakBeforeBraces** (``BraceBreakingStyle``)
The brace breaking style to use.
Possible values:
* ``BS_Attach`` (in configuration: ``Attach``)
Always attach braces to surrounding context.
* ``BS_Linux`` (in configuration: ``Linux``)
Like ``Attach``, but break before braces on function, namespace and
class definitions.
* ``BS_Stroustrup`` (in configuration: ``Stroustrup``)
Like ``Attach``, but break before function definitions.
* ``BS_Allman`` (in configuration: ``Allman``)
Always break before braces.
**BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma** (``bool``)
Always break constructor initializers before commas and align
the commas with the colon.
**ColumnLimit** (``unsigned``)
The column limit.
A column limit of ``0`` means that there is no column limit. In this case,
clang-format will respect the input's line breaking decisions within
**ConstructorInitializerAllOnOneLineOrOnePerLine** (``bool``)
If the constructor initializers don't fit on a line, put each
initializer on its own line.
**ConstructorInitializerIndentWidth** (``unsigned``)
The number of characters to use for indentation of constructor
initializer lists.
**Cpp11BracedListStyle** (``bool``)
If ``true``, format braced lists as best suited for C++11 braced
Important differences:
- No spaces inside the braced list.
- No line break before the closing brace.
- Indentation with the continuation indent, not with the block indent.
Fundamentally, C++11 braced lists are formatted exactly like function
calls would be formatted in their place. If the braced list follows a name
(e.g. a type or variable name), clang-format formats as if the ``{}`` were
the parentheses of a function call with that name. If there is no name,
a zero-length name is assumed.
**DerivePointerBinding** (``bool``)
If ``true``, analyze the formatted file for the most common binding.
**ExperimentalAutoDetectBinPacking** (``bool``)
If ``true``, clang-format detects whether function calls and
definitions are formatted with one parameter per line.
Each call can be bin-packed, one-per-line or inconclusive. If it is
inconclusive, e.g. completely on one line, but a decision needs to be
made, clang-format analyzes whether there are other bin-packed cases in
the input file and act accordingly.
NOTE: This is an experimental flag, that might go away or be renamed. Do
not use this in config files, etc. Use at your own risk.
**IndentCaseLabels** (``bool``)
Indent case labels one level from the switch statement.
When ``false``, use the same indentation level as for the switch statement.
Switch statement body is always indented one level more than case labels.
**IndentFunctionDeclarationAfterType** (``bool``)
If ``true``, indent when breaking function declarations which
are not also definitions after the type.
**IndentWidth** (``unsigned``)
The number of characters to use for indentation.
**MaxEmptyLinesToKeep** (``unsigned``)
The maximum number of consecutive empty lines to keep.
**NamespaceIndentation** (``NamespaceIndentationKind``)
The indentation used for namespaces.
Possible values:
* ``NI_None`` (in configuration: ``None``)
Don't indent in namespaces.
* ``NI_Inner`` (in configuration: ``Inner``)
Indent only in inner namespaces (nested in other namespaces).
* ``NI_All`` (in configuration: ``All``)
Indent in all namespaces.
**ObjCSpaceBeforeProtocolList** (``bool``)
Add a space in front of an Objective-C protocol list, i.e. use
``Foo <Protocol>`` instead of ``Foo<Protocol>``.
**PenaltyBreakComment** (``unsigned``)
The penalty for each line break introduced inside a comment.
**PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess** (``unsigned``)
The penalty for breaking before the first ``<<``.
**PenaltyBreakString** (``unsigned``)
The penalty for each line break introduced inside a string literal.
**PenaltyExcessCharacter** (``unsigned``)
The penalty for each character outside of the column limit.
**PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine** (``unsigned``)
Penalty for putting the return type of a function onto its own
**PointerBindsToType** (``bool``)
Set whether & and * bind to the type as opposed to the variable.
**SpaceAfterControlStatementKeyword** (``bool``)
If ``true``, spaces will be inserted between 'for'/'if'/'while'/...
and '('.
**SpaceInEmptyParentheses** (``bool``)
If ``false``, spaces may be inserted into '()'.
**SpacesBeforeTrailingComments** (``unsigned``)
The number of spaces to before trailing line comments.
**SpacesInCStyleCastParentheses** (``bool``)
If ``false``, spaces may be inserted into C style casts.
**SpacesInParentheses** (``bool``)
If ``true``, spaces will be inserted after every '(' and before
every ')'.
**Standard** (``LanguageStandard``)
Format compatible with this standard, e.g. use
``A<A<int> >`` instead of ``A<A<int>>`` for LS_Cpp03.
Possible values:
* ``LS_Cpp03`` (in configuration: ``Cpp03``)
Use C++03-compatible syntax.
* ``LS_Cpp11`` (in configuration: ``Cpp11``)
Use features of C++11 (e.g. ``A<A<int>>`` instead of
``A<A<int> >``).
* ``LS_Auto`` (in configuration: ``Auto``)
Automatic detection based on the input.
**UseTab** (``bool``)
If ``true``, ``IndentWidth`` consecutive spaces will be replaced
with tab characters.
A style similar to the `Linux Kernel style
.. code-block:: yaml
BasedOnStyle: LLVM
IndentWidth: 8
UseTab: true
BreakBeforeBraces: Linux
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
IndentCaseLabels: false
The result is (imagine that tabs are used for indentation here):
.. code-block:: c++
void test()
switch (x) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
if (condition)
if (x == y) {
} else if (x > y) {
} else {
A style similar to the default Visual Studio formatting style:
.. code-block:: yaml
UseTab: false
IndentWidth: 4
BreakBeforeBraces: Allman
AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
IndentCaseLabels: false
ColumnLimit: 0
The result is:
.. code-block:: c++
void test()
switch (suffix)
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
if (condition)
if (x == y)
else if (x > y)

View File

@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ Using Clang Tools
Design Documents

View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# A tool to parse the FormatStyle struct from Format.h and update the
# documentation in ../ClangFormatStyleOptions.rst automatically.
# Run from the directory in which this file is located to update the docs.
import collections
import re
import urllib2
FORMAT_STYLE_FILE = '../../include/clang/Format/Format.h'
DOC_FILE = '../ClangFormatStyleOptions.rst'
def substitute(text, tag, contents):
replacement = '\n.. START_%s\n\n%s\n\n.. END_%s\n' % (tag, contents, tag)
pattern = r'\n\.\. START_%s\n.*\n\.\. END_%s\n' % (tag, tag)
return re.sub(pattern, '%s', text, flags=re.S) % replacement
def doxygen2rst(text):
text = re.sub(r'<tt>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/tt>', r'``\1``', text)
text = re.sub(r'\\c ([^ ,;\.]+)', r'``\1``', text)
text = re.sub(r'\\\w+ ', '', text)
return text
def indent(text, columns):
indent = ' ' * columns
s = re.sub(r'\n([^\n])', '\n' + indent + '\\1', text, flags=re.S)
if s.startswith('\n'):
return s
return indent + s
class Option:
def __init__(self, name, type, comment): = name
self.type = type
self.comment = comment.strip()
self.enum = None
def __str__(self):
s = '**%s** (``%s``)\n%s' % (, self.type,
doxygen2rst(indent(self.comment, 2)))
if self.enum:
s += indent('\n\nPossible values:\n\n%s\n' % self.enum, 2)
return s
class Enum:
def __init__(self, name, comment): = name
self.comment = comment.strip()
self.values = []
def __str__(self):
return '\n'.join(map(str, self.values))
class EnumValue:
def __init__(self, name, comment): = name
self.comment = comment.strip()
def __str__(self):
return '* ``%s`` (in configuration: ``%s``)\n%s' % (,
re.sub('.*_', '',,
doxygen2rst(indent(self.comment, 2)))
def clean_comment_line(line):
return line[3:].strip() + '\n'
def read_options(header):
class State:
BeforeStruct, Finished, InStruct, InFieldComment, InEnum, \
InEnumMemberComment = range(6)
state = State.BeforeStruct
options = []
enums = {}
comment = ''
enum = None
for line in header:
line = line.strip()
if state == State.BeforeStruct:
if line == 'struct FormatStyle {':
state = State.InStruct
elif state == State.InStruct:
if line.startswith('///'):
state = State.InFieldComment
comment = clean_comment_line(line)
elif line == '};':
state = State.Finished
elif state == State.InFieldComment:
if line.startswith('///'):
comment += clean_comment_line(line)
elif line.startswith('enum'):
state = State.InEnum
name = re.sub(r'enum\s+(\w+)\s*\{', '\\1', line)
enum = Enum(name, comment)
elif line.endswith(';'):
state = State.InStruct
field_type, field_name = re.match(r'(\w+)\s+(\w+);', line).groups()
option = Option(str(field_name), str(field_type), comment)
raise Exception('Invalid format, expected comment, field or enum')
elif state == State.InEnum:
if line.startswith('///'):
state = State.InEnumMemberComment
comment = clean_comment_line(line)
elif line == '};':
state = State.InStruct
enums[] = enum
raise Exception('Invalid format, expected enum field comment or };')
elif state == State.InEnumMemberComment:
if line.startswith('///'):
comment += clean_comment_line(line)
state = State.InEnum
enum.values.append(EnumValue(line.replace(',', ''), comment))
if state != State.Finished:
raise Exception('Not finished by the end of file')
for option in options:
if not option.type in ['bool', 'unsigned', 'int']:
if enums.has_key(option.type):
option.enum = enums[option.type]
raise Exception('Unknown type: %s' % option.type)
return options
options = read_options(open(FORMAT_STYLE_FILE))
options = sorted(options, key=lambda x:
options_text = '\n\n'.join(map(str, options))
contents = open(DOC_FILE).read()
contents = substitute(contents, 'FORMAT_STYLE_OPTIONS', options_text)
with open(DOC_FILE, 'w') as output: