[NFC] Add one test to verify the dependency brings by Macro-Fusion.

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QingShan Zhang 2019-11-11 06:54:26 +00:00
parent 6ef63638cb
commit af5df83671
1 changed files with 23 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
; REQUIRES: asserts
; RUN: llc < %s -mtriple=aarch64-linux-gnu -mattr=+fuse-arith-logic -verify-misched -debug-only=machine-scheduler 2>&1 > /dev/null | FileCheck %s
; Verify that, the macro-fusion creates the necessary dependencies between SUs.
define signext i32 @test(i32 signext %a, i32 signext %b, i32 signext %c, i32 signext %d) {
; CHECK: ********** MI Scheduling **********
; CHECK-LABEL: %bb.0 entry
; CHECK: Macro fuse: SU([[SU4:[0-9]+]]) - SU([[SU5:[0-9]+]])
; CHECK: Bind SU([[SU1:[0-9]+]]) - SU([[SU4]])
; CHECK: Macro fuse: SU([[SU5]]) - SU([[SU6:[0-9]+]])
; CHECK: Bind SU([[SU0:[0-9]+]]) - SU([[SU5]])
; CHECK: SU([[SU0]]): %{{[0-9]+}}:gpr32 = COPY $w3
; CHECK: SU([[SU1]]): %{{[0-9]+}}:gpr32 = COPY $w2
; CHECK: SU([[SU4]]): %{{[0-9]+}}:gpr32 = nsw ADDWrr
; CHECK: SU([[SU5]]): %{{[0-9]+}}:gpr32 = nsw ADDWrr
; CHECK: SU([[SU6]]): %{{[0-9]+}}:gpr32 = nsw SUBWrr
%add = add nsw i32 %b, %a
%add1 = add nsw i32 %add, %c
%sub = sub nsw i32 %add1, %d
ret i32 %sub