Fix testsuite for blocks mangling change

llvm-svn: 104618
This commit is contained in:
Douglas Gregor 2010-05-25 17:46:21 +00:00
parent f6562d35ac
commit aab11ede6e
3 changed files with 52 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ struct s0 {
int a[64];
// RUN: grep 'internal void @__f2_block_invoke_(.struct.s0\* sret .*, .*, .* byval .*)' %t
// RUN: grep 'internal void @__f2_block_invoke_0(.struct.s0\* sret .*, .*, .* byval .*)' %t
struct s0 f2(struct s0 a0) {
return ^(struct s0 a1){ return a1; }(a0);

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ void foo(T *P) {
-(void) im0;
// RUN: grep 'define internal i32 @"__-\[A im0\]_block_invoke_"' %t
// RUN: grep 'define internal i32 @"__8-\[A im0\]_block_invoke_0"' %t
@implementation A
-(void) im0 {
(void) ^{ return 1; }();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
// RUN: %clang_cc1 -emit-llvm -fblocks -o - -triple x86_64-apple-darwin10 %s | FileCheck %s
// CHECK: @_ZGVN3foo20__foo_block_invoke_05valueE = internal global i64 0
int f();
void foo() {
// CHECK: define internal i32 @__foo_block_invoke_0
// CHECK: call i32 @__cxa_guard_acquire(i64* @_ZGVN3foo20__foo_block_invoke_05value
(void)^(int x) {
static int value = f();
return x + value;
// CHECK: define internal i32 @__block_global_0
int i = ^(int x) { return x;}(i);
@interface A
- (void)method;
@implementation A
- (void)method {
// CHECK: define internal signext i8 @"__11-[A method]_block_invoke_0"
(void)^(int x) {
// CHECK: @"_ZN11-[A method]30__11-[A method]_block_invoke_04nameE"
static const char *name = "hello";
return name[x];
void foo(int) {
(void)^(int x) {
static const char *name = "hello";
return name[x];
namespace N {
// CHECK: define internal signext i8 @__bar_block_invoke_0
void bar() {
(void)^(int x) {
// CHECK: @_ZN1N3bar20__bar_block_invoke_04nameE
static const char *name = "hello";
return name[x];