[llvm-pdbdump] Resubmit "Add some tests for llvm-pdbdump".

NOTE: This patch intentionally breaks the build.  It attempts
to resubmit r230083, but with some debug logging in the CMake
and lit config files to determine why certain bots do not
correctly disable the DIA tests when DIA is not available.

After a sufficient number of bots fail, this patch will either
be reverted or, if the cause of the failure becomes obvious,
a fix submitted with the log statements removed.

llvm-svn: 230161
This commit is contained in:
Zachary Turner 2015-02-22 06:47:32 +00:00
parent a65298af65
commit a54b7ddb25
10 changed files with 72 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -448,6 +448,8 @@ if( MSVC )
endif( MSVC )
message("CMake set HAVE_DIA_SDK to ${HAVE_DIA_SDK}")
#include <windows.h>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
// Build with "cl.exe /Zi empty.cpp /link /debug /nodefaultlib /entry:main"
void *__purecall = 0;
int main() {
return 42;

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
// Compile with "cl /GR- /Zi /c /Ox /Oy symbolformat-fpo.cpp"
// Refer to symbolformat.cpp for linking instructions.
unsigned fpo_func(unsigned n) {
return n * 2;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
// Compile with "cl /c /Zi /GR- symbolformat.cpp"
// Compile symbolformat-fpo.cpp (see file for instructions)
// Link with "link symbolformat.obj symbolformat-fpo.obj /debug /nodefaultlib
// /entry:main /out:symbolformat.exe"
int __cdecl _purecall(void) { return 0; }
struct A {
virtual void PureFunc() = 0 {}
virtual void VirtualFunc() {}
void RegularFunc() {}
struct B : public A {
void PureFunc() override {}
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
B b;
auto PureAddr = &B::PureFunc;
auto VirtualAddr = &A::PureFunc;
auto RegularAddr = &A::RegularFunc;
return 0;

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
config.unsupported = not config.have_dia_sdk
print("lit.local.cfg: config.unsupported set to %s" % config.unsupported)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
; RUN: llvm-pdbdump %p/Inputs/empty.pdb | FileCheck %s -check-prefix SUMMARY_CHECK
; RUN: llvm-pdbdump -functions %p/Inputs/empty.pdb | FileCheck %s -check-prefix MAIN_CHECK
; Check PDB file summary information
; SUMMARY_CHECK: empty.pdb
; SUMMARY_CHECK: Guid: {0B355641-86A0-A249-896F-9988FAE52FF0}
; SUMMARY_CHECK: Attributes: HasPrivateSymbols
; Check that running with only -compilands doesn't include unwanted symbol types
; MAIN_CHECK: (EBP) int32_t __cdecl main()
; MAIN_CHECK-NOT: class:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
; RUN: llvm-pdbdump -all -hidden -group-by=compiland %p/Inputs/symbolformat.pdb | FileCheck --check-prefix=FORMAT %s
; The format here is func [0x<rva_start>+<prologue_length> - 0x<rva_end>-<epilogue_length>]
; FORMAT: test\DebugInfo\PDB\Inputs\symbolformat-fpo.obj
; FORMAT-DAG: func [0x001130+0 - 0x001137-1] (VFrame) uint32_t __cdecl fpo_func(uint32_t)
; FORMAT: d:\src\llvm\test\DebugInfo\PDB\Inputs\symbolformat.obj
; FORMAT-DAG: func [0x001060+3 - 0x001067-2] (EBP) int32_t __cdecl _purecall()
; FORMAT-DAG: func [0x001070+6 - 0x001099-4] (EBP) int32_t __cdecl main(int32_t, char**)
; FORMAT-DAG: func [0x0010b0+7 - 0x0010c7-4] (EBP) void __thiscall A::A()
; FORMAT-DAG: func [0x0010d0+7 - 0x0010ef-4] (EBP) void __thiscall B::B()
; FORMAT-DAG: thunk [0x000010f6 - 0x000010fa] (Pcode) B::`vcall'{0}'
; FORMAT-DAG: func [0x001100+7 - 0x00110b-4] (EBP) virtual void __thiscall B::PureFunc()
; FORMAT-DAG: func [0x001110+7 - 0x00111b-4] (EBP) void __thiscall A::RegularFunc()
; FORMAT-DAG: func [0x001120+7 - 0x00112b-4] (EBP) virtual void __thiscall A::VirtualFunc()

View File

@ -31,8 +31,11 @@ config.host_ldflags = "@HOST_LDFLAGS@"
config.llvm_use_intel_jitevents = "@LLVM_USE_INTEL_JITEVENTS@"
config.llvm_use_sanitizer = "@LLVM_USE_SANITIZER@"
config.have_zlib = "@HAVE_LIBZ@"
config.have_dia_sdk = "@HAVE_DIA_SDK@"
config.enable_ffi = "@LLVM_ENABLE_FFI@"
print("lit.site.cfg.in: config.have_dia_sdk set to %s" % config.have_dia_sdk)
# Support substitution of the tools_dir with user parameters. This is
# used when we can't determine the tool dir at configuration time.