Revert "[OpenMP] libomp: implement OpenMP 5.1 inoutset task dependence type"

This reverts commit a1f550e052.

Revert in order to fix backwards compatibility breakage
caused by type size change for task dependence flag.
This commit is contained in:
AndreyChurbanov 2021-06-09 17:35:50 +03:00
parent d3faef6eef
commit 9ce2e5e700
17 changed files with 230 additions and 494 deletions

View File

@ -4609,7 +4609,7 @@ static RTLDependenceKindTy translateDependencyKind(OpenMPDependClauseKind K) {
/// Builds kmp_depend_info, if it is not built yet, and builds flags type.
static void getDependTypes(ASTContext &C, QualType &KmpDependInfoTy,
QualType &FlagsTy) {
FlagsTy = C.getIntTypeForBitwidth(32, /*Signed=*/false);
FlagsTy = C.getIntTypeForBitwidth(C.getTypeSize(C.BoolTy), /*Signed=*/false);
if (KmpDependInfoTy.isNull()) {
RecordDecl *KmpDependInfoRD = C.buildImplicitRecord("kmp_depend_info");

View File

@ -52,14 +52,14 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// CHECK: [[SZ_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[BASE_ADDR]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 1
// CHECK: store i64 4, i64* [[SZ_ADDR]],
// CHECK: [[FLAGS_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[BASE_ADDR]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 2
// CHECK: store i32 3, i32* [[FLAGS_ADDR]],
// CHECK: store i8 3, i8* [[FLAGS_ADDR]],
// CHECK: [[BASE_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP_ADDR]], i{{.+}} 2
// CHECK: [[ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[BASE_ADDR]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 0
// CHECK: store i64 %{{.+}}, i64* [[ADDR]],
// CHECK: [[SZ_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[BASE_ADDR]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 1
// CHECK: store i64 8, i64* [[SZ_ADDR]],
// CHECK: [[FLAGS_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[BASE_ADDR]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 2
// CHECK: store i32 3, i32* [[FLAGS_ADDR]],
// CHECK: store i8 3, i8* [[FLAGS_ADDR]],
// CHECK: [[BASE_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP_ADDR]], i{{.+}} 1
// CHECK: [[DEP:%.+]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[BASE_ADDR]] to i8*
// CHECK: store i8* [[DEP]], i8** [[MAIN_A]],
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// CHECK: [[BODY]]:
// CHECK: [[EL:%.+]] = phi %struct.kmp_depend_info* [ [[B_BASE]], %{{.+}} ], [ [[EL_NEXT:%.+]], %[[BODY]] ]
// CHECK: [[FLAG_BASE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[EL]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 2
// CHECK: store i32 4, i32* [[FLAG_BASE]],
// CHECK: store i8 4, i8* [[FLAG_BASE]],
// CHECK: [[EL_NEXT]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[EL]], i{{.+}} 1
// CHECK: [[IS_DONE:%.+]] = icmp eq %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[EL_NEXT]], [[END]]
// CHECK: br i1 [[IS_DONE]], label %[[DONE:.+]], label %[[BODY]]
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// CHECK: store i64 1, i64* [[DEP_IC_SIZE]],
// dep[ITERATOR_COUNTER].flags = in_out;
// CHECK: [[DEP_IC_FLAGS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP_IC]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 2
// CHECK: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_IC_FLAGS]],
// CHECK: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_IC_FLAGS]],
// CHECK: [[ITERATOR_COUNTER:%.+]] = load i64, i64* [[ITERATOR_COUNTER_ADDR]],
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// CHECK: [[SZ_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[BASE_ADDR]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 1
// CHECK: store i64 8, i64* [[SZ_ADDR]],
// CHECK: [[FLAGS_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[BASE_ADDR]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 2
// CHECK: store i32 1, i32* [[FLAGS_ADDR]],
// CHECK: store i8 1, i8* [[FLAGS_ADDR]],
// CHECK: [[SHAPE_ADDR:%.+]] = load i32*, i32** [[ARGV_ADDR:%.+]],
// CHECK: [[SZ1:%.+]] = mul nuw i64 12, %{{.+}}
// CHECK: [[SZ:%.+]] = mul nuw i64 [[SZ1]], 4
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// CHECK: [[SZ_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[BASE_ADDR]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 1
// CHECK: store i64 [[SZ]], i64* [[SZ_ADDR]],
// CHECK: [[FLAGS_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[BASE_ADDR]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 2
// CHECK: store i32 1, i32* [[FLAGS_ADDR]],
// CHECK: store i8 1, i8* [[FLAGS_ADDR]],
// CHECK: [[BASE_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP_ADDR]], i{{.+}} 1
// CHECK: [[DEP:%.+]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[BASE_ADDR]] to i8*
// CHECK: store i8* [[DEP]], i8** [[TMAIN_A]],
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
// CHECK: [[BODY]]:
// CHECK: [[EL:%.+]] = phi %struct.kmp_depend_info* [ [[ARGC_BASE]], %{{.+}} ], [ [[EL_NEXT:%.+]], %[[BODY]] ]
// CHECK: [[FLAG_BASE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[EL]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 2
// CHECK: store i32 3, i32* [[FLAG_BASE]],
// CHECK: store i8 3, i8* [[FLAG_BASE]],
// CHECK: [[EL_NEXT]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[EL]], i{{.+}} 1
// CHECK: [[IS_DONE:%.+]] = icmp eq %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[EL_NEXT]], [[END]]
// CHECK: br i1 [[IS_DONE]], label %[[DONE:.+]], label %[[BODY]]

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
// expected-no-diagnostics
// CK1: [[ST:%.+]] = type { i32, double* }
// CK1: %struct.kmp_depend_info = type { i[[sz:64|32]],
// CK1-SAME: i[[sz]], i32 }
// CK1-SAME: i[[sz]], i8 }
#ifndef HEADER
#define HEADER
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[BC:%.+]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]] to i8*
// CK1: = call i32 @__kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i8* [[RES]], i32 1, i8* [[BC]], i32 0, i8* null)
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 1
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint i32* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 2
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: store i[[sz]] ptrtoint ([100 x double]* @gc to i[[sz]]), i[[sz]]* [[DEP_ADR]],
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 800, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[BC:%.+]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]] to i8*
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_wait_deps(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i32 3, i8* [[BC]], i32 0, i8* null)
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_task_begin_if0(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i8* [[RES]])
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] %{{.+}}, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 1
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint i32* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 2
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint i32* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -264,14 +264,14 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 3
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: store i[[sz]] ptrtoint ([100 x double]* @gc to i[[sz]]), i[[sz]]* [[DEP_ADR]],
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 800, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[BC:%.+]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]] to i8*
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_wait_deps(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i32 4, i8* [[BC]], i32 0, i8* null)
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_task_begin_if0(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i8* [[RES]])
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] %{{.+}}, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 1
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint i32* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 2
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint float* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -347,14 +347,14 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] %{{.+}}, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 3
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: store i[[sz]] ptrtoint ([100 x double]* @gc to i[[sz]]), i[[sz]]* [[DEP_ADR]],
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 800, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 4
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint i32* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[BC:%.+]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]] to i8*
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_wait_deps(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i32 5, i8* [[BC]], i32 0, i8* null)
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_task_begin_if0(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i8* [[RES]])

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
// expected-no-diagnostics
// CK1: [[ST:%.+]] = type { i32, double* }
// CK1: %struct.kmp_depend_info = type { i[[sz:64|32]],
// CK1-SAME: i[[sz]], i32 }
// CK1-SAME: i[[sz]], i8 }
#ifndef HEADER
#define HEADER
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[BC:%.+]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]] to i8*
// CK1: = call i32 @__kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i8* [[RES]], i32 1, i8* [[BC]], i32 0, i8* null)
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 1
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint i32* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 2
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: store i[[sz]] ptrtoint ([100 x double]* @gc to i[[sz]]), i[[sz]]* [[DEP_ADR]],
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 800, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[BC:%.+]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]] to i8*
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_wait_deps(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i32 3, i8* [[BC]], i32 0, i8* null)
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_task_begin_if0(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i8* [[RES]])
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] %{{.+}}, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 1
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint i32* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 2
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint i32* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -264,14 +264,14 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 3
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: store i[[sz]] ptrtoint ([100 x double]* @gc to i[[sz]]), i[[sz]]* [[DEP_ADR]],
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 800, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[BC:%.+]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]] to i8*
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_wait_deps(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i32 4, i8* [[BC]], i32 0, i8* null)
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_task_begin_if0(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i8* [[RES]])
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] %{{.+}}, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 1
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint i32* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 2
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint float* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -347,14 +347,14 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] %{{.+}}, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 3
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: store i[[sz]] ptrtoint ([100 x double]* @gc to i[[sz]]), i[[sz]]* [[DEP_ADR]],
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 800, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 4
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint i32* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[BC:%.+]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]] to i8*
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_wait_deps(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i32 5, i8* [[BC]], i32 0, i8* null)
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_task_begin_if0(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i8* [[RES]])

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
// expected-no-diagnostics
// CK1: [[ST:%.+]] = type { i32, double* }
// CK1: %struct.kmp_depend_info = type { i[[sz:64|32]],
// CK1-SAME: i[[sz]], i32 }
// CK1-SAME: i[[sz]], i8 }
#ifndef HEADER
#define HEADER
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[BC:%.+]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]] to i8*
// CK1: = call i32 @__kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i8* [[RES]], i32 1, i8* [[BC]], i32 0, i8* null)
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 1
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint i32* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -175,14 +175,14 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 2
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: store i[[sz]] ptrtoint ([100 x double]* @gc to i[[sz]]), i[[sz]]* [[DEP_ADR]],
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 800, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[BC:%.+]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]] to i8*
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_wait_deps(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i32 3, i8* [[BC]], i32 0, i8* null)
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_task_begin_if0(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i8* [[RES]])
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] %{{.+}}, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 1
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint i32* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 2
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint i32* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -264,14 +264,14 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 3
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: store i[[sz]] ptrtoint ([100 x double]* @gc to i[[sz]]), i[[sz]]* [[DEP_ADR]],
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 800, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 3, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 3, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[BC:%.+]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]] to i8*
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_wait_deps(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i32 4, i8* [[BC]], i32 0, i8* null)
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_task_begin_if0(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i8* [[RES]])
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] %{{.+}}, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 1
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint i32* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 2
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint float* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -347,14 +347,14 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] %{{.+}}, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 3
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: store i[[sz]] ptrtoint ([100 x double]* @gc to i[[sz]]), i[[sz]]* [[DEP_ADR]],
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 800, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[DEP:%.+]] = getelementptr %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]], i[[sz]] 4
// CK1: [[DEP_ADR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 0
// CK1: [[BC_ADR:%.+]] = ptrtoint i32* %{{.+}} to i[[sz]]
@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ void foo(int arg) {
// CK1: [[DEP_SIZE:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 1
// CK1: store i[[sz]] 4, i[[sz]]* [[DEP_SIZE]],
// CK1: [[DEP_ATTRS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEP]], i32 0, i32 2
// CK1: store i32 1, i32* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: store i8 1, i8* [[DEP_ATTRS]]
// CK1: [[BC:%.+]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[MAIN_DEP]] to i8*
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_wait_deps(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i32 5, i8* [[BC]], i32 0, i8* null)
// CK1: call void @__kmpc_omp_task_begin_if0(%struct.ident_t* @{{.+}}, i32 %{{.+}}, i8* [[RES]])

View File

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK: [[SIZE_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[VLA0]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 1
// CHECK: store i64 4, i64* [[SIZE_ADDR]],
// CHECK: [[FLAGS_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[VLA0]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 2
// CHECK: store i32 1, i32* [[FLAGS_ADDR]],
// CHECK: store i8 1, i8* [[FLAGS_ADDR]],
// CHECK: [[A:%.+]] = load i32, i32* [[A_ADDR]],
// CHECK: [[A_CAST:%.+]] = sext i32 [[A]] to i64
// CHECK: [[SZ1:%.+]] = mul nuw i64 24, [[A_CAST]]
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK: [[SIZE_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[VLA1]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 1
// CHECK: store i64 [[SZ]], i64* [[SIZE_ADDR]],
// CHECK: [[FLAGS_ADDR:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[VLA1]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 2
// CHECK: store i32 1, i32* [[FLAGS_ADDR]],
// CHECK: store i8 1, i8* [[FLAGS_ADDR]],
// CHECK: store i64 2, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR]],
// CHECK: [[D:%.+]] = load i8*, i8** [[D_ADDR]],
// CHECK: [[BC:%.+]] = bitcast i8* [[D]] to %struct.kmp_depend_info*
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
// DEPS[DEP_COUNTER].flags = in;
// CHECK: [[DEPS_DC_FLAGS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds %struct.kmp_depend_info, %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[DEPS_DC]], i{{.+}} 0, i{{.+}} 2
// CHECK: store i32 1, i32* [[DEPS_DC_FLAGS]],
// CHECK: store i8 1, i8* [[DEPS_DC_FLAGS]],
// CHECK: [[DEP_COUNTER:%.+]] = load i64, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR]],

View File

@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP27:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP25]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP27]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP28:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP25]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP28]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP28]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP29:%.*]] = getelementptr [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP24]], i64 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP30:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP29]], i32 0, i32 0
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP31:%.*]] = ptrtoint i8* [[B]] to i64
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP32:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP29]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[TMP32]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP33:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP29]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP33]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP33]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP34:%.*]] = getelementptr [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP24]], i64 2
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP35:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP34]], i32 0, i32 0
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP36:%.*]] = ptrtoint [2 x %struct.S]* [[S]] to i64
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP37:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP34]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 8, i64* [[TMP37]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP38:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP34]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP38]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP38]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP39:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 0, [[TMP2]]
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[ARRAYIDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[VLA]], i64 [[TMP39]]
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP40:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 9, [[TMP2]]
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP48:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP45]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP44]], i64* [[TMP48]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP49:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP45]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP49]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP49]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP50:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP24]] to i8*
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP51:%.*]] = call i32 @__kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(%struct.ident_t* @[[GLOB1]], i32 [[TMP0]], i8* [[TMP18]], i32 4, i8* [[TMP50]], i32 0, i8* null)
@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP64:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP61]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP64]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP65:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP61]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP65]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP65]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP66:%.*]] = load i8, i8* [[B]], align 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP67:%.*]] = sext i8 [[TMP66]] to i64
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP68:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 4, [[TMP2]]
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP79:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP76]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP75]], i64* [[TMP79]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP80:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP76]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP80]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP80]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 2, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR11]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP81:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP60]] to i8*
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP82:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_TASK_T]], %struct.kmp_task_t* [[TMP59]], i32 0, i32 2
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP91:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP88]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP91]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP92:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP88]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i32 4, i32* [[TMP92]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i8 4, i8* [[TMP92]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP93:%.*]] = load i8, i8* [[B]], align 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP94:%.*]] = sext i8 [[TMP93]] to i64
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP95:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 4, [[TMP2]]
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP106:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP103]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP102]], i64* [[TMP106]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP107:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP103]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i32 4, i32* [[TMP107]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i8 4, i8* [[TMP107]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 2, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR19]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP108:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP87]] to i8*
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP109:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_TASK_T]], %struct.kmp_task_t* [[TMP86]], i32 0, i32 2
@ -363,7 +363,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP117:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP115]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP117]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP118:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP115]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP118]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP118]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[ARRAYIDX22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [2 x %struct.S], [2 x %struct.S]* [[S]], i64 0, i64 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP119:%.*]] = getelementptr [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP114]], i64 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP120:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP119]], i32 0, i32 0
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP122:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP119]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP122]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP123:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP119]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP123]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP123]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP124:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 0, [[TMP2]]
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[ARRAYIDX23:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[VLA]], i64 [[TMP124]]
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[ARRAYIDX24:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[ARRAYIDX23]], i64 3
@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP137:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP134]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP133]], i64* [[TMP137]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP138:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP134]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP138]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP138]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 3, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR27]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP139:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP114]] to i8*
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP140:%.*]] = call i32 @__kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(%struct.ident_t* @[[GLOB1]], i32 [[TMP0]], i8* [[TMP111]], i32 3, i8* [[TMP139]], i32 0, i8* null)
@ -1423,7 +1423,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP27:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP25]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP27]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP28:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP25]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP28]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP28]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP29:%.*]] = getelementptr [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP24]], i64 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP30:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP29]], i32 0, i32 0
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP31:%.*]] = ptrtoint i8* [[B]] to i64
@ -1431,7 +1431,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP32:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP29]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[TMP32]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP33:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP29]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP33]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP33]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP34:%.*]] = getelementptr [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP24]], i64 2
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP35:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP34]], i32 0, i32 0
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP36:%.*]] = ptrtoint [2 x %struct.S]* [[S]] to i64
@ -1439,7 +1439,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP37:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP34]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 8, i64* [[TMP37]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP38:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP34]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP38]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP38]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP39:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 0, [[TMP2]]
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[ARRAYIDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[VLA]], i64 [[TMP39]]
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP40:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 9, [[TMP2]]
@ -1455,7 +1455,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP48:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP45]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP44]], i64* [[TMP48]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP49:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP45]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP49]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP49]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP50:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP24]] to i8*
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP51:%.*]] = call i32 @__kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(%struct.ident_t* @[[GLOB1]], i32 [[TMP0]], i8* [[TMP18]], i32 4, i8* [[TMP50]], i32 0, i8* null)
@ -1477,7 +1477,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP64:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP61]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP64]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP65:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP61]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP65]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP65]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP66:%.*]] = load i8, i8* [[B]], align 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP67:%.*]] = sext i8 [[TMP66]] to i64
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP68:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 4, [[TMP2]]
@ -1499,7 +1499,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP79:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP76]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP75]], i64* [[TMP79]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP80:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP76]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP80]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP80]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 2, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR11]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP81:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP60]] to i8*
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP82:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_TASK_T]], %struct.kmp_task_t* [[TMP59]], i32 0, i32 2
@ -1517,7 +1517,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP91:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP88]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP91]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP92:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP88]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i32 4, i32* [[TMP92]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i8 4, i8* [[TMP92]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP93:%.*]] = load i8, i8* [[B]], align 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP94:%.*]] = sext i8 [[TMP93]] to i64
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP95:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 4, [[TMP2]]
@ -1539,7 +1539,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP106:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP103]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP102]], i64* [[TMP106]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP107:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP103]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i32 4, i32* [[TMP107]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i8 4, i8* [[TMP107]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 2, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR19]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP108:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP87]] to i8*
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP109:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_TASK_T]], %struct.kmp_task_t* [[TMP86]], i32 0, i32 2
@ -1555,7 +1555,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP117:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP115]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP117]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP118:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP115]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP118]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP118]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[ARRAYIDX22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [2 x %struct.S], [2 x %struct.S]* [[S]], i64 0, i64 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP119:%.*]] = getelementptr [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP114]], i64 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP120:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP119]], i32 0, i32 0
@ -1564,7 +1564,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP122:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP119]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP122]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP123:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP119]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP123]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP123]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP124:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 0, [[TMP2]]
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[ARRAYIDX23:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[VLA]], i64 [[TMP124]]
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[ARRAYIDX24:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[ARRAYIDX23]], i64 3
@ -1588,7 +1588,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP137:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP134]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP133]], i64* [[TMP137]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP138:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP134]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP138]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP138]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 3, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR27]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP139:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP114]] to i8*
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP140:%.*]] = call i32 @__kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(%struct.ident_t* @[[GLOB1]], i32 [[TMP0]], i8* [[TMP111]], i32 3, i8* [[TMP139]], i32 0, i8* null)
@ -2617,7 +2617,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP26:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP24]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP26]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP27:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP24]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP27]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP27]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP28:%.*]] = getelementptr [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP23]], i64 1
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP29:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP28]], i32 0, i32 0
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP30:%.*]] = ptrtoint i8* [[B]] to i64
@ -2625,7 +2625,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP31:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP28]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[TMP31]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP32:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP28]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP32]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP32]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP33:%.*]] = getelementptr [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP23]], i64 2
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP34:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP33]], i32 0, i32 0
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP35:%.*]] = ptrtoint [2 x %struct.S]* [[S]] to i64
@ -2633,7 +2633,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP36:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP33]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i64 8, i64* [[TMP36]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP37:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP33]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP37]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP37]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP38:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 0, [[TMP1]]
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[ARRAYIDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[VLA]], i64 [[TMP38]]
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP39:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 9, [[TMP1]]
@ -2649,7 +2649,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP47:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP44]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP43]], i64* [[TMP47]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP48:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP44]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP48]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP48]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP49:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP23]] to i8*
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[OMP_GLOBAL_THREAD_NUM5:%.*]] = call i32 @__kmpc_global_thread_num(%struct.ident_t* @[[GLOB5]])
@ -2675,7 +2675,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP63:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP60]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP63]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP64:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP60]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP64]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP64]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP65:%.*]] = load i8, i8* [[B]], align 1
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP66:%.*]] = sext i8 [[TMP65]] to i64
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP67:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 4, [[TMP1]]
@ -2697,7 +2697,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP78:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP75]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP74]], i64* [[TMP78]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP79:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP75]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP79]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP79]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i64 2, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR17]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP80:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP59]] to i8*
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[OMP_GLOBAL_THREAD_NUM18:%.*]] = call i32 @__kmpc_global_thread_num(%struct.ident_t* @[[GLOB9]])
@ -2717,7 +2717,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP90:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP87]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP90]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP91:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP87]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i32 4, i32* [[TMP91]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i8 4, i8* [[TMP91]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP92:%.*]] = load i8, i8* [[B]], align 1
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP93:%.*]] = sext i8 [[TMP92]] to i64
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP94:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 4, [[TMP1]]
@ -2739,7 +2739,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP105:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP102]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP101]], i64* [[TMP105]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP106:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP102]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i32 4, i32* [[TMP106]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i8 4, i8* [[TMP106]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i64 2, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR27]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP107:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP86]] to i8*
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[OMP_GLOBAL_THREAD_NUM28:%.*]] = call i32 @__kmpc_global_thread_num(%struct.ident_t* @[[GLOB11]])
@ -2757,7 +2757,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP116:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP114]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP116]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP117:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP114]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP117]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP117]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[ARRAYIDX32:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [2 x %struct.S], [2 x %struct.S]* [[S]], i64 0, i64 1
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP118:%.*]] = getelementptr [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP113]], i64 1
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP119:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP118]], i32 0, i32 0
@ -2766,7 +2766,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP121:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP118]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP121]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP122:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP118]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP122]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP122]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP123:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 0, [[TMP1]]
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[ARRAYIDX33:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[VLA]], i64 [[TMP123]]
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[ARRAYIDX34:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[ARRAYIDX33]], i64 3
@ -2790,7 +2790,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP136:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP133]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP132]], i64* [[TMP136]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP137:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP133]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP137]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP137]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: store i64 3, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR37]], align 8
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[TMP138:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP113]] to i8*
// CHECK3-NEXT: [[OMP_GLOBAL_THREAD_NUM38:%.*]] = call i32 @__kmpc_global_thread_num(%struct.ident_t* @[[GLOB13]])
@ -3696,7 +3696,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP26:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP24]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP26]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP27:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP24]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP27]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP27]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP28:%.*]] = getelementptr [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP23]], i64 1
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP29:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP28]], i32 0, i32 0
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP30:%.*]] = ptrtoint i8* [[B]] to i64
@ -3704,7 +3704,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP31:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP28]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[TMP31]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP32:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP28]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP32]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP32]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP33:%.*]] = getelementptr [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP23]], i64 2
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP34:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP33]], i32 0, i32 0
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP35:%.*]] = ptrtoint [2 x %struct.S]* [[S]] to i64
@ -3712,7 +3712,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP36:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP33]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i64 8, i64* [[TMP36]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP37:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP33]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP37]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP37]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP38:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 0, [[TMP1]]
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[ARRAYIDX:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[VLA]], i64 [[TMP38]]
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP39:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 9, [[TMP1]]
@ -3728,7 +3728,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP47:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP44]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP43]], i64* [[TMP47]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP48:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP44]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP48]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP48]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP49:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP23]] to i8*
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[OMP_GLOBAL_THREAD_NUM5:%.*]] = call i32 @__kmpc_global_thread_num(%struct.ident_t* @[[GLOB5]])
@ -3754,7 +3754,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP63:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP60]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP63]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP64:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP60]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP64]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP64]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP65:%.*]] = load i8, i8* [[B]], align 1
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP66:%.*]] = sext i8 [[TMP65]] to i64
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP67:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 4, [[TMP1]]
@ -3776,7 +3776,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP78:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP75]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP74]], i64* [[TMP78]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP79:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP75]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP79]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP79]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i64 2, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR17]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP80:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP59]] to i8*
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[OMP_GLOBAL_THREAD_NUM18:%.*]] = call i32 @__kmpc_global_thread_num(%struct.ident_t* @[[GLOB9]])
@ -3796,7 +3796,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP90:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP87]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP90]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP91:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP87]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i32 4, i32* [[TMP91]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i8 4, i8* [[TMP91]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP92:%.*]] = load i8, i8* [[B]], align 1
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP93:%.*]] = sext i8 [[TMP92]] to i64
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP94:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 4, [[TMP1]]
@ -3818,7 +3818,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP105:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP102]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP101]], i64* [[TMP105]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP106:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP102]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i32 4, i32* [[TMP106]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i8 4, i8* [[TMP106]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i64 2, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR27]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP107:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP86]] to i8*
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[OMP_GLOBAL_THREAD_NUM28:%.*]] = call i32 @__kmpc_global_thread_num(%struct.ident_t* @[[GLOB11]])
@ -3836,7 +3836,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP116:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP114]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP116]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP117:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP114]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP117]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP117]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[ARRAYIDX32:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [2 x %struct.S], [2 x %struct.S]* [[S]], i64 0, i64 1
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP118:%.*]] = getelementptr [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP113]], i64 1
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP119:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP118]], i32 0, i32 0
@ -3845,7 +3845,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP121:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP118]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP121]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP122:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP118]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP122]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP122]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP123:%.*]] = mul nsw i64 0, [[TMP1]]
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[ARRAYIDX33:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[VLA]], i64 [[TMP123]]
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[ARRAYIDX34:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds i32, i32* [[ARRAYIDX33]], i64 3
@ -3869,7 +3869,7 @@ void xxxx() {
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP136:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP133]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i64 [[TMP132]], i64* [[TMP136]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP137:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP133]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP137]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP137]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: store i64 3, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR37]], align 8
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[TMP138:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP113]] to i8*
// CHECK4-NEXT: [[OMP_GLOBAL_THREAD_NUM38:%.*]] = call i32 @__kmpc_global_thread_num(%struct.ident_t* @[[GLOB13]])

View File

@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP21:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP19]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP21]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP19]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP22]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP22]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP23:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP18]] to i8*
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP24:%.*]] = load i32, i32* @Arg, align 4
@ -415,7 +415,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP19]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP22]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP23:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP19]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP23]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP23]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP24:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP18]] to i8*
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP25:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[ARG_ADDR]], align 4
@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP35:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP32]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP35]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP36:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP32]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP36]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP36]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR10]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP37:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP31]] to i8*
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP38:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[ARG_ADDR]], align 4
@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP48:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP45]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP48]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP49:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP45]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP49]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP49]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR17]], align 8
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP50:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP44]] to i8*
// CHECK1-NEXT: [[TMP51:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[ARG_ADDR]], align 4
@ -813,7 +813,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP21:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP19]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP21]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP19]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP22]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP22]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP23:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP18]] to i8*
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP24:%.*]] = load i32, i32* @Arg, align 4
@ -1032,7 +1032,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP19]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP22]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP23:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP19]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP23]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP23]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP24:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP18]] to i8*
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP25:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[ARG_ADDR]], align 4
@ -1059,7 +1059,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP35:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP32]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP35]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP36:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP32]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP36]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP36]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR10]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP37:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP31]] to i8*
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP38:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[ARG_ADDR]], align 4
@ -1086,7 +1086,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP48:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP45]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP48]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP49:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP45]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP49]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP49]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR17]], align 8
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP50:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP44]] to i8*
// CHECK2-NEXT: [[TMP51:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[ARG_ADDR]], align 4
@ -1430,7 +1430,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK5-NEXT: [[TMP21:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP19]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK5-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP21]], align 8
// CHECK5-NEXT: [[TMP22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP19]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK5-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP22]], align 8
// CHECK5-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP22]], align 8
// CHECK5-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR]], align 8
// CHECK5-NEXT: [[TMP23:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP18]] to i8*
// CHECK5-NEXT: [[TMP24:%.*]] = load i32, i32* @Arg, align 4
@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK5-NEXT: [[TMP22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP19]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK5-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP22]], align 8
// CHECK5-NEXT: [[TMP23:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP19]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK5-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP23]], align 8
// CHECK5-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP23]], align 8
// CHECK5-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR]], align 8
// CHECK5-NEXT: [[TMP24:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP18]] to i8*
// CHECK5-NEXT: [[TMP25:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[ARG_ADDR]], align 4
@ -1676,7 +1676,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK5-NEXT: [[TMP35:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP32]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK5-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP35]], align 8
// CHECK5-NEXT: [[TMP36:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP32]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK5-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP36]], align 8
// CHECK5-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP36]], align 8
// CHECK5-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR10]], align 8
// CHECK5-NEXT: [[TMP37:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP31]] to i8*
// CHECK5-NEXT: [[TMP38:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[ARG_ADDR]], align 4
@ -1703,7 +1703,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK5-NEXT: [[TMP48:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP45]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK5-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP48]], align 8
// CHECK5-NEXT: [[TMP49:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP45]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK5-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP49]], align 8
// CHECK5-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP49]], align 8
// CHECK5-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR17]], align 8
// CHECK5-NEXT: [[TMP50:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP44]] to i8*
// CHECK5-NEXT: [[TMP51:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[ARG_ADDR]], align 4
@ -2047,7 +2047,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK6-NEXT: [[TMP21:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP19]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK6-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP21]], align 8
// CHECK6-NEXT: [[TMP22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP19]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK6-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP22]], align 8
// CHECK6-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP22]], align 8
// CHECK6-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR]], align 8
// CHECK6-NEXT: [[TMP23:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP18]] to i8*
// CHECK6-NEXT: [[TMP24:%.*]] = load i32, i32* @Arg, align 4
@ -2266,7 +2266,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK6-NEXT: [[TMP22:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP19]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK6-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP22]], align 8
// CHECK6-NEXT: [[TMP23:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP19]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK6-NEXT: store i32 1, i32* [[TMP23]], align 8
// CHECK6-NEXT: store i8 1, i8* [[TMP23]], align 8
// CHECK6-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR]], align 8
// CHECK6-NEXT: [[TMP24:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP18]] to i8*
// CHECK6-NEXT: [[TMP25:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[ARG_ADDR]], align 4
@ -2293,7 +2293,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK6-NEXT: [[TMP35:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP32]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK6-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP35]], align 8
// CHECK6-NEXT: [[TMP36:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP32]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK6-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP36]], align 8
// CHECK6-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP36]], align 8
// CHECK6-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR10]], align 8
// CHECK6-NEXT: [[TMP37:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP31]] to i8*
// CHECK6-NEXT: [[TMP38:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[ARG_ADDR]], align 4
@ -2320,7 +2320,7 @@ int main() {
// CHECK6-NEXT: [[TMP48:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP45]], i32 0, i32 1
// CHECK6-NEXT: store i64 4, i64* [[TMP48]], align 8
// CHECK6-NEXT: [[TMP49:%.*]] = getelementptr inbounds [[STRUCT_KMP_DEPEND_INFO]], %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP45]], i32 0, i32 2
// CHECK6-NEXT: store i32 3, i32* [[TMP49]], align 8
// CHECK6-NEXT: store i8 3, i8* [[TMP49]], align 8
// CHECK6-NEXT: store i64 1, i64* [[DEP_COUNTER_ADDR17]], align 8
// CHECK6-NEXT: [[TMP50:%.*]] = bitcast %struct.kmp_depend_info* [[TMP44]] to i8*
// CHECK6-NEXT: [[TMP51:%.*]] = load i32, i32* [[ARG_ADDR]], align 4

View File

@ -2252,24 +2252,15 @@ typedef union kmp_depnode kmp_depnode_t;
typedef struct kmp_depnode_list kmp_depnode_list_t;
typedef struct kmp_dephash_entry kmp_dephash_entry_t;
#define KMP_DEP_IN 0x1
#define KMP_DEP_OUT 0x2
#define KMP_DEP_INOUT 0x3
#define KMP_DEP_MTX 0x4
#define KMP_DEP_SET 0x8
// Compiler sends us this info:
typedef struct kmp_depend_info {
kmp_intptr_t base_addr;
size_t len;
union {
kmp_uint32 flag;
struct {
unsigned in : 1;
unsigned out : 1;
unsigned mtx : 1;
unsigned set : 1;
} flags;
struct {
bool in : 1;
bool out : 1;
bool mtx : 1;
} flags;
} kmp_depend_info_t;
// Internal structures to work with task dependencies:
@ -2303,8 +2294,8 @@ union KMP_ALIGN_CACHE kmp_depnode {
struct kmp_dephash_entry {
kmp_intptr_t addr;
kmp_depnode_t *last_out;
kmp_depnode_list_t *last_set;
kmp_depnode_list_t *prev_set;
kmp_depnode_list_t *last_ins;
kmp_depnode_list_t *last_mtxs;
kmp_int32 last_flag;
kmp_lock_t *mtx_lock; /* is referenced by depnodes w/mutexinoutset dep */
kmp_dephash_entry_t *next_in_bucket;

View File

@ -149,6 +149,9 @@ static kmp_dephash_t *__kmp_dephash_create(kmp_info_t *thread,
return h;
#define ENTRY_LAST_INS 0
static kmp_dephash_entry *__kmp_dephash_find(kmp_info_t *thread,
kmp_dephash_t **hash,
kmp_intptr_t addr) {
@ -175,9 +178,9 @@ static kmp_dephash_entry *__kmp_dephash_find(kmp_info_t *thread,
entry->addr = addr;
entry->last_out = NULL;
entry->last_set = NULL;
entry->prev_set = NULL;
entry->last_flag = 0;
entry->last_ins = NULL;
entry->last_mtxs = NULL;
entry->last_flag = ENTRY_LAST_INS;
entry->mtx_lock = NULL;
entry->next_in_bucket = h->buckets[bucket];
h->buckets[bucket] = entry;
@ -310,81 +313,96 @@ __kmp_process_deps(kmp_int32 gtid, kmp_depnode_t *node, kmp_dephash_t **hash,
kmp_dephash_entry_t *info =
__kmp_dephash_find(thread, hash, dep->base_addr);
kmp_depnode_t *last_out = info->last_out;
kmp_depnode_list_t *last_set = info->last_set;
kmp_depnode_list_t *prev_set = info->prev_set;
kmp_depnode_list_t *last_ins = info->last_ins;
kmp_depnode_list_t *last_mtxs = info->last_mtxs;
if (dep->flags.out) { // out or inout --> clean lists if any
if (last_set) {
npredecessors +=
__kmp_depnode_link_successor(gtid, thread, task, node, last_set);
__kmp_depnode_list_free(thread, last_set);
__kmp_depnode_list_free(thread, prev_set);
info->last_set = NULL;
info->prev_set = NULL;
info->last_flag = 0; // no sets in this dephash entry
if (dep->flags.out) { // out --> clean lists of ins and mtxs if any
if (last_ins || last_mtxs) {
if (info->last_flag == ENTRY_LAST_INS) { // INS were last
npredecessors +=
__kmp_depnode_link_successor(gtid, thread, task, node, last_ins);
} else { // MTXS were last
npredecessors +=
__kmp_depnode_link_successor(gtid, thread, task, node, last_mtxs);
__kmp_depnode_list_free(thread, last_ins);
__kmp_depnode_list_free(thread, last_mtxs);
info->last_ins = NULL;
info->last_mtxs = NULL;
} else {
npredecessors +=
__kmp_depnode_link_successor(gtid, thread, task, node, last_out);
__kmp_node_deref(thread, last_out);
if (!dep_barrier) {
info->last_out = __kmp_node_ref(node);
} else {
if (dep_barrier) {
// if this is a sync point in the serial sequence, then the previous
// outputs are guaranteed to be completed after the execution of this
// task so the previous output nodes can be cleared.
info->last_out = NULL;
} else {
info->last_out = __kmp_node_ref(node);
} else { // either IN or MTX or SET
if (info->last_flag == 0 || info->last_flag == dep->flag) {
// last_set either didn't exist or of same dep kind
} else if (dep-> {
// in --> link node to either last_out or last_mtxs, clean earlier deps
if (last_mtxs) {
npredecessors +=
__kmp_depnode_link_successor(gtid, thread, task, node, last_mtxs);
__kmp_node_deref(thread, last_out);
info->last_out = NULL;
if (info->last_flag == ENTRY_LAST_MTXS && last_ins) { // MTXS were last
// clean old INS before creating new list
__kmp_depnode_list_free(thread, last_ins);
info->last_ins = NULL;
} else {
// link node as successor of the last_out if any
npredecessors +=
__kmp_depnode_link_successor(gtid, thread, task, node, last_out);
// link node as successor of all nodes in the prev_set if any
info->last_flag = ENTRY_LAST_INS;
info->last_ins = __kmp_add_node(thread, info->last_ins, node);
} else {
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(dep->flags.mtx == 1);
// mtx --> link node to either last_out or last_ins, clean earlier deps
if (last_ins) {
npredecessors +=
__kmp_depnode_link_successor(gtid, thread, task, node, prev_set);
} else { // last_set is of different dep kind, make it prev_set
// link node as successor of all nodes in the last_set
npredecessors +=
__kmp_depnode_link_successor(gtid, thread, task, node, last_set);
// clean last_out if any
__kmp_depnode_link_successor(gtid, thread, task, node, last_ins);
__kmp_node_deref(thread, last_out);
info->last_out = NULL;
// clean prev_set if any
__kmp_depnode_list_free(thread, prev_set);
// move last_set to prev_set, new last_set will be allocated
info->prev_set = last_set;
info->last_set = NULL;
info->last_flag = dep->flag; // store dep kind of the last_set
info->last_set = __kmp_add_node(thread, info->last_set, node);
// check if we are processing MTX dependency
if (dep->flag == KMP_DEP_MTX) {
if (info->mtx_lock == NULL) {
info->mtx_lock = (kmp_lock_t *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(kmp_lock_t));
if (info->last_flag == ENTRY_LAST_INS && last_mtxs) { // INS were last
// clean old MTXS before creating new list
__kmp_depnode_list_free(thread, last_mtxs);
info->last_mtxs = NULL;
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(node->dn.mtx_num_locks < MAX_MTX_DEPS);
kmp_int32 m;
// Save lock in node's array
for (m = 0; m < MAX_MTX_DEPS; ++m) {
// sort pointers in decreasing order to avoid potential livelock
if (node->dn.mtx_locks[m] < info->mtx_lock) {
for (int n = node->dn.mtx_num_locks; n > m; --n) {
// shift right all lesser non-NULL pointers
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(node->dn.mtx_locks[n - 1] != NULL);
node->dn.mtx_locks[n] = node->dn.mtx_locks[n - 1];
node->dn.mtx_locks[m] = info->mtx_lock;
} else {
// link node as successor of the last_out if any
npredecessors +=
__kmp_depnode_link_successor(gtid, thread, task, node, last_out);
info->last_flag = ENTRY_LAST_MTXS;
info->last_mtxs = __kmp_add_node(thread, info->last_mtxs, node);
if (info->mtx_lock == NULL) {
info->mtx_lock = (kmp_lock_t *)__kmp_allocate(sizeof(kmp_lock_t));
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(node->dn.mtx_num_locks < MAX_MTX_DEPS);
kmp_int32 m;
// Save lock in node's array
for (m = 0; m < MAX_MTX_DEPS; ++m) {
// sort pointers in decreasing order to avoid potential livelock
if (node->dn.mtx_locks[m] < info->mtx_lock) {
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(node->dn.mtx_locks[node->dn.mtx_num_locks] == NULL);
for (int n = node->dn.mtx_num_locks; n > m; --n) {
// shift right all lesser non-NULL pointers
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(node->dn.mtx_locks[n - 1] != NULL);
node->dn.mtx_locks[n] = node->dn.mtx_locks[n - 1];
node->dn.mtx_locks[m] = info->mtx_lock;
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(m < MAX_MTX_DEPS); // must break from loop
KMP_DEBUG_ASSERT(m < MAX_MTX_DEPS); // must break from loop
KA_TRACE(30, ("__kmp_process_deps<%d>: T#%d found %d predecessors\n", filter,
@ -415,25 +433,27 @@ static bool __kmp_check_deps(kmp_int32 gtid, kmp_depnode_t *node,
// TODO: Different algorithm for large dep_list ( > 10 ? )
for (i = 0; i < ndeps; i++) {
if (dep_list[i].base_addr != 0) {
dep_list[i].flag == KMP_DEP_IN || dep_list[i].flag == KMP_DEP_OUT ||
dep_list[i].flag == KMP_DEP_INOUT ||
dep_list[i].flag == KMP_DEP_MTX || dep_list[i].flag == KMP_DEP_SET);
for (int j = i + 1; j < ndeps; j++) {
if (dep_list[i].base_addr == dep_list[j].base_addr) {
if (dep_list[i].flag != dep_list[j].flag) {
// two different dependences on same address work identical to OUT
dep_list[i].flag = KMP_DEP_OUT;
dep_list[i] |= dep_list[j];
dep_list[i].flags.out |=
(dep_list[j].flags.out ||
(dep_list[i] && dep_list[j].flags.mtx) ||
(dep_list[i].flags.mtx && dep_list[j];
dep_list[i].flags.mtx =
dep_list[i].flags.mtx | dep_list[j].flags.mtx &&
dep_list[j].base_addr = 0; // Mark j element as void
if (dep_list[i].flag == KMP_DEP_MTX) {
if (dep_list[i].flags.mtx) {
// limit number of mtx deps to MAX_MTX_DEPS per node
if (n_mtxs < MAX_MTX_DEPS && task != NULL) {
} else {
dep_list[i].flag = KMP_DEP_OUT; // downgrade mutexinoutset to inout
dep_list[i] = 1; // downgrade mutexinoutset to inout
dep_list[i].flags.out = 1;
dep_list[i].flags.mtx = 0;
@ -542,8 +562,6 @@ kmp_int32 __kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(ident_t *loc_ref, kmp_int32 gtid,
ompt_deps[i].dependence_type = ompt_dependence_type_in;
else if (dep_list[i].flags.mtx)
ompt_deps[i].dependence_type = ompt_dependence_type_mutexinoutset;
else if (dep_list[i].flags.set)
ompt_deps[i].dependence_type = ompt_dependence_type_inoutset;
for (i = 0; i < ndeps_noalias; i++) {
ompt_deps[ndeps + i].variable.ptr = (void *)noalias_dep_list[i].base_addr;
@ -556,8 +574,6 @@ kmp_int32 __kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(ident_t *loc_ref, kmp_int32 gtid,
else if (noalias_dep_list[i].flags.mtx)
ompt_deps[ndeps + i].dependence_type =
else if (noalias_dep_list[i].flags.set)
ompt_deps[ndeps + i].dependence_type = ompt_dependence_type_inoutset;
&(new_taskdata->ompt_task_info.task_data), ompt_deps, ompt_ndeps);
@ -707,8 +723,6 @@ void __kmpc_omp_wait_deps(ident_t *loc_ref, kmp_int32 gtid, kmp_int32 ndeps,
else if (dep_list[i].flags.mtx)
ompt_deps[ndeps + i].dependence_type =
else if (dep_list[i].flags.set)
ompt_deps[ndeps + i].dependence_type = ompt_dependence_type_inoutset;
for (i = 0; i < ndeps_noalias; i++) {
ompt_deps[ndeps + i].variable.ptr = (void *)noalias_dep_list[i].base_addr;
@ -721,8 +735,6 @@ void __kmpc_omp_wait_deps(ident_t *loc_ref, kmp_int32 gtid, kmp_int32 ndeps,
else if (noalias_dep_list[i].flags.mtx)
ompt_deps[ndeps + i].dependence_type =
else if (noalias_dep_list[i].flags.set)
ompt_deps[ndeps + i].dependence_type = ompt_dependence_type_inoutset;
taskwait_task_data, ompt_deps, ompt_ndeps);

View File

@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ static inline void __kmp_dephash_free_entries(kmp_info_t *thread,
kmp_dephash_entry_t *next;
for (kmp_dephash_entry_t *entry = h->buckets[i]; entry; entry = next) {
next = entry->next_in_bucket;
__kmp_depnode_list_free(thread, entry->last_set);
__kmp_depnode_list_free(thread, entry->prev_set);
__kmp_depnode_list_free(thread, entry->last_ins);
__kmp_depnode_list_free(thread, entry->last_mtxs);
__kmp_node_deref(thread, entry->last_out);
if (entry->mtx_lock) {

View File

@ -41,12 +41,12 @@ typedef struct ident {
} ident_t;
typedef struct kmp_depend_info {
kmp_intptr_t base_addr;
size_t len;
// struct {
// bool in:1;
// bool out:1; }
int flags;
kmp_intptr_t base_addr;
size_t len;
struct {
bool in:1;
bool out:1;
} flags;
} kmp_depend_info_t;
struct kmp_task;
@ -109,7 +109,8 @@ int main()
dep_info.base_addr = (long) &dep;
dep_info.len = sizeof(int);
// out = inout per spec and runtime expects this
dep_info.flags = 3; // inout = 1;
dep_info.flags.out = 1;
kmp_int32 gtid = __kmpc_global_thread_num(NULL);
kmp_task_t *proxy_task = __kmpc_omp_task_alloc(NULL,gtid,17,sizeof(kmp_task_t),0,&task_entry);

View File

@ -38,12 +38,12 @@ typedef struct ident {
} ident_t;
typedef struct kmp_depend_info {
kmp_intptr_t base_addr;
size_t len;
// struct {
// bool in:1;
// bool out:1; }
int flags;
kmp_intptr_t base_addr;
size_t len;
struct {
bool in:1;
bool out:1;
} flags;
} kmp_depend_info_t;
struct kmp_task;
@ -104,7 +104,8 @@ int main()
dep_info.base_addr = (long) &dep;
dep_info.len = sizeof(int);
// out = inout per spec and runtime expects this
dep_info.flags = 3; // inout = 1;
dep_info.flags.out = 1;
kmp_int32 gtid = __kmpc_global_thread_num(NULL);
kmp_task_t *proxy_task = __kmpc_omp_task_alloc(NULL,gtid,17,sizeof(kmp_task_t),0,&task_entry);

View File

@ -13,15 +13,11 @@ using kmp_intptr_t = intptr_t;
typedef struct kmp_depend_info {
kmp_intptr_t base_addr;
size_t len;
union {
int flag;
struct {
unsigned in : 1;
unsigned out : 1;
unsigned mtx : 1;
unsigned reserved : 29; // 32 bits in total
} flags;
struct {
bool in : 1;
bool out : 1;
bool mtx : 1;
} flags;
} kmp_depend_info_t;
typedef union kmp_cmplrdata {

View File

@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
kmp_depend_info_t depinfo1;
depinfo1.base_addr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(&data);
depinfo1.flag = 0;
depinfo1.flags.out = 1;
depinfo1.len = 4;
@ -81,7 +80,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
kmp_depend_info_t depinfo2;
depinfo2.base_addr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(&data);
depinfo2.flag = 0; = 1;
depinfo2.flags.out = 1;
depinfo2.len = 4;
@ -98,7 +96,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
kmp_depend_info_t depinfo3;
depinfo3.base_addr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(&data);
depinfo3.flag = 0; = 1;
depinfo3.flags.out = 1;
depinfo3.len = 4;
@ -115,7 +112,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
kmp_depend_info_t depinfo4;
depinfo4.base_addr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(&data);
depinfo4.flag = 0; = 1;
depinfo4.flags.out = 1;
depinfo4.len = 4;

View File

@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
kmp_depend_info_t depinfo1;
depinfo1.base_addr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(&depvar);
depinfo1.flag = 0; = 1;
depinfo1.flags.out = 1;
depinfo1.len = 4;
@ -97,7 +96,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
kmp_depend_info_t depinfo2;
depinfo2.base_addr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(&depvar);
depinfo2.flag = 0; = 1;
depinfo2.flags.out = 1;
depinfo2.len = 4;
@ -113,7 +111,6 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
kmp_depend_info_t depinfo3;
depinfo3.base_addr = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(&depvar);
depinfo3.flag = 0; = 1;
depinfo3.flags.out = 1;
depinfo3.len = 4;

View File

@ -1,258 +0,0 @@
// RUN: %libomp-compile-and-run
// RUN: %libomp-cxx-compile-and-run
// Tests OMP 5.0 task dependences "mutexinoutset" and 5.1 "inoutset",
// emulates compiler codegen for new dep kinds
// Mutually exclusive tasks get same input dependency info array
// Task tree created:
// task0 - task1 (in)
// \
// task2 - task3 (inoutset)
// /
// task3 - task4 (in)
// /
// task6 <-->task7 (mutexinoutset)
// \ /
// task8 (in)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <omp.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#define mysleep(n) Sleep(n)
#include <unistd.h>
#define mysleep(n) usleep((n)*1000)
// to check the # of concurrent tasks (must be 1 for MTX, <3 for other kinds)
static int volatile checker = 0;
static int err = 0;
#ifndef DELAY
#define DELAY 100
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// internal data to emulate compiler codegen
typedef struct DEP {
size_t addr;
size_t len;
int flags;
} dep;
typedef struct task {
void** shareds;
void* entry;
int part_id;
void* destr_thunk;
int priority;
long long device_id;
int f_priv;
} task_t;
#define TIED 1
typedef int(*entry_t)(int, task_t*);
typedef struct ID {
int reserved_1;
int flags;
int reserved_2;
int reserved_3;
char *psource;
} id;
// thunk routine for tasks with MTX dependency
int thunk_m(int gtid, task_t* ptask) {
int th = omp_get_thread_num();
#pragma omp atomic
printf("task _%d, th %d\n", ptask->f_priv, th);
if (checker != 1) { // no more than 1 task at a time
printf("Error1, checker %d != 1\n", checker);
if (checker != 1) { // no more than 1 task at a time
printf("Error2, checker %d != 1\n", checker);
#pragma omp atomic
return 0;
// thunk routine for tasks with inoutset dependency
int thunk_s(int gtid, task_t* ptask) {
int th = omp_get_thread_num();
#pragma omp atomic
printf("task _%d, th %d\n", ptask->f_priv, th);
if (checker > 2) { // no more than 2 tasks concurrently
printf("Error1, checker %d > 2\n", checker);
if (checker > 2) { // no more than 2 tasks concurrently
printf("Error2, checker %d > 2\n", checker);
#pragma omp atomic
return 0;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
int __kmpc_global_thread_num(id*);
extern task_t* __kmpc_omp_task_alloc(id *loc, int gtid, int flags,
size_t sz, size_t shar, entry_t rtn);
__kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(id *loc, int gtid, task_t *task, int nd, dep *dep_lst,
int nd_noalias, dep *noalias_dep_lst);
static id loc = {0, 2, 0, 0, ";file;func;0;0;;"};
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
// End of internal data
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main()
int i1,i2,i3;
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp single nowait
dep sdep[2];
task_t *ptr;
int gtid = __kmpc_global_thread_num(&loc);
int t = omp_get_thread_num();
#pragma omp task depend(in: i1, i2)
{ int th = omp_get_thread_num();
printf("task 0_%d, th %d\n", t, th);
#pragma omp atomic
if (checker > 2) { // no more than 2 tasks concurrently
printf("Error1, checker %d > 2\n", checker);
if (checker > 2) { // no more than 2 tasks concurrently
printf("Error1, checker %d > 2\n", checker);
#pragma omp atomic
#pragma omp task depend(in: i1, i2)
{ int th = omp_get_thread_num();
printf("task 1_%d, th %d\n", t, th);
#pragma omp atomic
if (checker > 2) { // no more than 2 tasks concurrently
printf("Error1, checker %d > 2\n", checker);
if (checker > 2) { // no more than 2 tasks concurrently
printf("Error1, checker %d > 2\n", checker);
#pragma omp atomic
// compiler codegen start
// task2
ptr = __kmpc_omp_task_alloc(&loc, gtid, TIED, sizeof(task_t), 0, thunk_s);
sdep[0].addr = (size_t)&i1;
sdep[0].len = 0; // not used
sdep[0].flags = 1; // IN
sdep[1].addr = (size_t)&i2;
sdep[1].len = 0; // not used
sdep[1].flags = 8; // INOUTSET
ptr->f_priv = t + 10; // init single first-private variable
__kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(&loc, gtid, ptr, 2, sdep, 0, 0);
// task3
ptr = __kmpc_omp_task_alloc(&loc, gtid, TIED, sizeof(task_t), 0, thunk_s);
ptr->f_priv = t + 20; // init single first-private variable
__kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(&loc, gtid, ptr, 2, sdep, 0, 0);
// compiler codegen end
t = omp_get_thread_num();
#pragma omp task depend(in: i1, i2)
{ int th = omp_get_thread_num();
printf("task 4_%d, th %d\n", t, th);
#pragma omp atomic
if (checker > 2) { // no more than 2 tasks concurrently
printf("Error1, checker %d > 2\n", checker);
if (checker > 2) { // no more than 2 tasks concurrently
printf("Error1, checker %d > 2\n", checker);
#pragma omp atomic
#pragma omp task depend(in: i1, i2)
{ int th = omp_get_thread_num();
printf("task 5_%d, th %d\n", t, th);
#pragma omp atomic
if (checker > 2) { // no more than 2 tasks concurrently
printf("Error1, checker %d > 2\n", checker);
if (checker > 2) { // no more than 2 tasks concurrently
printf("Error1, checker %d > 2\n", checker);
#pragma omp atomic
// compiler codegen start
// task6
ptr = __kmpc_omp_task_alloc(&loc, gtid, TIED, sizeof(task_t), 0, thunk_m);
sdep[0].addr = (size_t)&i1;
sdep[0].len = 0; // not used
sdep[0].flags = 4; // MUTEXINOUTSET
sdep[1].addr = (size_t)&i3;
sdep[1].len = 0; // not used
sdep[1].flags = 4; // MUTEXINOUTSET
ptr->f_priv = t + 30; // init single first-private variable
__kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(&loc, gtid, ptr, 2, sdep, 0, 0);
// task7
ptr = __kmpc_omp_task_alloc(&loc, gtid, TIED, sizeof(task_t), 0, thunk_m);
ptr->f_priv = t + 40; // init single first-private variable
__kmpc_omp_task_with_deps(&loc, gtid, ptr, 2, sdep, 0, 0);
// compiler codegen end
#pragma omp task depend(in: i3)
{ int th = omp_get_thread_num();
printf("task 8_%d, th %d\n", t, th);
#pragma omp atomic
if (checker != 1) { // last task should run exclusively
printf("Error1, checker %d != 1\n", checker); }
if (checker != 1) { // last task should run exclusively
printf("Error1, checker %d != 1\n", checker); }
#pragma omp atomic
} // single
} // parallel
if (err == 0) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;