[test] add coverage for a SCEVUnknown scoped value in isSCEVExprNeverPoison

Note that a couple of the "negative" tests also end up showing miscompiles due to D109845 which is not yet fixed.
This commit is contained in:
Philip Reames 2021-10-01 16:39:23 -07:00
parent 2ca8a3f213
commit 91dfc0840d
1 changed files with 200 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -167,6 +167,206 @@ exit:
ret void
define void @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-preheader(i32* %input, i32 %needle) {
; CHECK-LABEL: 'test-add-scope-bound-unkn-preheader'
; CHECK-NEXT: Classifying expressions for: @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-preheader
; CHECK-NEXT: %offset = load i32, i32* %input, align 4
; CHECK-NEXT: --> %offset U: full-set S: full-set
; CHECK-NEXT: %i = phi i32 [ %i.next, %loop ], [ 0, %entry ]
; CHECK-NEXT: --> {0,+,%offset}<nuw><%loop> U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Computable }
; CHECK-NEXT: %i.next = add nuw i32 %i, %offset
; CHECK-NEXT: --> {%offset,+,%offset}<nuw><%loop> U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Computable }
; CHECK-NEXT: %gep2 = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i.next
; CHECK-NEXT: --> ((4 * (sext i32 {%offset,+,%offset}<nuw><%loop> to i64))<nsw> + %input) U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Computable }
; CHECK-NEXT: Determining loop execution counts for: @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-preheader
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable backedge-taken count.
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable max backedge-taken count.
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable predicated backedge-taken count.
%offset = load i32, i32* %input
br label %loop
%i = phi i32 [ %i.next, %loop ], [ 0, %entry ]
%i.next = add nuw i32 %i, %offset
%gep2 = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i.next
store i32 0, i32* %gep2
%exitcond = icmp eq i32 %i.next, %needle
br i1 %exitcond, label %exit, label %loop
ret void
define void @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-preheader-neg1(i32* %input, i32 %needle) {
; CHECK-LABEL: 'test-add-scope-bound-unkn-preheader-neg1'
; CHECK-NEXT: Classifying expressions for: @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-preheader-neg1
; CHECK-NEXT: %offset = load i32, i32* %input, align 4
; CHECK-NEXT: --> %offset U: full-set S: full-set
; CHECK-NEXT: %i = phi i32 [ %i.next, %loop ], [ 0, %entry ]
; CHECK-NEXT: --> {0,+,%offset}<nuw><%loop> U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Computable }
; CHECK-NEXT: %i.next = add nuw i32 %i, %offset
; CHECK-NEXT: --> {%offset,+,%offset}<nuw><%loop> U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Computable }
; CHECK-NEXT: %gep2 = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i.next
; CHECK-NEXT: --> ((4 * (sext i32 {%offset,+,%offset}<nuw><%loop> to i64))<nsw> + %input) U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Computable }
; CHECK-NEXT: Determining loop execution counts for: @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-preheader-neg1
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable backedge-taken count.
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable max backedge-taken count.
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable predicated backedge-taken count.
%offset = load i32, i32* %input
call void @foo()
br label %loop
%i = phi i32 [ %i.next, %loop ], [ 0, %entry ]
%i.next = add nuw i32 %i, %offset
%gep2 = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i.next
store i32 0, i32* %gep2
%exitcond = icmp eq i32 %i.next, %needle
br i1 %exitcond, label %exit, label %loop
ret void
define void @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-preheader-neg2(i32* %input, i32 %needle) {
; CHECK-LABEL: 'test-add-scope-bound-unkn-preheader-neg2'
; CHECK-NEXT: Classifying expressions for: @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-preheader-neg2
; CHECK-NEXT: %offset = load i32, i32* %input, align 4
; CHECK-NEXT: --> %offset U: full-set S: full-set
; CHECK-NEXT: %i = phi i32 [ %i.next, %loop ], [ 0, %entry ]
; CHECK-NEXT: --> {0,+,%offset}<nuw><%loop> U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Computable }
; CHECK-NEXT: %i.next = add nuw i32 %i, %offset
; CHECK-NEXT: --> {%offset,+,%offset}<nw><%loop> U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Computable }
; CHECK-NEXT: %gep2 = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i.next
; CHECK-NEXT: --> ((4 * (sext i32 {%offset,+,%offset}<nw><%loop> to i64))<nsw> + %input) U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Computable }
; CHECK-NEXT: Determining loop execution counts for: @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-preheader-neg2
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable backedge-taken count.
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable max backedge-taken count.
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable predicated backedge-taken count.
%offset = load i32, i32* %input
br label %loop
%i = phi i32 [ %i.next, %loop ], [ 0, %entry ]
call void @foo()
%i.next = add nuw i32 %i, %offset
%gep2 = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i.next
store i32 0, i32* %gep2
%exitcond = icmp eq i32 %i.next, %needle
br i1 %exitcond, label %exit, label %loop
ret void
define void @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-header(i32* %input, i32 %needle) {
; CHECK-LABEL: 'test-add-scope-bound-unkn-header'
; CHECK-NEXT: Classifying expressions for: @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-header
; CHECK-NEXT: %i = phi i32 [ %i.next, %loop ], [ 0, %entry ]
; CHECK-NEXT: --> %i U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Variant }
; CHECK-NEXT: %gep = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i
; CHECK-NEXT: --> ((4 * (sext i32 %i to i64))<nsw> + %input) U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Variant }
; CHECK-NEXT: %offset = load i32, i32* %gep, align 4
; CHECK-NEXT: --> %offset U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Variant }
; CHECK-NEXT: %i.next = add nuw i32 %i, %offset
; CHECK-NEXT: --> (%offset + %i) U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Variant }
; CHECK-NEXT: %gep2 = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i.next
; CHECK-NEXT: --> ((4 * (sext i32 (%offset + %i) to i64))<nsw> + %input) U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Variant }
; CHECK-NEXT: Determining loop execution counts for: @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-header
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable backedge-taken count.
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable max backedge-taken count.
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable predicated backedge-taken count.
br label %loop
%i = phi i32 [ %i.next, %loop ], [ 0, %entry ]
%gep = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i
%offset = load i32, i32* %gep
%i.next = add nuw i32 %i, %offset
%gep2 = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i.next
store i32 0, i32* %gep2
%exitcond = icmp eq i32 %i.next, %needle
br i1 %exitcond, label %exit, label %loop
ret void
define void @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-header2(i32* %input, i32 %needle) {
; CHECK-LABEL: 'test-add-scope-bound-unkn-header2'
; CHECK-NEXT: Classifying expressions for: @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-header2
; CHECK-NEXT: %i = phi i32 [ %i.next, %loop ], [ 0, %entry ]
; CHECK-NEXT: --> %i U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Variant }
; CHECK-NEXT: %gep = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i
; CHECK-NEXT: --> ((4 * (sext i32 %i to i64))<nsw> + %input) U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Variant }
; CHECK-NEXT: %offset = load i32, i32* %gep, align 4
; CHECK-NEXT: --> %offset U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Variant }
; CHECK-NEXT: %i.next = add nuw i32 %i, %offset
; CHECK-NEXT: --> (%offset + %i) U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Variant }
; CHECK-NEXT: %gep2 = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i.next
; CHECK-NEXT: --> ((4 * (sext i32 (%offset + %i) to i64))<nsw> + %input) U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Variant }
; CHECK-NEXT: Determining loop execution counts for: @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-header2
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable backedge-taken count.
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable max backedge-taken count.
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable predicated backedge-taken count.
br label %loop
%i = phi i32 [ %i.next, %loop ], [ 0, %entry ]
call void @foo()
%gep = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i
%offset = load i32, i32* %gep
%i.next = add nuw i32 %i, %offset
%gep2 = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i.next
store i32 0, i32* %gep2
%exitcond = icmp eq i32 %i.next, %needle
br i1 %exitcond, label %exit, label %loop
ret void
define void @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-header-neg(i32* %input, i32 %needle) {
; CHECK-LABEL: 'test-add-scope-bound-unkn-header-neg'
; CHECK-NEXT: Classifying expressions for: @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-header-neg
; CHECK-NEXT: %i = phi i32 [ %i.next, %loop ], [ 0, %entry ]
; CHECK-NEXT: --> %i U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Variant }
; CHECK-NEXT: %gep = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i
; CHECK-NEXT: --> ((4 * (sext i32 %i to i64))<nsw> + %input) U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Variant }
; CHECK-NEXT: %offset = load i32, i32* %gep, align 4
; CHECK-NEXT: --> %offset U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Variant }
; CHECK-NEXT: %i.next = add nuw i32 %i, %offset
; CHECK-NEXT: --> (%offset + %i) U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Variant }
; CHECK-NEXT: %gep2 = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i.next
; CHECK-NEXT: --> ((4 * (sext i32 (%offset + %i) to i64))<nsw> + %input) U: full-set S: full-set Exits: <<Unknown>> LoopDispositions: { %loop: Variant }
; CHECK-NEXT: Determining loop execution counts for: @test-add-scope-bound-unkn-header-neg
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable backedge-taken count.
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable max backedge-taken count.
; CHECK-NEXT: Loop %loop: Unpredictable predicated backedge-taken count.
br label %loop
%i = phi i32 [ %i.next, %loop ], [ 0, %entry ]
%gep = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i
%offset = load i32, i32* %gep
call void @foo()
%i.next = add nuw i32 %i, %offset
%gep2 = getelementptr i32, i32* %input, i32 %i.next
store i32 0, i32* %gep2
%exitcond = icmp eq i32 %i.next, %needle
br i1 %exitcond, label %exit, label %loop
ret void
define void @test-add-nuw-from-icmp(float* %input, i32 %offset,
; CHECK-LABEL: 'test-add-nuw-from-icmp'
; CHECK-NEXT: Classifying expressions for: @test-add-nuw-from-icmp