Be more careful with insert_subreg and extract_subreg where either source or destination operand has already been coalesced with another register that's defined by a insert_subreg or extract_subreg.

llvm-svn: 49843
This commit is contained in:
Evan Cheng 2008-04-17 07:58:04 +00:00
parent f9ae76d89c
commit 7e4a55bc58
2 changed files with 225 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -849,20 +849,28 @@ bool SimpleRegisterCoalescing::JoinCopy(CopyRec &TheCopy, bool &Again) {
// r1024 = EXTRACT_SUBREG EAX, 0 then r1024 is really going to be
// coalesced with AX.
unsigned DstSubIdx = CopyMI->getOperand(0).getSubReg();
assert(!DstSubIdx || DstSubIdx == SubIdx);
if (DstSubIdx != SubIdx)
// r1024<2> = EXTRACT_SUBREG EAX, 0. Then r1024 has already been
// coalesced to an INSERT_SUBREG so the subreg indices cancel out.
if (DstSubIdx) {
// r1024<2> = EXTRACT_SUBREG EAX, 2. Then r1024 has already been
// coalesced to a larger register so the subreg indices cancel out.
if (DstSubIdx != SubIdx) {
DOUT << "\t Sub-register indices mismatch.\n";
return false; // Not coalescable.
} else
SrcReg = tri_->getSubReg(SrcReg, SubIdx);
SubIdx = 0;
} else if (DstIsPhys && isInsSubReg) {
// EAX = INSERT_SUBREG EAX, r1024, 0
unsigned SrcSubIdx = CopyMI->getOperand(2).getSubReg();
assert(!SrcSubIdx || SrcSubIdx == SubIdx);
if (SrcSubIdx != SubIdx)
// EAX = INSERT_SUBREG EAX, r1024<2>, 0 Then r1024 has already been
// coalesced to an EXTRACT_SUBREG so the subreg indices cancel out.
DstReg = tri_->getSubReg(DstReg, SubIdx);
if (SrcSubIdx) {
// EAX = INSERT_SUBREG EAX, r1024<2>, 2 Then r1024 has already been
// coalesced to a larger register so the subreg indices cancel out.
if (SrcSubIdx != SubIdx) {
DOUT << "\t Sub-register indices mismatch.\n";
return false; // Not coalescable.
} else
DstReg = tri_->getSubReg(DstReg, SubIdx);
SubIdx = 0;
} else if ((DstIsPhys && isExtSubReg) || (SrcIsPhys && isInsSubReg)) {
// If this is a extract_subreg where dst is a physical register, e.g.
@ -870,6 +878,11 @@ bool SimpleRegisterCoalescing::JoinCopy(CopyRec &TheCopy, bool &Again) {
// then create and update the actual physical register allocated to RHS.
// Ditto for
// reg1024 = INSERT_SUBREG r1024, cl, 1
if (CopyMI->getOperand(1).getSubReg()) {
DOUT << "\tSrc of extract_ / insert_subreg already coalesced with reg"
<< " of a super-class.\n";
return false; // Not coalescable.
const TargetRegisterClass *RC =
mri_->getRegClass(isExtSubReg ? SrcReg : DstReg);
if (isExtSubReg) {
@ -899,24 +912,38 @@ bool SimpleRegisterCoalescing::JoinCopy(CopyRec &TheCopy, bool &Again) {
SubIdx = 0;
} else {
unsigned LargeReg = isExtSubReg ? SrcReg : DstReg;
unsigned SmallReg = isExtSubReg ? DstReg : SrcReg;
unsigned LargeRegSize =
li_->getInterval(LargeReg).getSize() / InstrSlots::NUM;
unsigned SmallRegSize =
li_->getInterval(SmallReg).getSize() / InstrSlots::NUM;
const TargetRegisterClass *RC = mri_->getRegClass(SmallReg);
unsigned Threshold = allocatableRCRegs_[RC].count();
// Be conservative. If both sides are virtual registers, do not coalesce
// if this will cause a high use density interval to target a smaller set
// of registers.
if (SmallRegSize > Threshold || LargeRegSize > Threshold) {
LiveVariables::VarInfo &svi = lv_->getVarInfo(LargeReg);
LiveVariables::VarInfo &dvi = lv_->getVarInfo(SmallReg);
if ((float)dvi.NumUses / SmallRegSize <
(float)svi.NumUses / LargeRegSize) {
Again = true; // May be possible to coalesce later.
return false;
unsigned OldSubIdx = isExtSubReg ? CopyMI->getOperand(0).getSubReg()
: CopyMI->getOperand(2).getSubReg();
if (OldSubIdx) {
if (OldSubIdx == SubIdx)
// r1024<2> = EXTRACT_SUBREG r1025, 2. Then r1024 has already been
// coalesced to a larger register so the subreg indices cancel out.
SubIdx = 0;
else {
DOUT << "\t Sub-register indices mismatch.\n";
return false; // Not coalescable.
if (SubIdx) {
unsigned LargeReg = isExtSubReg ? SrcReg : DstReg;
unsigned SmallReg = isExtSubReg ? DstReg : SrcReg;
unsigned LargeRegSize =
li_->getInterval(LargeReg).getSize() / InstrSlots::NUM;
unsigned SmallRegSize =
li_->getInterval(SmallReg).getSize() / InstrSlots::NUM;
const TargetRegisterClass *RC = mri_->getRegClass(SmallReg);
unsigned Threshold = allocatableRCRegs_[RC].count();
// Be conservative. If both sides are virtual registers, do not coalesce
// if this will cause a high use density interval to target a smaller
// set of registers.
if (SmallRegSize > Threshold || LargeRegSize > Threshold) {
LiveVariables::VarInfo &svi = lv_->getVarInfo(LargeReg);
LiveVariables::VarInfo &dvi = lv_->getVarInfo(SmallReg);
if ((float)dvi.NumUses / SmallRegSize <
(float)svi.NumUses / LargeRegSize) {
Again = true; // May be possible to coalesce later.
return false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
; RUN: llvm-as < %s | llc -mtriple=i386-apple-darwin | grep xorl | grep {%e}
; Make sure xorl operands are 32-bit registers. = type { i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i32, i8* }
%struct.wxDateTime = type { %struct.wxLongLong }
%"struct.wxDateTime::TimeZone" = type { i32 }
%struct.wxLongLong = type { i64 }
%struct.wxString = type { %struct.wxStringBase }
%struct.wxStringBase = type { i32* }
@.str = external constant [27 x i32] ; <[27 x i32]*> [#uses=1]
@.str4 = external constant [14 x i32] ; <[14 x i32]*> [#uses=1]
@_ZZNK10wxDateTime5GetTmERKNS_8TimeZoneEE12__FUNCTION__ = external constant [6 x i8] ; <[6 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
@.str33 = external constant [29 x i32] ; <[29 x i32]*> [#uses=1]
@.str89 = external constant [5 x i32] ; <[5 x i32]*> [#uses=1]
define void @_ZNK10wxDateTime6FormatEPKwRKNS_8TimeZoneE(%struct.wxString* noalias sret %agg.result, %struct.wxDateTime* %this, i32* %format, %"struct.wxDateTime::TimeZone"* %tz) {
br i1 false, label %bb116.i, label %bb115.critedge.i
bb115.critedge.i: ; preds = %entry
ret void
bb116.i: ; preds = %entry
br i1 false, label %bb52.i.i, label %bb3118
bb3118: ; preds = %bb116.i
ret void
bb52.i.i: ; preds = %bb116.i
br i1 false, label %bb142.i, label %bb115.critedge.i.i
bb115.critedge.i.i: ; preds = %bb52.i.i
ret void
bb142.i: ; preds = %bb52.i.i
br i1 false, label %bb161.i, label %bb182.i
bb161.i: ; preds = %bb142.i
br label %bb3261
bb182.i: ; preds = %bb142.i
ret void
bb3261: ; preds = %bb7834, %bb161.i
%tmp3263 = load i32* null, align 4 ; <i32> [#uses=1]
%tmp3264 = icmp eq i32 %tmp3263, 37 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
br i1 %tmp3264, label %bb3306, label %bb3267
bb3267: ; preds = %bb3261
ret void
bb3306: ; preds = %bb3261
%tmp3310 = invoke %struct.wxStringBase* @_ZN12wxStringBaseaSEPKw( %struct.wxStringBase* null, i32* getelementptr ([5 x i32]* @.str89, i32 0, i32 0) )
to label %bb3314 unwind label %lpad ; <%struct.wxStringBase*> [#uses=0]
bb3314: ; preds = %bb3306
%tmp3316 = load i32* null, align 4 ; <i32> [#uses=1]
switch i32 %tmp3316, label %bb7595 [
i32 0, label %bb7819
i32 37, label %bb7806
i32 66, label %bb3477
i32 72, label %bb5334
i32 73, label %bb5484
i32 77, label %bb6118
i32 83, label %bb6406
i32 85, label %bb6556
i32 87, label %bb6708
i32 89, label %bb7308
i32 98, label %bb3477
i32 99, label %bb3626
i32 100, label %bb5184
i32 106, label %bb5657
i32 108, label %bb5809
i32 109, label %bb5968
i32 119, label %bb6860
i32 120, label %bb3626
i32 121, label %bb7158
bb3477: ; preds = %bb3314, %bb3314
ret void
bb3626: ; preds = %bb3314, %bb3314
ret void
bb5184: ; preds = %bb3314
ret void
bb5334: ; preds = %bb3314
ret void
bb5484: ; preds = %bb3314
ret void
bb5657: ; preds = %bb3314
%tmp5661 = invoke i16 @_ZNK10wxDateTime12GetDayOfYearERKNS_8TimeZoneE( %struct.wxDateTime* %this, %"struct.wxDateTime::TimeZone"* %tz ) zeroext
to label %invcont5660 unwind label %lpad ; <i16> [#uses=0]
invcont5660: ; preds = %bb5657
ret void
bb5809: ; preds = %bb3314
%tmp61.i.i8486 = icmp sgt i64 0, -1 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
%tmp95.i.i8490 = icmp slt i64 0, 2147483647000 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
%bothcond9308 = and i1 %tmp61.i.i8486, %tmp95.i.i8490 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
br i1 %bothcond9308, label %bb91.i8504, label %bb115.critedge.i.i8492
bb115.critedge.i.i8492: ; preds = %bb5809
ret void
bb91.i8504: ; preds = %bb5809
br i1 false, label %bb155.i8541, label %bb182.i8560
bb155.i8541: ; preds = %bb91.i8504
%tmp156.i85398700 = invoke* @gmtime_r( i32* null,* null )
to label %bb182.i8560 unwind label %lpad ; <*> [#uses=1]
bb182.i8560: ; preds = %bb155.i8541, %bb91.i8504
%tm48.0.i8558 = phi* [ null, %bb91.i8504 ], [ %tmp156.i85398700, %bb155.i8541 ] ; <*> [#uses=0]
br i1 false, label %bb278.i8617, label %bb187.i8591
bb187.i8591: ; preds = %bb182.i8560
%tmp245.i8588 = srem i64 0, 86400000 ; <i64> [#uses=1]
br i1 false, label %bb264.i8592, label %bb265.i8606
bb264.i8592: ; preds = %bb187.i8591
ret void
bb265.i8606: ; preds = %bb187.i8591
%tmp268269.i8593 = trunc i64 %tmp245.i8588 to i32 ; <i32> [#uses=1]
%tmp273.i8594 = srem i32 %tmp268269.i8593, 1000 ; <i32> [#uses=1]
%tmp273274.i8595 = trunc i32 %tmp273.i8594 to i16 ; <i16> [#uses=1]
br label %invcont5814
bb278.i8617: ; preds = %bb182.i8560
%timeOnly50.0.i8622 = add i32 0, 0 ; <i32> [#uses=1]
br i1 false, label %bb440.i8663, label %bb448.i8694
bb440.i8663: ; preds = %bb278.i8617
invoke void @_Z10wxOnAssertPKwiPKcS0_S0_( i32* getelementptr ([27 x i32]* @.str, i32 0, i32 0), i32 1717, i8* getelementptr ([6 x i8]* @_ZZNK10wxDateTime5GetTmERKNS_8TimeZoneEE12__FUNCTION__, i32 0, i32 0), i32* getelementptr ([29 x i32]* @.str33, i32 0, i32 0), i32* getelementptr ([14 x i32]* @.str4, i32 0, i32 0) )
to label %bb448.i8694 unwind label %lpad
bb448.i8694: ; preds = %bb440.i8663, %bb278.i8617
%tmp477.i8669 = srem i32 %timeOnly50.0.i8622, 1000 ; <i32> [#uses=1]
%tmp477478.i8670 = trunc i32 %tmp477.i8669 to i16 ; <i16> [#uses=1]
br label %invcont5814
invcont5814: ; preds = %bb448.i8694, %bb265.i8606
%tmp812.0.0 = phi i16 [ %tmp477478.i8670, %bb448.i8694 ], [ %tmp273274.i8595, %bb265.i8606 ] ; <i16> [#uses=1]
%tmp58165817 = zext i16 %tmp812.0.0 to i32 ; <i32> [#uses=1]
invoke void (%struct.wxString*, i32*, ...)* @_ZN8wxString6FormatEPKwz( %struct.wxString* noalias sret null, i32* null, i32 %tmp58165817 )
to label %invcont5831 unwind label %lpad
invcont5831: ; preds = %invcont5814
%tmp5862 = invoke i8 @_ZN12wxStringBase10ConcatSelfEmPKwm( %struct.wxStringBase* null, i32 0, i32* null, i32 0 ) zeroext
to label %bb7834 unwind label %lpad8185 ; <i8> [#uses=0]
bb5968: ; preds = %bb3314
invoke void (%struct.wxString*, i32*, ...)* @_ZN8wxString6FormatEPKwz( %struct.wxString* noalias sret null, i32* null, i32 0 )
to label %invcont5981 unwind label %lpad
invcont5981: ; preds = %bb5968
ret void
bb6118: ; preds = %bb3314
ret void
bb6406: ; preds = %bb3314
ret void
bb6556: ; preds = %bb3314
ret void
bb6708: ; preds = %bb3314
ret void
bb6860: ; preds = %bb3314
ret void
bb7158: ; preds = %bb3314
ret void
bb7308: ; preds = %bb3314
ret void
bb7595: ; preds = %bb3314
ret void
bb7806: ; preds = %bb3314
%tmp7814 = invoke %struct.wxStringBase* @_ZN12wxStringBase6appendEmw( %struct.wxStringBase* null, i32 1, i32 0 )
to label %bb7834 unwind label %lpad ; <%struct.wxStringBase*> [#uses=0]
bb7819: ; preds = %bb3314
ret void
bb7834: ; preds = %bb7806, %invcont5831
br label %bb3261
lpad: ; preds = %bb7806, %bb5968, %invcont5814, %bb440.i8663, %bb155.i8541, %bb5657, %bb3306
ret void
lpad8185: ; preds = %invcont5831
ret void
declare void @_Z10wxOnAssertPKwiPKcS0_S0_(i32*, i32, i8*, i32*, i32*)
declare i8 @_ZN12wxStringBase10ConcatSelfEmPKwm(%struct.wxStringBase*, i32, i32*, i32) zeroext
declare* @gmtime_r(i32*,*)
declare i16 @_ZNK10wxDateTime12GetDayOfYearERKNS_8TimeZoneE(%struct.wxDateTime*, %"struct.wxDateTime::TimeZone"*) zeroext
declare %struct.wxStringBase* @_ZN12wxStringBase6appendEmw(%struct.wxStringBase*, i32, i32)
declare %struct.wxStringBase* @_ZN12wxStringBaseaSEPKw(%struct.wxStringBase*, i32*)
declare void @_ZN8wxString6FormatEPKwz(%struct.wxString* noalias sret , i32*, ...)