[flang] Remove old character "cooking" parser combinators that handled Fortran

comments, continuations, &c. that have become obsolete with the use
of the new C++-coded prescanner module.  Clean out members from
ParseState that were used only by cookedNextChar and its sub-parsers.

Original-commit: flang-compiler/f18@41717531e5
Reviewed-on: https://github.com/flang-compiler/f18/pull/11
Tree-same-pre-rewrite: false
This commit is contained in:
peter klausler 2018-02-16 10:41:16 -08:00
parent 3185562e19
commit 7af9dd8736
9 changed files with 74 additions and 488 deletions

View File

@ -45,9 +45,7 @@ These objects and functions are (or return) the fundamental parsers:
* `cut` is a trivial parser that always fails silently.
* `guard(pred)` returns a parser that succeeds if and only if the predicate
expression evaluates to true.
* `rawNextChar` returns the next raw character, and fails at EOF.
* `cookedNextChar` returns the next character after preprocessing, skipping
Fortran line continuations and comments; it also fails at EOF
* `nextChar` returns the next character, and fails at EOF.
### Combinators
These functions and operators combine existing parsers to generate new parsers.
@ -107,26 +105,15 @@ collect the values that they return.
These are non-advancing state inquiry and update parsers:
* `getColumn` returns the 1-based column position.
* `inCharLiteral` succeeds under `withinCharLiteral` (below).
* `inFortran` succeeds unless in a preprocessing directive.
* `inFixedForm` succeeds in fixed form Fortran source.
* `setInFixedForm` sets the fixed form flag, returning its prior value.
* `columns` returns the 1-based column number after which source is clipped.
* `setColumns(c)` sets the column limit and returns its prior value.
### Monadic Combination
When parsing depends on the result values of earlier parses, the
*monadic bind* combinator is available.
Please try to avoid using it, as it makes automatic analysis of the
grammar difficult.
It has the syntax `p >>= f`, and it constructs a parser that matches p,
yielding some value x on success, then matches the parser returned from
the function call `f(x)`.
### Token Parsers
Last, we have these basic parsers on which the actual grammar of the Fortran
is built. All of the following parsers consume characters acquired from
* `spaces` always succeeds after consuming any spaces or tabs
* `digit` matches one cooked decimal digit (0-9)
@ -138,8 +125,6 @@ is built. All of the following parsers consume characters acquired from
the combinator `>>` or after `/`.)
* `parenthesized(p)` is shorthand for `"(" >> p / ")"`.
* `bracketed(p)` is shorthand for `"[" >> p / "]"`.
* `withinCharLiteral(p)` applies the parser p, tokenizing for
CHARACTER/Hollerith literals.
* `nonEmptyListOf(p)` matches a comma-separated list of one or more
instances of p.
* `optionalListOf(p)` is the same thing, but can be empty, and always succeeds.

View File

@ -1179,45 +1179,20 @@ private:
inline constexpr auto guard(bool truth) { return GuardParser(truth); }
// rawNextChar is a parser that succeeds if the parsing state is not
// nextChar is a parser that succeeds if the parsing state is not
// at the end of its input, returning the next character and
// advancing the parse when it does so.
constexpr struct RawNextCharParser {
constexpr struct NextCharParser {
using resultType = char;
constexpr RawNextCharParser() {}
constexpr NextCharParser() {}
std::optional<char> Parse(ParseState *state) const {
if (std::optional<char> ch{state->GetNextRawChar()}) {
std::optional<char> ch{state->GetNextChar()};
if (!ch) {
state->PutMessage("end of file");
return ch;
state->PutMessage("end of file");
return {};
} rawNextChar;
// If a is a parser, then withinCharLiteral(a) succeeds if a does so, with the
// parsing state temporarily modified during the recognition of a to
// signify that the parse is within quotes or Hollerith.
template<typename PA> class WithinCharLiteral {
using resultType = typename PA::resultType;
constexpr WithinCharLiteral(const WithinCharLiteral &) = default;
constexpr WithinCharLiteral(const PA &parser) : parser_{parser} {}
std::optional<resultType> Parse(ParseState *state) const {
bool was{state->inCharLiteral()};
std::optional<resultType> result{parser_.Parse(state)};
return result;
const PA parser_;
template<typename PA>
inline constexpr auto withinCharLiteral(const PA &parser) {
return WithinCharLiteral<PA>(parser);
} nextChar;
// If a is a parser for nonstandard usage, extension(a) is a parser that
// is disabled if strict standard compliance is enforced, and enabled with

View File

@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
// Defines simple character-level parsers for use by the tokenizing
// parsers in cooked-chars.h.
#include "basic-parsers.h"
#include "parse-state.h"
#include <optional>
namespace Fortran {
namespace parser {
template<char goal> struct ExactRaw {
using resultType = char;
constexpr ExactRaw() {}
constexpr ExactRaw(const ExactRaw &) {}
static std::optional<char> Parse(ParseState *state) {
if (std::optional<char> ch{state->GetNextRawChar()}) {
if (*ch == goal) {
return ch;
return {};
template<char a, char z> struct ExactRawRange {
using resultType = char;
constexpr ExactRawRange() {}
constexpr ExactRawRange(const ExactRawRange &){};
static std::optional<char> Parse(ParseState *state) {
if (std::optional<char> ch{state->GetNextRawChar()}) {
if (*ch >= a && *ch <= z) {
return ch;
return {};
template<char unwanted> struct AnyCharExcept {
using resultType = char;
constexpr AnyCharExcept() {}
constexpr AnyCharExcept(const AnyCharExcept &) {}
static std::optional<char> Parse(ParseState *state) {
if (std::optional<char> ch{state->GetNextRawChar()}) {
if (*ch != unwanted) {
return ch;
return {};
template<char goal> struct SkipPast {
using resultType = Success;
constexpr SkipPast() {}
constexpr SkipPast(const SkipPast &) {}
static std::optional<Success> Parse(ParseState *state) {
while (std::optional<char> ch{state->GetNextRawChar()}) {
if (*ch == goal) {
return {Success{}};
return {};
// Line endings have been previously normalized to simple newlines.
constexpr auto eoln = ExactRaw<'\n'>{};
static inline bool InCharLiteral(const ParseState &state) {
return state.inCharLiteral();
constexpr StatePredicateGuardParser inCharLiteral{InCharLiteral};
class RawStringMatch {
using resultType = Success;
constexpr RawStringMatch(const RawStringMatch &) = default;
constexpr RawStringMatch(const char *str, size_t n) : str_{str}, length_{n} {}
std::optional<Success> Parse(ParseState *state) const {
const char *p{str_};
for (size_t j{0}; j < length_ && *p != '\0'; ++j, ++p) {
if (std::optional<char> ch{state->GetNextRawChar()}) {
if (tolower(*ch) != *p) {
return {};
} else {
return {};
return {Success{}};
const char *const str_;
const size_t length_;
constexpr RawStringMatch operator""_raw(const char str[], size_t n) {
return RawStringMatch{str, n};
} // namespace parser
} // namespace Fortran

View File

@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
// Defines the parser cookedNextChar, which supplies all of the input to
// the next stage of parsing, viz. the tokenization parsers in cooked-tokens.h.
// It consumes the stream of raw characters and removes Fortran comments,
// continuation line markers, and characters that appear in the right margin
// of fixed form source after the column limit. It inserts spaces to
// pad out source card images to fixed form's right margin when necessary.
// These parsers are largely bypassed when the prescanner is used, but still
// serve as the definition of correct character cooking, apart from
// preprocessing and file inclusion, which are not supported here.
#include "basic-parsers.h"
#include "char-parsers.h"
#include "idioms.h"
#include "parse-state.h"
#include <optional>
namespace Fortran {
namespace parser {
constexpr struct FixedFormPadding {
using resultType = char;
static std::optional<char> Parse(ParseState *state) {
if (state->inCharLiteral() && state->inFortran() && state->inFixedForm() &&
state->column() <= state->columns()) {
if (std::optional<char> ch{state->GetNextRawChar()}) {
if (*ch == '\n') {
return {' '};
return {};
} fixedFormPadding;
static inline void IncrementSkippedNewLines(ParseState *state) {
state->set_skippedNewLines(state->skippedNewLines() + 1);
constexpr StateUpdateParser noteSkippedNewLine{IncrementSkippedNewLines};
static inline bool InRightMargin(const ParseState &state) {
if (state.inFortran() && state.inFixedForm() &&
state.column() > state.columns() && !state.tabInCurrentLine()) {
if (std::optional<char> ch{state.GetNextRawChar()}) {
return *ch != '\n';
return false;
constexpr StatePredicateGuardParser inRightMargin{InRightMargin};
template<int col> struct AtFixedFormColumn {
using resultType = Success;
constexpr AtFixedFormColumn() {}
constexpr AtFixedFormColumn(const AtFixedFormColumn &) {}
static std::optional<Success> Parse(ParseState *state) {
if (state->inFortran() && state->inFixedForm() && !state->IsAtEnd() &&
state->column() == col) {
return {Success{}};
return {};
template<int col> struct AtColumn {
using resultType = Success;
constexpr AtColumn() {}
constexpr AtColumn(const AtColumn &) {}
static std::optional<Success> Parse(ParseState *state) {
if (!state->IsAtEnd() && state->column() == col) {
return {Success{}};
return {};
static inline bool AtOldDebugLineMarker(const ParseState &state) {
if (state.inFortran() && state.inFixedForm() && state.column() == 1) {
if (std::optional<char> ch{state.GetNextRawChar()}) {
return toupper(*ch) == 'D';
return false;
static inline bool AtDisabledOldDebugLine(const ParseState &state) {
return AtOldDebugLineMarker(state) && !state.enableOldDebugLines();
static inline bool AtEnabledOldDebugLine(const ParseState &state) {
return AtOldDebugLineMarker(state) && state.enableOldDebugLines();
static constexpr StatePredicateGuardParser atDisabledOldDebugLine{
constexpr auto skipPastNewLine = SkipPast<'\n'>{} / noteSkippedNewLine;
// constexpr auto rawSpace =
// (ExactRaw<' '>{} || ExactRaw<'\t'>{} ||
// atEnabledOldDebugLine >> rawNextChar) >> ok;
constexpr struct FastRawSpaceParser {
using resultType = Success;
constexpr FastRawSpaceParser() {}
constexpr FastRawSpaceParser(const FastRawSpaceParser &) {}
static std::optional<Success> Parse(ParseState *state) {
if (std::optional<char> ch{state->GetNextRawChar()}) {
if (*ch == ' ' || *ch == '\t' ||
(toupper(*ch) == 'D' && state->column() == 1 &&
state->enableOldDebugLines() && state->inFortran() &&
state->inFixedForm())) {
return {Success{}};
return {};
} rawSpace;
constexpr auto skipAnyRawSpaces = skipManyFast(rawSpace);
constexpr auto commentBang =
!inCharLiteral >> !AtFixedFormColumn<6>{} >> ExactRaw<'!'>{} >> ok;
constexpr auto fixedComment = AtFixedFormColumn<1>{} >>
((ExactRaw<'*'>{} || ExactRaw<'C'>{} || ExactRaw<'c'>{}) >> ok ||
atDisabledOldDebugLine ||
extension(ExactRaw<'%'>{} /* VAX %list, %eject, &c. */) >> ok);
constexpr auto comment =
(skipAnyRawSpaces >> (commentBang || inRightMargin) || fixedComment) >>
constexpr auto blankLine = skipAnyRawSpaces >> eoln >> ok;
inline bool InFortran(const ParseState &state) { return state.inFortran(); }
constexpr StatePredicateGuardParser inFortran{InFortran};
inline bool FixedFormFortran(const ParseState &state) {
return state.inFortran() && state.inFixedForm();
constexpr StatePredicateGuardParser fixedFormFortran{FixedFormFortran};
inline bool FreeFormFortran(const ParseState &state) {
return state.inFortran() && !state.inFixedForm();
constexpr StatePredicateGuardParser freeFormFortran{FreeFormFortran};
constexpr auto lineEnd = comment || blankLine;
constexpr auto skippedLineEnd = lineEnd / noteSkippedNewLine;
constexpr auto someSkippedLineEnds = skippedLineEnd >> skipMany(skippedLineEnd);
constexpr auto fixedFormContinuation = fixedFormFortran >>
someSkippedLineEnds >>
(extension(AtColumn<1>{} >>
(ExactRaw<'&'>{} || // extension: & in column 1
(ExactRaw<'\t'>{} >> // VAX Fortran: tab and then 1-9
ExactRawRange<'1', '9'>{}))) ||
(skipAnyRawSpaces >> AtColumn<6>{} >> AnyCharExcept<'0'>{})) >>
constexpr auto freeFormContinuation = freeFormFortran >>
((ExactRaw<'&'>{} >> blankLine >> skipMany(skippedLineEnd) >>
skipAnyRawSpaces >> ExactRaw<'&'>{} >> ok) ||
(ExactRaw<'&'>{} >> !inCharLiteral >> someSkippedLineEnds >>
maybe(skipAnyRawSpaces >> ExactRaw<'&'>{}) >> ok) ||
// PGI-only extension: don't need '&' on initial line if it's on later
// one
extension(eoln >> skipMany(skippedLineEnd) >> skipAnyRawSpaces >>
ExactRaw<'&'>{} >> ok));
constexpr auto skippable = freeFormContinuation ||
fixedFormFortran >> (fixedFormContinuation || !inCharLiteral >> rawSpace ||
AtColumn<6>{} >> ExactRaw<'0'>{} >> ok);
char toLower(char &&ch) { return tolower(ch); }
// TODO: skip \\ \n in C mode, increment skipped newline count;
// drain skipped newlines.
constexpr auto slowCookedNextChar = fixedFormPadding ||
skipMany(skippable) >>
(inCharLiteral >> rawNextChar || lineEnd >> pure('\n') ||
rawSpace >> skipAnyRawSpaces >> pure(' ') ||
// TODO: detect and report non-digit in fixed form label field
inFortran >> applyFunction(toLower, rawNextChar) || rawNextChar);
constexpr struct CookedChar {
using resultType = char;
static std::optional<char> Parse(ParseState *state) {
if (state->prescanned()) {
return rawNextChar.Parse(state);
return slowCookedNextChar.Parse(state);
} cookedNextChar;
static inline bool ConsumedAllInput(const ParseState &state) {
return state.IsAtEnd();
constexpr StatePredicateGuardParser consumedAllInput{ConsumedAllInput};
} // namespace parser
} // namespace Fortran

View File

@ -2,14 +2,13 @@
// Top-level grammar specification for Fortran. These parsers drive
// tokenizing and raw character parsers (cooked-tokens.h, cooked-chars.h)
// to recognize the productions of Fortran and to construct a parse tree.
// the tokenization parsers in cooked-tokens.h to consume characters,
// recognize the productions of Fortran, and to construct a parse tree.
// See parser-combinators.txt for documentation on the parser combinator
// library used here to implement an LL recursive descent recognizer.
#include "basic-parsers.h"
#include "cooked-chars.h"
#include "cooked-tokens.h"
#include "token-parsers.h"
#include "format-specification.h"
#include "parse-tree.h"
#include "user-state.h"
@ -540,7 +539,7 @@ constexpr auto executableConstruct =
constexpr auto executionPartErrorRecovery = skipMany("\n"_tok) >>
maybe(label) >> !"END"_tok >> !"ELSE"_tok >> !"CONTAINS"_tok >>
!"CASE"_tok >> !"TYPE IS"_tok >> !"CLASS"_tok >>
!"RANK"_tok >> skipPastNewLine >> construct<ErrorRecovery>{};
!"RANK"_tok >> SkipPast<'\n'>{} >> construct<ErrorRecovery>{};
// R510 execution-part-construct ->
// executable-construct | format-stmt | entry-stmt | data-stmt

View File

@ -30,33 +30,25 @@ public:
ParseState(const ParseState &that)
: cooked_{that.cooked_}, p_{that.p_}, limit_{that.limit_},
column_{that.column_}, messages_{*that.cooked_.allSources()},
userState_{that.userState_}, inCharLiteral_{that.inCharLiteral_},
inFortran_{that.inFortran_}, inFixedForm_{that.inFixedForm_},
enableOldDebugLines_{that.enableOldDebugLines_}, columns_{that.columns_},
userState_{that.userState_}, inFixedForm_{that.inFixedForm_},
anyErrorRecovery_{that.anyErrorRecovery_}, prescanned_{that.prescanned_} {
anyErrorRecovery_{that.anyErrorRecovery_} {
ParseState(ParseState &&that)
: cooked_{that.cooked_}, p_{that.p_}, limit_{that.limit_},
column_{that.column_}, messages_{std::move(that.messages_)},
context_{std::move(that.context_)}, userState_{that.userState_},
inCharLiteral_{that.inCharLiteral_}, inFortran_{that.inFortran_},
enableOldDebugLines_{that.enableOldDebugLines_}, columns_{that.columns_},
anyErrorRecovery_{that.anyErrorRecovery_}, prescanned_{that.prescanned_} {
anyErrorRecovery_{that.anyErrorRecovery_} {
ParseState &operator=(ParseState &&that) {
@ -87,36 +79,12 @@ public:
return *this;
bool inCharLiteral() const { return inCharLiteral_; }
ParseState &set_inCharLiteral(bool yes) {
inCharLiteral_ = yes;
return *this;
bool inFortran() const { return inFortran_; }
ParseState &set_inFortran(bool yes) {
inFortran_ = yes;
return *this;
bool inFixedForm() const { return inFixedForm_; }
ParseState &set_inFixedForm(bool yes) {
inFixedForm_ = yes;
return *this;
bool enableOldDebugLines() const { return enableOldDebugLines_; }
ParseState &set_enableOldDebugLines(bool yes) {
enableOldDebugLines_ = yes;
return *this;
int columns() const { return columns_; }
ParseState &set_columns(int cols) {
columns_ = cols;
return *this;
bool enableBackslashEscapesInCharLiterals() const {
return enableBackslashEscapesInCharLiterals_;
@ -143,13 +111,6 @@ public:
return *this;
int skippedNewLines() const { return skippedNewLines_; }
void set_skippedNewLines(int n) { skippedNewLines_ = n; }
bool prescanned() const { return prescanned_; } // TODO: always true, remove
bool tabInCurrentLine() const { return tabInCurrentLine_; }
const char *GetLocation() const { return p_; }
Provenance GetProvenance(const char *at) const {
return cooked_.GetProvenance(at).LocalOffsetToProvenance(0);
@ -197,29 +158,18 @@ public:
bool IsAtEnd() const { return p_ >= limit_; }
std::optional<char> GetNextRawChar() const {
if (p_ < limit_) {
return {*p_};
std::optional<char> GetNextChar() {
if (p_ >= limit_) {
return {};
void Advance() {
CHECK(p_ < limit_);
if (*p_ == '\n') {
column_ = 1;
tabInCurrentLine_ = false;
} else if (*p_ == '\t') {
column_ = ((column_ + 7) & -8) + 1;
tabInCurrentLine_ = true;
} else {
char ch{*p_++};
if (ch == '\n') {
column_ = 1;
return {ch};
void AdvanceColumnForPadding() { ++column_; }
// Text remaining to be parsed
const CookedSource &cooked_;
@ -232,19 +182,12 @@ private:
UserState *userState_{nullptr};
bool inCharLiteral_{false};
bool inFortran_{true};
bool inFixedForm_{false};
bool enableOldDebugLines_{false};
int columns_{72};
bool enableBackslashEscapesInCharLiterals_{true};
bool strictConformance_{false};
bool warnOnNonstandardUsage_{false};
bool warnOnDeprecatedUsage_{false};
int skippedNewLines_{0};
bool tabInCurrentLine_{false};
bool anyErrorRecovery_{false};
bool prescanned_{true};
// NOTE: Any additions or modifications to these data members must also be
// reflected in the copy and move constructors defined at the top of this
// class definition!

View File

@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
// These parsers are driven by the Fortran grammar (grammar.h) to consume
// the cooked character stream from cookedNextChar (cooked-chars.h) and
// partition it into a context-sensitive token stream.
// the prescanned character stream and recognize context-sensitive tokens.
#include "basic-parsers.h"
#include "cooked-chars.h"
#include "idioms.h"
#include "provenance.h"
#include <cctype>
@ -29,7 +27,7 @@ public:
: predicate_{f}, message_{msg} {}
std::optional<char> Parse(ParseState *state) const {
auto at = state->GetLocation();
if (std::optional<char> result{cookedNextChar.Parse(state)}) {
if (std::optional<char> result{nextChar.Parse(state)}) {
if (predicate_(*result)) {
return result;
@ -68,7 +66,7 @@ public:
constexpr CharMatch() {}
static std::optional<char> Parse(ParseState *state) {
auto at = state->GetLocation();
std::optional<char> result{cookedNextChar.Parse(state)};
std::optional<char> result{nextChar.Parse(state)};
if (result && *result != good) {
@ -83,7 +81,7 @@ constexpr struct Space {
using resultType = Success;
constexpr Space() {}
static std::optional<Success> Parse(ParseState *state) {
std::optional<char> ch{cookedNextChar.Parse(state)};
std::optional<char> ch{nextChar.Parse(state)};
if (ch) {
if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') {
return {Success{}};
@ -116,13 +114,13 @@ public:
continue; // redundant; ignore
if (!ch && !(ch = cookedNextChar.Parse(state))) {
if (!ch && !(ch = nextChar.Parse(state))) {
return {};
if (spaceSkipping) {
// medial space: 0 or more spaces/tabs accepted, none required
while (*ch == ' ' || *ch == '\t') {
if (!(ch = cookedNextChar.Parse(state))) {
if (!(ch = nextChar.Parse(state))) {
return {};
@ -191,7 +189,7 @@ struct CharLiteralChar {
using resultType = Result;
static std::optional<Result> Parse(ParseState *state) {
auto at = state->GetLocation();
std::optional<char> och{cookedNextChar.Parse(state)};
std::optional<char> och{nextChar.Parse(state)};
if (!och.has_value()) {
return {};
@ -203,7 +201,7 @@ struct CharLiteralChar {
if (ch != '\\' || !state->enableBackslashEscapesInCharLiterals()) {
return {Result::Bare(ch)};
if (!(och = cookedNextChar.Parse(state)).has_value()) {
if (!(och = nextChar.Parse(state)).has_value()) {
return {};
switch ((ch = *och)) {
@ -249,13 +247,11 @@ template<char quote> struct CharLiteral {
using resultType = std::string;
static std::optional<std::string> Parse(ParseState *state) {
std::string str;
static constexpr auto nextch = attempt(CharLiteralChar{});
while (std::optional<CharLiteralChar::Result> ch{nextch.Parse(state)}) {
if (ch->ch == quote && !ch->wasEscaped) {
static constexpr auto doubled = attempt(CharMatch<quote>{});
if (!doubled.Parse(state).has_value()) {
return {str};
@ -286,14 +282,14 @@ struct BOZLiteral {
return {};
auto ch = cookedNextChar.Parse(state);
auto ch = nextChar.Parse(state);
if (!ch) {
return {};
if (toupper(*ch) == 'X' && state->strictConformance()) {
return {};
if (baseChar(*ch) && !(ch = cookedNextChar.Parse(state))) {
if (baseChar(*ch) && !(ch = nextChar.Parse(state))) {
return {};
@ -305,7 +301,7 @@ struct BOZLiteral {
auto at = state->GetLocation();
std::string content;
while (true) {
if (!(ch = cookedNextChar.Parse(state))) {
if (!(ch = nextChar.Parse(state))) {
return {};
if (*ch == quote) {
@ -319,7 +315,7 @@ struct BOZLiteral {
if (!shift && !state->strictConformance()) {
// extension: base allowed to appear as suffix
if (!(ch = cookedNextChar.Parse(state)) || !baseChar(*ch)) {
if (!(ch = nextChar.Parse(state)) || !baseChar(*ch)) {
return {};
@ -395,22 +391,44 @@ struct HollerithLiteral {
return {};
std::string content;
for (auto j = *charCount; j-- > 0;) {
std::optional<char> ch{cookedNextChar.Parse(state)};
std::optional<char> ch{nextChar.Parse(state)};
if (!ch || !isprint(*ch)) {
state->PutMessage(at, "insufficient or bad characters in Hollerith");
return {};
content += *ch;
return {content};
struct ConsumedAllInputParser {
using resultType = Success;
constexpr ConsumedAllInputParser() {}
static std::optional<Success> Parse(ParseState *state) {
if (state->IsAtEnd()) {
return {Success{}};
return {};
} consumedAllInput;
template<char goal>
struct SkipPast {
using resultType = Success;
constexpr SkipPast() {}
constexpr SkipPast(const SkipPast &) {}
static std::optional<Success> Parse(ParseState *state) {
while (std::optional<char> ch{state->GetNextChar()}) {
if (*ch == goal) {
return {Success{}};
return {};
// A common idiom in the Fortran grammar is an optional item (usually
// a nonempty comma-separated list) that, if present, must follow a comma
// and precede a doubled colon. When the item is absent, the comma must
@ -423,4 +441,4 @@ template<typename PA> inline constexpr auto optionalBeforeColons(const PA &p) {
} // namespace parser
} // namespace Fortran

View File

@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
// Temporary Fortran front end driver main program for development scaffolding.
#include "../../lib/parser/basic-parsers.h"
#include "../../lib/parser/char-buffer.h"
#include "../../lib/parser/cooked-chars.h"
#include "../../lib/parser/grammar.h"
#include "../../lib/parser/idioms.h"
#include "../../lib/parser/message.h"
@ -151,13 +148,10 @@ int main(int argc, char *const argv[]) {
if (dumpCookedChars) {
while (std::optional<char> och{
Fortran::parser::cookedNextChar.Parse(&state)}) {
while (std::optional<char> och{state.GetNextChar()}) {
std::cout << *och;
return 0;

View File

@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <optional>
#include <sstream>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string>
#include "../../lib/parser/grammar.h"
#include "../../lib/parser/idioms.h"
#include "../../lib/parser/indirection.h"
@ -19,6 +11,13 @@
#include "../../lib/parser/user-state.h"
#include "../../lib/semantics/attr.h"
#include "../../lib/semantics/type.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <optional>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <stddef.h>
using namespace Fortran;
using namespace parser;