[CUDA] Rework "optimizations" and "publication" section in CompileCudaWithLLVM.rst.

llvm-svn: 280869
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Justin Lebar 2016-09-07 21:46:53 +00:00
parent b5cb9dfbf1
commit 66feaf9c3c
1 changed files with 41 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -158,67 +158,60 @@ detect NVCC specifically by looking for ``__NVCC__``.
CPU and GPU have different design philosophies and architectures. For example, a
typical CPU has branch prediction, out-of-order execution, and is superscalar,
whereas a typical GPU has none of these. Due to such differences, an
optimization pipeline well-tuned for CPUs may be not suitable for GPUs.
Modern CPUs and GPUs are architecturally quite different, so code that's fast
on a CPU isn't necessarily fast on a GPU. We've made a number of changes to
LLVM to make it generate good GPU code. Among these changes are:
LLVM performs several general and CUDA-specific optimizations for GPUs. The
list below shows some of the more important optimizations for GPUs. Most of
them have been upstreamed to ``lib/Transforms/Scalar`` and
``lib/Target/NVPTX``. A few of them have not been upstreamed due to lack of a
customizable target-independent optimization pipeline.
* `Straight-line scalar optimizations <https://goo.gl/4Rb9As>`_ -- These
reduce redundancy within straight-line code.
* **Straight-line scalar optimizations**. These optimizations reduce redundancy
in straight-line code. Details can be found in the `design document for
straight-line scalar optimizations <https://goo.gl/4Rb9As>`_.
* `Aggressive speculative execution
-- This is mainly for promoting straight-line scalar optimizations, which are
most effective on code along dominator paths.
* **Inferring memory spaces**. `This optimization
infers the memory space of an address so that the backend can emit faster
special loads and stores from it.
* `Memory space inference
<http://llvm.org/doxygen/NVPTXInferAddressSpaces_8cpp_source.html>`_ --
In PTX, we can operate on pointers that are in a paricular "address space"
(global, shared, constant, or local), or we can operate on pointers in the
"generic" address space, which can point to anything. Operations in a
non-generic address space are faster, but pointers in CUDA are not explicitly
annotated with their address space, so it's up to LLVM to infer it where
* **Aggressive loop unrooling and function inlining**. Loop unrolling and
* `Bypassing 64-bit divides
<http://llvm.org/docs/doxygen/html/BypassSlowDivision_8cpp_source.html>`_ --
This was an existing optimization that we enabled for the PTX backend.
64-bit integer divides are much slower than 32-bit ones on NVIDIA GPUs.
Many of the 64-bit divides in our benchmarks have a divisor and dividend
which fit in 32-bits at runtime. This optimization provides a fast path for
this common case.
* Aggressive loop unrooling and function inlining -- Loop unrolling and
function inlining need to be more aggressive for GPUs than for CPUs because
control flow transfer in GPU is more expensive. They also promote other
optimizations such as constant propagation and SROA which sometimes speed up
code by over 10x. An empirical inline threshold for GPUs is 1100. This
configuration has yet to be upstreamed with a target-specific optimization
pipeline. LLVM also provides `loop unrolling pragmas
control flow transfer in GPU is more expensive. More aggressive unrolling and
inlining also promote other optimizations, such as constant propagation and
SROA, which sometimes speed up code by over 10x.
(Programmers can force unrolling and inline using clang's `loop unrolling pragmas
and ``__attribute__((always_inline))`` for programmers to force unrolling and
* **Aggressive speculative execution**. `This transformation
<http://llvm.org/docs/doxygen/html/SpeculativeExecution_8cpp_source.html>`_ is
mainly for promoting straight-line scalar optimizations which are most
effective on code along dominator paths.
* **Memory-space alias analysis**. `This alias analysis
<http://reviews.llvm.org/D12414>`_ infers that two pointers in different
special memory spaces do not alias. It has yet to be integrated to the new
alias analysis infrastructure; the new infrastructure does not run
target-specific alias analysis.
* **Bypassing 64-bit divides**. `An existing optimization
enabled in the NVPTX backend. 64-bit integer divides are much slower than
32-bit ones on NVIDIA GPUs due to lack of a divide unit. Many of the 64-bit
divides in our benchmarks have a divisor and dividend which fit in 32-bits at
runtime. This optimization provides a fast path for this common case.
and ``__attribute__((always_inline))``.)
The team at Google published a paper in CGO 2016 detailing the optimizations
they'd made to clang/LLVM. Note that "gpucc" is no longer a meaningful name:
The relevant tools are now just vanilla clang/LLVM.
| `gpucc: An Open-Source GPGPU Compiler <http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=2854041>`_
| Jingyue Wu, Artem Belevich, Eli Bendersky, Mark Heffernan, Chris Leary, Jacques Pienaar, Bjarke Roune, Rob Springer, Xuetian Weng, Robert Hundt
| *Proceedings of the 2016 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO 2016)*
| `Slides for the CGO talk <http://wujingyue.com/docs/gpucc-talk.pdf>`_
`CGO 2016 gpucc tutorial <http://wujingyue.com/docs/gpucc-tutorial.pdf>`_
| `Slides from the CGO talk <http://wujingyue.com/docs/gpucc-talk.pdf>`_
| `Tutorial given at CGO <http://wujingyue.com/docs/gpucc-tutorial.pdf>`_
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