[OPENMP][NVPTX] Fix globalization of the mapped array sections.

If the array section is based on pointer and this sections is mapped in
target region + then it is used in the inner parallel region, it also
must be globalized as the pointer itself is passed by value, not by

llvm-svn: 348492
This commit is contained in:
Alexey Bataev 2018-12-06 15:35:13 +00:00
parent 5442f3e549
commit 6393eb7ec6
2 changed files with 57 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -326,9 +326,11 @@ class CheckVarsEscapingDeclContext final
const auto *Attr = FD->getAttr<OMPCaptureKindAttr>();
if (!Attr)
if (!isOpenMPPrivate(
static_cast<OpenMPClauseKind>(Attr->getCaptureKind())) ||
Attr->getCaptureKind() == OMPC_map)
if (((Attr->getCaptureKind() != OMPC_map) &&
static_cast<OpenMPClauseKind>(Attr->getCaptureKind()))) ||
((Attr->getCaptureKind() == OMPC_map) &&
if (!FD->getType()->isReferenceType()) {

View File

@ -8,15 +8,18 @@
#ifndef HEADER
#define HEADER
// Check that the execution mode of all 6 target regions is set to Generic Mode.
// Check that the execution mode of all 7 target regions is set to Generic Mode.
// CHECK-DAG: [[NONSPMD:@.+]] = private unnamed_addr constant %struct.ident_t { i32 0, i32 2, i32 0, i32 0, i8* getelementptr inbounds
// CHECK-DAG: [[UNKNOWN:@.+]] = private unnamed_addr constant %struct.ident_t { i32 0, i32 2, i32 2, i32 0, i8* getelementptr inbounds
// CHECK-DAG: {{@__omp_offloading_.+l105}}_exec_mode = weak constant i8 1
// CHECK-DAG: {{@__omp_offloading_.+l182}}_exec_mode = weak constant i8 1
// CHECK-DAG: {{@__omp_offloading_.+l292}}_exec_mode = weak constant i8 1
// CHECK-DAG: {{@__omp_offloading_.+l330}}_exec_mode = weak constant i8 1
// CHECK-DAG: {{@__omp_offloading_.+l348}}_exec_mode = weak constant i8 1
// CHECK-DAG: {{@__omp_offloading_.+l313}}_exec_mode = weak constant i8 1
// CHECK-DAG: {{@__omp_offloading_.+l59}}_exec_mode = weak constant i8 1
// CHECK-DAG: {{@__omp_offloading_.+l137}}_exec_mode = weak constant i8 1
// CHECK-DAG: {{@__omp_offloading_.+l214}}_exec_mode = weak constant i8 1
// CHECK-DAG: {{@__omp_offloading_.+l324}}_exec_mode = weak constant i8 1
// CHECK-DAG: {{@__omp_offloading_.+l362}}_exec_mode = weak constant i8 1
// CHECK-DAG: {{@__omp_offloading_.+l380}}_exec_mode = weak constant i8 1
// CHECK-DAG: {{@__omp_offloading_.+l345}}_exec_mode = weak constant i8 1
// CHECK-DAG: [[MAP_TY:%.+]] = type { [{{8|4}} x i8] }
// CHECK-DAG: [[GLOB_TY:%.+]] = type { i32* }
__thread int id;
@ -29,6 +32,35 @@ struct TT{
tx &operator[](int i) { return X; }
// CHECK: define weak void @__omp_offloading_{{.+}}_{{.+}}targetBar{{.+}}_l59(i32* [[PTR1:%.+]], i32** dereferenceable{{.*}} [[PTR2_REF:%.+]])
// CHECK: store i32* [[PTR1]], i32** [[PTR1_ADDR:%.+]],
// CHECK: store i32** [[PTR2_REF]], i32*** [[PTR2_REF_PTR:%.+]],
// CHECK: [[PTR2_REF:%.+]] = load i32**, i32*** [[PTR2_REF_PTR]],
// CHECK: call void @__kmpc_kernel_init(
// CHECK: call void @__kmpc_get_team_static_memory(i8* addrspacecast (i8 addrspace(3)* getelementptr inbounds ([[MAP_TY]], [[MAP_TY]] addrspace(3)* @{{.+}}, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0) to i8*), i{{64|32}} %{{.+}}, i16 %{{.+}}, i8** addrspacecast (i8* addrspace(3)* [[BUF_PTR:@.+]] to i8**))
// CHECK: [[BUF:%.+]] = load i8*, i8* addrspace(3)* [[BUF_PTR]],
// CHECK: [[BUF_OFFS:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds i8, i8* [[BUF]], i{{[0-9]+}} 0
// CHECK: [[BUF:%.+]] = bitcast i8* [[BUF_OFFS]] to [[GLOB_TY]]*
// CHECK: [[PTR1:%.+]] = load i32*, i32** [[PTR1_ADDR]],
// CHECK: [[PTR1_GLOB_REF:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds [[GLOB_TY]], [[GLOB_TY]]* [[BUF]], i32 0, i32 0
// CHECK: store i32* [[PTR1]], i32** [[PTR1_GLOB_REF]],
// CHECK: call void @__kmpc_begin_sharing_variables(i8*** [[ARG_PTRS_REF:%.+]], i{{64|32}} 2)
// CHECK: [[ARG_PTRS:%.+]] = load i8**, i8*** [[ARG_PTRS_REF]],
// CHECK: [[ARG_PTR1:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds i8*, i8** [[ARG_PTRS]], i{{[0-9]+}} 0
// CHECK: [[BC:%.+]] = bitcast i32** [[PTR1_GLOB_REF]] to i8*
// CHECK: store i8* [[BC]], i8** [[ARG_PTR1]],
// CHECK: [[ARG_PTR2:%.+]] = getelementptr inbounds i8*, i8** [[ARG_PTRS]], i{{[0-9]+}} 1
// CHECK: [[BC:%.+]] = bitcast i32** [[PTR2_REF]] to i8*
// CHECK: store i8* [[BC]], i8** [[ARG_PTR2]],
// CHECK: call void @llvm.nvvm.barrier0()
// CHECK: call void @llvm.nvvm.barrier0()
// CHECK: call void @__kmpc_end_sharing_variables()
void targetBar(int *Ptr1, int *Ptr2) {
#pragma omp target map(Ptr1[:0], Ptr2)
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(2)
*Ptr1 = *Ptr2;
int foo(int n) {
int a = 0;
short aa = 0;
@ -38,7 +70,7 @@ int foo(int n) {
double cn[5][n];
TT<long long, char> d;
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}}void {{@__omp_offloading_.+foo.+l105}}_worker()
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}}void {{@__omp_offloading_.+foo.+l137}}_worker()
// CHECK-DAG: [[OMP_EXEC_STATUS:%.+]] = alloca i8,
// CHECK-DAG: [[OMP_WORK_FN:%.+]] = alloca i8*,
// CHECK: store i8* null, i8** [[OMP_WORK_FN]],
@ -69,7 +101,7 @@ int foo(int n) {
// CHECK: [[EXIT]]
// CHECK: ret void
// CHECK: define {{.*}}void [[T1:@__omp_offloading_.+foo.+l105]]()
// CHECK: define {{.*}}void [[T1:@__omp_offloading_.+foo.+l137]]()
// CHECK-DAG: [[TID:%.+]] = call i32 @llvm.nvvm.read.ptx.sreg.tid.x()
// CHECK-DAG: [[NTH:%.+]] = call i32 @llvm.nvvm.read.ptx.sreg.ntid.x()
// CHECK-DAG: [[WS:%.+]] = call i32 @llvm.nvvm.read.ptx.sreg.warpsize()
@ -111,7 +143,7 @@ int foo(int n) {
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}}void {{@__omp_offloading_.+foo.+l182}}_worker()
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}}void {{@__omp_offloading_.+foo.+l214}}_worker()
// CHECK-DAG: [[OMP_EXEC_STATUS:%.+]] = alloca i8,
// CHECK-DAG: [[OMP_WORK_FN:%.+]] = alloca i8*,
// CHECK: store i8* null, i8** [[OMP_WORK_FN]],
@ -142,7 +174,7 @@ int foo(int n) {
// CHECK: [[EXIT]]
// CHECK: ret void
// CHECK: define {{.*}}void [[T2:@__omp_offloading_.+foo.+l182]](i[[SZ:32|64]] [[ARG1:%[a-zA-Z_]+]], i[[SZ:32|64]] [[ID:%[a-zA-Z_]+]])
// CHECK: define {{.*}}void [[T2:@__omp_offloading_.+foo.+l214]](i[[SZ:32|64]] [[ARG1:%[a-zA-Z_]+]], i[[SZ:32|64]] [[ID:%[a-zA-Z_]+]])
// CHECK: [[AA_ADDR:%.+]] = alloca i[[SZ]],
// CHECK: store i[[SZ]] [[ARG1]], i[[SZ]]* [[AA_ADDR]],
// CHECK: [[AA_CADDR:%.+]] = bitcast i[[SZ]]* [[AA_ADDR]] to i16*
@ -185,7 +217,7 @@ int foo(int n) {
id = aa;
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}}void {{@__omp_offloading_.+foo.+l292}}_worker()
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}}void {{@__omp_offloading_.+foo.+l324}}_worker()
// CHECK-DAG: [[OMP_EXEC_STATUS:%.+]] = alloca i8,
// CHECK-DAG: [[OMP_WORK_FN:%.+]] = alloca i8*,
// CHECK: store i8* null, i8** [[OMP_WORK_FN]],
@ -216,7 +248,7 @@ int foo(int n) {
// CHECK: [[EXIT]]
// CHECK: ret void
// CHECK: define {{.*}}void [[T3:@__omp_offloading_.+foo.+l292]](i[[SZ]]
// CHECK: define {{.*}}void [[T3:@__omp_offloading_.+foo.+l324]](i[[SZ]]
// Create local storage for each capture.
// CHECK: [[LOCAL_A:%.+]] = alloca i[[SZ]]
// CHECK: [[LOCAL_B:%.+]] = alloca [10 x float]*
@ -377,7 +409,7 @@ int baz(int f, double &a) {
return f;
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}}void {{@__omp_offloading_.+static.+330}}_worker()
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}}void {{@__omp_offloading_.+static.+362}}_worker()
// CHECK-DAG: [[OMP_EXEC_STATUS:%.+]] = alloca i8,
// CHECK-DAG: [[OMP_WORK_FN:%.+]] = alloca i8*,
// CHECK: store i8* null, i8** [[OMP_WORK_FN]],
@ -408,7 +440,7 @@ int baz(int f, double &a) {
// CHECK: [[EXIT]]
// CHECK: ret void
// CHECK: define {{.*}}void [[T4:@__omp_offloading_.+static.+l330]](i[[SZ]]
// CHECK: define {{.*}}void [[T4:@__omp_offloading_.+static.+l362]](i[[SZ]]
// Create local storage for each capture.
// CHECK: [[LOCAL_A:%.+]] = alloca i[[SZ]]
// CHECK: [[LOCAL_AA:%.+]] = alloca i[[SZ]]
@ -463,7 +495,7 @@ int baz(int f, double &a) {
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}}void {{@__omp_offloading_.+S1.+l348}}_worker()
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}}void {{@__omp_offloading_.+S1.+l380}}_worker()
// CHECK-DAG: [[OMP_EXEC_STATUS:%.+]] = alloca i8,
// CHECK-DAG: [[OMP_WORK_FN:%.+]] = alloca i8*,
// CHECK: store i8* null, i8** [[OMP_WORK_FN]],
@ -497,7 +529,7 @@ int baz(int f, double &a) {
// CHECK: [[EXIT]]
// CHECK: ret void
// CHECK: define {{.*}}void [[T5:@__omp_offloading_.+S1.+l348]](
// CHECK: define {{.*}}void [[T5:@__omp_offloading_.+S1.+l380]](
// Create local storage for each capture.
// CHECK: [[LOCAL_THIS:%.+]] = alloca [[S1:%struct.*]]*
// CHECK: [[LOCAL_B:%.+]] = alloca i[[SZ]]
@ -616,7 +648,7 @@ int baz(int f, double &a) {
// CHECK: ret i32 [[RES]]
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}}void {{@__omp_offloading_.+template.+l313}}_worker()
// CHECK-LABEL: define {{.*}}void {{@__omp_offloading_.+template.+l345}}_worker()
// CHECK-DAG: [[OMP_EXEC_STATUS:%.+]] = alloca i8,
// CHECK-DAG: [[OMP_WORK_FN:%.+]] = alloca i8*,
// CHECK: store i8* null, i8** [[OMP_WORK_FN]],
@ -647,7 +679,7 @@ int baz(int f, double &a) {
// CHECK: [[EXIT]]
// CHECK: ret void
// CHECK: define {{.*}}void [[T6:@__omp_offloading_.+template.+l313]](i[[SZ]]
// CHECK: define {{.*}}void [[T6:@__omp_offloading_.+template.+l345]](i[[SZ]]
// Create local storage for each capture.
// CHECK: [[LOCAL_A:%.+]] = alloca i[[SZ]]
// CHECK: [[LOCAL_AA:%.+]] = alloca i[[SZ]]
@ -698,4 +730,5 @@ int baz(int f, double &a) {
// CHECK: [[EXIT]]
// CHECK: ret void