Update OCaml bindings. Opaque types are gone, type holders are gone and the

module operations that operate on type names are gone.

llvm-svn: 134839
This commit is contained in:
Nick Lewycky 2011-07-09 18:29:33 +00:00
parent 887ecac2b4
commit 5f3c4da52d
3 changed files with 0 additions and 126 deletions

View File

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
type llcontext
type llmodule
type lltype
type lltypehandle
type llvalue
type lluse
type llbasicblock
@ -32,7 +31,6 @@ module TypeKind = struct
| Struct
| Array
| Pointer
| Opaque
| Vector
| Metadata
@ -162,12 +160,6 @@ external data_layout: llmodule -> string
= "llvm_data_layout"
external set_data_layout: string -> llmodule -> unit
= "llvm_set_data_layout"
external define_type_name : string -> lltype -> llmodule -> bool
= "llvm_add_type_name"
external delete_type_name : string -> llmodule -> unit
= "llvm_delete_type_name"
external type_by_name : llmodule -> string -> lltype option
= "llvm_type_by_name"
external dump_module : llmodule -> unit = "llvm_dump_module"
external set_module_inline_asm : llmodule -> string -> unit
= "llvm_set_module_inline_asm"
@ -222,16 +214,9 @@ external address_space : lltype -> int = "llvm_address_space"
external vector_size : lltype -> int = "llvm_vector_size"
(*--... Operations on other types ..........................................--*)
external opaque_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_opaque_type"
external void_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_void_type"
external label_type : llcontext -> lltype = "llvm_label_type"
(*--... Operations on type handles .........................................--*)
external handle_to_type : lltype -> lltypehandle = "llvm_handle_to_type"
external type_of_handle : lltypehandle -> lltype = "llvm_type_of_handle"
external refine_type : lltype -> lltype -> unit = "llvm_refine_type"
(*===-- Values ------------------------------------------------------------===*)
external type_of : llvalue -> lltype = "llvm_type_of"
external value_name : llvalue -> string = "llvm_value_name"
@ -1049,7 +1034,6 @@ let rec string_of_lltype ty =
" x " ^ (string_of_lltype (element_type ty)) ^ "]"
| TypeKind.Vector -> "<" ^ (string_of_int (vector_size ty)) ^
" x " ^ (string_of_lltype (element_type ty)) ^ ">"
| TypeKind.Opaque -> "opaque"
| TypeKind.Function -> string_of_lltype (return_type ty) ^
" (" ^ (concat2 ", " (
Array.map string_of_lltype (param_types ty)

View File

@ -29,11 +29,6 @@ type llmodule
[llvm::Type] class. *)
type lltype
(** When building recursive types using {!refine_type}, [lltype] values may
become invalid; use [lltypehandle] to resolve this problem. See the
[llvm::AbstractTypeHolder] class. *)
type lltypehandle
(** Any value in the LLVM IR. Functions, instructions, global variables,
constants, and much more are all [llvalues]. See the [llvm::Value] class.
This type covers a wide range of subclasses. *)
@ -69,7 +64,6 @@ module TypeKind : sig
| Struct
| Array
| Pointer
| Opaque
| Vector
| Metadata
@ -261,24 +255,6 @@ val data_layout: llmodule -> string
to the string [s]. See the method [llvm::Module::setDataLayout]. *)
val set_data_layout: string -> llmodule -> unit
(** [define_type_name name ty m] adds a named type to the module's symbol table.
Returns [true] if successful. If such a name already exists, then no entry
is added and [false] is returned. See the [llvm::Module::addTypeName]
method. *)
val define_type_name : string -> lltype -> llmodule -> bool
(** [delete_type_name name] removes a type name from the module's symbol
table. *)
val delete_type_name : string -> llmodule -> unit
(** [type_by_name m n] returns the type in the module [m] named [n], or [None]
if it does not exist. See the method [llvm::Module::getTypeByName]. *)
val type_by_name : llmodule -> string -> lltype option
(** [dump_module m] prints the .ll representation of the module [m] to standard
error. See the method [llvm::Module::dump]. *)
val dump_module : llmodule -> unit
@ -447,11 +423,6 @@ val vector_size : lltype -> int
(** {7 Operations on other types} *)
(** [opaque_type c] creates a new opaque type distinct from any other in the
context [c]. Opaque types are useful for building recursive types in
combination with {!refine_type}. See [llvm::OpaqueType::get]. *)
val opaque_type : llcontext -> lltype
(** [void_type c] creates a type of a function which does not return any
value in the context [c]. See [llvm::Type::VoidTy]. *)
val void_type : llcontext -> lltype
@ -460,25 +431,6 @@ val void_type : llcontext -> lltype
[llvm::Type::LabelTy]. *)
val label_type : llcontext -> lltype
(** {7 Operations on type handles} *)
(** [handle_to_type ty] creates a handle to the type [ty]. If [ty] is later
refined as a result of a call to {!refine_type}, the handle will be updated;
any bare [lltype] references will become invalid.
See the class [llvm::PATypeHolder]. *)
val handle_to_type : lltype -> lltypehandle
(** [type_of_handle tyh] resolves the type handle [tyh].
See the method [llvm::PATypeHolder::get()]. *)
val type_of_handle : lltypehandle -> lltype
(** [refine_type opaque_ty ty] replaces the abstract type [opaque_ty] with the
concrete type [ty] in all users. Warning: This may invalidate {!lltype}
values! Use {!lltypehandle} to manipulate potentially abstract types. See
the method [llvm::Type::refineAbstractType]. *)
val refine_type : lltype -> lltype -> unit
(* {6 Values} *)
(** [type_of v] returns the type of the value [v].

View File

@ -152,30 +152,6 @@ CAMLprim value llvm_set_data_layout(value Layout, LLVMModuleRef M) {
return Val_unit;
/* string -> lltype -> llmodule -> bool */
CAMLprim value llvm_add_type_name(value Name, LLVMTypeRef Ty, LLVMModuleRef M) {
int res = LLVMAddTypeName(M, String_val(Name), Ty);
return Val_bool(res == 0);
/* string -> llmodule -> unit */
CAMLprim value llvm_delete_type_name(value Name, LLVMModuleRef M) {
LLVMDeleteTypeName(M, String_val(Name));
return Val_unit;
/* llmodule -> string -> lltype option */
CAMLprim value llvm_type_by_name(LLVMModuleRef M, value Name) {
LLVMTypeRef T;
if ((T = LLVMGetTypeByName(M, String_val(Name)))) {
value Option = alloc(1, 0);
Field(Option, 0) = (value) T;
/* llmodule -> unit */
CAMLprim value llvm_dump_module(LLVMModuleRef M) {
@ -373,44 +349,6 @@ CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_label_type(LLVMContextRef Context) {
return LLVMLabelTypeInContext(Context);
/* llcontext -> lltype */
CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_opaque_type(LLVMContextRef Context) {
return LLVMOpaqueTypeInContext(Context);
/*--... Operations on type handles .........................................--*/
#define Typehandle_val(v) (*(LLVMTypeHandleRef *)(Data_custom_val(v)))
static void llvm_finalize_handle(value TH) {
static struct custom_operations typehandle_ops = {
(char *) "LLVMTypeHandle",
CAMLprim value llvm_handle_to_type(LLVMTypeRef PATy) {
value TH = alloc_custom(&typehandle_ops, sizeof(LLVMBuilderRef), 0, 1);
Typehandle_val(TH) = LLVMCreateTypeHandle(PATy);
return TH;
CAMLprim LLVMTypeRef llvm_type_of_handle(value TH) {
return LLVMResolveTypeHandle(Typehandle_val(TH));
CAMLprim value llvm_refine_type(LLVMTypeRef AbstractTy, LLVMTypeRef ConcreteTy){
LLVMRefineType(AbstractTy, ConcreteTy);
return Val_unit;
/*===-- VALUES ------------------------------------------------------------===*/
/* llvalue -> lltype */