[NFC] Fixed clang wasm test after rL372573

These tests should not depend on -O1..

llvm-svn: 372575
This commit is contained in:
David Bolvansky 2019-09-23 10:14:07 +00:00
parent db6617ddb7
commit 59a038c50b
1 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ struct copy_ctor {
copy_ctor(copy_ctor const &);
// CHECK: define void @_Z7forward9copy_ctor(%struct.copy_ctor* noalias sret %{{.*}}, %struct.copy_ctor* %{{.*}})
// CHECK: define void @_Z7forward9copy_ctor(%struct.copy_ctor* noalias sret %{{.*}}, %struct.copy_ctor* nonnull %{{.*}})
// CHECK: declare %struct.copy_ctor* @_ZN9copy_ctorC1ERKS_(%struct.copy_ctor* returned, %struct.copy_ctor* dereferenceable(8))
@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ struct __attribute__((aligned(16))) aligned_copy_ctor {
aligned_copy_ctor(aligned_copy_ctor const &);
// CHECK: define void @_Z7forward17aligned_copy_ctor(%struct.aligned_copy_ctor* noalias sret %{{.*}}, %struct.aligned_copy_ctor* %{{.*}})
// CHECK: define void @_Z7forward17aligned_copy_ctor(%struct.aligned_copy_ctor* noalias sret %{{.*}}, %struct.aligned_copy_ctor* nonnull %{{.*}})
// CHECK: declare %struct.aligned_copy_ctor* @_ZN17aligned_copy_ctorC1ERKS_(%struct.aligned_copy_ctor* returned, %struct.aligned_copy_ctor* dereferenceable(16))