pp-trace user documentation - beginnings

llvm-svn: 193841
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John Thompson 2013-11-01 00:38:04 +00:00
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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Contents
Doxygen Documentation

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.. index:: pp-trace
pp-trace User's Manual
.. toctree::
:program:`pp-trace` is a standalone tool that traces preprocessor
activity. It's also used as a test of Clang's PPCallbacks interface.
It runs a given source file through the Clang preprocessor, displaying
selected information from callback functions overidden in a PPCallbacks
derivation. The output is in a high-level YAML format, described in
.. _Usage:
pp-trace Usage
Command Line Format
``pp-trace [<pp-trace-options>] <source-file> [<front-end-options>...]``
``<pp-trace-options>`` is a place-holder for options
specific to pp-trace, which are described below in
`pp-trace Command Line Options`.
``<source-file>`` specifies the source file to run through the preprocessor.
``<front-end-options>`` is a place-holder for regular Clang
front-end arguments, which must follow the <source-file>.
Command Line Options
.. option:: -ignore <callback-name-list>
This option specifies a comma-seperated list of names of callbacks
that shouldn't be traced. It can be used to eliminate unwanted
trace output. The callback names are the name of the actual
callback function names in the PPCallbacks class:
* FileChanged
* FileSkipped
* FileNotFound
* InclusionDirective
* moduleImport
* EndOfMainFile
* Ident
* PragmaDirective
* PragmaComment
* PragmaDetectMismatch
* PragmaDebug
* PragmaMessage
* PragmaDiagnosticPush
* PragmaDiagnosticPop
* PragmaDiagnostic
* PragmaOpenCLExtension
* PragmaWarning
* PragmaWarningPush
* PragmaWarningPop
* MacroExpands
* MacroDefined
* MacroUndefined
* Defined
* SourceRangeSkipped
* If
* Elif
* Ifdef
* Ifndef
* Else
* Endif
.. option:: -output <output-file>
By default, pp-trace outputs the trace information to stdout. Use this
option to output the trace information to a file.
.. _OutputFormat:
pp-trace Output Format
The pp-trace output is formatted as YAML. See http://yaml.org/ for general
YAML information. It's arranged as a sequence of information about the
callback call, include the callback name and argument information, for
- Callback: Name
Argument1: Value1
Argument2: Value2
With real data:::
- Callback: FileChanged
Loc: "c:/Clang/llvm/tools/clang/tools/extra/test/pp-trace/pp-trace-include.cpp:1:1"
Reason: EnterFile
FileType: C_User
PrevFID: (invalid)
- Callback: FileChanged
Loc: "D:/Clang/llvm/tools/clang/tools/extra/test/pp-trace/pp-trace-include.cpp:5:1"
Reason: ExitFile
FileType: C_User
PrevFID: "D:/Clang/llvm/tools/clang/tools/extra/test/pp-trace/Input/Level1B.h"
- Callback: EndOfMainFile
In all but one case (MacroDirective) the "Argument" scalars have the same
name as the argument in the corresponding PPCallbacks callback function.
Callback Details
The following sections describe the output format for each callback.
FileChanged Callback
| Argument Name | Argument Value Syntax | Clang C++ Type | Description |
| Loc | "(file):(line):(col)" | SourceLocation | Where in the file. |
| Reason | (EnterFile|ExitFile|SystemHeaderPragma|RenameFile) | PPCallbacks::FileChangeReason| Reason for change. |
| FileType | (C_User|C_System|C_ExternCSystem) | SrcMgr::CharacteristicKind | Include type. |
| PrevFID | ((file)|(invalid)) | FileID | Previous file, if any.|
- Callback: FileChanged
Loc: "D:/Clang/llvm/tools/clang/tools/extra/test/pp-trace/pp-trace-include.cpp:1:1"
Reason: EnterFile
FileType: C_User
PrevFID: (invalid)
(More callback documentation to come...)
Building pp-trace
To build from source:
1. Read `Getting Started with the LLVM System`_ and `Clang Tools
Documentation`_ for information on getting sources for LLVM, Clang, and
Clang Extra Tools.
2. `Getting Started with the LLVM System`_ and `Building LLVM with CMake`_ give
directions for how to build. With sources all checked out into the
right place the LLVM build will build Clang Extra Tools and their
dependencies automatically.
* If using CMake, you can also use the ``pp-trace`` target to build
just the pp-trace tool and its dependencies.
.. _Getting Started with the LLVM System: http://llvm.org/docs/GettingStarted.html
.. _Building LLVM with CMake: http://llvm.org/docs/CMake.html
.. _Clang Tools Documentation: http://clang.llvm.org/docs/ClangTools.html