Implementation of path profiling.

Modified patch by Adam Preuss.

This builds on the existing framework for block tracing, edge profiling and optimal edge profiling.
See -help-hidden for new flags.
For documentation, see the technical report "Implementation of Path Profiling..." in

llvm-svn: 124515
This commit is contained in:
Andrew Trick 2011-01-29 01:09:53 +00:00
parent fea7ddc735
commit 24f5ff0f23
23 changed files with 3423 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -114,6 +114,28 @@ namespace llvm {
FunctionPass *createProfileVerifierPass();
// createPathProfileLoaderPass - This pass loads information from a path
// profile dump file.
ModulePass *createPathProfileLoaderPass();
extern char &PathProfileLoaderPassID;
// createNoPathProfileInfoPass - This pass implements the default
// "no path profile".
ImmutablePass *createNoPathProfileInfoPass();
// createPathProfileVerifierPass - This pass verifies path profiling
// information.
ModulePass *createPathProfileVerifierPass();
// createDSAAPass - This pass implements simple context sensitive alias
@ -140,7 +162,7 @@ namespace llvm {
// createLiveValuesPass - This creates an instance of the LiveValues pass.
FunctionPass *createLiveValuesPass();
/// createLazyValueInfoPass - This creates an instance of the LazyValueInfo
@ -153,7 +175,7 @@ namespace llvm {
// LoopDependenceAnalysis pass.
LoopPass *createLoopDependenceAnalysisPass();
// Minor pass prototypes, allowing us to expose them through bugpoint and
// analyze.
FunctionPass *createInstCountPass();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
//===- PathNumbering.h ----------------------------------------*- C++ -*---===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Ball-Larus path numbers uniquely identify paths through a directed acyclic
// graph (DAG) [Ball96]. For a CFG backedges are removed and replaced by phony
// edges to obtain a DAG, and thus the unique path numbers [Ball96].
// The purpose of this analysis is to enumerate the edges in a CFG in order
// to obtain paths from path numbers in a convenient manner. As described in
// [Ball96] edges can be enumerated such that given a path number by following
// the CFG and updating the path number, the path is obtained.
// [Ball96]
// T. Ball and J. R. Larus. "Efficient Path Profiling."
// International Symposium on Microarchitecture, pages 46-57, 1996.
#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
#include "llvm/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CFG.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ProfileInfoTypes.h"
#include <map>
#include <stack>
#include <vector>
namespace llvm {
class BallLarusNode;
class BallLarusEdge;
class BallLarusDag;
// typedefs for storage/ interators of various DAG components
typedef std::vector<BallLarusNode*> BLNodeVector;
typedef std::vector<BallLarusNode*>::iterator BLNodeIterator;
typedef std::vector<BallLarusEdge*> BLEdgeVector;
typedef std::vector<BallLarusEdge*>::iterator BLEdgeIterator;
typedef std::map<BasicBlock*, BallLarusNode*> BLBlockNodeMap;
typedef std::stack<BallLarusNode*> BLNodeStack;
// Represents a basic block with information necessary for the BallLarus
// algorithms.
class BallLarusNode {
enum NodeColor { WHITE, GRAY, BLACK };
// Constructor: Initializes a new Node for the given BasicBlock
BallLarusNode(BasicBlock* BB) :
_basicBlock(BB), _numberPaths(0), _color(WHITE) {
static unsigned nextUID = 0;
_uid = nextUID++;
// Returns the basic block for the BallLarusNode
BasicBlock* getBlock();
// Get/set the number of paths to the exit starting at the node.
unsigned getNumberPaths();
void setNumberPaths(unsigned numberPaths);
// Get/set the NodeColor used in graph algorithms.
NodeColor getColor();
void setColor(NodeColor color);
// Iterator information for predecessor edges. Includes phony and
// backedges.
BLEdgeIterator predBegin();
BLEdgeIterator predEnd();
unsigned getNumberPredEdges();
// Iterator information for successor edges. Includes phony and
// backedges.
BLEdgeIterator succBegin();
BLEdgeIterator succEnd();
unsigned getNumberSuccEdges();
// Add an edge to the predecessor list.
void addPredEdge(BallLarusEdge* edge);
// Remove an edge from the predecessor list.
void removePredEdge(BallLarusEdge* edge);
// Add an edge to the successor list.
void addSuccEdge(BallLarusEdge* edge);
// Remove an edge from the successor list.
void removeSuccEdge(BallLarusEdge* edge);
// Returns the name of the BasicBlock being represented. If BasicBlock
// is null then returns "<null>". If BasicBlock has no name, then
// "<unnamed>" is returned. Intended for use with debug output.
std::string getName();
// The corresponding underlying BB.
BasicBlock* _basicBlock;
// Holds the predecessor edges of this node.
BLEdgeVector _predEdges;
// Holds the successor edges of this node.
BLEdgeVector _succEdges;
// The number of paths from the node to the exit.
unsigned _numberPaths;
// 'Color' used by graph algorithms to mark the node.
NodeColor _color;
// Unique ID to ensure naming difference with dotgraphs
unsigned _uid;
// Removes an edge from an edgeVector. Used by removePredEdge and
// removeSuccEdge.
void removeEdge(BLEdgeVector& v, BallLarusEdge* e);
// Represents an edge in the Dag. For an edge, v -> w, v is the source, and
// w is the target.
class BallLarusEdge {
// Constructor: Initializes an BallLarusEdge with a source and target.
BallLarusEdge(BallLarusNode* source, BallLarusNode* target,
unsigned duplicateNumber)
: _source(source), _target(target), _weight(0), _edgeType(NORMAL),
_realEdge(NULL), _duplicateNumber(duplicateNumber) {}
// Returns the source/ target node of this edge.
BallLarusNode* getSource() const;
BallLarusNode* getTarget() const;
// Sets the type of the edge.
EdgeType getType() const;
// Gets the type of the edge.
void setType(EdgeType type);
// Returns the weight of this edge. Used to decode path numbers to
// sequences of basic blocks.
unsigned getWeight();
// Sets the weight of the edge. Used during path numbering.
void setWeight(unsigned weight);
// Gets/sets the phony edge originating at the root.
BallLarusEdge* getPhonyRoot();
void setPhonyRoot(BallLarusEdge* phonyRoot);
// Gets/sets the phony edge terminating at the exit.
BallLarusEdge* getPhonyExit();
void setPhonyExit(BallLarusEdge* phonyExit);
// Gets/sets the associated real edge if this is a phony edge.
BallLarusEdge* getRealEdge();
void setRealEdge(BallLarusEdge* realEdge);
// Returns the duplicate number of the edge.
unsigned getDuplicateNumber();
// Source node for this edge.
BallLarusNode* _source;
// Target node for this edge.
BallLarusNode* _target;
// Edge weight cooresponding to path number increments before removing
// increments along a spanning tree. The sum over the edge weights gives
// the path number.
unsigned _weight;
// Type to represent for what this edge is intended
EdgeType _edgeType;
// For backedges and split-edges, the phony edge which is linked to the
// root node of the DAG. This contains a path number initialization.
BallLarusEdge* _phonyRoot;
// For backedges and split-edges, the phony edge which is linked to the
// exit node of the DAG. This contains a path counter increment, and
// potentially a path number increment.
BallLarusEdge* _phonyExit;
// If this is a phony edge, _realEdge is a link to the back or split
// edge. Otherwise, this is null.
BallLarusEdge* _realEdge;
// An ID to differentiate between those edges which have the same source
// and destination blocks.
unsigned _duplicateNumber;
// Represents the Ball Larus DAG for a given Function. Can calculate
// various properties required for instrumentation or analysis. E.g. the
// edge weights that determine the path number.
class BallLarusDag {
// Initializes a BallLarusDag from the CFG of a given function. Must
// call init() after creation, since some initialization requires
// virtual functions.
BallLarusDag(Function &F)
: _root(NULL), _exit(NULL), _function(F) {}
// Initialization that requires virtual functions which are not fully
// functional in the constructor.
void init();
// Frees all memory associated with the DAG.
virtual ~BallLarusDag();
// Calculate the path numbers by assigning edge increments as prescribed
// in Ball-Larus path profiling.
void calculatePathNumbers();
// Returns the number of paths for the DAG.
unsigned getNumberOfPaths();
// Returns the root (i.e. entry) node for the DAG.
BallLarusNode* getRoot();
// Returns the exit node for the DAG.
BallLarusNode* getExit();
// Returns the function for the DAG.
Function& getFunction();
// Clears the node colors.
void clearColors(BallLarusNode::NodeColor color);
// All nodes in the DAG.
BLNodeVector _nodes;
// All edges in the DAG.
BLEdgeVector _edges;
// All backedges in the DAG.
BLEdgeVector _backEdges;
// Allows subclasses to determine which type of Node is created.
// Override this method to produce subclasses of BallLarusNode if
// necessary. The destructor of BallLarusDag will call free on each pointer
// created.
virtual BallLarusNode* createNode(BasicBlock* BB);
// Allows subclasses to determine which type of Edge is created.
// Override this method to produce subclasses of BallLarusEdge if
// necessary. Parameters source and target will have been created by
// createNode and can be cast to the subclass of BallLarusNode*
// returned by createNode. The destructor of BallLarusDag will call free
// on each pointer created.
virtual BallLarusEdge* createEdge(BallLarusNode* source, BallLarusNode*
target, unsigned duplicateNumber);
// Proxy to node's constructor. Updates the DAG state.
BallLarusNode* addNode(BasicBlock* BB);
// Proxy to edge's constructor. Updates the DAG state.
BallLarusEdge* addEdge(BallLarusNode* source, BallLarusNode* target,
unsigned duplicateNumber);
// The root (i.e. entry) node for this DAG.
BallLarusNode* _root;
// The exit node for this DAG.
BallLarusNode* _exit;
// The function represented by this DAG.
Function& _function;
// Processes one node and its imediate edges for building the DAG.
void buildNode(BLBlockNodeMap& inDag, std::stack<BallLarusNode*>& dfsStack);
// Process an edge in the CFG for DAG building.
void buildEdge(BLBlockNodeMap& inDag, std::stack<BallLarusNode*>& dfsStack,
BallLarusNode* currentNode, BasicBlock* succBB,
unsigned duplicateNumber);
// The weight on each edge is the increment required along any path that
// contains that edge.
void calculatePathNumbersFrom(BallLarusNode* node);
// Adds a backedge with its phony edges. Updates the DAG state.
void addBackedge(BallLarusNode* source, BallLarusNode* target,
unsigned duplicateCount);
} // end namespace llvm

View File

@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
//===- PathProfileInfo.h --------------------------------------*- C++ -*---===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file outlines the interface used by optimizers to load path profiles.
#include "llvm/BasicBlock.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/PathNumbering.h"
#include <stack>
namespace llvm {
class ProfilePath;
class ProfilePathEdge;
class PathProfileInfo;
typedef std::vector<ProfilePathEdge> ProfilePathEdgeVector;
typedef std::vector<ProfilePathEdge>::iterator ProfilePathEdgeIterator;
typedef std::vector<BasicBlock*> ProfilePathBlockVector;
typedef std::vector<BasicBlock*>::iterator ProfilePathBlockIterator;
typedef std::map<unsigned int,ProfilePath*> ProfilePathMap;
typedef std::map<unsigned int,ProfilePath*>::iterator ProfilePathIterator;
typedef std::map<Function*,unsigned int> FunctionPathCountMap;
typedef std::map<Function*,ProfilePathMap> FunctionPathMap;
typedef std::map<Function*,ProfilePathMap>::iterator FunctionPathIterator;
class ProfilePathEdge {
ProfilePathEdge(BasicBlock* source, BasicBlock* target,
unsigned duplicateNumber);
inline unsigned getDuplicateNumber() { return _duplicateNumber; }
inline BasicBlock* getSource() { return _source; }
inline BasicBlock* getTarget() { return _target; }
BasicBlock* _source;
BasicBlock* _target;
unsigned _duplicateNumber;
class ProfilePath {
ProfilePath(unsigned int number, unsigned int count,
double countStdDev, PathProfileInfo* ppi);
double getFrequency() const;
inline unsigned int getNumber() const { return _number; }
inline unsigned int getCount() const { return _count; }
inline double getCountStdDev() const { return _countStdDev; }
ProfilePathEdgeVector* getPathEdges() const;
ProfilePathBlockVector* getPathBlocks() const;
BasicBlock* getFirstBlockInPath() const;
unsigned int _number;
unsigned int _count;
double _countStdDev;
// double pointer back to the profiling info
PathProfileInfo* _ppi;
// TODO: overload [] operator for getting path
// Add: getFunctionCallCount()
class PathProfileInfo {
void setCurrentFunction(Function* F);
Function* getCurrentFunction() const;
BasicBlock* getCurrentFunctionEntry();
ProfilePath* getPath(unsigned int number);
unsigned int getPotentialPathCount();
ProfilePathIterator pathBegin();
ProfilePathIterator pathEnd();
unsigned int pathsRun();
static char ID; // Pass identification
std::string argList;
FunctionPathMap _functionPaths;
FunctionPathCountMap _functionPathCounts;
BallLarusDag* _currentDag;
Function* _currentFunction;
friend class ProfilePath;
} // end namespace llvm

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/*===-- ProfileInfoTypes.h - Profiling info shared constants ------*- C -*-===*\
/*===-- ProfileInfoTypes.h - Profiling info shared constants --------------===*\
|* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
@ -16,6 +16,17 @@
// Included by libprofile.
#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
/* IDs to distinguish between those path counters stored in hashses vs arrays */
enum ProfilingStorageType {
ProfilingArray = 1,
ProfilingHash = 2
enum ProfilingType {
ArgumentInfo = 1, /* The command line argument block */
FunctionInfo = 2, /* Function profiling information */
@ -26,4 +37,24 @@ enum ProfilingType {
OptEdgeInfo = 7 /* Edge profiling information, optimal version */
* The header for tables that map path numbers to path counters.
typedef struct {
unsigned fnNumber; /* function number for these counters */
unsigned numEntries; /* number of entries stored */
} PathProfileHeader;
* Describes an entry in a tagged table for path counters.
typedef struct {
unsigned pathNumber;
unsigned pathCounter;
} PathProfileTableEntry;
#if defined(__cplusplus)

View File

@ -19,19 +19,19 @@ namespace llvm {
class PassRegistry;
/// initializeCore - Initialize all passes linked into the
/// initializeCore - Initialize all passes linked into the
/// TransformUtils library.
void initializeCore(PassRegistry&);
/// initializeTransformUtils - Initialize all passes linked into the
/// initializeTransformUtils - Initialize all passes linked into the
/// TransformUtils library.
void initializeTransformUtils(PassRegistry&);
/// initializeScalarOpts - Initialize all passes linked into the
/// initializeScalarOpts - Initialize all passes linked into the
/// ScalarOpts library.
void initializeScalarOpts(PassRegistry&);
/// initializeInstCombine - Initialize all passes linked into the
/// initializeInstCombine - Initialize all passes linked into the
/// ScalarOpts library.
void initializeInstCombine(PassRegistry&);
@ -93,6 +93,7 @@ void initializeDominanceFrontierPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeDominatorTreePass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeEdgeBundlesPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeEdgeProfilerPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializePathProfilerPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeEarlyCSEPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeExpandISelPseudosPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeFindUsedTypesPass(PassRegistry&);
@ -125,6 +126,7 @@ void initializeLiveStacksPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeLiveValuesPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeLiveVariablesPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeLoaderPassPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializePathProfileLoaderPassPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeLoopDeletionPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeLoopDependenceAnalysisPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeLoopExtractorPass(PassRegistry&);
@ -157,6 +159,7 @@ void initializeMergeFunctionsPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeModuleDebugInfoPrinterPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeNoAAPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeNoProfileInfoPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeNoPathProfileInfoPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeOptimalEdgeProfilerPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeOptimizePHIsPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializePEIPass(PassRegistry&);
@ -177,6 +180,8 @@ void initializePrintModulePassPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeProcessImplicitDefsPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeProfileEstimatorPassPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeProfileInfoAnalysisGroup(PassRegistry&);
void initializePathProfileInfoAnalysisGroup(PassRegistry&);
void initializePathProfileVerifierPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializeProfileVerifierPassPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializePromotePassPass(PassRegistry&);
void initializePruneEHPass(PassRegistry&);

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
// This header file pulls in all transformation and analysis passes for tools
// This header file pulls in all transformation and analysis passes for tools
// like opt and bugpoint that need this functionality.
@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ namespace {
(void) llvm::createDomViewerPass();
(void) llvm::createEdgeProfilerPass();
(void) llvm::createOptimalEdgeProfilerPass();
(void) llvm::createPathProfilerPass();
(void) llvm::createFunctionInliningPass();
(void) llvm::createAlwaysInlinerPass();
(void) llvm::createGlobalDCEPass();
@ -99,7 +100,9 @@ namespace {
(void) llvm::createNoProfileInfoPass();
(void) llvm::createProfileEstimatorPass();
(void) llvm::createProfileVerifierPass();
(void) llvm::createPathProfileVerifierPass();
(void) llvm::createProfileLoaderPass();
(void) llvm::createPathProfileLoaderPass();
(void) llvm::createPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass();
(void) llvm::createDemoteRegisterToMemoryPass();
(void) llvm::createPruneEHPass();

View File

@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ ModulePass *createEdgeProfilerPass();
// Insert optimal edge profiling instrumentation
ModulePass *createOptimalEdgeProfilerPass();
// Insert path profiling instrumentation
ModulePass *createPathProfilerPass();
} // End llvm namespace

View File

@ -53,9 +53,13 @@ void llvm::initializeAnalysis(PassRegistry &Registry) {
@ -73,14 +77,14 @@ void LLVMInitializeAnalysis(LLVMPassRegistryRef R) {
LLVMBool LLVMVerifyModule(LLVMModuleRef M, LLVMVerifierFailureAction Action,
char **OutMessages) {
std::string Messages;
LLVMBool Result = verifyModule(*unwrap(M),
OutMessages? &Messages : 0);
if (OutMessages)
*OutMessages = strdup(Messages.c_str());
return Result;

View File

@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ add_llvm_library(LLVMAnalysis

View File

@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
//===- PathNumbering.cpp --------------------------------------*- C++ -*---===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// Ball-Larus path numbers uniquely identify paths through a directed acyclic
// graph (DAG) [Ball96]. For a CFG backedges are removed and replaced by phony
// edges to obtain a DAG, and thus the unique path numbers [Ball96].
// The purpose of this analysis is to enumerate the edges in a CFG in order
// to obtain paths from path numbers in a convenient manner. As described in
// [Ball96] edges can be enumerated such that given a path number by following
// the CFG and updating the path number, the path is obtained.
// [Ball96]
// T. Ball and J. R. Larus. "Efficient Path Profiling."
// International Symposium on Microarchitecture, pages 46-57, 1996.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "ball-larus-numbering"
#include "llvm/Analysis/PathNumbering.h"
#include "llvm/Constants.h"
#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
#include "llvm/InstrTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Instructions.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CFG.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/TypeBuilder.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <map>
#include <queue>
#include <set>
#include <stack>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
using namespace llvm;
// Are we enabling early termination
static cl::opt<bool> ProcessEarlyTermination(
"path-profile-early-termination", cl::Hidden,
cl::desc("In path profiling, insert extra instrumentation to account for "
"unexpected function termination."));
// Returns the basic block for the BallLarusNode
BasicBlock* BallLarusNode::getBlock() {
// Returns the number of paths to the exit starting at the node.
unsigned BallLarusNode::getNumberPaths() {
// Sets the number of paths to the exit starting at the node.
void BallLarusNode::setNumberPaths(unsigned numberPaths) {
_numberPaths = numberPaths;
// Gets the NodeColor used in graph algorithms.
BallLarusNode::NodeColor BallLarusNode::getColor() {
// Sets the NodeColor used in graph algorithms.
void BallLarusNode::setColor(BallLarusNode::NodeColor color) {
_color = color;
// Returns an iterator over predecessor edges. Includes phony and
// backedges.
BLEdgeIterator BallLarusNode::predBegin() {
// Returns the end sentinel for the predecessor iterator.
BLEdgeIterator BallLarusNode::predEnd() {
// Returns the number of predecessor edges. Includes phony and
// backedges.
unsigned BallLarusNode::getNumberPredEdges() {
// Returns an iterator over successor edges. Includes phony and
// backedges.
BLEdgeIterator BallLarusNode::succBegin() {
// Returns the end sentinel for the successor iterator.
BLEdgeIterator BallLarusNode::succEnd() {
// Returns the number of successor edges. Includes phony and
// backedges.
unsigned BallLarusNode::getNumberSuccEdges() {
// Add an edge to the predecessor list.
void BallLarusNode::addPredEdge(BallLarusEdge* edge) {
// Remove an edge from the predecessor list.
void BallLarusNode::removePredEdge(BallLarusEdge* edge) {
removeEdge(_predEdges, edge);
// Add an edge to the successor list.
void BallLarusNode::addSuccEdge(BallLarusEdge* edge) {
// Remove an edge from the successor list.
void BallLarusNode::removeSuccEdge(BallLarusEdge* edge) {
removeEdge(_succEdges, edge);
// Returns the name of the BasicBlock being represented. If BasicBlock
// is null then returns "<null>". If BasicBlock has no name, then
// "<unnamed>" is returned. Intended for use with debug output.
std::string BallLarusNode::getName() {
std::stringstream name;
if(getBlock() != NULL) {
if(getBlock()->hasName()) {
std::string tempName(getBlock()->getName());
name << tempName.c_str() << " (" << _uid << ")";
} else
name << "<unnamed> (" << _uid << ")";
} else
name << "<null> (" << _uid << ")";
return name.str();
// Removes an edge from an edgeVector. Used by removePredEdge and
// removeSuccEdge.
void BallLarusNode::removeEdge(BLEdgeVector& v, BallLarusEdge* e) {
// TODO: Avoid linear scan by using a set instead
for(BLEdgeIterator i = v.begin(),
end = v.end();
i != end;
++i) {
if((*i) == e) {
// Returns the source node of this edge.
BallLarusNode* BallLarusEdge::getSource() const {
// Returns the target node of this edge.
BallLarusNode* BallLarusEdge::getTarget() const {
// Sets the type of the edge.
BallLarusEdge::EdgeType BallLarusEdge::getType() const {
return _edgeType;
// Gets the type of the edge.
void BallLarusEdge::setType(EdgeType type) {
_edgeType = type;
// Returns the weight of this edge. Used to decode path numbers to sequences
// of basic blocks.
unsigned BallLarusEdge::getWeight() {
// Sets the weight of the edge. Used during path numbering.
void BallLarusEdge::setWeight(unsigned weight) {
_weight = weight;
// Gets the phony edge originating at the root.
BallLarusEdge* BallLarusEdge::getPhonyRoot() {
return _phonyRoot;
// Sets the phony edge originating at the root.
void BallLarusEdge::setPhonyRoot(BallLarusEdge* phonyRoot) {
_phonyRoot = phonyRoot;
// Gets the phony edge terminating at the exit.
BallLarusEdge* BallLarusEdge::getPhonyExit() {
return _phonyExit;
// Sets the phony edge terminating at the exit.
void BallLarusEdge::setPhonyExit(BallLarusEdge* phonyExit) {
_phonyExit = phonyExit;
// Gets the associated real edge if this is a phony edge.
BallLarusEdge* BallLarusEdge::getRealEdge() {
return _realEdge;
// Sets the associated real edge if this is a phony edge.
void BallLarusEdge::setRealEdge(BallLarusEdge* realEdge) {
_realEdge = realEdge;
// Returns the duplicate number of the edge.
unsigned BallLarusEdge::getDuplicateNumber() {
// Initialization that requires virtual functions which are not fully
// functional in the constructor.
void BallLarusDag::init() {
BLBlockNodeMap inDag;
std::stack<BallLarusNode*> dfsStack;
_root = addNode(&(_function.getEntryBlock()));
_exit = addNode(NULL);
// start search from root
// dfs to add each bb into the dag
buildNode(inDag, dfsStack);
// put in the final edge
// Frees all memory associated with the DAG.
BallLarusDag::~BallLarusDag() {
for(BLEdgeIterator edge = _edges.begin(), end = _edges.end(); edge != end;
delete (*edge);
for(BLNodeIterator node = _nodes.begin(), end = _nodes.end(); node != end;
delete (*node);
// Calculate the path numbers by assigning edge increments as prescribed
// in Ball-Larus path profiling.
void BallLarusDag::calculatePathNumbers() {
BallLarusNode* node;
std::queue<BallLarusNode*> bfsQueue;
while(bfsQueue.size() > 0) {
node = bfsQueue.front();
DEBUG(dbgs() << "calculatePathNumbers on " << node->getName() << "\n");
unsigned prevPathNumber = node->getNumberPaths();
// Check for DAG splitting
if( node->getNumberPaths() > 100000000 && node != getRoot() ) {
// Add new phony edge from the split-node to the DAG's exit
BallLarusEdge* exitEdge = addEdge(node, getExit(), 0);
// Counters to handle the possibilty of a multi-graph
BasicBlock* oldTarget = 0;
unsigned duplicateNumber = 0;
// Iterate through each successor edge, adding phony edges
for( BLEdgeIterator succ = node->succBegin(), end = node->succEnd();
succ != end; oldTarget = (*succ)->getTarget()->getBlock(), succ++ ) {
if( (*succ)->getType() == BallLarusEdge::NORMAL ) {
// is this edge a duplicate?
if( oldTarget != (*succ)->getTarget()->getBlock() )
duplicateNumber = 0;
// create the new phony edge: root -> succ
BallLarusEdge* rootEdge =
addEdge(getRoot(), (*succ)->getTarget(), duplicateNumber++);
// split on this edge and reference it's exit/root phony edges
DEBUG(dbgs() << "prev, new number paths " << prevPathNumber << ", "
<< node->getNumberPaths() << ".\n");
if(prevPathNumber == 0 && node->getNumberPaths() != 0) {
DEBUG(dbgs() << "node ready : " << node->getName() << "\n");
for(BLEdgeIterator pred = node->predBegin(), end = node->predEnd();
pred != end; pred++) {
if( (*pred)->getType() == BallLarusEdge::BACKEDGE ||
(*pred)->getType() == BallLarusEdge::SPLITEDGE )
BallLarusNode* nextNode = (*pred)->getSource();
// not yet visited?
if(nextNode->getNumberPaths() == 0)
DEBUG(dbgs() << "\tNumber of paths: " << getRoot()->getNumberPaths() << "\n");
// Returns the number of paths for the Dag.
unsigned BallLarusDag::getNumberOfPaths() {
// Returns the root (i.e. entry) node for the DAG.
BallLarusNode* BallLarusDag::getRoot() {
return _root;
// Returns the exit node for the DAG.
BallLarusNode* BallLarusDag::getExit() {
return _exit;
// Returns the function for the DAG.
Function& BallLarusDag::getFunction() {
// Clears the node colors.
void BallLarusDag::clearColors(BallLarusNode::NodeColor color) {
for (BLNodeIterator nodeIt = _nodes.begin(); nodeIt != _nodes.end(); nodeIt++)
// Processes one node and its imediate edges for building the DAG.
void BallLarusDag::buildNode(BLBlockNodeMap& inDag, BLNodeStack& dfsStack) {
BallLarusNode* currentNode =;
BasicBlock* currentBlock = currentNode->getBlock();
if(currentNode->getColor() != BallLarusNode::WHITE) {
// we have already visited this node
} else {
// are there any external procedure calls?
if( ProcessEarlyTermination ) {
for( BasicBlock::iterator bbCurrent = currentNode->getBlock()->begin(),
bbEnd = currentNode->getBlock()->end(); bbCurrent != bbEnd;
bbCurrent++ ) {
Instruction& instr = *bbCurrent;
if( instr.getOpcode() == Instruction::Call ) {
BallLarusEdge* callEdge = addEdge(currentNode, getExit(), 0);
TerminatorInst* terminator = currentNode->getBlock()->getTerminator();
if(isa<ReturnInst>(terminator) || isa<UnreachableInst>(terminator)
|| isa<UnwindInst>(terminator))
addEdge(currentNode, getExit(),0);
inDag[currentBlock] = currentNode;
BasicBlock* oldSuccessor = 0;
unsigned duplicateNumber = 0;
// iterate through this node's successors
for(succ_iterator successor = succ_begin(currentBlock),
succEnd = succ_end(currentBlock); successor != succEnd;
oldSuccessor = *successor, ++successor ) {
BasicBlock* succBB = *successor;
// is this edge a duplicate?
if (oldSuccessor == succBB)
duplicateNumber = 0;
buildEdge(inDag, dfsStack, currentNode, succBB, duplicateNumber);
// Process an edge in the CFG for DAG building.
void BallLarusDag::buildEdge(BLBlockNodeMap& inDag, std::stack<BallLarusNode*>&
dfsStack, BallLarusNode* currentNode,
BasicBlock* succBB, unsigned duplicateCount) {
BallLarusNode* succNode = inDag[succBB];
if(succNode && succNode->getColor() == BallLarusNode::BLACK) {
// visited node and forward edge
addEdge(currentNode, succNode, duplicateCount);
} else if(succNode && succNode->getColor() == BallLarusNode::GRAY) {
// visited node and back edge
DEBUG(dbgs() << "Backedge detected.\n");
addBackedge(currentNode, succNode, duplicateCount);
} else {
BallLarusNode* childNode;
// not visited node and forward edge
if(succNode) // an unvisited node that is child of a gray node
childNode = succNode;
else { // an unvisited node that is a child of a an unvisted node
childNode = addNode(succBB);
inDag[succBB] = childNode;
addEdge(currentNode, childNode, duplicateCount);
// The weight on each edge is the increment required along any path that
// contains that edge.
void BallLarusDag::calculatePathNumbersFrom(BallLarusNode* node) {
if(node == getExit())
// The Exit node must be base case
else {
unsigned sumPaths = 0;
BallLarusNode* succNode;
for(BLEdgeIterator succ = node->succBegin(), end = node->succEnd();
succ != end; succ++) {
if( (*succ)->getType() == BallLarusEdge::BACKEDGE ||
(*succ)->getType() == BallLarusEdge::SPLITEDGE )
succNode = (*succ)->getTarget();
if( !succNode->getNumberPaths() )
sumPaths += succNode->getNumberPaths();
// Allows subclasses to determine which type of Node is created.
// Override this method to produce subclasses of BallLarusNode if
// necessary. The destructor of BallLarusDag will call free on each
// pointer created.
BallLarusNode* BallLarusDag::createNode(BasicBlock* BB) {
return( new BallLarusNode(BB) );
// Allows subclasses to determine which type of Edge is created.
// Override this method to produce subclasses of BallLarusEdge if
// necessary. The destructor of BallLarusDag will call free on each
// pointer created.
BallLarusEdge* BallLarusDag::createEdge(BallLarusNode* source,
BallLarusNode* target,
unsigned duplicateCount) {
return( new BallLarusEdge(source, target, duplicateCount) );
// Proxy to node's constructor. Updates the DAG state.
BallLarusNode* BallLarusDag::addNode(BasicBlock* BB) {
BallLarusNode* newNode = createNode(BB);
return( newNode );
// Proxy to edge's constructor. Updates the DAG state.
BallLarusEdge* BallLarusDag::addEdge(BallLarusNode* source,
BallLarusNode* target,
unsigned duplicateCount) {
BallLarusEdge* newEdge = createEdge(source, target, duplicateCount);
// Adds a backedge with its phony edges. Updates the DAG state.
void BallLarusDag::addBackedge(BallLarusNode* source, BallLarusNode* target,
unsigned duplicateCount) {
BallLarusEdge* childEdge = addEdge(source, target, duplicateCount);
childEdge->setPhonyRoot(addEdge(getRoot(), target,0));
childEdge->setPhonyExit(addEdge(source, getExit(),0));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
//===- PathProfileInfo.cpp ------------------------------------*- C++ -*---===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This file defines the interface used by optimizers to load path profiles,
// and provides a loader pass which reads a path profile file.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "path-profile-info"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/Passes.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ProfileInfoTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/PathProfileInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cstdio>
using namespace llvm;
// command line option for loading path profiles
static cl::opt<std::string>
PathProfileInfoFilename("path-profile-loader-file", cl::init("llvmprof.out"),
cl::desc("Path profile file loaded by -path-profile-loader"), cl::Hidden);
namespace {
class PathProfileLoaderPass : public ModulePass, public PathProfileInfo {
PathProfileLoaderPass() : ModulePass(ID) { }
// this pass doesn't change anything (only loads information)
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage &AU) const {
// the full name of the loader pass
virtual const char* getPassName() const {
return "Path Profiling Information Loader";
// required since this pass implements multiple inheritance
virtual void *getAdjustedAnalysisPointer(AnalysisID PI) {
if (PI == &PathProfileInfo::ID)
return (PathProfileInfo*)this;
return this;
// entry point to run the pass
bool runOnModule(Module &M);
// pass identification
static char ID;
// make a reference table to refer to function by number
void buildFunctionRefs(Module &M);
// process argument info of a program from the input file
void handleArgumentInfo();
// process path number information from the input file
void handlePathInfo();
// array of references to the functions in the module
std::vector<Function*> _functions;
// path profile file handle
FILE* _file;
// path profile file name
std::string _filename;
// register PathLoader
char PathProfileLoaderPass::ID = 0;
INITIALIZE_ANALYSIS_GROUP(PathProfileInfo, "Path Profile Information",
INITIALIZE_AG_PASS(PathProfileLoaderPass, PathProfileInfo,
"Load path profile information from file",
false, true, false)
char &llvm::PathProfileLoaderPassID = PathProfileLoaderPass::ID;
// link PathLoader as a pass, and make it available as an optimisation
ModulePass *llvm::createPathProfileLoaderPass() {
return new PathProfileLoaderPass;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PathEdge implementation
ProfilePathEdge::ProfilePathEdge (BasicBlock* source, BasicBlock* target,
unsigned duplicateNumber)
: _source(source), _target(target), _duplicateNumber(duplicateNumber) {}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Path implementation
ProfilePath::ProfilePath (unsigned int number, unsigned int count,
double countStdDev, PathProfileInfo* ppi)
: _number(number) , _count(count), _countStdDev(countStdDev), _ppi(ppi) {}
double ProfilePath::getFrequency() const {
return 100 * double(_count) /
static BallLarusEdge* getNextEdge (BallLarusNode* node,
unsigned int pathNumber) {
BallLarusEdge* best = 0;
for( BLEdgeIterator next = node->succBegin(),
end = node->succEnd(); next != end; next++ ) {
if( (*next)->getType() != BallLarusEdge::BACKEDGE && // no backedges
(*next)->getType() != BallLarusEdge::SPLITEDGE && // no split edges
(*next)->getWeight() <= pathNumber && // weight must be <= pathNumber
(!best || (best->getWeight() < (*next)->getWeight())) ) // best one?
best = *next;
return best;
ProfilePathEdgeVector* ProfilePath::getPathEdges() const {
BallLarusNode* currentNode = _ppi->_currentDag->getRoot ();
unsigned int increment = _number;
ProfilePathEdgeVector* pev = new ProfilePathEdgeVector;
while (currentNode != _ppi->_currentDag->getExit()) {
BallLarusEdge* next = getNextEdge(currentNode, increment);
increment -= next->getWeight();
if( next->getType() != BallLarusEdge::BACKEDGE_PHONY &&
next->getType() != BallLarusEdge::SPLITEDGE_PHONY &&
next->getTarget() != _ppi->_currentDag->getExit() )
if( next->getType() == BallLarusEdge::BACKEDGE_PHONY &&
next->getTarget() == _ppi->_currentDag->getExit() )
if( next->getType() == BallLarusEdge::SPLITEDGE_PHONY &&
next->getSource() == _ppi->_currentDag->getRoot() )
// set the new node
currentNode = next->getTarget();
return pev;
ProfilePathBlockVector* ProfilePath::getPathBlocks() const {
BallLarusNode* currentNode = _ppi->_currentDag->getRoot ();
unsigned int increment = _number;
ProfilePathBlockVector* pbv = new ProfilePathBlockVector;
while (currentNode != _ppi->_currentDag->getExit()) {
BallLarusEdge* next = getNextEdge(currentNode, increment);
increment -= next->getWeight();
// add block to the block list if it is a real edge
if( next->getType() == BallLarusEdge::NORMAL)
pbv->push_back (currentNode->getBlock());
// make the back edge the last edge since we are at the end
else if( next->getTarget() == _ppi->_currentDag->getExit() ) {
pbv->push_back (currentNode->getBlock());
pbv->push_back (next->getRealEdge()->getTarget()->getBlock());
// set the new node
currentNode = next->getTarget();
return pbv;
BasicBlock* ProfilePath::getFirstBlockInPath() const {
BallLarusNode* root = _ppi->_currentDag->getRoot();
BallLarusEdge* edge = getNextEdge(root, _number);
if( edge && (edge->getType() == BallLarusEdge::BACKEDGE_PHONY ||
edge->getType() == BallLarusEdge::SPLITEDGE_PHONY) )
return edge->getTarget()->getBlock();
return root->getBlock();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PathProfileInfo implementation
// Pass identification
char llvm::PathProfileInfo::ID = 0;
PathProfileInfo::PathProfileInfo () : _currentDag(0) , _currentFunction(0) {
PathProfileInfo::~PathProfileInfo() {
if (_currentDag)
delete _currentDag;
// set the function for which paths are currently begin processed
void PathProfileInfo::setCurrentFunction(Function* F) {
// Make sure it exists
if (!F) return;
if (_currentDag)
delete _currentDag;
_currentFunction = F;
_currentDag = new BallLarusDag(*F);
// get the function for which paths are currently being processed
Function* PathProfileInfo::getCurrentFunction() const {
return _currentFunction;
// get the entry block of the function
BasicBlock* PathProfileInfo::getCurrentFunctionEntry() {
return _currentDag->getRoot()->getBlock();
// return the path based on its number
ProfilePath* PathProfileInfo::getPath(unsigned int number) {
return _functionPaths[_currentFunction][number];
// return the number of paths which a function may potentially execute
unsigned int PathProfileInfo::getPotentialPathCount() {
return _currentDag ? _currentDag->getNumberOfPaths() : 0;
// return an iterator for the beginning of a functions executed paths
ProfilePathIterator PathProfileInfo::pathBegin() {
return _functionPaths[_currentFunction].begin();
// return an iterator for the end of a functions executed paths
ProfilePathIterator PathProfileInfo::pathEnd() {
return _functionPaths[_currentFunction].end();
// returns the total number of paths run in the function
unsigned int PathProfileInfo::pathsRun() {
return _currentFunction ? _functionPaths[_currentFunction].size() : 0;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// PathLoader implementation
// remove all generated paths
PathProfileLoaderPass::~PathProfileLoaderPass() {
for( FunctionPathIterator funcNext = _functionPaths.begin(),
funcEnd = _functionPaths.end(); funcNext != funcEnd; funcNext++)
for( ProfilePathIterator pathNext = funcNext->second.begin(),
pathEnd = funcNext->second.end(); pathNext != pathEnd; pathNext++)
delete pathNext->second;
// entry point of the pass; this loads and parses a file
bool PathProfileLoaderPass::runOnModule(Module &M) {
// get the filename and setup the module's function references
_filename = PathProfileInfoFilename;
buildFunctionRefs (M);
if (!(_file = fopen(_filename.c_str(), "rb"))) {
errs () << "error: input '" << _filename << "' file does not exist.\n";
return false;
ProfilingType profType;
while( fread(&profType, sizeof(ProfilingType), 1, _file) ) {
switch (profType) {
case ArgumentInfo:
handleArgumentInfo ();
case PathInfo:
handlePathInfo ();
errs () << "error: bad path profiling file syntax, " << profType << "\n";
fclose (_file);
return false;
fclose (_file);
return true;
// create a reference table for functions defined in the path profile file
void PathProfileLoaderPass::buildFunctionRefs (Module &M) {
_functions.push_back(0); // make the 0 index a null pointer
for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(), E = M.end(); F != E; F++) {
if (F->isDeclaration())
// handle command like argument infor in the output file
void PathProfileLoaderPass::handleArgumentInfo() {
// get the argument list's length
unsigned savedArgsLength;
if( fread(&savedArgsLength, sizeof(unsigned), 1, _file) != 1 ) {
errs() << "warning: argument info header/data mismatch\n";
// allocate a buffer, and get the arguments
char* args = new char[savedArgsLength+1];
if( fread(args, 1, savedArgsLength, _file) != savedArgsLength )
errs() << "warning: argument info header/data mismatch\n";
args[savedArgsLength] = '\0';
argList = std::string(args);
delete [] args; // cleanup dynamic string
// byte alignment
if (savedArgsLength & 3)
fseek(_file, 4-(savedArgsLength&3), SEEK_CUR);
// Handle path profile information in the output file
void PathProfileLoaderPass::handlePathInfo () {
// get the number of functions in this profile
unsigned functionCount;
if( fread(&functionCount, sizeof(functionCount), 1, _file) != 1 ) {
errs() << "warning: path info header/data mismatch\n";
// gather path information for each function
for (unsigned i = 0; i < functionCount; i++) {
PathProfileHeader pathHeader;
if( fread(&pathHeader, sizeof(pathHeader), 1, _file) != 1 ) {
errs() << "warning: bad header for path function info\n";
Function* f = _functions[pathHeader.fnNumber];
// dynamically allocate a table to store path numbers
PathProfileTableEntry* pathTable =
new PathProfileTableEntry[pathHeader.numEntries];
if( fread(pathTable, sizeof(PathProfileTableEntry),
pathHeader.numEntries, _file) != pathHeader.numEntries) {
delete [] pathTable;
errs() << "warning: path function info header/data mismatch\n";
// Build a new path for the current function
unsigned int totalPaths = 0;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < pathHeader.numEntries; j++) {
totalPaths += pathTable[j].pathCounter;
= new ProfilePath(pathTable[j].pathNumber, pathTable[j].pathCounter,
0, this);
_functionPathCounts[f] = totalPaths;
delete [] pathTable;
// NoProfile PathProfileInfo implementation
namespace {
struct NoPathProfileInfo : public ImmutablePass, public PathProfileInfo {
static char ID; // Class identification, replacement for typeinfo
NoPathProfileInfo() : ImmutablePass(ID) {
/// getAdjustedAnalysisPointer - This method is used when a pass implements
/// an analysis interface through multiple inheritance. If needed, it
/// should override this to adjust the this pointer as needed for the
/// specified pass info.
virtual void *getAdjustedAnalysisPointer(AnalysisID PI) {
if (PI == &PathProfileInfo::ID)
return (PathProfileInfo*)this;
return this;
virtual const char *getPassName() const {
return "NoPathProfileInfo";
} // End of anonymous namespace
char NoPathProfileInfo::ID = 0;
// Register this pass...
INITIALIZE_AG_PASS(NoPathProfileInfo, PathProfileInfo, "no-path-profile",
"No Path Profile Information", false, true, true)
ImmutablePass *llvm::createNoPathProfileInfoPass() { return new NoPathProfileInfo(); }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
//===- PathProfileVerifier.cpp --------------------------------*- C++ -*---===//
// The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
// This verifier derives an edge profile file from current path profile
// information
#define DEBUG_TYPE "path-profile-verifier"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/Passes.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ProfileInfoTypes.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/PathProfileInfo.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace llvm;
namespace {
class PathProfileVerifier : public ModulePass {
bool runOnModule(Module &M);
static char ID; // Pass identification, replacement for typeid
PathProfileVerifier() : ModulePass(ID) {
virtual const char *getPassName() const {
return "Path Profiler Verifier";
// The verifier requires the path profile and edge profile.
virtual void getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage& AU) const;
static cl::opt<std::string>
cl::desc("Edge profile file generated by -path-profile-verifier"),
char PathProfileVerifier::ID = 0;
INITIALIZE_PASS(PathProfileVerifier, "path-profile-verifier",
"Compare the path profile derived edge profile against the "
"edge profile.", true, true)
ModulePass *llvm::createPathProfileVerifierPass() {
return new PathProfileVerifier();
// The verifier requires the path profile and edge profile.
void PathProfileVerifier::getAnalysisUsage(AnalysisUsage& AU) const {
typedef std::map<unsigned, unsigned> DuplicateToIndexMap;
typedef std::map<BasicBlock*,DuplicateToIndexMap> BlockToDuplicateMap;
typedef std::map<BasicBlock*,BlockToDuplicateMap> NestedBlockToIndexMap;
// the verifier iterates through each path to gather the total
// number of edge frequencies
bool PathProfileVerifier::runOnModule (Module &M) {
PathProfileInfo& pathProfileInfo = getAnalysis<PathProfileInfo>();
// setup a data structure to map path edges which index an
// array of edge counters
NestedBlockToIndexMap arrayMap;
unsigned i = 0;
for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(), E = M.end(); F != E; ++F) {
if (F->isDeclaration()) continue;
arrayMap[0][F->begin()][0] = i++;
for (Function::iterator BB = F->begin(), E = F->end(); BB != E; ++BB) {
TerminatorInst *TI = BB->getTerminator();
unsigned duplicate = 0;
BasicBlock* prev = 0;
for (unsigned s = 0, e = TI->getNumSuccessors(); s != e;
prev = TI->getSuccessor(s), ++s) {
if (prev == TI->getSuccessor(s))
else duplicate = 0;
arrayMap[BB][TI->getSuccessor(s)][duplicate] = i++;
std::vector<unsigned> edgeArray(i);
// iterate through each path and increment the edge counters as needed
for (Module::iterator F = M.begin(), E = M.end(); F != E; ++F) {
if (F->isDeclaration()) continue;
DEBUG(dbgs() << "function '" << F->getName() << "' ran "
<< pathProfileInfo.pathsRun()
<< "/" << pathProfileInfo.getPotentialPathCount()
<< " potential paths\n");
for( ProfilePathIterator nextPath = pathProfileInfo.pathBegin(),
endPath = pathProfileInfo.pathEnd();
nextPath != endPath; nextPath++ ) {
ProfilePath* currentPath = nextPath->second;
ProfilePathEdgeVector* pev = currentPath->getPathEdges();
DEBUG(dbgs () << "path #" << currentPath->getNumber() << ": "
<< currentPath->getCount() << "\n");
// setup the entry edge (normally path profiling doens't care about this)
if (currentPath->getFirstBlockInPath() == &F->getEntryBlock())
+= currentPath->getCount();
for( ProfilePathEdgeIterator nextEdge = pev->begin(),
endEdge = pev->end(); nextEdge != endEdge; nextEdge++ ) {
if (nextEdge != pev->begin())
DEBUG(dbgs() << " :: ");
BasicBlock* source = nextEdge->getSource();
BasicBlock* target = nextEdge->getTarget();
unsigned duplicateNumber = nextEdge->getDuplicateNumber();
DEBUG(dbgs () << source->getNameStr() << " --{" << duplicateNumber
<< "}--> " << target->getNameStr());
// Ensure all the referenced edges exist
// TODO: make this a separate function
if( !arrayMap.count(source) ) {
errs() << " error [" << F->getNameStr() << "()]: source '"
<< source->getNameStr()
<< "' does not exist in the array map.\n";
} else if( !arrayMap[source].count(target) ) {
errs() << " error [" << F->getNameStr() << "()]: target '"
<< target->getNameStr()
<< "' does not exist in the array map.\n";
} else if( !arrayMap[source][target].count(duplicateNumber) ) {
errs() << " error [" << F->getNameStr() << "()]: edge "
<< source->getNameStr() << " -> " << target->getNameStr()
<< " duplicate number " << duplicateNumber
<< " does not exist in the array map.\n";
} else {
+= currentPath->getCount();
DEBUG(errs() << "\n");
delete pev;
std::string errorInfo;
std::string filename = EdgeProfileFilename;
// Open a handle to the file
FILE* edgeFile = fopen(filename.c_str(),"wb");
if (!edgeFile) {
errs() << "error: unable to open file '" << filename << "' for output.\n";
return false;
errs() << "Generating edge profile '" << filename << "' ...\n";
// write argument info
unsigned type = ArgumentInfo;
unsigned num = pathProfileInfo.argList.size();
int zeros = 0;
if (num&3)
fwrite(&zeros, 1, 4-(num&3), edgeFile);
type = EdgeInfo;
num = edgeArray.size();
// write each edge to the file
for( std::vector<unsigned>::iterator s = edgeArray.begin(),
e = edgeArray.end(); s != e; s++)
fwrite(&*s, sizeof (unsigned), 1, edgeFile);
fclose (edgeFile);
return true;

View File

@ -2,5 +2,6 @@ add_llvm_library(LLVMInstrumentation

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#define DEBUG_TYPE "insert-edge-profiling"
#include "ProfilingUtils.h"
#include "llvm/Module.h"
#include "llvm/Pass.h"
@ -100,7 +101,7 @@ bool EdgeProfiler::runOnModule(Module &M) {
// otherwise insert it in the successor block.
if (TI->getNumSuccessors() == 1) {
// Insert counter at the start of the block
IncrementCounterInBlock(BB, i++, Counters);
IncrementCounterInBlock(BB, i++, Counters, false);
} else {
// Insert counter at the start of the block
IncrementCounterInBlock(TI->getSuccessor(s), i++, Counters);

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ using namespace llvm;
void llvm::initializeInstrumentation(PassRegistry &Registry) {
/// LLVMInitializeInstrumentation - C binding for

View File

@ -52,12 +52,12 @@ namespace {
char OptimalEdgeProfiler::ID = 0;
INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(OptimalEdgeProfiler, "insert-optimal-edge-profiling",
INITIALIZE_PASS_BEGIN(OptimalEdgeProfiler, "insert-optimal-edge-profiling",
"Insert optimal instrumentation for edge profiling",
false, false)
INITIALIZE_PASS_END(OptimalEdgeProfiler, "insert-optimal-edge-profiling",
INITIALIZE_PASS_END(OptimalEdgeProfiler, "insert-optimal-edge-profiling",
"Insert optimal instrumentation for edge profiling",
false, false)
@ -132,11 +132,11 @@ bool OptimalEdgeProfiler::runOnModule(Module &M) {
// Calculate a Maximum Spanning Tree with the edge weights determined by
// ProfileEstimator. ProfileEstimator also assign weights to the virtual
// edges (0,entry) and (BB,0) (for blocks with no successors) and this
// edges also participate in the maximum spanning tree calculation.
// edges also participate in the maximum spanning tree calculation.
// The third parameter of MaximumSpanningTree() has the effect that not the
// actual MST is returned but the edges _not_ in the MST.
ProfileInfo::EdgeWeights ECs =
ProfileInfo::EdgeWeights ECs =
std::vector<ProfileInfo::EdgeWeight> EdgeVector(ECs.begin(), ECs.end());
MaximumSpanningTree<BasicBlock> MST (EdgeVector);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -22,12 +22,13 @@
#include "llvm/Module.h"
void llvm::InsertProfilingInitCall(Function *MainFn, const char *FnName,
GlobalValue *Array) {
GlobalValue *Array,
PointerType *arrayType) {
LLVMContext &Context = MainFn->getContext();
const Type *ArgVTy =
const Type *ArgVTy =
const PointerType *UIntPtr =
const PointerType *UIntPtr = arrayType ? arrayType :
Module &M = *MainFn->getParent();
Constant *InitFn = M.getOrInsertFunction(FnName, Type::getInt32Ty(Context),
@ -71,9 +72,9 @@ void llvm::InsertProfilingInitCall(Function *MainFn, const char *FnName,
case 2:
AI = MainFn->arg_begin(); ++AI;
if (AI->getType() != ArgVTy) {
Instruction::CastOps opcode = CastInst::getCastOpcode(AI, false, ArgVTy,
Instruction::CastOps opcode = CastInst::getCastOpcode(AI, false, ArgVTy,
CastInst::Create(opcode, AI, ArgVTy, "argv.cast", InitCall));
} else {
InitCall->setArgOperand(1, AI);
@ -93,7 +94,7 @@ void llvm::InsertProfilingInitCall(Function *MainFn, const char *FnName,
opcode = CastInst::getCastOpcode(AI, true,
Type::getInt32Ty(Context), true);
CastInst::Create(opcode, AI, Type::getInt32Ty(Context),
"argc.cast", InitCall));
} else {
@ -106,9 +107,10 @@ void llvm::InsertProfilingInitCall(Function *MainFn, const char *FnName,
void llvm::IncrementCounterInBlock(BasicBlock *BB, unsigned CounterNum,
GlobalValue *CounterArray) {
GlobalValue *CounterArray, bool beginning) {
// Insert the increment after any alloca or PHI instructions...
BasicBlock::iterator InsertPos = BB->getFirstNonPHI();
BasicBlock::iterator InsertPos = beginning ? BB->getFirstNonPHI() :
while (isa<AllocaInst>(InsertPos))
@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ void llvm::IncrementCounterInBlock(BasicBlock *BB, unsigned CounterNum,
std::vector<Constant*> Indices(2);
Indices[0] = Constant::getNullValue(Type::getInt32Ty(Context));
Indices[1] = ConstantInt::get(Type::getInt32Ty(Context), CounterNum);
Constant *ElementPtr =
Constant *ElementPtr =
ConstantExpr::getGetElementPtr(CounterArray, &Indices[0],

View File

@ -21,11 +21,14 @@ namespace llvm {
class Function;
class GlobalValue;
class BasicBlock;
class PointerType;
void InsertProfilingInitCall(Function *MainFn, const char *FnName,
GlobalValue *Arr = 0);
GlobalValue *Arr = 0,
PointerType *arrayType = 0);
void IncrementCounterInBlock(BasicBlock *BB, unsigned CounterNum,
GlobalValue *CounterArray);
GlobalValue *CounterArray,
bool beginning = true);

View File

@ -2,17 +2,18 @@
|* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
|* This file implements functions used by the various different types of
|* profiling implementations.
#include "Profiling.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
@ -74,26 +75,23 @@ int save_arguments(int argc, const char **argv) {
/* write_profiling_data - Write a raw block of profiling counters out to the
* llvmprof.out file. Note that we allow programs to be instrumented with
* multiple different kinds of instrumentation. For this reason, this function
* may be called more than once.
* Retrieves the file descriptor for the profile file.
void write_profiling_data(enum ProfilingType PT, unsigned *Start,
unsigned NumElements) {
int getOutFile() {
static int OutFile = -1;
int PTy;
/* If this is the first time this function is called, open the output file for
* appending, creating it if it does not already exist.
/* If this is the first time this function is called, open the output file
* for appending, creating it if it does not already exist.
if (OutFile == -1) {
OutFile = open(OutputFilename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_APPEND, 0666);
OutFile = open(OutputFilename, O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0666);
lseek(OutFile, 0, SEEK_END); /* O_APPEND prevents seeking */
if (OutFile == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "LLVM profiling runtime: while opening '%s': ",
/* Output the command line arguments to the file. */
@ -108,10 +106,25 @@ void write_profiling_data(enum ProfilingType PT, unsigned *Start,
write(OutFile, &Zeros, 4-(SavedArgsLength&3));
/* write_profiling_data - Write a raw block of profiling counters out to the
* llvmprof.out file. Note that we allow programs to be instrumented with
* multiple different kinds of instrumentation. For this reason, this function
* may be called more than once.
void write_profiling_data(enum ProfilingType PT, unsigned *Start,
unsigned NumElements) {
int PTy;
int outFile = getOutFile();
/* Write out this record! */
PTy = PT;
write(OutFile, &PTy, sizeof(int));
write(OutFile, &NumElements, sizeof(unsigned));
write(OutFile, Start, NumElements*sizeof(unsigned));
if( write(outFile, &PTy, sizeof(int)) < 0 ||
write(outFile, &NumElements, sizeof(unsigned)) < 0 ||
write(outFile, Start, NumElements*sizeof(unsigned)) < 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr,"error: unable to write to output file.");

View File

@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
/*===-- PathProfiling.c - Support library for path profiling --------------===*\
|* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
|* This file implements the call back routines for the path profiling
|* instrumentation pass. This should be used with the -insert-path-profiling
|* LLVM pass.
#include "Profiling.h"
#include "llvm/Analysis/ProfileInfoTypes.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* note that this is used for functions with large path counts,
but it is unlikely those paths will ALL be executed */
typedef struct pathHashEntry_s {
uint32_t pathNumber;
uint32_t pathCount;
struct pathHashEntry_s* next;
} pathHashEntry_t;
typedef struct pathHashTable_s {
pathHashEntry_t* hashBins[ARBITRARY_HASH_BIN_COUNT];
uint32_t pathCounts;
} pathHashTable_t;
typedef struct {
enum ProfilingStorageType type;
uint32_t size;
void* array;
} ftEntry_t;
/* pointer to the function table allocated in the instrumented program */
ftEntry_t* ft;
uint32_t ftSize;
/* write an array table to file */
void writeArrayTable(uint32_t fNumber, ftEntry_t* ft, uint32_t* funcCount) {
int outFile = getOutFile();
uint32_t arrayHeaderLocation = 0;
uint32_t arrayCurrentLocation = 0;
uint32_t arrayIterator = 0;
uint32_t functionUsed = 0;
uint32_t pathCounts = 0;
/* look through each entry in the array to determine whether the function
was executed at all */
for( arrayIterator = 0; arrayIterator < ft->size; arrayIterator++ ) {
uint32_t pc = ((uint32_t*)ft->array)[arrayIterator];
/* was this path executed? */
if( pc ) {
PathProfileTableEntry pte;
pte.pathNumber = arrayIterator;
pte.pathCounter = pc;
/* one-time initialization stuff */
if(!functionUsed) {
arrayHeaderLocation = lseek(outFile, 0, SEEK_CUR);
lseek(outFile, sizeof(PathProfileHeader), SEEK_CUR);
functionUsed = 1;
/* write path data */
if (write(outFile, &pte, sizeof(PathProfileTableEntry)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: unable to write path entry to output file.\n");
/* If this function was executed, write the header */
if( functionUsed ) {
PathProfileHeader fHeader;
fHeader.fnNumber = fNumber;
fHeader.numEntries = pathCounts;
arrayCurrentLocation = lseek(outFile, 0, SEEK_CUR);
lseek(outFile, arrayHeaderLocation, SEEK_SET);
if (write(outFile, &fHeader, sizeof(PathProfileHeader)) < 0) {
"error: unable to write function header to output file.\n");
lseek(outFile, arrayCurrentLocation, SEEK_SET);
inline uint32_t hash (uint32_t key) {
/* this may benifit from a proper hash function */
/* output a specific function's hash table to the profile file */
void writeHashTable(uint32_t functionNumber, pathHashTable_t* hashTable) {
int outFile = getOutFile();
PathProfileHeader header;
uint32_t i;
header.fnNumber = functionNumber;
header.numEntries = hashTable->pathCounts;
if (write(outFile, &header, sizeof(PathProfileHeader)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: unable to write function header to output file.\n");
for (i = 0; i < ARBITRARY_HASH_BIN_COUNT; i++) {
pathHashEntry_t* hashEntry = hashTable->hashBins[i];
while (hashEntry) {
pathHashEntry_t* temp;
PathProfileTableEntry pte;
pte.pathNumber = hashEntry->pathNumber;
pte.pathCounter = hashEntry->pathCount;
if (write(outFile, &pte, sizeof(PathProfileTableEntry)) < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "error: unable to write path entry to output file.\n");
temp = hashEntry;
hashEntry = hashEntry->next;
free (temp);
/* Return a pointer to this path's specific path counter */
inline uint32_t* getPathCounter(uint32_t functionNumber, uint32_t pathNumber) {
pathHashTable_t* hashTable;
pathHashEntry_t* hashEntry;
uint32_t index = hash(pathNumber);
if( ft[functionNumber-1].array == 0)
ft[functionNumber-1].array = calloc(sizeof(pathHashTable_t), 1);
hashTable = (pathHashTable_t*)((ftEntry_t*)ft)[functionNumber-1].array;
hashEntry = hashTable->hashBins[index];
while (hashEntry) {
if (hashEntry->pathNumber == pathNumber) {
return &hashEntry->pathCount;
hashEntry = hashEntry->next;
hashEntry = malloc(sizeof(pathHashEntry_t));
hashEntry->pathNumber = pathNumber;
hashEntry->pathCount = 0;
hashEntry->next = hashTable->hashBins[index];
hashTable->hashBins[index] = hashEntry;
return &hashEntry->pathCount;
/* Increment a specific path's count */
void llvm_increment_path_count (uint32_t functionNumber, uint32_t pathNumber) {
uint32_t* pathCounter = getPathCounter(functionNumber, pathNumber);
if( *pathCounter < 0xffffffff )
/* Increment a specific path's count */
void llvm_decrement_path_count (uint32_t functionNumber, uint32_t pathNumber) {
uint32_t* pathCounter = getPathCounter(functionNumber, pathNumber);
* Writes out a path profile given a function table, in the following format.
* | <-- 32 bits --> |
* +-----------------+-----------------+
* 0x00 | profileType | functionCount |
* +-----------------+-----------------+
* 0x08 | functionNum | profileEntries | // function 1
* +-----------------+-----------------+
* 0x10 | pathNumber | pathCounter | // entry 1.1
* +-----------------+-----------------+
* 0x18 | pathNumber | pathCounter | // entry 1.2
* +-----------------+-----------------+
* ... | ... | ... | // entry 1.n
* +-----------------+-----------------+
* ... | functionNum | profileEntries | // function 2
* +-----------------+-----------------+
* ... | pathNumber | pathCounter | // entry 2.1
* +-----------------+-----------------+
* ... | pathNumber | pathCounter | // entry 2.2
* +-----------------+-----------------+
* ... | ... | ... | // entry 2.n
* +-----------------+-----------------+
static void pathProfAtExitHandler() {
int outFile = getOutFile();
uint32_t i;
uint32_t header[2] = { PathInfo, 0 };
uint32_t headerLocation;
uint32_t currentLocation;
/* skip over the header for now */
headerLocation = lseek(outFile, 0, SEEK_CUR);
lseek(outFile, 2*sizeof(uint32_t), SEEK_CUR);
/* Iterate through each function */
for( i = 0; i < ftSize; i++ ) {
if( ft[i].type == ProfilingArray ) {
writeArrayTable(i+1,&ft[i],header + 1);
} else if( ft[i].type == ProfilingHash ) {
/* If the hash exists, write it to file */
if( ft[i].array ) {
/* Setup and write the path profile header */
currentLocation = lseek(outFile, 0, SEEK_CUR);
lseek(outFile, headerLocation, SEEK_SET);
if (write(outFile, header, sizeof(header)) < 0) {
"error: unable to write path profile header to output file.\n");
lseek(outFile, currentLocation, SEEK_SET);
/* llvm_start_path_profiling - This is the main entry point of the path
* profiling library. It is responsible for setting up the atexit handler.
int llvm_start_path_profiling(int argc, const char** argv,
void* functionTable, uint32_t numElements) {
int Ret = save_arguments(argc, argv);
ft = functionTable;
ftSize = numElements;
return Ret;

View File

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
/*===-- Profiling.h - Profiling support library support routines --*- C -*-===*\
/*===-- Profiling.h - Profiling support library support routines ----------===*\
|* The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
|* This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
|* License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
@ -22,6 +22,11 @@
int save_arguments(int argc, const char **argv);
* Retrieves the file descriptor for the profile file.
int getOutFile();
/* write_profiling_data - Write out a typed packet of profiling data to the
* current output file.

View File

@ -1,4 +1,7 @@