LoadStoreVectorizer: Use AA metadata

This was not passing the full instruction with metadata
to the alias query.

llvm-svn: 274318
This commit is contained in:
Matt Arsenault 2016-07-01 01:47:46 +00:00
parent 1df1d1dcfc
commit 241f34cde8
2 changed files with 36 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -397,15 +397,12 @@ bool Vectorizer::isVectorizable(ArrayRef<Value *> Chain,
Instruction *M0 = cast<Instruction>(V);
Instruction *M1 = cast<Instruction>(VV);
Value *Ptr0 = getPointerOperand(M0);
Value *Ptr1 = getPointerOperand(M1);
unsigned S0 =
unsigned S1 =
if (AA.alias(MemoryLocation(Ptr0, S0), MemoryLocation(Ptr1, S1))) {
if (!AA.isNoAlias(MemoryLocation::get(M0), MemoryLocation::get(M1))) {
Value *Ptr0 = getPointerOperand(M0);
Value *Ptr1 = getPointerOperand(M1);
dbgs() << "LSV: Found alias.\n"
" Aliasing instruction and pointer:\n"
<< *V << " aliases " << *Ptr0 << '\n'

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
; RUN: opt -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -basicaa -scoped-noalias -load-store-vectorizer -S -o - %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=SCOPE -check-prefix=ALL %s
; RUN: opt -mtriple=amdgcn-amd-amdhsa -basicaa -load-store-vectorizer -S -o - %s | FileCheck -check-prefix=NOSCOPE -check-prefix=ALL %s
target datalayout = "e-p:32:32-p1:64:64-p2:64:64-p3:32:32-p4:64:64-p5:32:32-p24:64:64-i64:64-v16:16-v24:32-v32:32-v48:64-v96:128-v192:256-v256:256-v512:512-v1024:1024-v2048:2048-n32:64"
; This fails to vectorize if the !alias.scope is not used
; ALL-LABEL: @vectorize_alias_scope(
; SCOPE: load float, float addrspace(1)* %c
; SCOPE: bitcast float addrspace(1)* %a to <2 x float> addrspace(1)*
; SCOPE: store <2 x float> zeroinitializer
; SCOPE: store float %ld.c, float addrspace(1)* %b,
; NOSCOPE: store float
; NOSCOPE: load float
; NOSCOPE: store float
; NOSCOPE: store float
define void @vectorize_alias_scope(float addrspace(1)* nocapture %a, float addrspace(1)* nocapture %b, float addrspace(1)* nocapture readonly %c) #0 {
%a.idx.1 = getelementptr inbounds float, float addrspace(1)* %a, i64 1
store float 0.0, float addrspace(1)* %a, align 4, !noalias !0
%ld.c = load float, float addrspace(1)* %c, align 4, !alias.scope !0
store float 0.0, float addrspace(1)* %a.idx.1, align 4, !noalias !0
store float %ld.c, float addrspace(1)* %b, align 4, !noalias !0
ret void
attributes #0 = { nounwind }
!0 = !{!1}
!1 = distinct !{!1, !2, !"some scope"}
!2 = distinct !{!2, !"some domain"}